Obamas shameless exploitation of children

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2013 Jan 17, 1:57am   32,034 views  78 comments

by zzyzzx   ➕follow (9)   💰tip   ignore  


Obama’s shameless exploitation of children as set pieces is hardly new or original. In fact, tyrants and dictators have used kids as props down through the ages.

Here are a few more recent examples:

The Soviet Union’s Joseph Stalin

China’s Mao Zedong

Germany’s Adolf Hitler

Cuba’s Fidel Castro

North Korea’s Kim Il-sung

Venezuela’s Hugo Chávez

Obama Exploiting the Children for Executive Action on Gun Control


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1   Tenpoundbass   2013 Jan 17, 2:01am  

Funny Obama read letters from third graders but crumples everyone else's letters up until they are soft enough to use on the Oval thrown.
So he listens to what Children say, but not everyone else.

2   edvard2   2013 Jan 17, 2:07am  

What utter and total nonsense. I love how that any and everything the President does is run through a bullshit machine by right wing entertainment and then rolled out as 'fact'.

Secondly, equating the president's decision to have children present while sighing a document to that of a dictator is not only silly, but perhaps further proof as to why Obama won the white house a second term: the Majority of Americans see right through this baloney and don't buy it. I mean- its almost embarrassing how utterly ridiculous this is. And hence why Republicans will continue to lose their significance due to their refusal to abandon the country fried politics that appeals strictly to a shrinking demographic that no longer has the numbers of influence to win elections.

3   leo707   2013 Jan 17, 2:14am  

who gives a shit about politicians hugging and kissing babies? Politicians of all stripes have been doing it sense the dawn of...well...politics.

What is even more shameless and disgusting is when someone politicizes that mass murder of children and/or makes pedophile jokes of the mass murdered children.

zzyzzx says

It's been several days and I still can't find any Sandy Hook Shooting related Pedobear pics. You people are disappointing me.

CaptainShuddup says

Another Liberal in a whacky blue state that hates kids.

Am I doing it right? Isn't that how it works? If this were Texas then it would be another crazy Republican that hates unions.

4   AlexS   2013 Jan 17, 2:22am  

edvard2 - wake the flip up!
seriously dude!

How can a grown up man, unless he has an agenda, still believe in this made up repuke-democan brainwashing?

Are you blind? Did you miss that BushI=ClintonI=ClintonII=BushII=BushII=ObamaI=ObamaII?

Same policies, same war pushing, same military-junta agenda, same departments and department heads, same False Flags, same Death Squads, same glorification of wars, cops, government gun violence.

Yeah, let Dept of Homeland Security (our version of KGB/NKVD) buy 1.6 billion bullets, but let's take those guns from american civilians!

Let Drone Assassin Obama mass murder 200 kids in Pakistan - before breakfast - and then, on the same day shed crocodile tears at Newton Connecticut!

5   Tenpoundbass   2013 Jan 17, 2:28am  

Here's the future tragedies that zzy... uh the Catlady( just a nickname I'm not being gender specific) and I will lampoon to show the Liberal policy failings.

Boy brings 5 44 Magnums to school and takes out 30 students. Under Obama's empirical decree 44 Magnums(The most powerful hand gun in the whole world capable of taking a mans head clean off) will still be legal. Or Boy plows 79 Buick through a crowded preschool playground.

These idiots are doing nothing to address the biggest blight on our youths minds, the Entertainment industry.

But if you feel better scorning the Catlady and me over this adminsitrations failings, and the moral filth in the entertainment industry marketed to kids and preteens. Then go ahead, but I'll call the future headlines and there's nothing you can do about stopping them coming into fruition. Not while you're turning a blind eye to the moral decay inhibitor.

“It looks like the entertainment industry, once again, is getting off light,” said Dan Isett, director of public policy at the Parents Television Council, a non-profit organization formed 16 years ago to help parents shield children from the violence, sex and profanity offered in TV shows, movies, video games and online fare.

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2013/01/16/obama-biden-gun-control-proposals-assailed-as-light-on-hollywood-gaming/?test=latestnews#ixzz2IG3x3Ev4

6   edvard2   2013 Jan 17, 2:32am  

AlexS says

edvard2 - wake the flip up!

seriously dude!

How can a grown up man, unless he has an agenda, still believe in this made up repuke-democan brainwashing?

Please re-read my response. Then please let me know if this latest accusation of Obama- where once again the same horse shit is spewed out about "oh- he must be a commie!" isn't stupid.

7   edvard2   2013 Jan 17, 2:32am  

CaptainShuddup says

But if you feel better scorning the Catlady and me over this adminsitrations failings, and the moral filth in the entertainment industry marketed to kids and preteens

This administration hasn't "failed" Sorry your side lost the election.

8   AlexS   2013 Jan 17, 2:41am  

edvard2 says

Please re-read my response. Then please let me know if this latest accusation of Obama- where once again the same horse shit is spewed out about "oh- he must be a commie!" isn't stupid.

That's precisely what I did - perhaps you should do the same and read mine?
You are the one who bought the left-right baloney, and believe that we are in some sort of gigantic struggle between dems and repukes. And how somehow this whole issue about repukes criticizing Obama because he is a dem.

Bull crap! It has nothing to do with repukes or dems, or their fake "struggle". What it has to do with is Government fleecing us and wanting to enslave us.

And as all the experience of thousands of years of history, and current wars such as Afganistan shows - these psychopaths, sociapaths and mass murderers can't fully dominate and murder and steal from us if we are armed.

Just ask this sore loser McCrystal - they are parading now - how he got his arse kicked by Afganis! Because Afgani civilians all have guns! So this mass-murdere McCrystal LOST and now he is back in the US, collecting his cushy government tax eating pension and speaking against american civilians having guns!

9   AlexS   2013 Jan 17, 2:50am  

Also edvard2, did you google DEMOCIDE ??? Operation Gladeo? Operation Northwood? Bay of Pigs? Gulf of Tonkin?

All staged by government events to kill us, and blame it on someone else and start and/or expand wars!

Hey! whatever happened to WTC Building 7? How come it collapsed - same demolition style as WTC I & II - but few days after?
Didn't government use 9/11 as an excuse to invade Afganistan and Iraq?

Hey, who benefited from 9/11? Who blossomed? The US government did! The military industrial complex! the CIA! The FBI! TSA! DHS!

Yeah, let's give up our guns! Great idea there edvards2!

Let's give our gun to Eric "Fast and Furious" Holder! So that he can burn us alive like he did those kids at Waco, or how he pulled of Oklahoma City Bombing?

Oooooh... I bet you didn't hear about that, did you edvards2? What, they didn't show it on CNN, so you wouldn't know?
check out kennethtrentadue.com - how FBI was covering up and doing clean up after Oklahoma city Bombing!

10   leo707   2013 Jan 17, 2:53am  

CaptainShuddup says

Here's the future tragedies that zzy...and I will lampoon...

Boy brings 5 44 Magnums to school and takes out 30 students....Or Boy plows 79 Buick through a crowded preschool playground.

I am unsurprised that you will continue to make fun of the mass murder of children, in your standard and revolting fashion, in order to further your ill conceived political opinions.

Speaking of "moral filth", you forgot to mention that zzyzzx will also make jokes about the murdered children being molested.

Yes, while making fun of murdered children and raped children is very telling of who you and zzyzzx are as human beings, it also has the added benefit of making your "cause" even more obscene. It is like in, "The Increasingly Poor Decisions of Todd Margaret" when Todd had a notorious convicted pedophile act as a character witness during his trial.


Well done Shuddup you really know how to add class to the Republican party.

11   Thedaytoday   2013 Jan 17, 2:55am  


zzyzzx says

Obamas shameless exploitation of children

12   Thedaytoday   2013 Jan 17, 3:00am  

leo707 says

I am unsurprised that you will continue to make fun of the mass murder of children, in your standard and revolting fashion, in order to further your ill conceived political opinions.

They cannot help themselves, they express zero human morality.

13   leo707   2013 Jan 17, 3:03am  


14   Thedaytoday   2013 Jan 17, 3:03am  

leo707 says

CaptainShuddup says

Here's the future tragedies that zzy...and I will lampoon...

Boy brings 5 44 Magnums to school and takes out 30 students....Or Boy plows 79 Buick through a crowded preschool playground.

I am unsurprised that you will continue to make fun of the mass murder of children, in your standard and revolting fashion, in order to further your ill conceived political opinions.

I am not surprised. A concealed gun licence is more important than a Human life to Cpt'Idiot.

15   Thedaytoday   2013 Jan 17, 3:05am  

Yawn!! 2

17   Thedaytoday   2013 Jan 17, 3:06am  

This is Shameless!!!!! NOT!

CptIdiot and CptZZXZZZZZZZ stuff it!

18   Tenpoundbass   2013 Jan 17, 3:08am  

OK Partisan tit for tat aside for a minute let's all take off our Styrofoam campaign Dandy hats with the red white and blue hat band, and the slogan of your favorite political jack ass.

Serious question here.

Do any of you really think that any gun legislation even a full bore ban on any and all guns will stop School violence, with out addressing the collective mental health of the nation as a whole?

Sure now I'm starting to hear talk about "Well these are sick people we need to do more to spot and recognize those that pose a threat and could be a future problem. ala "The Minority Report" where a kid that would rather keep to him self could be singled out and labeled a future mass murderer and marked with a scarlet letter for life.
But really I don't think it's one persons mental health that makes a difference. Just like I believe meds don't help clinically depressed are depressed by their own outlook, but more are depressed by the pulse of society. Meds wont help these people, positive news, changes in society perception about the future, the outlook for society in general, is why these people are depressed at the level where meds barely work, and they can't seem to enjoy any pleasure.
Our collective psyche is constantly under assaults from news, movies, music everything. You might not feel any effects(or you wouldn't recognize it if you did) but for every person that doesn't feel any effects there are 10 people that have received a full dose of your share.
These people are hurting, the world is hurting, this is bigger than guns and politics. And far greater than trying single out Jeremy, before he spoke in class.

19   AlexS   2013 Jan 17, 3:08am  

Thedaytoday - another persona who bought into the fake repuke-democan "struggle.

When Bush is not kissing the Arabian mass-murderer Saud, Obama is kissing the Arabian mass-murderer Saud.


21   Thedaytoday   2013 Jan 17, 3:09am  

CaptainShuddup says

collective psyche is constantly under assaults from news, movies,

You are not part of any human collective, you are on your own.

22   Thedaytoday   2013 Jan 17, 3:11am  

CaptainShuddup says

These people are hurting, the world is hurting, this is bigger than guns and politics. And far greater than trying single out Jeremy, before he spoke in class.

No it's your idiotic insane opinions and other soulless humans like yourself with zero empathy that is hurting this country.

Keep taking your anti-psychotics!

23   Tenpoundbass   2013 Jan 17, 3:12am  

Why is Michelle Obama with Bush? Did they have a baby together?

24   dublin hillz   2013 Jan 17, 3:12am  

It's not fair to blame entertainers, musicians, movies for societal ills such as violence. This starts with parents raising children properly.

25   🎂 finehoe   2013 Jan 17, 3:13am  

edvard2 says

I love how that any and everything the President does is run through a bullshit machine by right wing entertainment and then rolled out as 'fact'.

What's even funnier is how the resident teabagger trolls on patnet immediately latch on to the reich-wing outrage du jour as if it is somehow their own original thought.

26   Tenpoundbass   2013 Jan 17, 3:14am  

dublin hillz says

This starts with parents raising children properly.

Because we all know that parents are home with their kids all damn day, and nobody leaves the house ever right?

That's like saying kids that get molested is the parents fault.

27   dublin hillz   2013 Jan 17, 3:19am  

CaptainShuddup says

dublin hillz says

This starts with parents raising children properly.

Because we all know that parents are home with their kids all damn day, and nobody leaves the house ever right?

That's like saying kids that get molested is the parents fault.

Parents however can provide a positive atmosphere in the home and teach kids right from wrong. Thus, when they are exposed to for example horror films, they will never have a need to recreate those scenes in a realistic settings. Also, if a kid is exposed to hip hop music a positive environment at home will automatically lead them to reject values of a "pimp" and they will have no need to identify with so called alieanted rock/alternative star since there is nothing for them to be alienated from if they have positive relationship with their family members.

28   Thedaytoday   2013 Jan 17, 3:20am  

CaptainShuddup says

dublin hillz says

This starts with parents raising children properly.

Because we all know that parents are home with their kids all damn day, and nobody leaves the house ever right?

That's like saying kids that get molested is the parents fault.

Are you mental? "MOLESTED", what's wrong with you?

29   AlexS   2013 Jan 17, 3:24am  

Guys - Sandy Hook was yet another False Flag Op, it totally looks staged -


Just don't act surprised. Same people who don't think twice about blowing the whole apartment building just to get one "bad guy" are not above anything.

Now, these same people, mass murderers, want to get YOUR GUNS!

30   FortWayne   2013 Jan 17, 3:34am  

edvard2 says

Secondly, equating the president's decision to have children present while sighing a document to that of a dictator is not only silly, but perhaps further proof as to why Obama won the white house a second term

His behavior is regarded as manipulative, because today many people realize that having kids around adds nothing to the conversation other than some emotional black mail manipulation based on basic human instincts.

No one likes manipulators and liars, and Obama is in that category. Just because he is elected, doesn't mean everyone likes him. And I like him the same I like Romney, the less they do the less they screw us all.

How about that picture of Bush w/ a bunch of black kids. What is with our black politicians always posturing around with white kids, and white guys with black kids.

31   Thedaytoday   2013 Jan 17, 3:56am  

FortWayne says

No one likes manipulators and liars, and Obama is in that category.

Your evidence?

FortWayne says

Just because he is elected, doesn't mean everyone likes him.

More than 4 Million people liked this guy over Romney, that's all he needed.

If you wanted to win then you should have found a real candidate and stop moaning that you didn't. Blame your won leaders.

32   edvard2   2013 Jan 17, 4:28am  

AlexS says

That's precisely what I did - perhaps you should do the same and read mine?

You are the one who bought the left-right baloney, and believe that we are in some sort of gigantic struggle between dems and repukes. And how somehow this whole issue about repukes criticizing Obama because he is a dem.

I read your response which in a nutshell was " Oh- well BOTH sides do the same thing!" Well, they do a lot of similar things I'll agree. But I hang my hat on the Democratic party mainly because they in my opinion do a better job of running the country. Otherwise I would have voted for Romney.

But to distill this down further, I also vote for Democrats because the Republican party was basically taken over by ultra-conservatives who seem not to mind having right wing entertainment outlets ( note I said "Entertainment" and not media) be their voice. That to me shows that they are weak. If they don't have the ability to form their own voice then that doesn't show leadership. I also vote Democratic because as I also pointed out, the GOP has for decades counted on only ONE single demographic to win the white house. We're a country of many, many different people from all over the world from countless different backgrounds. That is the reality. The GOP is totally out of step at this point because they continued to count on one demographic, of which has backfired since the sheer number of people moving here aren't in that demographic. Again- this to me shows that they are ineffective and becoming increasingly outdated.

So yes- I agree that both parties spent lots of money and other shared similarities. But the reality of the situation is that we are a two party Republic and my vote goes to the party I think has its act together more. If others want to vote for Republicans, fine. But at that same token I also have the right to call bullshit when I see it. That's it.

FortWayne says

Just because he is elected, doesn't mean everyone likes him.

You're right. Some people didn't vote for him. But the majority did. hence why Democracy is so great.

33   leo707   2013 Jan 17, 6:46am  

FortWayne says

Just because he is elected, doesn't mean everyone likes him. And I like him the same I like Romney, the less they do the less they screw us all.

Hell, I don't like Obama, but I much less upset that he is in office vs. Romney.

34   leo707   2013 Jan 17, 6:52am  

FortWayne says

His behavior is regarded as manipulative, because today many people realize that having kids around adds nothing to the conversation other than some emotional black mail manipulation based on basic human instincts.

Meh...so what. On the scale of manipulative deceptive things that all politicians does this even really warrant mention? Do you think the ever will be a time when politicians don't kiss babies?

FortWayne says

No one likes manipulators and liars, and Obama is in that category.

What you talkin' about? Americans seem to love manipulators and liars. We keep voting them into office. FOX "news" the pinnacle of manipulation and lies is so hugely popular that it spawned MSNBC another outfit that is somewhat less practiced at manipulation and lies--don't worry I am sure that in a few years they will be giving FOX a run for their money. It seems like the more someone manipulates and lies to us the greater we reward them for doing so.

35   edvard2   2013 Jan 17, 7:13am  

leo707 says

Meh...so what. On the scale of manipulative deceptive things that all politicians does this even really warrant mention? Do you think the ever will be a time when politicians don't kiss babies?

The thing to remember is to trace the source of where this "story" came from. It came from a number of right wing media outlets, who of course drum up business by feeding commentary to listeners, eager to hear any and everything that casts those " stinkin' liberals!" in a negative light. They make business making up bullshit out of nothing. So it shouldn't be a surprise why a total non-story became a "story" at all.

36   FortWayne   2013 Jan 17, 7:30am  

leo707 says

What you talkin' about? Americans seem to love manipulators and liars. We keep voting them into office.

It isn't out of love, I really think that at some point we as a nation convinced ourselves to vote for someone who we dislike least... even if it's a strong dislike.

37   edvard2   2013 Jan 17, 7:35am  

FortWayne says

It isn't out of love, I really think that at some point we as a nation convinced ourselves to vote for someone who we dislike least... even if it's a strong dislike.

Math is a great thing. Hence why the statement should be more like:

" We convinced ourselves to vote for someone we like the most.... even if its a strong like"

See? Democracy is a nice thing. He/she who gets the most votes wins.

Sorry your party lost.

38   zzyzzx   2013 Jan 17, 8:08am  

Thedaytoday says

This is Shameless!!!!! NOT!

CptIdiot and CptZZXZZZZZZZ stuff it!

What piece of legislation was Bush pushing for the children when that picture was taken?

39   zzyzzx   2013 Jan 17, 10:30pm  

leo707 says


What piece of legislation was Reagan pushing when this picture was taken?

I didn't think so...

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