Truths you will never see in the US press

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2017 Jun 25, 6:01am   10,452 views  47 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (60)   💰tip   ignore  

Diversity destroys communities. Every academic study shows that diversity lowers mutual trust and civic engagement.

Feminism has made women significantly less happy and less likely to find men willing to marry them.

Islam teaches contempt for non-Muslims and is the direct cause of almost all terrorism in the world. More specifically, Saudi/Wahhabi/Sunni Islam is the cause of almost all terrorism.

Saudi Arabia funds terrorist-training Madrassas around the world, but all Western governments are too corrupted by petrodollar baksheesh to ever say anything about it.

Identical twin studies show that homosexuality is learned behavior, not genetic. I didn't say people don't have the right to be gay, only that it is a choice. Gays were not, for the most part, "born that way".

Most racism in America is blacks deliberately targeting whites for violence, not the other way around. Blacks commit violent crime at about 20 times the rates that whites do, and this is independent of income level. To be fair, Asians commit violent crime at less than half the rate that whites do.

White people on average are the least racist group on earth, by various measures, such as willingness to have neighbors of a different race, or to allow minority immigration.

Asians show that being a minority is not a significant impediment to success in America, contradicting the narrative about blacks and Hispanics which we are supposed to believe.

Smallpox and other diseases killed around 90% of the Indians soon after the Spanish first arrived. The US never distributed smallpox blankets. That story is fraudulent.

Anything else that you will never ever see in the NY Times?

I don't want to offend, but it is important to put truth above feelz.

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1   Blurtman   2017 Jun 25, 6:15am  

There is indeed a two-tiered justice system in the USA. Just ask folks who are actually doing time for money laundering and fraud.

2   Blurtman   2017 Jun 25, 6:25am  

"Asians show that being a minority is no impediment to success in America, unlike what blacks and Hispanics want to believe."

Indeed. Unless you believe that whitey has constructed such a devious system that enables Asians to succeed more than whitey.

3   anonymous   2017 Jun 25, 6:29am  

Diversity destroys communities. Every academic study shows that diversity lowers mutual trust and civic engagement.


Not nearly as bad as the War on Drugs does, where armed government militants roam around in gangs, foaming at the mouth to shoot you, kill you, rob you, maime you, and with a 24/7 hard on for violating your rights and destroying your freedom

4   anonymous   2017 Jun 25, 6:31am  

Feminism has made women significantly less happy and less likely to find men willing to marry them.


Not nearly as much as Christianity and their backwards message that sex is bad and you should be punished and live in fear of eternal torture, for acting on one of natures strongest, simplest, most pleasurable urges

5   anonymous   2017 Jun 25, 6:33am  

Islam teaches contempt for non-Muslims and is the direct cause of almost all terrorism in the world. More specifically, Saudi/Wahhabi/Sunni Islam is the cause of almost all terrorism.


Which nobody would ever hear about if it weren't for Saudi Arabia, and more importantly, the proclivity of elected officials (civil servants) to sell us down the river to the Saudis, for their own personal gains

6   anonymous   2017 Jun 25, 6:35am  

Most racism in America is blacks deliberately targeting whites for violence, not the other way around. Blacks commit violent crime at about 20 times the rates that whites do. To be fair, Asians commit violent crime at less than half the rate that whites do.


It's hard to expect that a falsehood, or better yet, sn outright lie, be peddled as truth

7   RWSGFY   2017 Jun 25, 6:49am  

errc says

Not nearly as bad as the War on Drugs does, where armed government militants roam around in gangs, foaming at the mouth to shoot you, kill you, rob you, maime you, and with a 24/7 hard on for violating your rights and destroying your freedom

Seriously? Do you often see that where you live? I'm yet to see one DEA agent roaming around foaming at the mouth, let alone a gang of them.

But I did have cat converters stolen from my truck by fucking junkies. $4K in damage.

8   Shaman   2017 Jun 25, 6:51am  

The truth is hard to accept, eh errc?

Much better to obfuscate it in irrelevant details and irrational comparisons than to face it. Can we get a pot reference somehow?

9   bob2356   2017 Jun 25, 7:56am  

Patrick says

Smallpox and other diseases killed more than 90% of the Indians soon after the Spanish first arrived. The US never distributed smallpox blankets. That story is fraudulent.

You need to start reading better history. Not more than 90%, up to 90%. The number was never anywhere close to that in the US. There were a much wider variety tribes (many that didn't interact) in the US that were more scattered over a lot larger area then the Caribbean and Central America Indians. The 90% number was for single tribes on islands.

The US didn't distribute smallpox blankets, the British did. Look up Captain Simeon Ecuyer at the siege of Fort Pitt. A major Indian smallpox epidemic in the Ohio valley followed shortly there after.

Why would the NY times or any news organization write about this? It's history, not news.

10   anonymous   2017 Jun 25, 10:16am  

Quigley says

The truth is hard to accept, eh errc?

Much better to obfuscate it in irrelevant details and irrational comparisons than to face it. Can we get a pot reference somehow?

And exactly which truth is that?

The truth that Trump, and therefore all you Trumpcucks, are on your knees with eager and open mouth, bowing to the Saudi royalty that is responsible for all Islamic terror?

Or the truth that you actually know right from wrong enough to see the War on Drugs for what it is, a Jobs program for Failed Anti-American Losers. However, and you've admitted as much here at Patnet, you feel that people fighting for the cause aren't nice enough to you about this issue and it makes you butt hurt , so much so that you're okay with The State harming it's citizens, as compensation for your hurt feelings.

Grow up

11   PeopleUnited   2017 Jun 25, 12:08pm  

errc. I am not a fan of war on drugs, primarily because I don't think the government should have any say about what people do in their own homes and private businesses as long as there is no violence/pollution. That being said, we can't allow drugs to cross our borders. The drug war should be focused on preventing importation of drugs.

12   PeopleUnited   2017 Jun 25, 12:22pm  

@patrick another truth the media wont print. the Bible taught that the world is a sphere long before it was common knowledge. http://www.christiananswers.net/q-eden/edn-c015.html

13   bob2356   2017 Jun 25, 2:06pm  

PeopleUnited says

That being said, we can't allow drugs to cross our borders. The drug war should be focused on preventing importation of drugs.

The war on drugs HAS been focused on preventing importation of drugs for 50 years while spending untold billions of dollars. With almost zero success. Insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result.

15   Goran_K   2017 Jun 25, 2:52pm  

Bernie Sanders, $1 million+ income, 3 homes, paid an effective 13% tax rate in 2015, is solidly a 1 percenter and part of the income category he spends his rallies and speeches bashing and chastising.

16   PeopleUnited   2017 Jun 25, 3:20pm  

bob2356 says

PeopleUnited says

That being said, we can't allow drugs to cross our borders. The drug war should be focused on preventing importation of drugs.

The war on drugs HAS been focused on preventing importation of drugs for 50 years while spending untold billions of dollars. With almost zero success. Insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result.

If prisons were empty and addicts had nothing to get high with I would believe you. The fact that the streets are flush with foreign drugs is evidence that there has been no true focus on preventing importation. The border is a sieve.

17   HEY YOU   2017 Jun 25, 4:15pm  

Goran_K says

Bernie Sanders, $1 million+ income, 3 homes, paid an effective 13% tax rate in 2015, is solidly a 1 percenter and part of the income category he spends his rallies and speeches bashing and chastising.

He's a member of the Big Club along with all the Asshole elected Ds & Rs chosen by the ignorant voters.
They must be ignorant,Stupid implies that they have a thought & actually consider the consequences even if they go ahead & act against their best interest?

18   Goran_K   2017 Jun 25, 9:45pm  

HEY YOU says

Goran_K says

Bernie Sanders, $1 million+ income, 3 homes, paid an effective 13% tax rate in 2015, is solidly a 1 percenter and part of the income category he spends his rallies and speeches bashing and chastising.

He's a member of the Big Club along with all the Asshole elected Ds & Rs chosen by the ignorant voters.

They must be ignorant,Stupid implies that they have a thought & actually consider the consequences even if they go ahead & act against their best interest?

Can't disagree with that. But in the MSM Bernie Sanders is a hero among heroes fighting for the poor.

19   Goran_K   2017 Jun 25, 9:52pm  

jazz_music says

Goran_K says

in the MSM Bernie Sanders is a hero among heroes fighting for the poor.

No no no Bernie Sanders is a hero among representatives because he is fighting for the electorate when the other representatives have been proven to be 100% disinterested in the will of those they represent.

And by fighting for the electorate I mean he is proposing legislation that would effect DIRECT BENEFITS to tax payers and not "trickle down" mock benefits which actually are reallocations of our taxes to the businesses who have the power to reward representatives careers by rewarding their desired behaviors as expressed by their lobbyists.

At what cost? You know, the thing Bernie or his supporters will never ever in detail explain.

20   bob2356   2017 Jun 25, 9:53pm  

PeopleUnited says

bob2356 says

PeopleUnited says

That being said, we can't allow drugs to cross our borders. The drug war should be focused on preventing importation of drugs.

The war on drugs HAS been focused on preventing importation of drugs for 50 years while spending untold billions of dollars. With almost zero success. Insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result.

If prisons were empty and addicts had nothing to get high with I would believe you. The fact that the streets are flush with foreign drugs is evidence that there has been no true focus on preventing importation. The border is a sieve.

What exactly is your grand plan to do if differently this time so the war on drugs is a success?

21   Dan8267   2017 Jun 25, 10:05pm  

Patrick says

Diversity destroys communities. Every academic study shows that diversity lowers mutual trust and civic engagement.

Yes, but it's relative to what's around you. 2000 years ago in Britain, tribal loyalty didn't even extend to the whole of the British Isle. Now it includes all Europeans. What constitutes foreign is highly dependent on who the competing tribes are. If extra-terrestrials started a colony on Earth, I bet race would start seeming insignificant compared to the illegal aliens.

Tribal trust ultimately comes from people of "like" genes banding together to compete with people of "more different" genes. What constitutes "like" depends on what competition you see.

Patrick says

Identical twin studies show that homosexuality is learned behavior, not genetic. I didn't say people don't have the right to be gay, only that it is a choice. Gays were not, for the most part, "born that way".

Genetic and learned are not the only two options. Environment is a third. Scientific studies have shown that testosterone in the womb relates to increase change of homosexuality. This is biological, but not genetic. Development of the brain is another thing that varies even in identical twins. I think you are overlooking these two things.

Also, if being gay is a chose, then you should be able to choose to be gay. Go ahead and try it. I bet you'll fail. I don't mean just suck some dude's cock. I mean choose to enjoy sucking a dude's cock. I don't think that's possible. I can't even choose to enjoy kelp.

Is there any evidence that heterosexual people can choose to be homosexual?


I mean, seriously, does any straight guy here think he could will himself to be gay? Until that happens, I don't buy being gay being a choice, not that it matters anyway. Rights should not be based on that.

Patrick says

White people on average are the_least_ racist group on earth, by various measures, such as willingness to have neighbors of a different race, or to allow minority immigration.

All whites except for the American South. They are still butthurt from the Civil War. Hence the Confederate battle flags.

Patrick says

Smallpox and other diseases killed around 90% of the Indians soon after the Spanish first arrived. The US never distributed smallpox blankets. That story is fraudulent.

The Trail of Tears and other genocides still happened. America is not innocent of territorial greed.

22   Ceffer   2017 Jun 25, 11:37pm  

This is great news. It's never too late to be gay.

23   BrownIncome   2017 Jun 26, 12:38am  

Patrick says

Identical twin studies show that homosexuality is learned behavior, not genetic. I didn't say people don't have the right to be gay, only that it is a choice. Gays were not, for the most part, "born that way"

Please, correct wikipedia


24   curious2   2017 Jun 26, 1:10pm  

Dan8267 says

Genetic and learned are not the only two options. Environment is a third. Scientific studies have shown that testosterone in the womb relates to...homosexuality. This is biological, but not genetic. Development of the brain is another thing that varies even in identical twins. I think you are overlooking these two things.

I think he's trying to generate page views and comments by posting provocative assertions, even if they are obviously wrong. Read what he calls "The Joy of Triggering." He might have such a limited understanding of human nature as to believe what he wrote, but more likely he has a better understanding of business and what will drive people to spend more time posting more comments on his website.

Having said that, I suppose one could distinguish between situational homosexuality and innate homosexuality. Sparta and other ancient cultures showed broad potential for homosexual behavior, and FortWhine insists that any child who sees a gay couple will immediately turn gay. (That's his story and he's sticking to it, as it's the only way he can justify devoting so much time to the Reseda truck stop toilets.) Both history and present reality show examples of people who are innately gay, e.g. Emperor Hadrian, Peter Thiel, Tim Cook, etc. These three famous examples show that some men, even if they could have almost anyone, want male and not female. The percentages can be debated, and pre-natal hormones are the best proved factor.

IIRC, Patrick is married to a woman who teaches public school. If he wanted to know more from a source he trusts, he could ask her. Kids are coming out around the age of puberty. They have no memory of being anything other than gay. "60 Minutes" ran a fascinating report on gay and straight kids, including observable behavioral differences long before puberty. Gay people exist, and know it, so Patrick only hurts his own credibility with assertions that people know to be false.

25   Dan8267   2017 Jun 26, 1:19pm  

curious2 says

I think he's trying to generate page views and comments by posting provocative assertions, even if they are obviously wrong.

I do not think that is the case. I do not think Patrick is being disingenuous. I think he believes what he wrote.

However, he is incorrect in assuming that if a trait isn't triggered by genetics, then it is cultural or personal choice. Biology includes the genome, the epi-genome, and environmental factors that cause genes to turn on and off often at different times and for different durations, and environmental factors that cause the brain to lay down different connections regardless of genes.

Think about it. There simply isn't enough data in your genome to fully specify the brain you were born with. There literally aren't enough bits in DNA to represent the brain of a newborn. Such a brain has orders of magnitude more information. Therefore, the brain isn't encoded in DNA. Rather, how to build a brain is encoded into DNA. How this is done is unknown, but what is known is that a thousand identical twins would produce a thousand different brains. Yes, the brains would be very similar, more so than babies with different DNA, but no two babies with the same DNA would have the same brain. The brain is clearly affected by more than just the DNA. It mathematically has to be. You only have one pigeon and five million pigeon holes. You are going to have unused pigeon holes.

curious2 says

Read what he calls "The Joy of Triggering." He might have such a limited understanding of human nature as to believe what he wrote, but more likely he has a better understanding of business and what will drive people to spend more time posting more comments on his website.

I think there are more effective ways to do this. Does Patrick even make money off this site?

In any case, I have to call into question why whether or not homosexuality even matters. Even if it were a choice, that should not affect civil rights or moral judgement. After all, why shouldn't people have the right to choose to be gay? If you could go into an Apple store and have them rewire your brain to be gay, shouldn't it be your choice and your choice alone whether or not to do that? Granted, I wouldn't want Apple "geniuses" messing around with my brain. They'll copy a stink beetle's brain and claim they invented it.

26   curious2   2017 Jun 26, 1:36pm  

Dan8267 says

I have to call into question why [it] even matters.

I wondered about that for a long time, and I think the reasons relate to the American Civil Rights movement and partisan politics.

Other countries had what might today be called gay activists, going back more than a century to Karl Ulrichs, Oscar Wilde, Magnus Hirschfeld, and Alan Turing. (Albert Einstein signed one of Hirschfeld's petitions in Weimar Germany.) FDR and Eleanor Roosevelt had openly gay friends, though not gay activists per se.

Real political success resulted from identifying sexual orientation as an innate difference closely related to biological sex (male/female/nonbinary), especially after the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibited discrimination on the basis of sex and religion. A series of cases showed illegal discrimination against women who behaved too much like men (for example, a Price Waterhouse accountant was told to improve her chances by wearing makeup, acting more feminine, and not swearing like the men did). These cases led to a realization that lesbians and gay men were encountering discrimination on the basis of sex and religion: they were doing things that would be entirely appropriate if they had been of opposite sex, that various religions prohibited same-sex couples from doing.

As Democrats became more committed to the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and as Republicans continued to oppose it, the nature vs nurture difference gained more significance. Also, as PhRMA has gained political power in recent decades, especially over media since advertising Rx drugs on TV, the nexus between male homosexuality and HIV has ironically brought PhRMA on board. I see a lot of advertising&marketing aimed at promoting sero-discordant relationships, for example, and PrEP (prescribing anti-HIV drugs to people who don't even have HIV but might be at risk of getting it). Note such financial and political exploitation can work against the actual people involved, as vaccine research funding has been cut in order to maintain patronage network revenue models.

27   fdhfoiehfeoi   2017 Jun 26, 1:48pm  

Straw Man says

But I did have cat converters stolen from my truck by fucking junkies. $4K in damage.

That actually is a result of the War on Us. Since black markets increase the price of banned goods hundreds of times over, those junkies couldn't just go to Walmart for their fix, they needed your cat. And how did they learn to rip off car parts? Well, since addiction is a crime, they probably spent time in jail, where they learned how to stay high in a government controlled market.

28   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2017 Jun 26, 1:51pm  

Genetic or environmental really only matters in terms of government involvement, and probably not even then. I suppose its probably important for the "wash the gay away" folks. .

A.) Prohibiting discrimination and making certain criminal acts hate crimes are one thing and certainly valid. Gay marriage as a legal matter is valid as well.

B.) However, compelling business to conduct itself in a certain manner, and worse yet compelling religious organizations to perform marriage ceremonies is wrong.

Heres the thing....homosexuals in the US already have A. They are now fighting for B under the guise of "gay rights".. That's a pretty big mistake and frankly, morally wrong. Its going to lead them to a similar places that BLM is right now. Once you have the equal footing, you should really drop the matter. Pride parades are fine...as long as you are honoring the history it took to get to where you are now. But from what I've seen, its more like a Trump hate fest, and the parade participants act like somehow they don't already have equal footing.

29   fdhfoiehfeoi   2017 Jun 26, 1:53pm  

Dan8267 says

All whites except for the American South. They are still butthurt from the Civil War. Hence the Confederate battle flags.

This should have been on your list Patrick.

Civil War was about states rights, so say the Confederates, so say the Unionists, so said Lincoln...

30   fdhfoiehfeoi   2017 Jun 26, 1:57pm  

Dan8267 says

Yes, but it's relative to what's around you.

So says the post-modernist. Everything is relative, truth is irrelevant, I think, therefore I am.

Someone should have told Decartes "AMoronThinks what?"

31   fdhfoiehfeoi   2017 Jun 26, 2:01pm  

Dan8267 says

Genetic and learned are not the only two options. Environment is a third. Scientific studies have shown that testosterone in the womb

So when Patrick references a proven study, you provide pseudo-science to counter? Classic Dan.

32   fdhfoiehfeoi   2017 Jun 26, 2:02pm  

Patrick says

Islam teaches contempt for non-Muslims and is the direct cause of almost all terrorism in the world. More specifically, Saudi/Wahhabi/Sunni Islam is the cause of almost all terrorism.

Don't forget endless wars, drones, and bombings. Funny how destroying someone's country tends to radicalize them...

33   curious2   2017 Jun 26, 2:04pm  

Fucking White Male says

They are now fighting for B....

I agree with A.

Regarding B, the first part (prohibiting various businesses from discrimination), that's been law in many states for many years. Regarding the second part of B, I haven't seen anyone trying to compel religious organizations to perform marriage ceremonies. The nearest I've seen to that was a case in NJ where a church made so much money that it started buying up other properties to rent them out, while still not wanting to pay any taxes. The church made a deal with the town, allowing the church to buy a beach pavilion and not pay any taxes, on condition that the pavilion would operate on a non-discriminatory basis. The church rented out the pavalion for various purposes, including Jewish weddings, then objected suddenly to a gay wedding. The church had no involvement in the wedding, other than owning and renting out the building, so the church had to rent on equal terms or forgo the tax exemption. Similar cases go back a long time, e.g. where religious landlords have bought apartment buildings and tried to evict gay couples from their homes.

I agree with your points about BLM and TDS, but parade participants include a broad range. Yesterday, SF Pride included a long line of corporate floats and representation from some of the most successful companies in the world, followed by the Democratic Socialists with signs demanding "Queer Liberation, not Rainbow Capitalism." The weather was beautiful, pure blue skies, and SFPD ensured a safe event for more than a million people with widely divergent interests and opinions.

34   Dan8267   2017 Jun 26, 2:05pm  

NuttBoxer says

Dan8267 says

Yes, but it's relative to what's around you.

So says the post-modernist. Everything is relative, truth is irrelevant, I think, therefore I am.

Dude, that is not even remotely what I said.

I said that "like" and "unlike" is relative to the set of genetic code being compared. That has nothing to do with the relativism of truth.

Think about it, man. If you live in a small tribe composed of 50% Africans and 50% Europeans and you're European, then you'll favor Europeans and may even violently oppose the Africans. However, if you live in a small tribe composed of 50% Africans and 50% homo erectus and you're European, then you'll protect the Africans and violently oppose the homo erectus because the Africans are now the individuals like you. If you cannot understand this, that's your failing.

35   Dan8267   2017 Jun 26, 2:08pm  

NuttBoxer says

Dan8267 says

Genetic and learned are not the only two options. Environment is a third. Scientific studies have shown that testosterone in the womb

So when Patrick references a proven study, you provide pseudo-science to counter? Classic Dan.

That's not remotely what happened. You are lying.

I referenced a Science Magazine article that summarized a very well-know, peer reviewed scientific study. Science Magazine is a publication of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, a well reputed scientific organization with a esteemed history. But hey, some anonymous troll calls them pseudo-science, so we should ignore all reality.

How stupid do you think the audience is?

36   fdhfoiehfeoi   2017 Jun 26, 2:11pm  

Dan8267 says

Dude, that is not even remotely what I said.

Patrick made a very direct statement, you added a condition to it. Suppose others now add conditions to your condition. Pretty soon we have Patrick's statement followed by so many levels of If, ElseIf, and Else, no one fucking understands the original code anymore. Follow just one of your thoughts through to it's logical conclusion. Your world will be rocked.

37   Dan8267   2017 Jun 26, 2:11pm  

NuttBoxer says

Dan8267 says

All whites except for the American South. They are still butthurt from the Civil War. Hence the Confederate battle flags.

This should have been on your list Patrick.

Civil War was about states rights, so say the Confederates, so say the Unionists, so said Lincoln...

Dan8267 says

How stupid do you think the audience is?

Evidently quite stupid.

Every paper and speech in the south during the Civil War stated explicitly that the Civil War was about preserving slavery. Every Confederate flag stated that the very existence of the Confederacy was about slavery and white supremacy. Hell the dumb ass confederates even made their flag so white, symbolizing white supremacy, that it was mistaken for the flag of surrender on the battlefield.

Are you incapable of not lying?

38   curious2   2017 Jun 26, 2:12pm  

NuttBoxer says

Funny how destroying someone's country tends to radicalize them...

The Muslim conquest of India killed more than 60 million Hindus who had never done anything to Muslims in Arabia. In Islam, all roads lead to killing disbelievers and striking terror into the enemies of Allah, because Mohamed designed and fabricated ("revealed") the Koran and hadith for that purpose. It is an instruction manual for global conquest, developed over the course of his lifetime. Look at the pacific archipelagos, for example, and Muslims killing other Muslims in the name of Islam.

39   Dan8267   2017 Jun 26, 2:12pm  

NuttBoxer says

Patrick made a very direct statement, you added a condition to it. Suppose others now add conditions to your condition. Pretty soon we have Patrick's statement followed by so many levels of If, ElseIf, and Else, no one fucking understands the original code anymore.

If my aunt had a dick, she'd be my uncle.

The only confused person here is you.

40   Dan8267   2017 Jun 26, 2:21pm  

In the Stone Age like included your immediate family and excluded your second cousins. They are foreigners who you fear and can kill.

In the Bronze Age like included your immediate family, your first cousins, and your second cousins. Unlike was everybody else in the city.

In the Iron Age like included everyone in your city. Unlike was everybody from neighboring cities.

In the Steel Age like included everyone in every city of your country. Unlike was everybody from neighboring countries.

Today like includes everyone from your ancestor's continent. Unlike is everybody from neighboring continents.

Tomorrow like will include everyone from your planet. Unlike will be everyone from neighboring planets.

Eventually like will include everyone from your galaxy. Unlike will be everyone from neighboring galaxies.

Notice a pattern, anyone?


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