bgamall wants your sympathy ?

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2014 Mar 1, 4:21am   11,437 views  39 comments

by humanity   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

"I am a liberal who supports gun rights because of the Sandy Hook Hoax and because of the behavior of Hitler towards the Jews in disarming them. Sandy Hook was bankster/Zionist plan to disarm Americans. But the Republicans have gone too far in wanting to leave people to die in the streets."

Dude, please look in to medication. You are seriously in need of help if you don't know how utterly sick this sounds:

"I am a liberal who supports gun rights because of the Sandy Hook Hoax and because of the behavior of Hitler towards the Jews in disarming them. Sandy Hook was bankster/Zionist plan to disarm Americans."

I sincerely hope that the ACA has made psychiatric care more accessible to you.

If it's that you are intentionally trolling us,and you don't REALY believe what you say, then I apologize for suggesting you need psychiatric help, because if that's the case then you're just an asshole.

You've got it backwards by the way. The gun lobby and all the gun nuts (by the way I don't mind guns - but I'm not cuckoo about them), are the reason that your stupid conspiracy theory even exists.

Perhaps you are funded by the gun lobby to post your insane bs? Have you no pride ? No integrity ?


Comments 1 - 39 of 39        Search these comments

2   humanity   2014 Mar 1, 4:35am  

I could go on, but...I'm sure it won't put a dent in your illness.

What you most need to learn is that there is no connection between what you want or wish to be true, and what is true.

You have no special powers to find truth that slips by all of us "normal" people, no matter how much pleasure you get in imagining that you have special super powers that guide your insights.

You seem to start with an incredibly unlikely scenario (your conspiracy theory) which makes no sense at all. And then find all kinds of trivial and nonsensical reasons to hold on to it.

As hard as it is to imagine someone walking in to a school and committing such a heinous and inhuman crime, it seems that it really did happen.

The cause ?

It's something called mental illness. This event is evidence that such severe mental illness really does happen sometimes, as sad as that is. I wish that it were more believable that it was a hoax. It would be great really if it were. But again,...sadly no.

3   waiting_for_the_fall   2014 Mar 1, 4:57am  

Just ignore the freak. You can't reason with someone who is insane.

4   Robber Baron Elite Scum   2014 Mar 1, 5:49am  

Accusing someone of mental illness... Especially someone you NEVER even met in person or know very well along with you not having any mental health professional qualifications...

Is a very cliché cheap shot against someone to attack them PERSONALLY in order to discredit easily their arguments/beliefs/theories.

You actually have proven to me that you are a close-minded, bias and only want to believe something if some major media network funded and financed by big money interested that have a huge agenda/vendetta says it is so.

Rebuttal his arguments/theories with your arguments/theories regarding only that and with some logical justification citing facts and likewise.

NOT personal attacks, character assassination and libel... "

Such as "He's mentally ill".... "He lives in his parents basement"... "He's fat and a loner"... "He's a loser virgin"

Such garbage only proves to show you don't have the intellectual capacity to rebuttal the actual ISSUE on hand and thus have to resort cheaply and cowardly to attacking the individual personally. It shows a lack of mental and emotional control on your part...

Maybe you suffer from mental and emotional illness therefore? And your accusations against others being ill with that ailment is merely a cover-up for yourself suffering from the same ailment? It's very similar to a lot of homophobes being "in the closet" so to speak.

The Sandy Hook tragedy... (If it happened)... Was a very sad and sick tragedy.

I think you are misunderstanding bgamall or you may be twisting what he means with malicious intent.

His intent is not to try to mock the sufferings of human beings in tragedies.

He is trying to explain how OTHER sick individuals use the sufferings of victims in tragedies that often times can be pre-planned by big money interests and even big brother government to further a very bias agenda.

Hitler did ban guns by the way. And for very good reasons.

And also they are Jews by the way who are NOT Zionist and understand the complete perversion in humanity that Zionists set to achieve.

Hitler was in fact a Zionist if you do a full research from credible sources and full documented accounts. He was financed by major banking money.

And by the way... Since when does being paranoid amount to being a bad thing or strong evidence of some "mental illness".

With all the corruption and evil in this world... You would have to be INSANE to be not paranoid.

"No one is more a slave than the one who thinks he is free without being it.” -Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

5   HydroCabron   2014 Mar 1, 6:28am  

Robber Baron Elite Scum says

Such garbage only proves to show you don't have the intellectual capacity to rebuttal the actual ISSUE on hand and thus have to resort cheaply and cowardly to attacking the individual personally


So where were we? Something about you fucking someone's mother in the ass, as I recall.

6   Robber Baron Elite Scum   2014 Mar 1, 9:47am  

Iosef V HydroCabron says


So where were we? Something about you fucking someone's mother in the ass, as I recall.

That's called a joke. I wasn't even debating that person on something.

Your taking comments completely out of context. AF even liked one of my comments.

What I'm talking about is debating somebody seriously on a argument only to resort to serious claims and accusations of that person being mentally ill with schizophrenia. Those are pretty bold claims.

Clear distinctions and big differences between what I'm doing and what "humanity" is doing.

Nice try with trying to twist words and take comments out of context but it doesn't work with me. Pretty cheap shot too...

7   marcus   2014 Mar 1, 9:58am  

Robber Baron Elite Scum says

Accusing someone of mental illness... Especially someone you NEVER even met in person or know very well along with you not having any mental health professional qualifications...

He didn't "accuse" him. For one thing he said this:

humanity says

If it's that you are intentionally trolling us,and you don't REALLY believe what you say, then I apologize for suggesting you need psychiatric help, because if that's the case then you're just an asshole.

For another, it takes mental illness to think that our society is so far gone that such a hoax could and or would be pulled off. This isn't an accusation. It's the common sense reasoning of someone with an IQ somewhere in the top three quartiles (ie someone not in the bottom 25% with respect to intelligence).

Robber Baron Elite Scum says

He is trying to explain how OTHER sick individuals use the sufferings of victims in tragedies that often times can be pre-planned by big money interests and even big brother government to further a very bias agenda.

Wrong, he didn't say it occurred for some zionist or big brother agenda, which would be pretty paranoid and crazy. No, he says repeatedly that it was a hoax. Okay, so you're one patnet reader that wants to defend that assertion and say that it's not evidence of being extremely out of touch with reality (combined with VERY poor reasoning skills).

I disagree, and I think I am stating the obvious. I'm not going out on a limb or accusing anyone of anything.

8   curious2   2014 Mar 1, 10:03am  

humanity says

I sincerely hope that the ACA has made psychiatric care more accessible to you.

bgamall claims to be 64 and thus nearly old enough to age out of Obamacare and into Medicare. Also, it is possible that his symptoms result from drug-induced psychosis, which is a major problem; Medicare reports that 70% of its emergency hospitalizations result from four legal drugs. There is a chance that putting bgamall on pills might alleviate some of his symptoms, but there is also a chance that putting him on pills is what caused his symptoms.

9   Robber Baron Elite Scum   2014 Mar 1, 12:05pm  

curious2 says

bgamall claims to be 64 and thus nearly old enough to age out of Obamacare and into Medicare. Also, it is possible that his symptoms result from drug-induced psychosis, which is a major problem; Medicare reports that 70% of its emergency hospitalizations result from four legal drugs. There is a chance that putting bgamall on pills might alleviate some of his symptoms, but there is also a chance that putting him on pills is what caused his symptoms.

Unless you are a qualified experienced MD with the correct specialization and his full blood work and any tests...

Your speculations about bgamall's medical conditions are completely unfounded.

10   Robber Baron Elite Scum   2014 Mar 1, 12:16pm  

marcus says

He didn't "accuse" him. For one thing he said this:

He accused him fair and square. Called him a possible troll if he's not mentally ill and even called him an "asshole" at the end.

marcus says

Wrong, he didn't say it occurred for some zionist or big brother agenda, which would be pretty paranoid and crazy.

He did and implied it. Learn to read carefully.

marcus says

Okay, so you're one patnet reader that wants to defend that assertion and say that it's not evidence of being extremely out of touch with reality (combined with VERY poor reasoning skills).

Stop putting in words I didn't say and questioning my reasoning skills. You have no right to do that. I do not entertain condescension.

What I am defending is not his claims that it is a hoax. I never have.

I believe it really may have happened. What I AM defending is his right to say that it's a hoax without being called mentally ill.

The media is capable of lying. Everyone and every group is capable and they do it all the time.

But I never made defense on his part that it is a hoax. I can't say it is and I neither can say it happened for sure.

The last two sentences are what I really defend. I'm not bias one way or they other.

11   curious2   2014 Mar 1, 12:23pm  

Robber Baron Elite Scum says

What I AM defending is his right to say that it's a hoax without being called mentally ill.

He calls everything a conspiracy from JFK to 9/11 to Sandy Hook and more. At some point, you can't help noticing a pattern of paranoid delusions. Speculation based on statistics is, admittedly, only an educated guess. His problem might be drug-induced psychosis, paranoid schizophrenia, early Alzheimer's, or any of a number of other possibilities, but there is obviously a problem. "Debating" each of these "conspiracy theories" one at a time becomes a waste of time, especially when he spams the home page with multiple concurrent threads; at some point, you recognize you're talking to a drug or a disease.

12   turtledove   2014 Mar 1, 2:45pm  

I think singling bgmall out like this is unkind. If you truly believe that he needs help, I'm not sure how publicly humiliating him serves that purpose. It smacks more of trying to gang up on him. And if you truly believe that he's suffering from an illness, how would ganging up on him help him? How does getting a bunch of patnet members to call him names and accuse him of mental illness help him? If you truly think he's crazy, I would think that you wouldn't want to provoke him. However, distasteful you might find his position on some things, he has the right to express his opinions. Just like you do. If he bothers you so much just hit the ignore button.

13   Bigsby   2014 Mar 1, 3:14pm  

Robber Baron Elite Scum says

But I never made defense on his part that it is a hoax. I can't say it is and I neither can say it happened for sure.

The last two sentences are what I really defend. I'm not bias one way or they other.

Why do you think that is a worthy thing to defend? It's nothing to do with bias. It's to do with evidence, something which he seems to neither understand nor produce, or do you think two people arguing for and against the existence of fairies have equal credibility? What he does is create his conspiracy and then argue the most ridiculous nonsense that comes to mind in an effort to support it - porta potties, bottled water, people with vaguely similar looking pictures, someone not crying in an interview, his claiming fake crying from a picture etc. etc. Anyone who disagrees with him is a zionist/bankster/paid government troll/prick/moron etc. etc. I don't actually care if he is mentally ill or not, but he should give the repeated flooding of this forum with the SAME conspiracy nonsense a rest and that also most definitely includes his zionism/NWO guff (or should that really be his issues with Jews?).

14   marcus   2014 Mar 1, 3:30pm  

jazz music says

congratulations on demonstrating the good character to defend bgamall's right to express his opinion

turtledove says

However, distasteful you might find his position on some things, he has the right to express his opinions. Just like you do.

Oh, so that's what we call 50 threads trying to sell the world how Sandy Hook is a hoax and a zionist plot to disarm America. Just a guy expressing his opinion.

I see.

15   turtledove   2014 Mar 1, 3:42pm  

I think some people here ought to head over to CIC's political leanings quiz and take it. Several of you purported "liberals" are going to be surprised by your results. Remember, when the quiz asks if you think media, internet, etc., should be censored, you must agree. If you select any other option, you should return to this thread and retract a few things.

16   Robber Baron Elite Scum   2014 Mar 1, 3:54pm  

Bigsby says

Why do you think that is a worthy thing to defend?

Because a true investigator sets aside any preconceived notions and beliefs they have before forming a conclusion. They look at both sides of the arguments very neutrally. And only form a conclusion based on pure logical merit and only that.

Forming an opinion before getting all the facts, all sides of the argument and the entire story from all angles will result in a very distorted world view.

Conspiracy theorists like Alex Jones are also guilty of one sin too... Irrational Fear mongering to some extent.

Mass media like CNN and the like are also guilty of one sin too... Irrational Optimism regarding the economy to some extent.

The coins can reverse too.

Were you have Illuminati theorists believe they will become billionaires if they hoard Precious Metals and guns.

And at times of major stock market collapse... The mass media many times can blow the severity out of proportion because that sells. And big money traders love that because it crashes the prices more... So they can buy low and sell high.

The Founding Fathers of the USA would also strongly believe what I am defending to be worthy for civil rights in criminal prosecutions.

If a judge and jury formed an opinion based on nothing but sensationalized talk... All a tyrannical government would need to throw everyone in prison is a bunch of false rumors published in all the major publications.

Sadly, many defendants of crimes are founded guilty today but are either actually innocent or charged without sufficient evidence. Purely because everyone from the police, DA, judge and jury formed an opinion and made up their mind without a FULL clear investigation.

This is what also happens when you have prisons become private corporations interested in profit but veneering as serving justice.

So everyone involved is quick to damn anyone guilty for anything including nothing.

And those who are truly guilty end up serving justice not equal to the crime. You have individuals thrown decades in prisons for the most petty non-violent crimes with no previous criminal history.

All because of a lack of a clear neutral non-bias mindset of all parties responsibly to determine the justice in a court of law.

17   marcus   2014 Mar 1, 4:01pm  

turtledove says

Remember, when the quiz asks if you think media, internet, etc., should be censored, you must agree. If you select any other option, you should return to this thread and retract a few things.

What the.....?

I never implied that I think anyone should be censored here. Including me when I call someone out for being some combination of crazy and stupid, and posting repeated threads with ridiculous conspiracy theories.

The following is closer to advocating censorship than anything i've said in this thread.

turtledove says

If you truly believe that he needs help, I'm not sure how publicly humiliating him serves that purpose. It smacks more of trying to gang up on him. And if you truly believe that he's suffering from an illness, how would ganging up on him help him?

I think he needs to know how ridiculous and yes even offensive it is, for him to repeat that conspiracy claim.

18   Robber Baron Elite Scum   2014 Mar 1, 4:18pm  

Explain with your sources, facts, figures, documented accounts and other relevant evidence why Bgamall's claims are not sound.

Rebuttal exact arguments, defenses, sources, figures, facts and other information cited by Bgamall on why his claims according to him are sound.

Do not say "He is wrong" "He is mentally ill" "He is posting too many conspiracies therefore he is wrong"

Explain fully, logically, factually, justifiably and each point Bgamall as raised prove it wrong with some sort of rationale. It could be a source, an account, a testimony, documents, government documents, FBI documents... Encyclopedia sources... anecdotal evidence.

Just don't go around with a cheap generic rebuttal attacking his personal health... "He is wrong because I think he has this schizophrenic mental ailment even though I'm not a qualified doctor to make that diagnosis and even If I was I would need to see him face to face with blood work, many tests, screening and even brain scans but I did none of that and I'm on the internet breaking FEDERAL HIPAA laws regarding patient privacy and committing possible libel against someone who can sue me for it. "

19   turtledove   2014 Mar 1, 4:21pm  

Marcus, Okay, what is the purpose of this thread? Bgmall's been singled out, people have called him crazy, told him he needs help, medication, etc... Now I'm no expert on "interventions," but I'm almost certain this isn't how they go. Therefore this isn't meant to be an intervention. It's mean spirited teasing. Now what would one hope to accomplish with such a targeted attack? Surely you don't want the person to stick around. So if we're trying to make him leave by making him as uncomfortable as possible -- because we don't want to see his fifty Sandy Hook threads -- isn't that a back door attempt at censorship?

20   Robber Baron Elite Scum   2014 Mar 1, 4:28pm  

turtledove says

So if we're trying to make him to leave by making him as uncomfortable as possible -- because we don't want to see his fifty Sandy Hook threads -- isn't that a back door attempt at censorship?


You just exposed the hypocrisy in all those singling out bgamall and shouting personal claims about his mental wellness or lack of.

Good Job.

21   marcus   2014 Mar 1, 4:28pm  

turtledove says

So if we're trying to make him to leave by making him as uncomfortable as possible -- because we don't want to see his fifty Sandy Hook threads -- isn't that a back door attempt at censorship?

It never occurred to me that he might leave, but I can appreciate the thought that he might wise up, or have a moment of clarity (ie embarrassment) and simply stop.

I think the reason for this thread is that he routinely deletes peoples comments on his threads if they tell him what they really think, with respect to how truly insane his claims are.

22   Bigsby   2014 Mar 1, 4:29pm  

Robber Baron Elite Scum says

Because a true investigator sets aside any preconceived notions and beliefs they have before forming a conclusion.

That's not the point, is it? We know the facts of the case. We have general access to relevant evidence. We can see what Gary is arguing. It isn't an issue of 'I can't say it is and neither can I say it happened for sure.' It's an issue of looking at the known evidence and drawing a conclusion based on the weight of the evidence. Everything else you are talking about is a different and unrelated issue of not drawing a conclusion BEFORE you have looked at the evidence.

23   marcus   2014 Mar 1, 4:33pm  

Robber Baron Elite Scum says

Explain with your sources, facts, figures, documented accounts and other relevant evidence why Bgamall's claims are not sound.

Most of the claims are too stupid to respond to. "That person in the video isn't grieving right." What the fuck?!!

What did they do ? Pay off all the first responders ? Maybe they threatened their families ? Perhaps those that engineered the whole thing got there first and told the local authorities, "back off, we've got this." And of course this story didn't get out. In fact they talked the local authorities in to pretending that they were involved. Wow, those Zionists sure do have a lot of clout in ALL locoal governments and all media.

Since you insist.

humanity says







24   Bigsby   2014 Mar 1, 4:33pm  

Robber Baron Elite Scum says

Explain with your sources, facts, figures, documented accounts and other relevant evidence why Bgamall's claims are not sound.

Rebuttal exact arguments, defenses, sources, figures, facts and other information cited by Bgamall on why his claims according to him are sound.

What exactly do you think has been going on (and on) in his hoax threads? He simply does not accept the points made because his actual arguments aren't evidence. How do you rebutt porta potties and bottled water being evidence of a hoax? It is a ridiculous evidence free argument in the first place. How do you rebutt his claim that the teacher is an actor because 'these two images look the same' ACCORDING TO THE PERSON MAKING THE CLAIM? That isn't evidence. That is a baseless assertion that can be treated as such. And on and on it goes.

There's no point to this thread, but Gary has started threads of a similar type, so he is no innocent in all of this.

25   Robber Baron Elite Scum   2014 Mar 1, 4:41pm  

marcus says

Most of the claims are too stupid to respond to. "That person isn't grieving right." What the fuck?!!

What did they do ? Pay off all the first responders ? Maybe they threatened their families ?

But since you insist.


That's all you need to rebuttal someone. No need to resort to name-calling or claims of someone with ill health.

And that goes for bgamall too.

26   Robber Baron Elite Scum   2014 Mar 1, 4:44pm  

marcus says

What did they do ? Pay off all the first responders ? Maybe they threatened their families ?

That's a good argument. Without a very complex super-computer scanning human emotions of the families...

It is very hard to say if the tears and crying was fake or not.

And there is no sound proof to say it was fake.

Even computers can get it wrong.

27   Robber Baron Elite Scum   2014 Mar 1, 4:46pm  

Bigsby says

What exactly do you think has been going on (and on) in his hoax threads? He simply does not accept the points made because his actual arguments aren't evidence. How do you rebutt porta potties and bottled water being evidence of a hoax? It is a ridiculous evidence free argument in the first place. How do you rebutt his claim that the teacher is an actor because 'these two images look the same' ACCORDING TO THE PERSON MAKING THE CLAIM? That isn't evidence. That is a baseless assertion that can be treated as such. And on and on it goes.

There's no point to this thread, but Gary has started threads of a similar type, so he is no innocent in all of this.

If this has been the case, than I completely agree.

Just two photos is not enough to say they are the same two people. Many people can look like the same person with just two deceiving photos.

The population is huge in the world.

28   Robber Baron Elite Scum   2014 Mar 1, 4:48pm  

marcus says

Perhaps those that engineered the whole thing got there first and told the local authorities, "back off, we've got this." And of course this story didn't get out. In fact they talked the local authorities in to pretending that they were involved. Wow, those Zionists sure do have a lot of clout in ALL locoal governments and all media.

Well that scenario is possible but I don't have any evidence so therefore I can't approve of it being the truth.

29   Robber Baron Elite Scum   2014 Mar 1, 4:49pm  


Those were very good rebuttal links. Bgamall should rebuttal all points raised by those links with GOOD explanation.

30   Bigsby   2014 Mar 1, 4:52pm  

Robber Baron Elite Scum says


Those were very good rebuttal links. Bgamall should rebuttal all points raised by those links with GOOD explanation.


31   marcus   2014 Mar 1, 4:52pm  

Robber Baron Elite Scum says

That's all you need to rebuttal someone. No need to resort to name-calling or claims of someone with ill health.

I think he needs to know that he sounds far worse than foolish and stupid. He sounds like he needs professional help. Why is it so worong to think that this could get through to him.

When people are so totally far out of touch with reality how do they usually find out ? Isn't it because people tell them ?

"hey dude, you sound flat out over the top insane !!"

32   bob2356   2014 Mar 1, 9:47pm  

Robber Baron Elite Scum says


Those were very good rebuttal links. Bgamall should rebuttal all points raised by those links with GOOD explanation.

Uh robber baron, perhaps you are not aware but bgmal hasn't rebutted a legitimate point since he's been here. He deletes them then repeats what he said in the first place or ignores them totally. I think he's a just a troll shilling his ebooks.

33   turtledove   2014 Mar 2, 12:13am  

bgmall has the right to express his view of the world however much you disagree with that view. Believe it or not, people who constantly push the envelope and ask questions (even questions that seem ridiculous to others at the time) are important to keeping balance in this country. Just like those bastard lawyers who sue over everything. They have pushed the legal envelope for decades. They make a lot of senseless noise and waste lots of money, time, and resources. But you have to admit that it is because of these scummy lawyers that big companies are on notice about product responsibility. Imagine if we didn't have these lawyers constantly pushing the envelope.

You have the right to respond to bgmall or ignore him. If you feel that, as a moderator, bgmall is irresponsible because he deletes opposing viewpoints then don't participate on threads that he moderates. You have the power to remove him from your sphere of consciousness. Use it!

34   marcus   2014 Mar 2, 1:44am  

bob2356 says

I think he's a just a troll shilling his ebooks.

This is the most likely case, and that's more offensive than if he is insane and unable to see what common sense should tell him is obvious.

He is essentially marketing to the insane.

35   Bigsby   2014 Mar 2, 2:44am  

I couldn't care less what Turtledove and Robber think, you are a very sick and pitifully sad man.

36   HydroCabron   2014 Mar 2, 2:51am  

I'm sorry, but the people with the Sandy Hook and 9-11 theories have enjoyed plenty of free speech here and everywhere else.

Less radical (and more plausible) theories get far less air time here. I just don't buy the victimization narrative of their persecution.

Saying that all viewpoints should be heard is not the same as indulging the endless rantings of flat-earthers.

37   HydroCabron   2014 Mar 2, 2:52am  

Robber Baron Elite Scum says


Those were very good rebuttal links. Bgamall should rebuttal all points raised by those links with GOOD explanation.

Sounds as if you haven't read many of his threads.

38   marcus   2014 Mar 2, 3:24am  

bgamall enjoys his fantasies so much, he really should check out David Icke.

On his websites he can learn about how GWB, and is an alien shapeshifter (reptilian actually).

There's all kinds of stuff on the internet about the illuminati, or the Masons,, bohemian grove, etc, not to mention the various aliens that are in competition for control of this planet and humanity.

You will never run out of entertaining far fetched scenarios that are as believable or more believable than the ones you choose to believe.

What's your criteria for the ones that you do latch on to Bgamall ?

Is it that they have to be especially ridiculous? Your biggest reasons have to be things like "oh he put his sun glasses back on" or "the blood is too red" (by the way, when the is a lot of blood, expodsed to the air, it is that red) or or "those people aren't grieving right"

Perhaps it's the Zionist bit that get's your attention. Someone says "it'steh Zionists" and instantly you're hooked ?

Seriously. What is it that makes some of this nonsense believable to you, and not others ?

Did we go to the moon ?

Is Elvis dead ?

IS Paul McCartney the same as the original Paul McCartney ?

How about global warming,...is it real ?

Is Flouride in the water a part of some mind control scheme ?

Are reptilen aliens running our world ?

How do you decide which bs to believe and which to dismiss ? Is it when someone puts together a blog or video with confidently narrated questions that you get hooked ?



It's true that the truth is sometimes stranger than fiction. But that does not mean that we should just randomly latch on to the first fiction that someone throws in front of us.

39   turtledove   2014 Mar 2, 3:30am  

marcus says

Is Flouride in the water a part of some mind control scheme ?

OMG! I totally made you write that!

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