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Obama is a failure so vote for Romney (Mr. Chickenhawk)? Thanks but no thanks. I'll take the lesser of two evils.
Yes, it seems to depend on where you live. I see only Obama signs, no Romney signs. But then I'm in the Bay Area.
I'm sure I could do two separate bike rides, one through Baltimore city where I might only see one or two Romney signs and many Obama signs,and another bike ride through Baltimore and Anne Arundel County where I'll only see Romney signs, and maybe one Obama sign.
Living in LA, I see few if any Obama bumper stickers. I remember in 2008, just about every other car had an Obama/Biden sticker on it. I guess all those bumper stickers were traded in with their cars in Cash-for-Clunkers. The new cars must be too nice to sully with the name of a failed president.
Conservatives are energized by the malfeasance of the past four years, liberals are not. Steve Jobs, Steve Wynn, Donald Trump and millions of other real job creators have pointed out the ugly truth. obama is a jobs destroyer, not a jobs creator.
"O" must go. Vote his sorry a$$ out...all the way back to Chicago...where he belongs.
Vote his sorry a$$ out...all the way back to Chicago...where he belongs.
It's a shame Blogovitch didn't reach up and grab Obama's arm and bring him down the Toilet with him, when he was flushed down the drain.
I think know what we know now, more Americans would have demanded a closer look at the relationship between Blogo and Obama, and questioned whether or not he acted alone.
However the intent was to get your intention, which was successful.
Typing in ALL CAPS doesn't make an invalid comment any more valid...
They both are the product of your country.
They both want what's good for your country.
Interesting how you label them "evil"...when they both have good intentions.
Obama is a failure so vote for Romney (Mr. Chickenhawk)? Thanks but no thanks. I'll take the lesser of two evils.
However the intent was to get your intention, which was successful.
I assume intention=attention. But moving on, there is a big difference between positive and negative attention.
I assume intention=attention. But moving on, there is a big difference between positive and negative attention.
Also, a difference between negative and positive intention! :)
I assume intention=attention. But moving on, there is a big difference between positive and negative attention.
And the purpose of your post is?
So where will all the bed-wetters move?
>It looks like normal people are outraged with the direction of the country and are not holding back their feelings.
The anger is again misdirected by the elite. I still haven't decided who I will vote for, but I don't want to jump on the "my team" bandwagon.
I am curious, though how the Federal Reserve would change under Romney...
Start with the tax plan:
The 6 Studies Paul Ryan Cited Prove Mitt Romney's Tax Plan Is Impossible
I think the better question would be who would best replace Ben Bernanke and what should that person do differently?
I think the best thing would be raising the interest rate.
While it can be argued that higher interest rates creates inflation. There's some real reason to believe that Interest rates can be too low.
I think that banks and investment brokerage should be split up.
Banks should give loans and pay savers, investment firms should have less regulation, and the public be more educated on the products they sale, for the risk that they are. If the Government can't understand the financial vehicles those firms create, then they have no right to legislate them. Though I'm sure if these people were made to at least explain them in writing better, to their consumer, then maybe they could hire someone to explain it to them in lay terms.
There's not a single person with a retirement plan that includes a cash savings plan of some sort. Everyone is tied up in companies in a time where the average lifespan of a company is 16 years tops. Those that do last loner, do so by mergers and selling the company.
We've been listening to those calling for the destruction of the dollar for to long. There's just not enough hard assets to go around
Gold, Real Estate, a few Monopolies spread out across all industry vertices.
It is small business and competition in every industry that creates value in the dollar. With out them, the dollar is worth less. With out savers making safe guaranteed reruns from saving. With the lack of willing lenders. The harder it is for small business to even happen.
The banks that focus more on investing, it is against their own self interest to give loans to competing entities, of the companies they are invested in.
Thomas.Wong says, "vandalism of any Romney-Ryan signs are fairly common, pretty much across the nation."
Sort of gives you a pretty clear idea of the quality and nature of Obama's voter base.
I know it sounds impossible...but I recently saw an electoral map where Oregon had shifted from solid blue to light blue...or likely support.
Now if Oregon is questioning the Democrat orthodoxy just a wee bit...anything could happen...even a late break of Californians, who may see their interests aligning with Republicans again.
Both Oregon and Washington state are divided by the cascades into a lightly populated very red state conservative eastern half and a liberal blue state western half where the bulk of the people live. I can't see how Portland, Salem, Eugene which is where 80% of the population of Oregon lives, would have shifted to likely support light blue. These are some of the most liberal, granola eating, birkenstock wearing places in the country. Someone didn't do their homework when they drew the map.
I am curious, though how the Federal Reserve would change under Romney...
Romney has alteady said that he wants to get rid of Berneke.
So where will all the bed-wetters move?
God I hope so. France, as you may know, is proposing to ban the words "father" and "mother" to be replaced with Parent 1 and Parent 2.
That sounds warm, loving, and nurturing, right? Liberals (and socialists and communists) want to destroy the family. Nothing new here, same old slop.
I saw this title and thought it was referring to the number of outright lies told in the last debate.
Us libs don't have to beat our chests and put up signs. We are intelligent enough that we don't need to be TOLD who to vote for.
Us libs don't have to beat our chests and put up signs.
Well actually you do, and it helps if you can get an American company to allow you to hijack their iconic brand Logo, to give it some hip cred to the young voters, that cast their votes based on the getting laid factor.
Face it having an Obama/Biden sticker on your Prius just doesn't have that "OOMPH" that it had 4 years ago. I'd wager most voters from 2008 would feel utterly ridiculous with it now.
Thomas.Wong says, "vandalism of any Romney-Ryan signs are fairly common, pretty much across the nation."
Sort of gives you a pretty clear idea of the quality and nature of Obama's voter base
And I can easily make the assertion that Romney voters vandalize Obama signs. Sort of gives a pretty clear idea of the quality and the nature of the posts here when no one can back up their assertions accurately.
I can accurately assert my friends car antenna was broken off and apparently used as a whip to hit a Ron Paul sticker on the side of his car because the indentation on the fender matched the shape of the broken antenna which was left behind.
Mertens v Wolfeboro Nat. Bank determined: "It is the duty of one who volunteers information to another not having equal knowledge, with the intention that he will act upon it, to exercise reasonable care to verify the truth of his statements before making them".
There is one overwhelming reason why no sane American should vote for Romney. Look at such polls. It clearly proves Romney is not running for American Presidency, but for Foreign interests.
Voting for Romney means voting against America being an independent nation.
Abe, today being honest means voting against Romney!
Anyone voting for Romney, please come see me.. I have a bridge to sell you.
The gullibility of the American public, particularly ones with a republican bent, is astounding. And the fact that the press now stands there and lets people blatantly lie and not question it in fear that their advertising dollars will dry up. Who knew the movie Idiocracy will wind up being non-fiction.
Obummer should do the honorable thing and withdraw from the election. Its that simple. Vote for the American.
I am voting for the American (Obama). He much more closely represents the principles this country was founded upon. Republican's represent the oligarchy and theocracy the immigrants to this country thought they had left behind.
Benson, right on, comrade! Obama represents nothing this country was founded upon...that's because he rejects the constitution, freedom, liberty, the rule of law, privacy, private property, personal responsibility, personal initiative, personal sovereignty, success, and sound money.
Here are some bumper stickers of obama constituents:
Dependents for O'Bamma
Socialists 4 obama
Non-taxpayers for ooBama
Freelunchers support obomma
Slackers for obama
Both my daddy's support Hussain Obama
Communists for obummer
alternative universe crowd 4 obama
Robin Hood types for obama
Prius owners of America support obama
Bed-wetters for Obama
Reverse Racists for obama
Obama-phoney's for obama
New Black Panthers support Barry Hussain Obama
Marxists support obama, for the collective good
Equality of results cult members in support ob-ama
Those in favor of "the current truth" support Osama Obamma
Thought Police 4 OHbamma.
$8 per gallon gas nuts for obama
Victims for obama
Welfare reciepients for obama
Freedom haters love obama
Statists for O-bamaa
Radical liberals 4 obama
Pathological dependents for Obamma
Redistributionists support obama
Don't vote for the muslim in the White House, vote for the real American.
Here are some bumper stickers of obama constituents:
Here are some bumper stickers of Romney constituents (several seem to fit either candidate):
Dependents for Romney
Socialists 4 Romney
Non-taxpayers for Romney
Free-lunchers support Romneeeey
Trust-funders for Romney
Both my bosses support Mittens Romney
Fascists for Romney
Alternative universe crowd 4 Romney
Prince John and Sherriff of Nottingham types for Romney
Nascar team owners of America support Romney
Bed-wetters for Romney
Racists for Romney
Obama-phoney's for Romney
White supremacist support Mitt “Mittens†Romney
Fools support Romney, for the .01% good
Cult members in support Rom-ney
Those in favor of an etch-a-sketch candidate support Mittens Romney
Thought Police 4 Romney
Nuts for Romney
Victims for Romney
Corporate welfare recipients for Romney
Freedom haters love Romney
Statists for Rom-ney
Radicals 4 Romney
Pathological dependents for Rommney
Redistributionists support Romney
Oh, and one more...
Patrick.net trolls for Romney
Indentured voters for Obama
Republican's represent the oligarchy and theocracy the immigrants to this country thought they had left behind.
strange that so so many pick being republican than democrat when they become citizens.
come down to Little Saigon in San Jose...
Abe, I'd debate you on this, but your premise and 'examples' are just asinine. I frankly don't want to waste that much time correcting all the idiotic things you said.
No wonder you Republicfags like Romey. You're all a bunch of fucking lairs.
What color is the sky in your world anyway?
Obama 47, Romney 0
But don't take my word for it, those are Romney's words.
getting rid of our defenses, basically making us a weak asss country!
Yep, because your country only spent $711bn in 2011, whereas the second biggest spender, China, forked out a whopping $143bn. Tremble in fear.
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Just finished a 2,400 mile, 7 day road trip through California, Oregon and Washington. Saw overwhelming support for Romney on signs, placards and billboards throughout all three states.
None for obama. None. Not one sign, not one placard, not one billboard anywhere to be seen for obama...not a single one. Bumper stickers? 5 to 1 for Romney.
My favorite billboard? "VOTE FOR THE AMERICAN".
The emperor has no clothes (AKA - an empty chair).