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Diversity works fine until liberals come in and start fixing it, then it all goes to shit.
I agree--as long as the blacks, Micks, Chinamen, Pollocks, etc. know their place, things run swell.
Oh boy another liberal race card used as an instant GOTO, what else is new.
Guess what? Just like the Irish and Italians whose descendants now live in the burbs, are considered White, could lead much less join the KKK, and vote Republican, so too will the Hispanics in 20 years.
I agree--as long as the blacks, Micks, Chinamen, Pollocks, etc. know their place, things run swell.
You forgot the krauts, wops, and catholics.
Don't forget the Honkees...old fuckers that they are...
I agree--as long as the blacks, Micks, Chinamen, Pollocks, etc. know their place, things run swell.
You forgot the krauts, wops, and catholics.
End illegal immigration, track people on visas and arrest them when they fail to report an address change or if they overstay their visa, and I'm pretty sure the problems mostly end.
I grew up on a street where I was the only white kid. Everyone else was asian(mostly Japanese descent) or Hispanic. Everyone got together every 4th for a block party. I grew up with the other kids and went to school with them. Race really wasn't ever an issue because everyone was simply American. Maybe I'm a simpleton, but I don't think that race has much to do with it, although culture does. So even though there was a mix of religions and ethnic backgrounds, everyone shared American culture.
Is that like Jackson Pollock? Oh, you mean POLACK
Pollock rhymes with bollock
We suspect that blacks and Latinos also report lower trust for other reasons, including continuing discrimination, victimization by the police and hostile political rhetoric.
And the most obvious one that was missed, which is black on black crime. That has little to do worn hostile political rhetoric or police victimization and is only indirectly related to discrimination at best.
Diversity is good if people want to become part of American culture.
There is no single American culture as made clear by the cowboy vs hippie culture war and many others. Nor need there be. The only cultural values that should be universal are Western, not American, values of liberty, democracy, equality under law, and transparency in government.
Why would someone care for their neighbor if they have nothing in common and have completely different goals.
Morality. It's your god who demands that you care about every single one of your neighbors as if they are your brother. That's kind of the entire point of Christianity from Genesis saying you are your brothers keeper to Jesus saying love your neighbor as yourself.
Once again the atheist has to school Christians on Jesus's teachings. So much for Christianity influencing people to be good.
Diversity works fine until liberals come in and start fixing it, then it all goes to shit.
Another vague accusation that Fort Wayne will not back up with a specific example.
End illegal immigration
Easy to do. Just make all immigration legal and take off quotas. What's that? You don't want to do that? Oh, so it's not illegal immigration that you oppose; it's actually immigration you oppose. That would be fine if you had the balls to be intellectually honest, but you don't.
The immigration issue isn't about not documenting immigrants. We live in the god damn information age. Every immigrant is documented by the NSA and Google merely by having a phone, email address, or bank account. It's nearly impossible today to not be documented in just about every freaking act you do including wacking off behind that tree. So immigration complaints have nothing to do with documenting immigrants or having them go through a process. Any process we want to impose can easily be done in minutes using computers rather than years unless the entire purpose of that process is to delay or decrease immigration. And if that's the case, let's be honest about it and actually discuss how much net immigration we want and what exactly is the criteria for immigrants we want. Anything less is bullshit.
I have no problem stating that I want immigrants to be intelligent, educated, and liberal. And yes, being liberal should be a requirement of immigrating to any western nation. Western civilization is founded on liberal principles and if a person disagrees with democracy, liberty, equality under law, etc. then they cannot be assimilated into our society. Hell, we should even require that people are not affiliated with any religion and fully accept science and reject all supernatural nonsense (superstitions). We need people who are intelligent, rational, and believe in liberty.
If you are not a native American get out of the U.S.
Take your diversity somewhere else.
I suppose Khan, a moderate Muslim, didn't do enough to speak out against extremists, or something.
In my best Trump voice: "These people, these people, they brought us zero ... zero, zip, nada ... literally. You can look it up."
In my best Trump voice: "These people, these people, they brought us zero ... zero, zip, nada ... literally. You can look it up."
"Zero and its operation are first defined by [Hindu astronomer and mathematician] Brahmagupta in 628," said Gobets. He developed a symbol for zero: a dot underneath numbers. "But he, too, does not claim to have invented zero, which presumably must have been around for some time," Gobets added.
Sociologists Maria Abascal, of Princeton University, and Delia Baldassari, of New York University, published a paper late last year which refutes Putnam’s conclusions. After reanalyzing the same dataset used by Putnam, Abascal and Baldassari asserted that when it comes to distrust and diversity, most of the distrust is expressed by Whites who feel uncomfortable living amongst racial minorities. In other words, greater distrust may stem from prejudice rather than from diversity per se. Therefore, Putnam’s conclusion that racial diversity leads to less altruism and cooperation amongst neighbors was incorrect. If there is a downside to diversity, it has less to do with the behavior of racial minorities and more to do with how Whites feel when living amongst non-Whites
Unsurprisingly, Asian and Hispanic migrants tend to be little different than European migrants in their ease of accommodation. Black Africans and Arabs are difficult to assimilate. Especially Black Muslims like Somalians and Eritreans.
Turns out some people think Putnam was wrong.Sociologists Maria Abascal, of Princeton University, and Delia Baldassari, of New York University, published a paper late last year which refutes Putnam’s conclusions. After reanalyzing the same dataset used by Putnam, Abascal and Baldassari asserted that when it comes to distrust and diversity, most of the distrust is expressed by Whites who feel uncomfortable living amongst racial minorities. In other words, greater distrust may stem from prejudice rather than from diversity per se. Therefore, Putnam’s conclusion that racial diversity leads to less altruism and cooperation amongst neighbors was incorrect. If there is a downside to diversity, it has less to do with the behavior of racial minorities and more to do with how Whites feel when living amongst non-Whites
No way. The graphs were painfully clear. Diversity was directly negatively correlated with all forms of civic engagement.
most of the distrust is expressed by Whites who feel uncomfortable living amongst racial minorities.
CBOEtrader saysThis smacks of flawed ideology rather than scientific rigor.
Yet they used the same data set.
Patrick's idea of diversity being inherently bad.
I do not agree with Patrick's idea that diversity is inherently bad
The US needs to radically decentralize along these lines it if is to avoid Civil War 2 down the road. The Reds and Blues can not see eye to eye on many common things that Americans used to, so the Feds should devolve health care, welfare and many other functions to the Sates or interstate compacts of the States.
The US needs to radically decentralize along these lines it if is to avoid Civil War 2 down the road. The Reds and Blues can not see eye to eye on many common things that Americans used to, so the Feds should devolve health care, welfare and many other functions to the Sates or interstate compacts of the States.
I would suspect this goes by party lines as well. Blue wants centralized control over everything, and Red wants state powers reaffirmed.
Blue wants centralized control over everything, and Red wants state powers reaffirmed.
But there needs to be a single main dominant culture (I did not say race) for a country to remain a country.
This smacks of flawed ideology rather than scientific rigor.
This is part of the SJW/Multi Cult: "All problems are from Whites" attitude
Since a Lord in Volyhina didn't want to spend money and troops to defend Silesian border from Prussians; A Danzig Merchant didn't want to pay to defend Lvov from Cossacks or Austrians.
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