Trump might win What country should I move to?

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2016 Sep 21, 1:07pm   24,628 views  91 comments

by truth will find you   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

I'm planning to have a child in the next year or two, and if Trump wins, I think there is a very real possibility that the USA is simply not a country to count on as a place to live. Now, I'm a citizen by birth, so my child will of course have US citizenship, no matter where he/she is born. Likewise, he/she will have Taiwanese citizenship, but then again, with possible/likely Chinese takeover, while a very nice place to live today, it might not last forever.

So, I'm thinking of driving to Canada before the birth, as Canada also gives birthright citizenship.

What other countries have birthright citizenship, and serve as a good hedge to the current two options that my child will have?


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1   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2016 Sep 21, 1:27pm  

Canadian anchor baby. I like it. Everybody goes north to lay their anchor. Would the kid get automatic USA citizenship too? Canada will also do better in a global warming situation too, unless we stop using gas/oil.

2   BayArea   2016 Sep 21, 1:30pm  

This sounds like a dream come true. If only 100% of liberals thought like you.

But when the time comes, you all never put your money where your mouth is...

3   HydroCabron   2016 Sep 21, 1:35pm  

I'm looking at Asia.

Thailand is probably a bad idea - King Bhumibol Adulyadej just celebrated his 70th year on the throne, and Thailand is more like three countries than one, with the king being the major unifying force. Seeing as his son's an asshole, civil war or really bad martial law seems likely when Bhumibol dies.

Pretty much bost of the other countries besides China and Burma are decent candidates.

4   Tenpoundbass   2016 Sep 21, 1:36pm  

One that wants to be screwed up.

5   forgotloginagain   2016 Sep 21, 1:56pm  

HydroCabron says

Thailand is more like three countries than one, with the king being the major unifying force. Seeing as his son's an asshole, civil war or really bad martial law seems likely when Bhumibol dies.

I speak some Thai, and might consider living there. They give permanent residency easily to anyone with good foreign income, so staying is not a problem. Very cheap to live, and thus I could continue piling up income while there.

Also, it is close to Taiwan to visit the family there, the food is fantastic, and in terms of rock climbing, hiking, beach vacations, incomparable. Private schools with reasonable English/Mandarin programs are available, so that is another plus.

BUT I don't see it as a place to buy a home, or call home forever. It could turn south for the reasons you've posted above.

So, I'd still like my child born somewhere that provides another option, if the US goes south, and China takes over Taiwan.

6   forgotloginagain   2016 Sep 21, 2:00pm  

YesYNot says

Canadian anchor baby. I like it. Everybody goes north to lay their anchor. Would the kid get automatic USA citizenship too? Canada will also do better in a global warming situation too, unless we stop using gas/oil.

I have to give credit to my Iranian friend. He moved his American wife to Vancouver for specifically that reason. It takes nothing away, but adds and option.

Yes, US citizenship is conferred by birth, if a parent is a US citizen. Thus, even if Obama was born in Kenya, it wouldn't mater, his mother is American. I was born on a US military base in Spain, my father was in the service.

Canada also has free college education, so ironically, we could live anywhere else all those years, then send the kid to Canada at 18 for college.

Spain is another possibility, but I haven't been there in 30 years.

7   forgotloginagain   2016 Sep 21, 2:01pm  

Ironman says

That kid will be really fucked up if it has to live with you.

Yep, that is about as much intelligence as anybody would expect you to contribute to a conversation.

8   forgotloginagain   2016 Sep 21, 2:07pm  

Ironman says

Actually, I was 150% truthful, and I really feel sorry for any kid you bring into the world.

I really feel sorry for your parents, what a disappointment watching there son turn into a bitter, bigoted loser full of hate must have been for them. Not to mention any kids raised by a loser like you...

9   Ceffer   2016 Sep 21, 2:19pm  

I know an American with a Dutch wife who lives in France. Kids have three passports and citizenship. French speaking also give an in to Eastern Canada/Quebec.

I have an acquaintance who said he would move if George Bush Jr. got elected. He did and he did. Took all of his money and moved to Germany, where he had an American daughter with a German husband teaching. He moved back after six months because he couldn't adapt to culture shock and language. That's in a relatively civilized European country.

10   forgotloginagain   2016 Sep 21, 2:25pm  

Ceffer says

He moved back after six months because he couldn't adapt to culture shock and language. That's in a relatively civilized European country.

I spent six months in Germany at age 14, and had a hell of a good time! to each their own I guess!
I also lived in Australia for a year, and had nothing but fun.
thailand another year, and though language/culture were challenging, I still loved the place

So, two separate questions:

Have the child in a country that has a future, and provides an option if the US really goes down the toilet.

Live for extended periods of time somewhere...

11   Ceffer   2016 Sep 21, 2:32pm  

Hey, if you have the options, you have nothing to lose by exercising them. It sounds like an easy, risk free plan with good upside.

12   curious2   2016 Sep 21, 3:30pm  

truth will find you says

Trump might win What country should I move to?

If you're seriously committed to signaling your partisan support for Islam, then move to a Muslim country. Just hope and pray your kids aren't daughters, or gay, or unbelievers, or falsely accused of stealing something, or whatever. The most miserable countries on earth have Muslim majorities, because of the dreadful consequences of that horrible religion.

Thailand has a growing Muslim problem, although you have probably not heard about the ongoing Islamic carnage.

Canada had really good prospects for a warming climate, but decided recently to join the Saudi-financed Christian martyrdom and throw itself on the Saudi sword. It's amazing how easily misled materialist westerners can be, throwing away the Enlightenment for a tiny fraction of Saudi oil revenues. The stupidity would be risible if not so tragic.

Hey, if you're really serious about "democratic" Islam, move to the Islamic "republic" of Pakistan. Just hope and pray your kids never say anything blasphemous (or laugh at a cartoon), because blasphemy is a capital offense there, as per Islam. Just ask the family of Asia Bibi. who are crying bitter tears, or the family of Osama bin Laden, who are laughing all the way to the bank.

13   truth will find you   2016 Sep 21, 3:33pm  

curious2 says

If you're seriously committed to signaling your partisan commitment to Islam, t

I'm a Buddhist. That is why I'm so careful and polite in my speech.

14   curious2   2016 Sep 21, 3:37pm  

I suppose if you expect reincarnation, you can prioritize politeness over survival. Defending Muslims and getting killed in the name of Islam might be part of your plan, and it's obviously part of the Islamic plan, but I hope you can understand even smart people think it's crazy and self-destructive to import the charlatan Mohammed's hateful fraud. Politely encouraging smokers to smoke is not a kind thing at all. It would be kinder to end smoking, and Islam.

15   truth will find you   2016 Sep 21, 3:44pm  

curious2 says

Defending Muslims and getting killed in the name of Islam might be part of your plan

I defend freedom of all religion. Ever hear of a country founded on that principle, you insufferable dumbfuck?

16   truth will find you   2016 Sep 21, 3:46pm  

I find that Enlightenment comes from saying simple truths:

All peace comes from within.

Fix yourself, before you fix the world.

Ironvagina is a fucking moronic bigot loser.

That kind of thing!

17   curious2   2016 Sep 21, 3:47pm  

truth will find you says

you insufferable [bleep]?

Put your family where your mouth is, and move to a Muslim country. The founders didn't have to contend with Muslim citizens. Having seen what the Koran says, President Jefferson launched the Barbary Wars, completed by his protégé President Madison. They ended centuries of Barbaric piracy, and made America great, and Europe came along for the ride. Islam commands believers to cut off your head, and the heads of your family; you support that "freedom", and want to pay for the privilege of importing it here, and then leave when things don't go your way; I don't.

18   truth will find you   2016 Sep 21, 3:58pm  

curious2 says

Put your family where your mouth is, and move to a Muslim country.

I'm not muslim.

I am an enlightened, pacifist, vegan Buddhist. I like to meditate, appreciate the beauty of nature, and call loser fucktards like you out online.

19   curious2   2016 Sep 21, 4:03pm  

truth will find you says

I'm not muslim.

Anyone can see I never called you Muslim, but you're obviously not polite. I begin to suspect your claims to being smart and prosperous are as phony as your claim to be "polite." If you spent half as much time reading what Islam says, as you spend defending it, then you would stop defending it. Seriously, read WikiIslam instead of embarrassing yourself here.

20   truth will find you   2016 Sep 21, 4:08pm  

curious2 says

If you spent half as much time reading what Islam says, as you spend defending it

ALL religions are utterly 100% horseshit. ALL.

Nevertheless, I support freedom of religion. FOR ALL. Which ironically, is one of the founding principles of the USA, that seems to go over your head.

I'm Buddhist because I like to visit temples, bang the bells, light some incense, that kind of thing.

21   RWSGFY   2016 Sep 21, 4:20pm  

truth will find you says

What other countries have birthright citizenship, and serve as a good hedge to the current two options that my child will have?

Islamic State of Iraq and Syria.
You're welcome.

22   OneTwo   2016 Sep 21, 4:22pm  

curious2 says

I suppose if you expect reincarnation, you can prioritize politeness over survival. Defending Muslims and getting killed in the name of Islam might be part of your plan, and it's obviously part of the Islamic plan, but I hope you can understand even smart people think it's crazy and self-destructive to import the charlatan Mohammed's hateful fraud. Politely encouraging smokers to smoke is not a kind thing at all. It would be kinder to end smoking, and Islam.

There are already 3.3m Muslims in the US. There are a lot of people getting very upset about trying to help an extra (heavily vetted) small percentage of that number to get back on their feet after having their lives devastated in no small part by the actions of the US over the last 15 years. It's not exactly opening the flood gates and is a mere fraction of what say Germany are doing. I guess they are the present day's demonized 'others.' People seem to be forgetting that the actions of a very small percentage are not the actions of all.

23   HEY YOU   2016 Sep 21, 4:24pm  

Don't move!
BOYCOTT all Rep/Con/Tea businesses,friends & family.
Been working for me for years.

24   Y   2016 Sep 21, 4:25pm  

This is a damning unbulleted list...

Ironman says

truth will find you says

you insufferable dumbfuck?

25   turtledove   2016 Sep 21, 4:27pm  

Malta was where a lot of the richer Irish had citizenship. It's one of the few places in the EU with low taxes, so it presents a good shield for them. They have an investment program to citizenship. So, you have to have money to do it... But I only ever heard good things from those who did do it.

26   curious2   2016 Sep 21, 4:31pm  

Rashomon says

help an extra (heavily vetted) small percentage of that number to get back on their feet

Don't pretend to compassion when your candidate supported the wars that are driving these people out of their homes and into NATO countries, on behalf of her corporate and Saudi sponsors. If you have any sense at all, you'll shift the conversation back to where she has an advantage, e.g. SCOTUS. Don't even mention Syria, Libya, Iraq, Yemen, nor even Serbia. You can't campaign for one of the most proific hitmen in the world, who laughed about what happened in Libya, and pretend to speak for compassion. And, seriously, read what Islam actually says. Most KKK members didn't personally lynch anyone, and most Nazis didn't personally murder anyone - though the 55,000 Muslims who joined the SS because of the similarity of their beliefs did probably murder quite a few. You don't persuade anyone when you show obvious ignorance of history and current events, e.g. the Orlando and San Bernardino murderers had passed repeated "heavy vetting," and the alleged NJ&NY bomber arrived as a refugee who got back on his feet, which were unfortunately here at the time. You produce only a backfire effect. If you had any decency, if you had any compassion, you would stop waging wars on behalf of Saudi Arabia.

Rashomon (aka tatupu), serious question: if you oppose the KKK and Nazis, how do you defend Islam? If someone tells you he was born into a family of KKKlansmen, burning crosses is part of their religion, do you say OK and offer him your lawn? If somebody walks around in KKK garb or Nazi regalia, how do you distinguish that from the hibijabis? If you read the beliefs and history of all three, you would see they have a lot in common, and Islam has killed more people than the other two combined.

27   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2016 Sep 21, 5:48pm  

truth will find you says

Likewise, he/she will have Taiwanese citizenship, but then again, with possible/likely Chinese takeover, while a very nice place to live today, it might not last forever.

Mail order bride? The ole "I wear size 14's" finally wear thin Ribas?

28   zzyzzx   2016 Sep 21, 5:51pm  

HydroCabron says

I'm looking at Asia.

North Korea will welcome you!

29   OneTwo   2016 Sep 21, 5:52pm  

curious2 says

Don't pretend to compassion when your candidate supported the wars that are driving these people out of their homes and into NATO countries, on behalf of her corporate and Saudi sponsors.

Irrelevant to the issue at hand or the issue of compassion. And most politicians at that time supported the war.

curious2 says

If you have any sense at all, you'll shift the conversation back to where she has an advantage, e.g. SCOTUS. Don't even mention Syria, Libya, Iraq, Yemen, nor even Serbia.

Yeah, and the saber rattling Trump would have done what exactly if he'd ever been a politician?

curious2 says

If you had any decency, if you had any compassion, you would stop waging wars on behalf of Saudi Arabia.

I think you've rather gone off the deep end.

curious2 says

Rashomon (aka tatupu)

Except I'm not.

curious2 says

if you oppose the KKK and Nazis, how do you defend Islam?

A moronically stupid question.

curious2 says

and Islam has killed more people than the other two combined.

So has Christianity. Your point?

30   HydroCabron   2016 Sep 21, 5:53pm  

zzyzzx is deplorable says

North Korea will welcome you!

No can do: Jong Un and FB are mutual admirers.

31   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Sep 21, 6:00pm  

Rashomon says

heavily vetted

So, DHS agents duck sniper fire and mortar rounds to interview their Syrian neighbors? If their Syrian neighbors haven't fled?

A questionaire with "Are you a Fundamentalist?" is not serious vetting.

Keep in mind 100,000s of "refugees", many of them not from Syria, have real, official passports on official Syrian paper stamed with Syrian Official Stamps. They just bribed the Human Smugglers, who in turn have a Passport Official make real-fake passports for them. Name is not theirs, religion not theirs, etc.

There are Eritreans and Berbers with Syrian Passports.

32   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Sep 21, 6:11pm  


How are Unions like the Kurds?

Politicians use 'em, abuse 'em, and then when no longer useful, lose 'em.

33   bob2356   2016 Sep 21, 6:27pm  

truth will find you says

What other countries have birthright citizenship, and serve as a good hedge to the current two options that my child will have?

No other countries offer birthright citizenship other than Canada and the US. You need to be a citizen or permanent resident. How many times is this child going to be born that you are going to hedge multiple birthrights?

forgotloginagain says

Yes, US citizenship is conferred by birth, if a parent is a US citizen.

Not true. Unless you are on a military base or some other recognized US property you need to apply for a Consular Report of Birth Abroad. The consulate determines if the child is a valid US citizen then issues the Consular Report of Birth Abroad. The other option is to apply directly for a US passport which will also convey citizenship. Until one or both are done the child is not a US citizen. The consulate has the power to deny the citizenship. https://travel.state.gov/content/passports/en/abroad/events-and-records/birth.html

34   bob2356   2016 Sep 21, 6:28pm  

thunderlips11 is deplorable says

A questionaire with "Are you a Fundamentalist?" is not serious vetting.

Why don't you go ahead the fill us all in with your detailed knowledge of the vetting process. I'm always willing to learn from the experts. Feel free to add you vast fund of knowledge and experience to the people who actually do the vetting. http://foreignpolicy.com/2015/11/30/the-process-for-interviewing-vetting-and-resettling-syrian-refugees-in-america-is-incredibly-long-and-thorough/

35   anonymous   2016 Sep 21, 6:40pm  

truth will find you says

curious2 says

Put your family where your mouth is, and move to a Muslim country.

I'm not muslim.

I am vegan

There it is. You're malnurished

No wonder you're so goddam stupid!

36   Sharingmyintelligencewiththedumbasses   2016 Sep 21, 6:50pm  

bob2356 says

No other countries offer birthright citizenship other than Canada and the US. Y

you might want to learn how to use google.... FFS!

A child born abroad to one U.S. citizen parent and one alien parent acquires U.S. citizenship at birth under Section 301(g) of the INA provided the U.S. citizen parent was physically present in the United States or one of its outlying possessions for the time period required by the law applicable at the time of the ...

37   Sharingmyintelligencewiththedumbasses   2016 Sep 21, 6:54pm  

errc says

I'm not muslim.

I am vegan

There it is. You're malnurished

No wonder you're so goddam stupid!

Well, since you are wrong about everything and generally stupid as shit, no surprise this is your opinion!


38   anonymous   2016 Sep 21, 7:09pm  

It's not my opinion

It's a fact. Everyone knows this.

39   Blurtman   2016 Sep 21, 7:17pm  

truth will find you says

Trump might win What country should I move to?

South of the border. When and if you and your child return, you will have been instantly transformed into Hispanic minorities.

40   Sharingmyintelligencewiththedumbasses   2016 Sep 21, 7:19pm  

Blurtman says

South of the border. When and if you and your child return, you will have been instantly transformed into minorities.

You don't seem to read very well... so sad!

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