Blacks and Obama double standard

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2013 Jul 22, 2:25am   23,524 views  159 comments

by FortWayne   ➕follow (1)   💰tip   ignore  

When Treyvon was killed, they parade and expoit the moment. Media takes their time to blow the situation out of proportion so they can sell more commercial slots. Obama says that his kids could look like Treyvon...

But when a white baby in a stroller gets killed by black thugs, there is no parade for justice there... just silence.



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131   Y   2013 Jul 25, 11:09pm  


dodgerfanjohn says

If your argument is that hes had negative police encounters and therefore cant call the police, my counter argument is that you are a dumbfuck.

132   Y   2013 Jul 25, 11:12pm  

Actually he was already out of the car when the operator told him it wasn't necessary. At that point he went looking for the street sign....So according to zimmerman he stopped doing what the 911 operator told him not to do.

dodgerfanjohn says

He got out of the car after the 911 operator told him it wasn't necessary.

133   FortWayne   2013 Jul 26, 2:12am  

StillLooking says

It is the guns that make the neighborhoods dangerous.

I have never seen anybody shot by a marijuana cigarette.

You probably never seen a crazy man on cocaine with a knife either.

134   ch_tah2   2013 Jul 26, 2:25am  

Dan8267 says

If you can't find Tyson, please walk through the ghetto shouting "Where are all the negros?". Record it with your mobile phone and post it on YouTube. That will help the police find your killers.

Interesting stereotype there...a white guy shouting "negros" in the ghetto is going to be killed. Do you have a similar stereotype that if a black guy said "where are all the crackers?" he would be killed as well?

135   CL   2013 Jul 26, 2:40am  

robertoaribas says

was it incorrectly presumed to be a bad baby?

Exactly my earlier point: we have a presumption of innocence for the accused, but we are supposed to refrain from attacking the victim.

What did the baby do to provoke this? The baby is responsible for his own death, as far as I'm concerned. He could have just given the killers his stroller and avoided this whole disaster.

Further, the baby is named, "Antonio Santiago" but appears to be white. There are no white Hispanics; that is a term invented by ne'er-do-well liberals who want to divide us all.

The baby had marijuana in his blood stream. He would have grown up to be a gang-banger. The media is trying to make him seem small and angelic, but he was a very large baby! Why is the media trying so hard to make us feel sorry for the unarmed dead baby?!?!?!!? It's a conspiracy!

The baby could have used the sidewalk to defend himself. That means the shooting was justified.

Oh...wait. The killers were black? Cancel everything I said.

The baby is clearly the victim now.

136   ch_tah2   2013 Jul 26, 2:47am  

CL says

Exactly my earlier point: we have a presumption of innocence for the accused, but we are supposed to refrain from attacking the victim.

What did the baby do to provoke this? The baby is responsible for his own death, as far as I'm concerned. He could have just given the killers his stroller and avoided this whole disaster.

CL says

Further, the baby is named, "Antonio Santiago" but appears to be white. There are no white Hispanics; that is a term invented by ne'er-do-well liberals who want to divide us all.

The baby had marijuana in his blood stream. He would have grown up to be a gang-banger. The media is trying to make him seem small and angelic, but he was a very large baby! Why si the media trying so hard to make us feel sorry for the unarmed dead baby?!?!?!!? It's a conspiracy!

The baby could have used the sidewalk to defend himself. That means the shooting was justified.

Oh...wait. The killers were black? Cancel everything I said.

The baby is clearly the victim now.

Not entirely sure what the point of this was...but it's worth keeping.

137   CL   2013 Jul 26, 3:00am  

ch_tah2 says

Not entirely sure what the point of this was...but it's worth keeping.

It means that there is a double standard, both in the justice system and in the politics surrounding crime and punishment. The supporters of Zimmerman do so in a thinly veiled racist way. The extend courtesies to Zimmerman that they never extend to blacks.

They blame the victim.

They make up shit that makes it seem like those who oppose racism are REALLY the racists. They do anything to protect their white privilege, including lying to themselves.

138   Y   2013 Jul 26, 3:09am  

What 'courtesies' are you talking about that zimmerman got that a black man in the same circumstance did not get? ( link to an example, please )

CL says

The extend courtesies to Zimmerman that they never extend to blacks.

139   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2013 Jul 26, 3:19am  

CL says

ch_tah2 says

Not entirely sure what the point of this was...but it's worth keeping.

It means that there is a double standard, both in the justice system and in the politics surrounding crime and punishment. The supporters of Zimmerman do so in a thinly veiled racist way. The extend courtesies to Zimmerman that they never extend to blacks.

They blame the victim.

They make up shit that makes it seem like those who oppose racism are REALLY the racists. They do anything to protect their white privilege, including lying to themselves.

Lol you need to become a writer for Sean Hannity, Rachael Maddow, Al Sharpton, or any of the other biased propaganda hacks.

140   ch_tah2   2013 Jul 26, 3:25am  

CL says

It means that there is a double standard, both in the justice system and in the politics surrounding crime and punishment. The supporters of Zimmerman do so in a thinly veiled racist way. The extend courtesies to Zimmerman that they never extend to blacks.

I still don't get it. Zimmerman was Hispanic...what benefit of the doubt are these white supremacists giving this Hispanic?

CL says

They blame the victim.

Maybe some go too far by making stuff up, but to mention that a 17 year old is into drugs, guns, grillz, and fighting and is clearly capable of beating the crap out of a 29 year old seems slightly relevant to the case to me.

CL says

They make up shit that makes it seem like those who oppose racism are REALLY the racists. They do anything to protect their white privilege, including lying to themselves.

It would probably help to provide examples. Extremists on both sides have been making up stuff and stretching things to fit their narrative. I still don't get the white privilege when Zimmerman was Hispanic.

141   StillLooking   2013 Jul 26, 4:47am  

I wonder why we don't hear about knifings on the news every night?

FortWayne says

StillLooking says

It is the guns that make the neighborhoods dangerous.

I have never seen anybody shot by a marijuana cigarette.

You probably never seen a crazy man on cocaine with a knife either.

142   Bap33   2013 Jul 26, 5:53am  

because the liberal media is playing the harp for the anti-gun tyrants.

143   Dan8267   2013 Jul 26, 6:51am  

ch_tah2 says

Interesting stereotype there...a white guy shouting "negros" in the ghetto is going to be killed. Do you have a similar stereotype that if a black guy said "where are all the crackers?" he would be killed as well?

Feel free to disprove the idea by running the experiment yourself.

Oh and by the way, my scenario only requires one angry poor man with nothing to lose and a lot of built of hatred. Your racist interpretation that all the blacks will come out with pitch forks reflects your bigotry, not mine. But nice attempt by you and other racist neo-cons to try to twist my words to reflect your prejudices.

144   ch_tah2   2013 Jul 26, 7:02am  

Dan8267 says

Feel free to disprove the idea by running the experiment yourself.

Oh and by the way, my scenario only requires one angry poor man with nothing to lose and a lot of built of hatred. Your racist interpretation that all the blacks will come out with pitch forks reflects your bigotry, not mine. But nice attempt by you and other racist neo-cons to try to twist my words to reflect your prejudices.

Interesting spin. I just asked you a question. You think a white guy would be killed for words whereas a black guy wouldn't. Just curious why you think this. And by your response it seems like you are condoning this behavior.

Sorry to burst your bubble, but I'm not a neo-con. It is possible for relatively liberal people to not view the Zimmerman trial as evil white guy hunts down innocent black child.

145   ch_tah2   2013 Jul 26, 7:25am  

Dan8267 says

Your racist interpretation that all the blacks will come out with pitch forks reflects your bigotry, not mine.

By the way, if adding "all the blacks will come out with pitchforks" is bigotry, you better start looking in the mirror. My comment never mentioned anything even close to that. Why would you add such language? Are you a bigot?

146   Y   2013 Jul 26, 7:42am  

Freudian slip.

That just supports my theory that all the liberals that want zimmerman hung project that thought to suppress the internal guilt they feel due to the sins of their ancestors. I was not aware Florida had plantations back in the early 1800's. You learn something new every day.

ch_tah2 says

Dan8267 says

Your racist interpretation that all the blacks will come out with pitch forks reflects your bigotry, not mine.

By the way, if adding "all the blacks will come out with pitchforks" is bigotry, you better start looking in the mirror. My comment never mentioned anything even close to that. Why would you add such language? Are you a bigot?

147   Dan8267   2013 Jul 26, 8:06am  

ch_tah2 says

By the way, if adding "all the blacks will come out with pitchforks" is bigotry, you better start looking in the mirror. My comment never mentioned anything even close to that. Why would you add such language? Are you a bigot?

What you are doing is called a Straw Man argument and it is a transparent attempt to twist a person's words into meaning the opposite of what they really do. Such an argument shows a distinct lack of respect for the audience as making it reveals that you assume the audience is so stupid that they will fall for the Straw Man argument.

148   ch_tah2   2013 Jul 26, 8:17am  

Dan8267 says

What you are doing is called a Straw Man argument and it is a transparent attempt to twist a person's words into meaning the opposite of what they really do. Such an argument shows a distinct lack of respect for the audience as making it reveals that you assume the audience is so stupid that they will fall for the Straw Man argument.

No, actually what you did was make a straw man argument by adding words which I never said. What I am doing is called quoting, or technically paraphrasing, what you said. Again, that mirror is waiting for you.

149   Y   2013 Jul 26, 8:26am  

Is this like a "double secret agent strawman" kinda thing?

ch_tah2 says

Dan8267 says

What you are doing is called a Straw Man argument and it is a transparent attempt to twist a person's words into meaning the opposite of what they really do. Such an argument shows a distinct lack of respect for the audience as making it reveals that you assume the audience is so stupid that they will fall for the Straw Man argument.

No, actually what you did was make a straw man argument by adding words which I never said. What I am doing is called quoting, or technically paraphrasing, what you said. Again, that mirror is waiting for you.

150   Bap33   2013 Jul 27, 1:28am  

imagine if TM had been shot in Bengazi ... wow, that would toss some poo into the Obamanation Media Control gears, wouldn't it.?

imagine if Dan Pearl look like Lord Barry, or TM, or wore a hoodie ... man, those carzy arabs would be in double trouble.

a repub taps his shoe under a toilet stall and quits his post when he is pointed out as a deviant looking for sex (nothing took place other than the tapping and the stepping down) ...... a demoncrat send pictures out and sexts his white arse off to the max and he is held up as the example demoncrat, praised by Pelosi for his war on women. (he lied, got caught, attacked Brightbart, and was found to continue the lies and perversion) Those on the left support his deviant behavior. Freaks.

151   CL   2013 Jul 29, 9:58am  

ch_tah2 says

I still don't get it. Zimmerman was Hispanic...what benefit of the doubt are these white supremacists giving this Hispanic?

First of all, I didn't say they were "white supremacists", I said they are people who are protecting their privilege, consciously or not.

In most parts of the world there is a hierarchy, and it is based on skin color. In most cases, the "whiter" one is given priority.

In Mexico, it is better to be Spanish/White, than it is to be Indian. It is better to be Indian than it is to be Black.

In America, it is better to be anything but black as well. Therefore, the system and those who seek to protect it, give the deference to the "whiter" of the two.

If the victim had been white, instead of black, the deference would have almost certainly gone to the victim.

South Americans who enjoy their privilege in their native countries quickly they find out they have no such privilege in America, where all such Spanish-speaking people are treated the same...as "Mexicans".

152   Bap33   2013 Jul 29, 11:58am  

CL says

f the victim had been white, instead of black, the deference would have almost
certainly gone to the victim.

you are a racist

CL says

South Americans who enjoy their privilege in their native countries quickly
they find out they have no such privilege in America, where all such
Spanish-speaking people are treated the same...as "Mexicans".

that explains why America has such a hard time getting any spanish speakers from the south to invade, huh?

153   marcus   2013 Jul 29, 12:18pm  

CL says

The supporters of Zimmerman do so in a thinly veiled racist way. The extend courtesies to Zimmerman that they never extend to blacks.

They blame the victim.

They make up shit that makes it seem like those who oppose racism are REALLY the racists. They do anything to protect their white privilege, including lying to themselves.


Yep. But you're gonna get called "race baiter" for that kind of talk.

154   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2013 Jul 29, 2:05pm  

marcus says

CL says

The supporters of Zimmerman do so in a thinly veiled racist way. The extend courtesies to Zimmerman that they never extend to blacks.

They blame the victim.

They make up shit that makes it seem like those who oppose racism are REALLY the racists. They do anything to protect their white privilege, including lying to themselves.


Yep. But you're gonna get called "race baiter" for that kind of talk.

No, he will get called an idiot for making a bunch of bullshit not the least of which is "white privilege".

Either its a fantasy make believe concept or the rest of the whiteys secretly voted my ass out without my consent or knowledge, and then failed to inform me that I'd been voted out.

I'm going with fantasy make believe.

155   Bap33   2013 Jul 29, 2:57pm  

I voted you could stay in ... just so you know.

156   FortWayne   2013 Jul 31, 9:33am  

CL says

The supporters of Zimmerman do so in a thinly veiled racist way. The extend courtesies to Zimmerman that they never extend to blacks.

They blame the victim.

Zimmerman is a victim that fought back.

You just don't want to admit it, because Obama media told you that you should not like him ... because Zimmerman happened to simply not be black and this type of race baiting sells a lot of advertising.

157   FortWayne   2013 Jul 31, 9:35am  

CL says

They do anything to protect their white privilege, including lying to themselves.

Innocent until proven guilty is not a privilege, it's a right everyone has, right in the constitution in case you forgot.

I saw that little piece on the news where some liberal twig on NYT called this right a "white privilege". But it's not, you Obamanists need to get with the times... people have rights in this country.

158   marcus   2013 Aug 3, 4:33am  

FortWayne says

people have rights in this country

159   Bap33   2013 Aug 3, 7:32am  

if a non-ethnic walks into some areas of Los Angels they will be vicitmized by the ethnic of that area, and the marcus' of the world would say "the non-ethnic should have known better".

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