Platform Planks I'd Like To Hear

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2015 Aug 31, 1:17pm   4,582 views  10 comments

by John Bailo   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

Wow, we sure have a lot of reformers running for President...Sanders, Paul, Trump...all crowing about the need to change, or make America great again.

Problem is...just exactly what are these gasbags doing to do? I'm all ears, but I just don't hear anything.

Thus I now present the Platform Planks I'd Like To Hear

(1) Increase funding for FBI, SEC by a factor of 10. Give them superpowers to go after and prosecute all the financial crooks of the last 35 years. Give them the power to retake, reclaim and restore the wealth of the Middle Class -- its money, its land, its jobs -- which were stolen.

(2) Increase funding for Homeland Security and INS. Treat all border incursions done with out sanction as an enemy incursion on the territory of the United States. Treat those who violate our sovereignty as enemy combatants, and agents of their country of citizenship. Make appropriate military moves for any nation who willing allows a significant number of these combatants to violate our borders.

(3) Reduce all income taxes on wages to a flat 15%. Increase the NIIT on passive income to 6%. Implement a progressive property tax that is very low for people using an average amount of land for residential use, and tax the rest on an exponential scale.

(4) Refocus all military on protection of the US withing 500 miles of our borders. Charge all nations that request our help a very high fee.

(5) Double the number of highways and lanes in the 30 metro areas of the US.

(6) Double the amount of land used for residential purposes by taking land from preserves and returning it to human use.

(7) Evaluate the Big-Ag policy and create more small farms linked together using computers and social media.

(8) Increase the number of people who have voting rights over the money supply to 100, with two being elected from each state every 4 years. Make all meetings live streamed and all documents public. Any attempt to hide decision making from The People would be treated as an Act of Treason.

(9) Make a massive investment in the natural gas industry to convert our poisonous use of gasoline into a clean Hydrogen Economy before 2030.

(10) Create a stipend system for those who attain degrees from accredited colleges. Any degree which can be obtained must come with payment starting with a GS Grade 1 annual salary for a bachelors degree.


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1   Tenpoundbass   2015 Aug 31, 2:49pm  

John Bailo says

(9) Make a massive investment in the natural gas industry to convert our poisonous use of gasoline into a clean Hydrogen Economy before 2030.

What do we do with the gasoline?
Mankind has 1,000,001 uses for Crude Oil, while we could do away with most uses for many of them.
We can't do away with the need to extract more oil and refine it. We can't get one thing out of crude oil without producing a crap-load of other things.
Do we store the gasoline, burn it off, put it on a space shuttle and send it to mars, dump it in the ocean what?

Gasoline accounts for less than one half of the products made from a barrel of crude in the United States. Roughly another third goes to making the diesel and jet fuels that power commercial transportation and personal travel.

So what about the rest of the barrel?

Oil is an important source of raw materials for making plastics and other chemical products. When crude is refined, two of the products that result from additional chemical processing are ethylene and propylene; these petrochemicals are the building blocks of modern plastics.

Lightweight and versatile, plastics have become ubiquitous in the home (appliances, toys, flooring), in the workplace (computers, desks, carpeting) and on the road (plastics make up about 50 percent of the volume of cars, although they account for only about 10 percent of the weight, according to the American Chemistry Council).

Crude oil is also the source for aromatic fluids, which are raw materials used in a wide variety of products – everything from dyes and synthetic detergents to the polyurethanes used in athletic shoes and furniture to the polyesters used in fabrics and beverage containers.

It would be difficult to overstate the role that petrochemicals have played in achieving the quality of life we enjoy today. Modern healthcare would be impossible without medical products made from petrochemicals – such as disposable syringes, catheters and blood bags, as well as artificial joints used in hip and knee replacements. Even common hand sanitizers are 65 percent petrochemicals.

Cell phones and smart phones wouldn’t exist without components made from oil. These modern electronics contain plastics derived from petrochemicals.

As the National Academy of Engineering once put it, “The products from petrochemicals have played as great a role in shaping the modern world as gasoline and fuel oils have in powering it.”


and don't say we will make plastics out of plants we don't have enough farmland for cows, soy, feed, produce, ethanol and plastics. Brazil just isn't big enough, and all of the available forest has already been cleared.

2   Tenpoundbass   2015 Aug 31, 3:12pm  

In a world without gasoline cars, people power buildings with generators using cheap Gasoline.

3   Tenpoundbass   2015 Aug 31, 4:11pm  

gasoline will be cheaper especially when the gasoline loby will go and argue that all of the legacy DOT taxes levied on gasonline should be repealed.

Gasoline will be under 50 cents a gallon. It will be Ironic but with all of the petty ass whining and politicizing gasoline out of the way.
People might start inventing new creative low energy motors to use in thousands of applications.
Like using Cox model plane engines that have been modified or a completly new design that virutally noise free and so efficient at burning the fuel, they emmit virtually no emmisions at all, to power drones and quadracopters intead of batteries. That would be good scenario a bad scenario is the Oil companies find ways to sneak petrol into more food and more solvents come on the market that either may or may not be carcenigent, and may or may not have been given the all clear at first. But after a few cancer clusters they'll say otherwise.

We can live in the same world without gasoline powered cars, but we can't live in a world without producing millions of gallons of gasoline every single day at the refineries.
It would cut production of everything else about our civilization. If we just stopped drilling Oil and stopped refining Oil.

4   HydroCabron   2015 Aug 31, 4:21pm  

Mr Happygoluckofus says

gasonline ... completly ... virutally ... emmit ... emmisions ... intead ...Oil ... carcenigent ... Oil ... Oil

5   Tenpoundbass   2015 Aug 31, 4:24pm  

and what ever in the hell else you want to throw in there.
I'll take my typo riddled honesty over your Liberal tripe any day.

I bet you chicken peck the keyboard with just one finger don't you?

6   HydroCabron   2015 Aug 31, 4:38pm  

Mr Happygoluckofus says

I bet you chicken peck the keyboard with just one finger don't you?

Nah - 105 wpm, Dvorak layout.

Hunt and peck typists still do better than people who type by pounding each fist on the keyboard, screaming "Trump! Trump Trump! Breitbaaaart! Breit-baaaaart! Mommeeee! Trump!" over and over.

7   Tenpoundbass   2015 Aug 31, 4:45pm  

Don't be silly.

I type with my face

8   Strategist   2015 Aug 31, 7:28pm  

John Bailo says

Platform Planks I'd Like To Hear

I have a better list:
1. Tax gasoline so it retails for $8.00 per gallon. $10.00 in California.
2. Flat tax based on Forbes plan. Zero tax for those making less than $50K per year.
3. Free education for all. All the way to PhD.
4. Free healthcare for all.
5. No welfare for able bodied people.
6. Zero tolerance for terrorism. Execute immediately.
7. Maximum time in prison for death row inmates...2 years. Start executing.
8. Make other countries pay for their defense. Includes Japan and Germany.
9. Saudi Arabia to pay for all terrorism and terrorism related costs.
10. Automatic green cards to all humans with high IQ's.

9   Strategist   2015 Aug 31, 7:30pm  

11. Deport Dan.

10   Strategist   2015 Aug 31, 7:52pm  

Ironman says

Strategist says

11. Deport Dan.

to China

What do you think, Dan? A free ticket to Beijing.
Hey, you can apply for an H1B visa. :)

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