Obamas shameless exploitation of children

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2013 Jan 17, 1:57am   32,035 views  78 comments

by zzyzzx   ➕follow (9)   💰tip   ignore  


Obama’s shameless exploitation of children as set pieces is hardly new or original. In fact, tyrants and dictators have used kids as props down through the ages.

Here are a few more recent examples:

The Soviet Union’s Joseph Stalin

China’s Mao Zedong

Germany’s Adolf Hitler

Cuba’s Fidel Castro

North Korea’s Kim Il-sung

Venezuela’s Hugo Chávez

Obama Exploiting the Children for Executive Action on Gun Control


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19   AlexS   2013 Jan 17, 3:08am  

Thedaytoday - another persona who bought into the fake repuke-democan "struggle.

When Bush is not kissing the Arabian mass-murderer Saud, Obama is kissing the Arabian mass-murderer Saud.


21   Thedaytoday   2013 Jan 17, 3:09am  

CaptainShuddup says

collective psyche is constantly under assaults from news, movies,

You are not part of any human collective, you are on your own.

22   Thedaytoday   2013 Jan 17, 3:11am  

CaptainShuddup says

These people are hurting, the world is hurting, this is bigger than guns and politics. And far greater than trying single out Jeremy, before he spoke in class.

No it's your idiotic insane opinions and other soulless humans like yourself with zero empathy that is hurting this country.

Keep taking your anti-psychotics!

23   Tenpoundbass   2013 Jan 17, 3:12am  

Why is Michelle Obama with Bush? Did they have a baby together?

24   dublin hillz   2013 Jan 17, 3:12am  

It's not fair to blame entertainers, musicians, movies for societal ills such as violence. This starts with parents raising children properly.

25   🎂 finehoe   2013 Jan 17, 3:13am  

edvard2 says

I love how that any and everything the President does is run through a bullshit machine by right wing entertainment and then rolled out as 'fact'.

What's even funnier is how the resident teabagger trolls on patnet immediately latch on to the reich-wing outrage du jour as if it is somehow their own original thought.

26   Tenpoundbass   2013 Jan 17, 3:14am  

dublin hillz says

This starts with parents raising children properly.

Because we all know that parents are home with their kids all damn day, and nobody leaves the house ever right?

That's like saying kids that get molested is the parents fault.

27   dublin hillz   2013 Jan 17, 3:19am  

CaptainShuddup says

dublin hillz says

This starts with parents raising children properly.

Because we all know that parents are home with their kids all damn day, and nobody leaves the house ever right?

That's like saying kids that get molested is the parents fault.

Parents however can provide a positive atmosphere in the home and teach kids right from wrong. Thus, when they are exposed to for example horror films, they will never have a need to recreate those scenes in a realistic settings. Also, if a kid is exposed to hip hop music a positive environment at home will automatically lead them to reject values of a "pimp" and they will have no need to identify with so called alieanted rock/alternative star since there is nothing for them to be alienated from if they have positive relationship with their family members.

28   Thedaytoday   2013 Jan 17, 3:20am  

CaptainShuddup says

dublin hillz says

This starts with parents raising children properly.

Because we all know that parents are home with their kids all damn day, and nobody leaves the house ever right?

That's like saying kids that get molested is the parents fault.

Are you mental? "MOLESTED", what's wrong with you?

29   AlexS   2013 Jan 17, 3:24am  

Guys - Sandy Hook was yet another False Flag Op, it totally looks staged -


Just don't act surprised. Same people who don't think twice about blowing the whole apartment building just to get one "bad guy" are not above anything.

Now, these same people, mass murderers, want to get YOUR GUNS!

30   FortWayne   2013 Jan 17, 3:34am  

edvard2 says

Secondly, equating the president's decision to have children present while sighing a document to that of a dictator is not only silly, but perhaps further proof as to why Obama won the white house a second term

His behavior is regarded as manipulative, because today many people realize that having kids around adds nothing to the conversation other than some emotional black mail manipulation based on basic human instincts.

No one likes manipulators and liars, and Obama is in that category. Just because he is elected, doesn't mean everyone likes him. And I like him the same I like Romney, the less they do the less they screw us all.

How about that picture of Bush w/ a bunch of black kids. What is with our black politicians always posturing around with white kids, and white guys with black kids.

31   Thedaytoday   2013 Jan 17, 3:56am  

FortWayne says

No one likes manipulators and liars, and Obama is in that category.

Your evidence?

FortWayne says

Just because he is elected, doesn't mean everyone likes him.

More than 4 Million people liked this guy over Romney, that's all he needed.

If you wanted to win then you should have found a real candidate and stop moaning that you didn't. Blame your won leaders.

32   edvard2   2013 Jan 17, 4:28am  

AlexS says

That's precisely what I did - perhaps you should do the same and read mine?

You are the one who bought the left-right baloney, and believe that we are in some sort of gigantic struggle between dems and repukes. And how somehow this whole issue about repukes criticizing Obama because he is a dem.

I read your response which in a nutshell was " Oh- well BOTH sides do the same thing!" Well, they do a lot of similar things I'll agree. But I hang my hat on the Democratic party mainly because they in my opinion do a better job of running the country. Otherwise I would have voted for Romney.

But to distill this down further, I also vote for Democrats because the Republican party was basically taken over by ultra-conservatives who seem not to mind having right wing entertainment outlets ( note I said "Entertainment" and not media) be their voice. That to me shows that they are weak. If they don't have the ability to form their own voice then that doesn't show leadership. I also vote Democratic because as I also pointed out, the GOP has for decades counted on only ONE single demographic to win the white house. We're a country of many, many different people from all over the world from countless different backgrounds. That is the reality. The GOP is totally out of step at this point because they continued to count on one demographic, of which has backfired since the sheer number of people moving here aren't in that demographic. Again- this to me shows that they are ineffective and becoming increasingly outdated.

So yes- I agree that both parties spent lots of money and other shared similarities. But the reality of the situation is that we are a two party Republic and my vote goes to the party I think has its act together more. If others want to vote for Republicans, fine. But at that same token I also have the right to call bullshit when I see it. That's it.

FortWayne says

Just because he is elected, doesn't mean everyone likes him.

You're right. Some people didn't vote for him. But the majority did. hence why Democracy is so great.

33   leo707   2013 Jan 17, 6:46am  

FortWayne says

Just because he is elected, doesn't mean everyone likes him. And I like him the same I like Romney, the less they do the less they screw us all.

Hell, I don't like Obama, but I much less upset that he is in office vs. Romney.

34   leo707   2013 Jan 17, 6:52am  

FortWayne says

His behavior is regarded as manipulative, because today many people realize that having kids around adds nothing to the conversation other than some emotional black mail manipulation based on basic human instincts.

Meh...so what. On the scale of manipulative deceptive things that all politicians does this even really warrant mention? Do you think the ever will be a time when politicians don't kiss babies?

FortWayne says

No one likes manipulators and liars, and Obama is in that category.

What you talkin' about? Americans seem to love manipulators and liars. We keep voting them into office. FOX "news" the pinnacle of manipulation and lies is so hugely popular that it spawned MSNBC another outfit that is somewhat less practiced at manipulation and lies--don't worry I am sure that in a few years they will be giving FOX a run for their money. It seems like the more someone manipulates and lies to us the greater we reward them for doing so.

35   edvard2   2013 Jan 17, 7:13am  

leo707 says

Meh...so what. On the scale of manipulative deceptive things that all politicians does this even really warrant mention? Do you think the ever will be a time when politicians don't kiss babies?

The thing to remember is to trace the source of where this "story" came from. It came from a number of right wing media outlets, who of course drum up business by feeding commentary to listeners, eager to hear any and everything that casts those " stinkin' liberals!" in a negative light. They make business making up bullshit out of nothing. So it shouldn't be a surprise why a total non-story became a "story" at all.

36   FortWayne   2013 Jan 17, 7:30am  

leo707 says

What you talkin' about? Americans seem to love manipulators and liars. We keep voting them into office.

It isn't out of love, I really think that at some point we as a nation convinced ourselves to vote for someone who we dislike least... even if it's a strong dislike.

37   edvard2   2013 Jan 17, 7:35am  

FortWayne says

It isn't out of love, I really think that at some point we as a nation convinced ourselves to vote for someone who we dislike least... even if it's a strong dislike.

Math is a great thing. Hence why the statement should be more like:

" We convinced ourselves to vote for someone we like the most.... even if its a strong like"

See? Democracy is a nice thing. He/she who gets the most votes wins.

Sorry your party lost.

38   zzyzzx   2013 Jan 17, 8:08am  

Thedaytoday says

This is Shameless!!!!! NOT!

CptIdiot and CptZZXZZZZZZZ stuff it!

What piece of legislation was Bush pushing for the children when that picture was taken?

39   zzyzzx   2013 Jan 17, 10:30pm  

leo707 says


What piece of legislation was Reagan pushing when this picture was taken?

I didn't think so...

41   edvard2   2013 Jan 18, 12:38am  

ooooh ooooh oooh! Can I play too? How bout' we stick a quote on a random picture and claim the quote came from outer space aliens from planet X-234? That would make more sense.

42   zzyzzx   2013 Jan 18, 12:56am  

You'll notice that the liberals still can't answer what piece of legislation Bush or Reagan was promoting when those pictures were taken. Because there isn't any.

43   FortWayne   2013 Jan 18, 1:21am  

Obama has been pushing all kinds of legislative party efforts that have been robbing us taxpayers blind and stealing our dollars. He sent millions to his crony criminal friends.

And constantly wants more, and yet somehow low information voters are always ok with it. Because it is "their guy" stealing from them, not the other guy from that other bad party stealing from them.

When did we as a nation decide to condone theft as long as it is within a certain party? Why is it not all right to stop both from criminal activity?

44   mell   2013 Jan 18, 1:36am  

FortWayne says

Obama has been pushing all kinds of legislative party efforts that have been robbing us taxpayers blind and stealing our dollars. He sent millions to his crony criminal friends.

And constantly wants more, and yet somehow low information voters are always ok with it. Because it is "their guy" stealing from them, not the other guy from that other bad party stealing from them.

When did we as a nation decide to condone theft as long as it is within a certain party? Why is it not all right to stop both from criminal activity?

So true. Since he took office my taxes (being upper middle class roughly) have nothing gone but up. That money went straight to the bankstas pockets, people who clearly committed massive fraud such as his buddy Corzine are roaming free! It seems this nation has been constantly stupified over the past decade. Robbing the middle-class, (preemptive) warfare without congressional approval, and limiting civil liberties and personal freedom and gradually abolishing the rule of law and undermining the constitution was criminal/wrong when Bush was in office and it is criminal/wrong now with Obummer. Stop babbling about the greatness of your fuehrer and blindly repeating your party's manifesto and start thinking for yourself already.

45   dublin hillz   2013 Jan 18, 1:44am  

mell says

Since he took office my taxes (being upper middle class roughly) have nothing
gone but up

The only taxes that "have gone up" is the resumption of 6.2% for social security and the 4.2% break was only for 2 years to "stimulate the economy." If your income taxes were restored to clinton rates that means that you are making single 400Gs, married 450Gs in which case you are definitely not "upper middle class."

46   edvard2   2013 Jan 18, 1:46am  

Interesting how my comments keep getting deleted. I hope others realize this as well because that shows that clearly opposing opinions are edited out. So don't complain about "freedoms" and other over-the-top patriotic jargain when a double standard is being set. This is a non story. Hence why there is no real debate here. It was simply a non story that the right wing media decided to make a story out of to please their listeners. That's it.FortWayne says

Obama has been pushing all kinds of legislative party efforts that have been robbing us taxpayers blind and stealing our dollars. He sent millions to his crony criminal friends.

Taxes in the US have been lower than they have in over 60 years. Look it up and then perhaps consider attaching those comments to previous administrations from the past 60 years who did more taxing.

47   Tenpoundbass   2013 Jan 18, 2:08am  

The point is Obama hasn't listened to his constituents since he came in office. Not even when he went on his Town hall roadshow tour. Anytime he ran into someone like Joe the Plumber, he bailed quicker than a Judge in crack house raid. Now he has stopped doing town halls, and he hasn't taken any effective press corp interviews in over 3 years.
For him to bring out those children in a ruse to chastise everyone else. Like "Oh look here Kids get it" everyone else is Stupid.

48   🎂 finehoe   2013 Jan 18, 2:10am  

Joe the Plumber? Seriously?

49   mell   2013 Jan 18, 2:12am  

dublin hillz says

mell says

Since he took office my taxes (being upper middle class roughly) have nothing

gone but up

The only taxes that "have gone up" is the resumption of 6.2% for social security and the 4.2% break was only for 2 years to "stimulate the economy." If your income taxes were restored to clinton rates that means that you are making single 400Gs, married 450Gs in which case you are definitely not "upper middle class."

It's not 450Gs (believe me I know what middle-class is) and 2 points here: First you can call it a temporary tax break but it was for the middle class, so it is a tax increase on the middle-class no matter how you look at it. Technically all tax increases and decreases are "temporarily". Secondly you forgot the capital gains increase and the medicare surtax. The income tax bracket jump and the 50% increase in SS contributions leave 40 cents on every dollar of the raise. Anybody who calls that fair gets my erect middle-finger.

50   zzyzzx   2013 Jan 18, 2:18am  

dublin hillz says

The only taxes that "have gone up" is the resumption of 6.2% for social security and the 4.2% break was only for 2 years to "stimulate the economy." If your income taxes were restored to clinton rates that means that you are making single 400Gs, married 450Gs in which case you are definitely not "upper middle class."

My state taxes have gone up.

51   mell   2013 Jan 18, 2:18am  

edvard2 says

Interesting how my comments keep getting deleted. I hope others realize this as well because that shows that clearly opposing opinions are edited out. So don't complain about "freedoms" and other over-the-top patriotic jargain when a double standard is being set. This is a non story. Hence why there is no real debate here. It was simply a non story that the right wing media decided to make a story out of to please their listeners. That's it.FortWayne says

Obama has been pushing all kinds of legislative party efforts that have been robbing us taxpayers blind and stealing our dollars. He sent millions to his crony criminal friends.

Taxes in the US have been lower than they have in over 60 years. Look it up and then perhaps consider attaching those comments to previous administrations from the past 60 years who did more taxing.

Nice try. You can cherry pick the top income tax brackets and perhaps corporate tax rates but that doesn't tell you about the total tax burden of the middle class. We are not talking about the top earners here. Neither about the 47%. We are talking about the middle-class which has been shrinking at the expense of the other two.

52   mell   2013 Jan 18, 2:20am  

zzyzzx says

dublin hillz says

The only taxes that "have gone up" is the resumption of 6.2% for social security and the 4.2% break was only for 2 years to "stimulate the economy." If your income taxes were restored to clinton rates that means that you are making single 400Gs, married 450Gs in which case you are definitely not "upper middle class."

My state taxes have gone up.

And that's another problem, esp. in CA. OK, someone could say, then why don't you move - just not that easy if you have a good job or a family. Total tax burden keeps in increasing, even municipalities keep adding on. I would rather see fees for actual usage of services than those broad taxes on everybody.

53   edvard2   2013 Jan 18, 2:21am  

I setup my own thread so if those who want to read the responses I've made that are being deleted from this thread, you can read it on mine. That is all.

54   dublin hillz   2013 Jan 18, 2:22am  

mell says

zzyzzx says

dublin hillz says

The only taxes that "have gone up" is the resumption of 6.2% for social security and the 4.2% break was only for 2 years to "stimulate the economy." If your income taxes were restored to clinton rates that means that you are making single 400Gs, married 450Gs in which case you are definitely not "upper middle class."

My state taxes have gone up.

And that's another problem, esp. in CA. OK, someone could say, then why don't you move - just not that easy if you have a good job or a family. Total tax burden keeps in increasing, even municipalities keep adding on. I would rather see fees for actual usage of services than those broad taxes on everybody.

Increases in state and local taxes is a separate issue and in my opinion should not be associated with the federal government and the president.

55   Tenpoundbass   2013 Jan 18, 2:25am  

finehoe says

Joe the Plumber? Seriously?

Yes seriously! HE sent Obama scurrying into his Hole where he hasn't come out into the light of day since.

56   edvard2   2013 Jan 18, 2:33am  

They were not showing just a few minutes ago. I am not making that up.

57   zzyzzx   2013 Jan 18, 2:40am  

mell says

And that's another problem, esp. in CA. OK, someone could say, then why don't you move - just not that easy if you have a good job or a family. Total tax burden keeps in increasing, even municipalities keep adding on. I would rather see fees for actual usage of services than those broad taxes on everybody.

Along the same lines, I'd like to see parents pay their fair share of taxes. You know, like a per kid fee and extra taxes.

58   FortWayne   2013 Jan 18, 3:38am  

lostand confused says

Umm, I am no fan of Obama. But he got Bin Laden.

He didn't get Bin Laden, he was simply in the office when military and intelligence finally got it figured out and done.

We have a Hoover Dam, not FDR Dam, remember that one? Because it was a project started by President Hoover, even though it finally completed during FDR tenure.

Just thinks to think about L&C.

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