Good riddance asshole.

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2014 Nov 2, 11:00pm   50,322 views  102 comments

by Tenpoundbass   ➕follow (8)   💰tip   ignore  

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4   Bigsby   2014 Nov 2, 11:34pm  

There's something seriously wrong with you. What exactly is running through your head when you decide to post a title like that? Have a bit of fucking compassion.

5   Tenpoundbass   2014 Nov 2, 11:35pm  

Did she want me to play her the fiddle?

Dignified my ass, she had her god given right just like everyone else before her, to off her self anytime and anyway she saw fit. She didn't need to further clutter up our legal system with her Liberal mental disorder bullshit.

Surely she doesn't think that the Liberal courts are GOD? She killed her self but she's still going to Hell, where she will burn an eternal damnation. She didn't didn't need to make a political dog and pony show out of it. Nobody goes to jail if she commits suicide, it was totally pointless what she played out in the media.

She's not the only person in the world to kill her self or want to kill her self. No body should never want a government that regulates suicide let alone condones it. All suicide cases should be considered a Homicide, even if it is suicide. Or you'll end up with a situation where dishonest people will make your homicide look a legal suicide. Talk about your perfect, perfect crimes.

It will be a great way to silence opposition as well. Don't like someone's message, lock them up on a bogus charge, while they are locked up. Claim they got an inoperable cancer and decided to off them selves. Please respect their privacy and wishes.

There's nothing positive about this story.

6   Strategist   2014 Nov 2, 11:49pm  

APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostikovitch says

Captain knows everything!

He installed a carpet once!

And stayed at a Holiday Inn once.

7   Strategist   2014 Nov 2, 11:52pm  

CaptainShuddup says

Good riddance asshole.

Captain, this is the most disgusting thread of 2014. It's sickening beyond belief. If anyone needs help, it's you.

8   Tenpoundbass   2014 Nov 2, 11:59pm  

Strategist says

Captain, this is the most disgusting thread of 2014. It's sickening beyond belief. If anyone needs help, it's you.

Well that's your opinion and right to think so, you certainly don't need an act of an inept congress to have it.

9   Strategist   2014 Nov 3, 12:00am  

bgamall4 says

CaptainShuddup says

Dignified my ass, she had her god given right just like everyone else before her, to off her self anytime and anyway she saw fit. She didn't need to further clutter up our legal system with her Liberal mental disorder bullshit

Look on the bright side Captain, most of the people who suffer to the end of life go to hell anyway.

If you mean it you need help too. Lots of help.

10   Tenpoundbass   2014 Nov 3, 12:32am  

Liberal 101

11   Bigsby   2014 Nov 3, 12:56am  

CaptainShuddup says

Liberal 101


Says the person who thought it a good idea to post a thread with the title 'Good riddance asshole' because a young woman decided it was preferable to end her life on her own terms rather than suffer a terrible death.

12   Shaman   2014 Nov 3, 1:10am  

The cap'n has gone completely off his meds this time. I hear the Westboro Baptist Church is looking for a new lead pastor. Cap'n could protest those military funerals like nobody's biz!

13   HEY YOU   2014 Nov 3, 1:11am  

CaptainShuddup says

There has been nothing dignified about this whole story.

And am sure as sure, that a lot of it was Depression. But of course the Liberal groups that clamored and supported her, wanted a good freak show. SO they never stopped to make her last years bearable. Just screamed out to her, "Yeah! Do IT! DO IT! Take the red PILL!"

They're as sick as she was. Earlier last week she was just talking about how she felt great, and just wanted the option to be there when was ready. Like bipolar and depression works one day you're up and next you're down. I guess last night she was down.

Rest in peace, I'm sorry nobody cared enough to help you with your chronic depression.

Excellent trolling!

14   NDrLoR   2014 Nov 3, 1:20am  

CaptainShuddup says

She killed her self but she's still going to Hell, where she will burn an eternal damnation.

Sad but true. This is what happens when God, the giver and taker of life, is left out of the equation. And not just she, but all who reject Christ. I remember after my cousin Doris (1922-2006) died, we were talking about some of her "Doris-isms" and her granddaughter told about when she introduced one of her Jewish college friends to her and she later said "she seemed like a nice girl, it's a shame she's going to hell."

15   Tenpoundbass   2014 Nov 3, 1:36am  

My point wasn't pass judgement on her to say that I think she's going to hell or not. I'm just saying for some reason she sought out the Liberal's court opinion about legal assisted suicide, but she obviously doesn't care about the churches stance on it. She certainly wouldn't have been the first Cancer patient to intentionally take her whole bottle of pain meds.

I didn't think she would do it, or at lest not so soon. I didn't post about the news last week on her, because I didn't want to fuel a situation where the thread sounded like it was egging her on.

We spend so much time trying to breakdown what makes people like Robin Williams or even loved ones close to us, who take their own lives. We try to work out what would make them want to do something like that. We even think about courageous cancer fighters and even others that are stricken with horrible diseases. They are supposed to be an inspiration to us all that we use to judge Robin Williams and Curt Cobain. We certainly would understand if they just killed them selves. It wouldn't be as disturbing as when seemingly otherwise healthy people do it. Or even people who do get sick, and there's so much good that they could try to do. They need to stay positive to help them fight their ailment.
Our health system is getting darker and more uncertain, we need stories about cancer advances. Stories about political action committees backing up cheaper caner treatment and great access to it. Just maybe these cancer patients wouldn't be so hopeless and want to kill them selves. Even though they are still healthy enough to make the call.

Though I feel the world is a shitier place because of her death, Hari Cary is never feel good story sorry.

16   Strategist   2014 Nov 3, 1:42am  

CaptainShuddup says

My point wasn't pass judgement on her to say that I think she's going to hell or not. I'm just saying for some reason she sought out the Liberal's court opinion about legal assisted suicide, but she obviously doesn't care about the churches stance on it.

Captain, you are a fanatic in your own right. If you were born in Iraq and raised a Muslim, you would be the one taking off the heads of infidels and posting it on youtube.

17   Tenpoundbass   2014 Nov 3, 1:44am  

Why because I'm prolife and anti public executions?

18   Strategist   2014 Nov 3, 1:53am  

CaptainShuddup says

Why because I'm prolife and anti public executions?

No, because you are susceptible to extremist thinking. I think it's genetic. If you were born and raised in Taliban Afghanistan, you would have been an extremist with their values and beliefs. If it was Iran, you would be stoning women to death, while calling out for "death to America"

19   Tenpoundbass   2014 Nov 3, 2:02am  

Strategist says

extremist thinking

Strategist says

raised in Taliban Afghanistan

Strategist says

you would have been an extremist

Strategist says

stoning women to death

Strategist says

"death to America"

So you guys do care about that stuff? But only when you can call people you don't agree with, then you'll say stupid shit like that, like I'm supposed to be what? Like "Oh no he ditunt!".
You're just as hurt and outraged by my opinion on this whole episode, as I was that it even played out in the media.
I'm not calling you the Taliban, you're the one cheering the death of a woman.
I'm at least saddened by it.

20   Strategist   2014 Nov 3, 2:12am  

CaptainShuddup says

So you guys do care about that stuff? But only when you can call people you don't agree with, then you'll say stupid shit like that, like I'm supposed to be what? Like "Oh no he ditunt!".

You're just as hurt and outraged by my opinion on this whole episode, as I was that it even played out in the media.

I'm not calling you the Taliban, you're the one cheering the death of a woman.

I'm at least saddened by it.

How are you saddened when your subject heading says "Good riddance asshole"
We are not cheering her death, we are cheering the end of her suffering. If I was terminally ill, and in tremendous pain I would want to pull the plug too. I could care less what the church that knows nothing about anything thinks.

21   HydroCabron   2014 Nov 3, 2:19am  

CaptainShuddup says

Our health system is getting darker and more uncertain, we need stories about cancer advances. Stories about political action committees backing up cheaper caner treatment and great access to it.

Yes: Obamacare killed her. But didn't Keynesians play a role here?

Do you have the faintest idea what a political action committee is? They sure don't concern themselves with "caner" treatment.

CaptainShuddup says

My point wasn't pass judgement on her to say that I think she's going to hell or not.

You explicitly passed judgment on her and said she's going to hell.

22   Tenpoundbass   2014 Nov 3, 2:22am  

Strategist says

How are you saddened when your subject heading says "Good riddance asshole"

We are not cheering her death, we are cheering the end of her suffering. If I was terminally ill, and in tremendous pain I would want to pull the plug too. I could care less what the church that knows nothing about anything thinks.

Then pull it, that's not my problem. There should never be LEGAL plug pulling.

Do me a favor will ya, if I'm ever in a coma or chronically stricken just leave me in the corner hooked up to my shit, and leave me the fuck alone. We don't need cases like this creating situations where death panels are real.

Sorry Mr. Jarvis, says here you got three months to live, please follow me to the firing squad.

23   Strategist   2014 Nov 3, 2:26am  

CaptainShuddup says

Strategist says

How are you saddened when your subject heading says "Good riddance asshole"

We are not cheering her death, we are cheering the end of her suffering. If I was terminally ill, and in tremendous pain I would want to pull the plug too. I could care less what the church that knows nothing about anything thinks.

Then pull it, that's my problem. There should never be LEGAL plug pulling.

Do me a favor will ya, if I'm ever in a coma or chronically stricken just leave me in the corner hooked up to my shit, and leave me the fuck alone. We don't need cases like this creating situations where death panels are real.

Sorry Mr. Jarvis, says here you got three months to live, please follow me to the firing squad.

What? And pay $100,000 a day for you to just lie there in intensive care? Ok, if that is your wish, but I might accidentally trip on the cord and pull the plug. OOPS.

24   Tenpoundbass   2014 Nov 3, 2:32am  

Strategist says

What? And pay $100,000 a day for you to just lie there in intensive care?

That's why people want to die!

That is the real tragedy of this story not that she killed her self, that you guys cheered as she did, or that I got my knickers in a twist over it.
We had healthcare reform, nobody dies today!

Oh wait no we didn't we have Obamacare that doctors run from, that's why the government bought bullets. Obamacare doctors will prescribe them.

I'll be goddamned if we'll worry about $100,000 a day treatment. That's just trivial and besides our 401Ks depend on it. Next year it will be $200,000 a day, and insurance premiums will be double.

25   dublin hillz   2014 Nov 3, 2:35am  

brain cancer is obviously one of the most horrific cancers out there and is a death sentence regardless of which healthcare systems exist.

26   Bigsby   2014 Nov 3, 2:53am  

CaptainShuddup says

Then pull it, that's not my problem. There should never be LEGAL plug pulling.

And what about the freedom for someone to choose for themselves how their life ends?

27   Strategist   2014 Nov 3, 2:58am  

Bigsby says

CaptainShuddup says

Then pull it, that's not my problem. There should never be LEGAL plug pulling.

And what about the freedom for someone to choose for themselves how their life ends?

The Church has final say on that. Sorry.

28   Tenpoundbass   2014 Nov 3, 3:05am  

Bigsby says

CaptainShuddup says

Then pull it, that's not my problem. There should never be LEGAL plug pulling.

And what about the freedom for someone to choose for themselves how their life ends?

They have that freedom now, that is their personal freedom. Any assistance should be considered murder no matter how well intentioned.

Though if they didn't make a public spectacle out of the episode, then who's to claim it was other than suicide.

I certainly don't want to see a situation where these people post their right to suicide stories and we're supposed to follow them like we're watching a moma elephant pull a baby elephant out of the dirt video on Youtube.

There's no honor in that, just handle your business if you're ready to cash out.
It shouldn't be social media drama, reported on the news like it's someone's third tit.

29   Rew   2014 Nov 3, 3:07am  

Cap'n, you have the right to your own opinions, but this is about one of the ugliest ways you could express it. Wow.

I believe, in almost all cases, that anytime the state is taking a decision from a person, one that does no direct harm to another, the state is wrong. As to religious beliefs about suicide versus euthanasia, it's a good thing we have separation of church and state.

There is nothing like this song, to take you down to the dark dark places of human suffering, and how one could wish death for themselves ...


Do you really want to keep Johnny alive? Why?

For your sake Cap'n, I truly hope you don't have to 'live' (if you can call it that), via the preservation of machines. Even if you had some lower brain function, etc., it's not going to really be life. Couldn't you also argue that God wants to take you, and that people and your own selfish desire to cling to a life in the world that doesn't matter, is getting in the way of his true designs?

I'm happy Brittany got to complete her bucket list, and died on her terms, instead of the diseases. Tragic that someone in the prime of their life should have to go so soon. If God cannot forgive her, if it really is a great transgression, then I don't think God is as loving as I would wish. Bring on the eternal damnation for me, I suppose. ;) As a living being, you made me seek to avoid pain, and seek out the best for me and those around me. Just at what game are you playing, if I have to take on faith, that extending my life beyond reasonable use to myself or anyone, is your true desire?

30   HydroCabron   2014 Nov 3, 3:08am  

I was going to call this the "Conservative Thread of the Year," but what Captain Howdy has said here would sicken the top 90% of conservatives.

31   Tenpoundbass   2014 Nov 3, 3:09am  

Let me make my self clear.

You all have the right to die, or kill your self.

You don't have the right to ask me to bake a cake and watch.

32   Bigsby   2014 Nov 3, 3:14am  

CaptainShuddup says

Let me make my self clear.

You all have the right to die, or kill your self.

You don't have the right to ask me to bake a cake and watch.

Nobody is asking you to. You are the one making that choice and hopelessly contradicting yourself in the process.

33   Tenpoundbass   2014 Nov 3, 3:15am  

How so?

34   Bigsby   2014 Nov 3, 3:19am  

CaptainShuddup says

They have that freedom now, that is their personal freedom. Any assistance should be considered murder no matter how well intentioned.

Though if they didn't make a public spectacle out of the episode, then who's to claim it was other than suicide.

I certainly don't want to see a situation where these people post their right to suicide stories and we're supposed to follow them like we're watching a moma elephant pull a baby elephant out of the dirt video on Youtube.

There's no honor in that, just handle your business if you're ready to cash out.

I see. So it's wrong to be able to get a few pills from your doctor but feel free to slash your own wrists in the bathtub or jump off the nearest bridge. Is that about right?

35   Bigsby   2014 Nov 3, 3:23am  

CaptainShuddup says

How so?

You're making a song and dance about it, so you have chosen to follow it. Nobody put a gun to your head, did they? And you've been constantly banging on about people's freedoms, but are outraged at the possibility that the government can make it legal for someone to choose to end their own life with a few pills that they willingly seek out from their local doctor. Such an outrage! Such an infringement of err, umm...

36   Rew   2014 Nov 3, 3:28am  

CaptainShuddup says

Let me make my self clear.

You all have the right to die, or kill your self.

You don't have the right to ask me to bake a cake and watch.

What if I can no longer kill myself, yet you/the state, is keeping me alive? Now what?

Also, you are going to tell me that if one of your family members was going to suffer and die a long slow death, you wouldn't want to find them the most humane way to go possible? I think you would. I bet enough suffering could get you to move to a state that would allow physician assisted suicide too.

37   bob2356   2014 Nov 3, 3:36am  

CaptainShuddup says

How so?

Because it was her choice, absolutely none of your business. Who gave you the right to pass judgement? Ignorant and proud of it isn't an excuse.

38   Tenpoundbass   2014 Nov 3, 3:37am  

Bigsby says

I see. So it's wrong to be able to get a few pills from your doctor but feel free to slash your own wrists in the bathtub or jump off the nearest bridge. Is that about right?

The doctor gives everybody pills that will kill you for every ailment known to man.
Do we need a "Special" pill?

39   Bigsby   2014 Nov 3, 3:45am  

CaptainShuddup says

The doctor gives everybody pills that will kill you for ailment ailment known to man.

Do we need a "Special" pill?

What are you blathering on about now? Do you roll around in the mud and scream to the sky when you get sick?

40   HydroCabron   2014 Nov 3, 4:20am  

CaptainShuddup says

Let me make my self clear.

You all have the right to die, or kill your self.

You don't have the right to ask me to bake a cake and watch.

Why don't you call in a crew with some post-hole diggers and a hoist, for help in moving those goalposts?

41   lostand confused   2014 Nov 3, 4:28am  

I am still trying to understand what the Captain is trying to say??

42   turtledove   2014 Nov 3, 4:56am  

Here's the problem I have with this.... It's the idea that suicide is a death of dignity. Well, what about people who fight a disease with every ounce of will they have? Is their death "undignified," somehow?

I knew a guy who in his late thirties was diagnosed with some hideous form of bile duct cancer and given six months to live. He was a warrior who managed to survive for four more years. His death was a foregone conclusion, but he had three little kids (two were babies at the time of his diagnosis), and he desperately wanted some time with them. He suffered through some terrible treatments and hoped for a miracle. He couldn't be cured, but his kids got a chance for a few brief years with their dad... A chance they wouldn't have had if he hadn't fought.

To each her own, but here's what I do know... 1) Miracles sometimes happen; 2) You never know what tomorrow might bring. If you haven't the will and you haven't the hope then you will never know what's possible. JMHO.

43   Tenpoundbass   2014 Nov 3, 5:11am  

turtledove says

Here's the problem I have with this.... It's the idea that suicide is a death of dignity. Well, what about people who fight a disease with every ounce of will they have? Is their death "undignified," somehow?

Somebody gets it. You guys are just taking some of things I said to support my stance and are taking it out of context or just making my whole statement about that. This is wrong on so many levels no one single thing is my argument nor what I am trying to say. Other than the media and social media trivializing a suicide.

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