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The US is now complicit in a mass murder of civilians going on now,
Bullshit. That's like saying gun manufacturers are guilty when someone goes on a mass shooting spree.
At least he posted the rant in the correct thread for a change.
If gun manufacturers were pointing a gun to citizen's heads and demanding money, then using the funds to make guns, then giving the guns to sociopathic criminals to do whatever they wanted, THEN it would be the same.
Dude, I write this shit, and I get silence. Not "yoiu're wrong", I'm fucking right.
richwicks says
If gun manufacturers were pointing a gun to citizen's heads and demanding money, then using the funds to make guns, then giving the guns to sociopathic criminals to do whatever they wanted, THEN it would be the same.
No, it isn't. Because the gun manufacturer doesn't pull the trigger.
Pay attention.
Misc says
At least he posted the rant in the correct thread for a change.
Dude, I write this shit, and I get silence. Not "yoiu're wrong", I'm fucking right.
I'm tired of people being oblivious and silent.
I can't take it anymore living among this things calling themselves people that will support the worst atrociousness, and not even give it two thoughts.
Just remember, "Day h8 us 4 R Freedumb". That's all the explanation that was needed, and it's twooo, because the prezdident said it. No need to think about it any longer. Fucking subhuman tools.
they are not in any way responsible for who is pulling the trigger, or that they pulled the trigger. This is your viewpoint? Is that correct?
Let's see in another of the rants, you wanted to know how you were suffering from Russian propaganda. I will ask a multiple choice question. For the audio clips you have of Nuland talking to that other Spook about who they wanted in charge of Ukraine and for the audio clip of the 2 diplomats talking about the happenings just after the massacre in Kiev; did they come into your possession:
A) From Army Lieutenant Colonel Alexander Vindman because he is an equal opportunity Whistleblower
B) Pure fucking magic
C) The calls were intercepted by the FSB (Russian Intelligence) and released across the web with evil connotations
D) Aliens
E) ( Fill in the Blank)
You see, I give you the chance to redeem yourself with the fill in the blank option. Everybody else on Patrick.Net can easily see the optimum answer.
Doesn't matter how they get their money. You seem to think that makes some sort of difference to the Guns Don't Kill People Argument. That's just a bitch rant non-related to the logic.
It matters because of the Evil connotations that were distributed with it. I
I read some Russian propaganda sites because most good propaganda has some truth behind it.
As far as Nuland talking to the other Spook, that is what they are paid to talk about.
What happened afterwards (the massacre) was unrelated to their conversation, but the FSB made it look otherwise.
For the conversation between the diplomats, they were speculating along with a million other people as far as what happened. They were doing so before any hard facts were established. The FSB made it seem that these people were discussing the facts.
It is all in the spin. The conversations did in fact take place.
I'm not going to waste my time arguing this point.
I'm not bitching about the weapons makers, I'm bitching about the people providing the weapons to the criminals.
You appear incapable of understanding that. I am no kidding at all when I'm starting to see a lot of people is malformed, semi-human beings, incapable of trivial logic and reasoning.
Should I blame the CIA for bringing in drugs into poor black neighborhoods, and making a black market for guns there? Yes, I do. You don't. It's just the asphalt monkey's fault. The CIA is blameless, isn't that your contention?
That when the 1200 people were murdered by hanggliding terrorists (who had to have some training elsewhere) on a sleepy morning
Or that the IRC is suddenly claiming they don't have responsibility to check on civilian hostages when the Geneva Conventions specifically ames them as being the organization with the responsibility to do that?
And Israelis are not criminals.
At the end of this, I predict there will be about 100,000 Palestinians dead. Israel is trying to drive them out into the Sinai and I'm not certain they will be successful. It will leave the entire region devastated.
richwicks says
At the end of this, I predict there will be about 100,000 Palestinians dead. Israel is trying to drive them out into the Sinai and I'm not certain they will be successful. It will leave the entire region devastated.
So? That's WAR.
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What would you say? You don't have to actually believe what you say, it just has to be provoctive.
"Barefoot and pregnant is the way I like 'em."
"Good lord you are FAT!"
"I have a lawnmower. His name is Jose."
"Speak English"