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I reallly really really don't get why the Jews are so fucking triggered by Trump. I don't think he's said an anti-Semitic thing in his life, and he supports Israel when the Democrats clearly do not. It's not like the Jews are stupid, so what information are they listening to that makes them so AFRAID of Trump? I've been told by a Jewish friend that I don't get it. I really don't.
Surely it couldn't be as stupid as them all believing that "Donald Trump is actually Hitler ZOMG!"
Yah that's been the explanation, but I don't get how they swallow it so wholeheartedly. The two groups trump has targeted are illegal aliens and Muslims. Illegal rapists can rape Joos as well as nasty gentiles. And Muslims have a special hate-on for Hebrews which they are fully aware of. It's not only "not their category" but it's two categories of people who are seriously fucking shit up for everyone.
Grow a thicker skin and stop rewatching Schindler's List. Good lord that movie was ugly and depressing! I get that the reality was more ugly, but only a masochist or sociopath could find watching that shit enjoyable.
Trump's son-in-law is very Jewish and Ivanka converted, so Trump's grandkids are Jewish. So Jews have lost their favorite trump card (heh) of yelling "Anti-semitism!" that they play to control dialogue they don't like. So loss of power is one thing.
Trump's eagerness to inspire expressions of hate
Detecting a bit of TDS in Apocalypsefuck? I don't see Trump as "eager to inspire expressions of hate" at all. He's gone beyond the bounds of what the schoolmarm will tolerate for sure, but he's speaking truths that need to be said, which no one else will say: illegal immigrants are illegal by definition and should not be here. Most terrorism is by Muslims, explicitly because they are Muslims, and it's not wise to start importing them wholesale and simply hope that the ones we get happen to be the best ones.
Grow a thicker skin and stop rewatching Schindler's List.
Yes, good way to put it. Or "grow a pair" would also be appropriate.
It's exactly like that shrieking shrike who claimed that "Hugh Mungus" had sexually assaulted her by stating that his name was Hugh Mungus:
She was not assaulted in any way, she was simply afraid of losing her magical power to make men cower in fear at her words.
It's all about pissing on the line that the hyper-sensitive have demanded we stay 10 yards away from. And that's a very good thing for this country. We need more people pissing on ridiculous limits on what you can and cannot say, both for the sheer joy of it, but also because we can't solve problems we cannot talk about.
Ned Resnikoff,
Don't be skeered.
Scare the hell out of those that might antagonize you.
They have no counter move.
I reallly really really don't get why the Jews are so fucking triggered by Trump. I don't think he's said an anti-Semitic thing in his life, and he supports Israel when the Democrats clearly do not. It's not like the Jews are stupid, so what information are they listening to that makes them so AFRAID of Trump? I've been told by a Jewish friend that I don't get it. I really don't.
I'm not triggered by Trump. Many Jews aren't. There ARE shtetl mice for certain. I'm sure all the Female Jewish Teachers voted for Hillary.
I put it down to the same reason blacks, gays, trans, and SJWs of all colors think he is some mad racist ready to bring back the lynch mobs.
AND/OR, and this is more likely - many Jews are educated, therefore despicable UMCs (Upper Middle Class), and hate/fear populism and working class people because they benefit from the current system.
PLUS The old Us vs. Them problem. They are the Qualified, Smart People of Excellence who are doing the best for the best in the best of all possible worlds. Anybody opposed to their wonderful plans is an ignorant demagogue. They learned the Party Line since the 8th grade, it was reinforced in college, and reinforced further by their colleagues in the workplace. Only unqualified, dumb people disagree with their World View and Narratives.
Showing aggressive commitment to the Party Line signals they are part of the gang, ready for promotion, etc.
Many Jews really aren't religious. However, their religion has become that "Dominant Paradigm", and narrative reinforced by their social groups, and they are more snobby Upper Middle Class assholes than anything.
"Jewishness" is passed through the maternal side only, in terms of ethnicity/race, so neither Ivanka (who converted in order to get married to her husband, who is orthodox) nor Trump's grandkids are truly Jewish, but whatever.
Trump will probably be an even bigger kiss-ass to Israel, showering them with even many more tens of billions of U.S. Taxpayer monies than prior ass-kissing presidents.
I am not a fan of our middle-east strategy, whether its favoring Saudi, Egypt and Israel (especially Israel by Congress), and think that it distorts and extends the conflict and lack of any real regional peace there (counter-productive foreign policy), and my mother is Jewish by blood, so I am labeled a self-hating Jew.
If I did belong to a organized religion, it would probably be unitarianism or Reform Judaism.
Interesting points from TL and Alltruth. I do sense the snobbish attitude from the friend in question, but I know her well enough to know she has many good qualities, so maybe it is a culturally reinforced attitude, the "Jewish" part of a generally unreligious person. If so, that's a rather offputting cultural trait that would benefit greatly from some adjustment.
I put it down to the same reason blacks, gays, trans, and SJWs of all colors think he is some mad racist ready to bring back the lynch mobs.
I REALLY do not understand this line of thought at all. Where are the mobs causing these people to crap their pants? Why is it they are incapable of defending themselves?
And worse yet, where are the other democrat supporters telling them to suck it up and go on and live their lives because there's nothing to be afraid of?
I REALLY do not understand this line of thought at all. Where are the mobs causing these people to crap their pants?
One more thing is that they are not used to losing, ever. They won their battles to censor speech and thought for decades. To even lose a little bit seems like a harbinger of epic losses to come, because they know they themselves have been extremely intolerant of even the slightest dissent from The Narrative.
The guilty party is always extremely paranoid, afraid that what they have gleefully done to others might be done to themselves.
Fortunately, the Right is far more tolerant of dissent than the Left ever was. They don't have much to worry about, except the truth.
i'm with patrick - the reason is perceived threat of whites regaining their voice in this country.
every group wants to be the dominant one, even if it achieves that dominance through accusing another group of being too dominant.
every time a minority group is called out, the Jews get scared because they KNOW they will be NEXT! (i.e Holocaust 2.0)
Trump isn't racist because HE DOESN'T GIVE A FLYING FUCK! Any religious or ethnic slant is purely situational for effect only, and Trump's mendacious short attention span memory will quickly erase it.
I reallly really really don't get why the Jews are so fucking triggered by Trump. I don't think he's said an anti-Semitic thing in his life, and he supports Israel when the Democrats clearly do not. It's not like the Jews are stupid, so what information are they listening to that makes them so AFRAID of Trump? I've been told by a Jewish friend that I don't get it. I really don't.
Surely it couldn't be as stupid as them all believing that "Donald Trump is actually Hitler ZOMG!"
"They" didn't "pick" him. "They" meaning Jewish Washington insiders, movers/shakers
mother is Jewish by blood, so I am labeled a self-hating Jew.
Well hey, at least you aren't Gary level of self-hating
sure all the Female Jewish Teachers voted for Hillary.
You mean the feminists pushing wage gap garbage?
Many Jews really aren't religious. However, their religion has become that "Dominant Paradigm", and narrative reinforced by their social groups, and they are more snobby Upper Middle Class assholes than anything.
This is my observation of last 22 years
They learned the Party Line since the 8th grade, it was reinforced in college, and reinforced further by their colleagues in the workplace. Only unqualified, dumb people disagree with their World View and Narratives.
Yep, exactly, the confidence with which such proclamations are made never cease to surprise me.
Many Jews really aren't religious.
Fucking atheists.
The good part of being an atheist is you won't be in heaven where the fucking terrorists end up.
"Jewishness" is passed through the maternal side only, in terms of ethnicity/race, so neither Ivanka (who converted in order to get married to her husband, who is orthodox) nor Trump's grandkids are truly Jewish, but whatever.
Trump will probably be an even bigger kiss-ass to Israel, showering them with even many more tens of billions of U.S. Taxpayer monies than prior ass-kissing presidents.
I am not a fan of our middle-east strategy, whether its favoring Saudi, Egypt and Israel (especially Israel by Congress), and think that it distorts and extends the conflict and lack of any real regional peace there (counter-productive foreign policy), and my mother is Jewish by blood, so I am labeled a self-hating Jew.
If I did belong to a organized religion, it would probably be unitarianism or Reform Judaism.
Only support for Egypt would be Mubarak style secular dictators. Support for Muslim brotherhood vs Israeli existence, no brainer really. Any policy including befriending Russia to weaken Saudi stronghold is good compared to status quo
Detecting a bit of TDS in Apocalypsefuck
Yes, ironic considering the years of chindian rhetoric, like Indians are coming to the Bay Area and buying houses with cash taken from apocalypsefuck wallet.
Trump isn't racist because HE DOESN'T GIVE A FLYING FUCK!
Ceffer saysTrump isn't racist because HE DOESN'T GIVE A FLYING FUCK!
Is that John Bolton hunched over on the right like an old man? Haha.
I reallly really really don't get why the Jews are so fucking triggered by Trump
Could it be tendencies toward objectivity and above average intelligence ?
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Post your examples of TDS here.
I'll start with a Shtetl Maus possessing great neurosis.