Ferguson: case closed!

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2014 Aug 20, 3:18am   86,241 views  266 comments

by Shaman   ➕follow (4)   💰tip   ignore  


Officer Darren Wilson suffered facial fractures during his confrontation with deceased 18 year-old Michael Brown. Officer Wilson clearly feared for his life during the incident that led to the shooting death of Brown. This was after Michael Brown and his accomplice Dorian Johnson robbed a local Ferguson convenience store.

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87   Y   2014 Nov 24, 11:03am  

This month has been a liberal's worst dry dream.
they had their nuts crunched by the porkrind knawing southern inbreeders in the elections.
Wilson is vindicated despite sbh's personal dickhunt against all police enforcement.
What's next? Maddow announces she's hetero???

88   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2014 Nov 24, 11:03am  

bgamall4 says

dodgerfanjohn says

Michael Brown died, witnesses lied.

After hearing the prosecutors words, don't those of you who kept citing the "six eyewitnesses" feel really stupid?

If not, you should.

There were witnesses who stuck with the story that his hands were up facing the officer. If he was shooting at his back he was a crappy shot.

The prosecutor did not prove that one witness was stronger than another witness and a jury did not get the opportunity to engage the witnesses in a real trial. That is fact.


All autopsies showed that Michael Brown was never shot in the back.

89   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2014 Nov 24, 11:05am  

marcus says

Only idiot asshole such as you would think that the way any of my classes (which go up to AP Calculus) go would have anything to do with my sharing opinions about such controversial matters.

Wait a minute, you, by your own admission, have an IQ that is average at best. Yet somehow you completed a BS in math and teach AP Calculus.

*mind asplodes*

90   Rin   2014 Nov 24, 11:06am  

Strategist says

bgamall4 says

Strategist says

The rape charges are believable. He needs to be prosecuted.

Sorry, statute of limitations has run out. You didn't know that? We are talking 30 years. I am saying he could have problems with his career going forward.

I didn't think there was a statute of limitations on rape. Priests get prosecuted after decades all the time.

Bill Cosby story is looking a bit like Kobe Bryant's, some ten years back.

I think it's better for men to see hoes than to bang a regular junkie. A hoe can't later say that she didn't get paid for a screw.

91   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2014 Nov 24, 11:06am  

Good job Quigley.

I like to wait for the facts to fete out in the legal system, but I'll give credit to those who stick their necks out with clear, detailed, fact based conclusions.

92   Shaman   2014 Nov 24, 11:12am  

On an unrelated note, nobody brought up any of these allegations against Cosby until he recently got political. Now the accusers come out of the woodwork to cry foul for things that may or may not have happened forty years ago.
Total OBVIOUS smear job. Someone in power wants him silenced now.

93   marcus   2014 Nov 24, 11:33am  

Okay just for you guys. Two links demonstrating what a psycho Zimmerman is. I don't know about you all, but I've never been arrested for the kind of things he has, and neither have any of the people that I know. These are just two of the incidents since the Martin killing. I think there are at least two other times that police have been called to a scene because of his behavior (since the killing - there were others before).



Believe it or not, common sense is actually a big part of Mathematics. I know that some who have common sense and never developed Math skills to a high level might dissagree.

I'm not saying that having common sense makes someone good at Math. There's more to it than that. One has to be motivated and do practice etc.

But common sense is a huge factor in approaching problems you haven't seen before and in problem solving in general. My common sense tells me Zimmerman probably murdered Martin.

I don't know it as an absolute fact. But you don't know that the story he told on trial is true either. But one thing everyone knows with certainty is that the guy is something of a psycho.

94   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2014 Nov 24, 11:45am  

Call it Crazy says

marcus says

Believe it or not, common sense is actually a big part of MAthematics.

marcus says

I'm not saying that having common sense makes someone good at Math.

marcus says

My common sense tells me Zimmerman probably murdered Martin.

So, we'll conclude from your statements that you're both bad at math and bad with common sense?

He probably had a hand in creating the Common Core ciriculumn also, which makes him Jar Jar Binks.

95   Tenpoundbass   2014 Nov 24, 11:55am  

All of you mad folks are on the wrong side of not only History but grey hair Obama. He ain't hip like black hair Obama, he's more conservative and don't allow no picketing, pipe bombing, bandana wearing, meatloaf cocktail tossing protestors. So get off the lawn!

96   Shaman   2014 Nov 24, 12:22pm  

Protesters have shut down I44, but looters are destroying Fergusson main street. Looks like a Walgreens, an electronics store, a McDonalds, a ToysRus, a Sams Meats, a Dollar Tree, etc are being looted. The walgreens is on fire.
This seems like a measured response.
Where are the National Guard? I thought the governor called them out? Meanwhile more shootings are happening, and at least three cops cars are burning.
Justice indeed.

97   Shaman   2014 Nov 24, 12:22pm  

If you want to keep up with events as they roll in, check this LIVE link on reddit.


98   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2014 Nov 24, 12:35pm  

Continued necessity of the civil rights movement is as big a farce as fracking, climate change, GMO, and the continued feminist movement.

PT Barnum was a genius...and a century ahead of his time.

99   curious2   2014 Nov 24, 1:00pm  

Quigley says

Dollar Tree, etc are being looted.

Who in the world loots a Dollar Tree? Those photos need to be posted on a wall of shame.

100   Strategist   2014 Nov 24, 1:06pm  

Call it Crazy says

curious2 says

Who in the world loots a Dollar Tree?

It's the end of the month, their EBT card is empty!

They attacked a McDonalds too.

101   Strategist   2014 Nov 24, 1:08pm  

bgamall4 says

Call it Crazy says

curious2 says

Who in the world loots a Dollar Tree?

It's the end of the month, their EBT card is empty!

When you are judged and go to hell, you will long for an EBT card, CIC.

He is innocent, like Officer Wilson.

102   Strategist   2014 Nov 24, 1:17pm  

Call it Crazy says

Ferguson Witnesss Told Investigators That Michael Brown Charged Cop "Like a Football Player Head Down"

Guess you did not get the memo:
Criminals who hurt you are now the good guys, while those who try and protect you are the bad guys.
If you had an iPhone you would have got the memo.

103   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2014 Nov 24, 1:27pm  

bgamall4 says

dodgerfanjohn says

Continued necessity of the civil rights movement is as big a farce as fracking, climate change, GMO, and the continued feminist movement.

Are you kidding? There is obvious institutional racism in Ferguson, whether this cop acted responsibly or not. And thing is, he didn't get to be judged by a jury of his own peers. What was Ferguson afraid of?

WTH would a jury of his peers be judging him on?!??

There was NO probable cause to belive a crime was committed.

Wtf is wrong with you?

Wait, please don't answer. I'd hate to permanently ruin everyone's entertainment.

104   marcus   2014 Nov 24, 1:54pm  

Call it Crazy says

For Marcus, put this sign up on the wall in your classroom tomorrow for all your students to see. It will make you feel better!

You wish I was half the idiot and half the asswipe that you and dodgerfanDumb are.

Interesting that you have no comment not even slightest on the content of my comment. I provided links that show what a psycho Zimmerman is, and I observe what nobody can deny, which is that if Zimmerman had stayed in his car as instructed, there would have been no killing that night.

Call it Crazy says

the witness’s account of the unarmed Brown charging Wilson--even after he had been shot in the hand during a struggle at the cop’s patrol car--supports the officer’s contention that he fired a series of shots as Brown bore down on him.

Good thing there just happened to be a witness there helping to justify SHOOTING HIM 6 TIMES !! Including twice in the head.

So this person "Josie" who is a family friend of wilson's is what his being let off the hook is based on ?

It's a yes or no question.

105   Strategist   2014 Nov 24, 1:58pm  

bgamall4 says

Strategist says

while those who try and protect you are the bad guys.

They can be. Hopefully you won't get one who doesn't like you. I was in a store one time when a cop came in and threatened to arrest the clerk and he was just "having fun".

Just give him a couple of donuts and he will be on his way.

106   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2014 Nov 24, 2:13pm  

bgamall4 says

dodgerfanjohn says

WTH would a jury of his peers be judging him on?!??

They would listen to the witnesses who said he charged the deputy and others who said he didn't and decide who was lying on the stand. That is what trials are for.

That happens never. You are very ignorant of criminal law in the US as is Marcus.

Under your standard I could walk into a police station with a black eye, say that bg mall punched me, and we'd go straight to trial.

107   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2014 Nov 24, 2:35pm  

bgamall4 says

dodgerfanjohn says

That happens never. You are very ignorant of criminal law in the US as is Marcus.

Under your standard I could walk into a police station with a black eye, say that bg mall punched me, and we'd go straight to trial.

Read the timeline above from CNN. You can't say Wilson was in the right. I don't personally believe he was considering the timeline.

CNN doesn't have all the facts, not by a long shot. The Grand Jury did.

108   marcus   2014 Nov 24, 2:43pm  

Just how bad would it have to be for CIC or dogerfan to think that just maybe it was excessive force and maybe just a little bit unnecessary.

That is 6 shots including two in the head.

109   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2014 Nov 24, 3:02pm  

marcus says

Just how bad would it have to be for CIC or dogerfan to think that just maybe it was excessive force and maybe just a little bit unnecessary.

That is 6 shots including two in the head.

Now you are just flat out lying. Your interpretation of events omits relevant facts.

Again I ask Marcus, why do you hate facts and evidence?

I assume it's due to your racist bias.

110   bob2356   2014 Nov 24, 3:17pm  

bgamall4 says

And as far as the Michael Brown case is concerned, there is enough evidence here to indict: http://www.cnn.com/interactive/2014/08/us/ferguson-brown-timeline/

Conspiracies 24/7 has rotted your brain. The CNN article is crap and neither time line makes any sense. How does someone sitting in a car reach up and grab someone 6'4 by the neck? Why would someone walk away after being shot? It is such garbage that even you shouldn't bother with it.

The only thing to come out of this whole mess is the fact that the training at SLPD (and far too many other pd's) is criminally incompetent. Too bad no one is pointing it out. No competent well trained cop would have ever been in that position.

111   carrieon   2014 Nov 24, 6:50pm  

The Community is hopeless when it's too dumb to understand that a grand jury consists of their own people to represent them and to override the justice system. Last night's reaction to the verdict is proof they still don't have a clue.

112   anonymous   2014 Nov 24, 7:53pm  

I root for the anti American, Police state apologists to meet their comeuppance

113   CL   2014 Nov 24, 9:21pm  

This was predictable and is observable here. There is a bias against blacks in America, which results in them getting killed and in the public not giving a shit.

Second, is bias in favor of police. People assign all kinds of qualities---manliness, heroism, archetypal qualities-- to cops.

The de facto policy is that cops can kill blacks and nearly always get away with it.

What I don't get is why conservatives so willingly fall in love with the police, who are simply Gendarmes for the State, to be used to further the goals of the State.

I suspect they have daddy issues, but that's for a later discussion.

114   anonymous   2014 Nov 24, 10:23pm  

Right wingers are just as much statists as the left

They are very loyal to the state. Just most whites are inherently racist against blacks

115   spydah_hh   2014 Nov 24, 10:38pm  

bgamall4 says

dodgerfanjohn says

Now you are just flat out lying. Your interpretation of events omits relevant facts.

Again I ask Marcus, why do you hate facts and evidence?

I assume it's due to your racist bias.

Why did the officer use inflammatory language right at the beginning to tell those boys to get off the road? It wasn't necessary and it started the ball rolling. It could have been avoided entirely.

Okay so it's official.. When some people or perhaps even many people have childhood trauma or even a bad childhood, their brains don't develop properly and what you get is ignorance and IQs that are probably below 90 which allows them to believe in false stories.

That's the only way I can explain this. Anyone else want to give it a shot?

116   Y   2014 Nov 24, 10:41pm  

SBH...it's a step up.

curious2 says

Quigley says

Dollar Tree, etc are being looted.

Who in the world loots a Dollar Tree?

117   Y   2014 Nov 24, 10:43pm  

How long you been with Prime??

bgamall4 says

I was in a store one time

118   Y   2014 Nov 24, 10:48pm  

It's not that they are dumb.
It's not that they don't have a clue.
They riot for the sake of rioting.
They loot for the sake of looting.
All they need is a semblance of a reason.

carrieon says

The Community is hopeless when it's too dumb to understand that a grand jury consists of their own people to represent them and to override the justice system. Last night's reaction to the verdict is proof they still don't have a clue.

119   Y   2014 Nov 24, 10:51pm  

For you, sitting high in your vegas ivory tower, it appears to be inflammatory language.

Ghetto language is not inflammatory when used in the ghetto.
It is just a local dialect to the inhabitants.

bgamall4 says

Why did the officer use inflammatory language right at the beginning to tell those boys to get off the road?

120   Y   2014 Nov 24, 10:53pm  

This is the best description of the DNC I've ever read...

spydah_hh says

When some people or perhaps even many people have childhood trauma or even a bad childhood, their brains don't develop properly and what you get is ignorance and IQs that are probably below 90 which allows them to believe in false stories.

121   zzyzzx   2014 Nov 24, 11:03pm  

Strategist says

If you had an iPhone you would have got the memo.

Or an Obamaphone!

122   Strategist   2014 Nov 24, 11:22pm  

bgamall4 says

dodgerfanjohn says

Now you are just flat out lying. Your interpretation of events omits relevant facts.

Again I ask Marcus, why do you hate facts and evidence?

I assume it's due to your racist bias.

Why did the officer use inflammatory language right at the beginning to tell those boys to get off the road? It wasn't necessary and it started the ball rolling. It could have been avoided entirely.

What? It's the only language teenagers in high crime neighborhoods understand.

123   Strategist   2014 Nov 24, 11:24pm  

zzyzzx says

Strategist says

If you had an iPhone you would have got the memo.

Or an Obamaphone!

Yeah, everyone in Ferguson has an Obamaphone, and got the message.

124   indigenous   2014 Nov 24, 11:48pm  

It is group think, it is the same with any riot. People in a group are not rational.

Same thing happened in LA in 92. You had a few gang members who got the riot going and the rest joined in.

Hell they did the same thing when the Lakers won.

It will last the same amount of time about 3 days.

125   Strategist   2014 Nov 24, 11:52pm  

indigenous says

It is group think, it is the same with any riot. People in a group are not rational.

Same thing happened in LA in 92. You had a few gang members who got the riot going and the rest joined in.

Hell they did the same thing when the Lakers won.

It will last the same amount of time about 3 days.

The real irrational act is the police just standing by watching the rioters destroy everything in sight.

126   indigenous   2014 Nov 25, 12:00am  

Strategist says

The real irrational act is the police just standing by watching the rioters destroy everything in sight.

That part is not group think, that is a cop doing a quick tally then deciding he is out numbered. Maybe if he has a Custer mentality or an M35 it would be different.

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