Islamic attacks continue

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2017 Oct 1, 11:26am   27,216 views  95 comments

by curious2   ➕follow (2)   💰tip   ignore  

"Knifeman yelling 'Allahu Akbar' shot dead after killing two in France
Police sources said the suspect had shouted “Allahu Akbar” (God is greatest) in Arabic as he attacked the women, aged 17 and 20, at Marseille’s main railway station.

Two police sources said one had her throat slit while the other was stabbed in the chest and stomach.

The assailant was shot dead by a soldier from a military Sentinelle patrol, a force deployed across the country as part of a state of emergency declared after Islamist attacks that began almost two years ago.

"Canadian police say a man driving a white car struck a police officer and stabbed him multiple times outside a football stadium Saturday.

Hours later, police say, the same man — this time driving a U-Haul truck — was pulled over a few miles away, drove off and struck four pedestrians.

The related attacks on Saturday night in Edmonton, the capital of Alberta, Canada, are being investigated as an act of terrorism, Edmonton Police Chief Rod Knecht said during a news conference early Sunday. He said an Islamic State flag was found in the passenger seat of the white Chevrolet Malibu the suspect was driving that night.

These attacks do not surprise anyone who has read what Islam says and does around the world. Partisans prefer to repeat slogans that enable them to feel good about themselves and their tribe, rather than thinking through the consequences of the policies they advocate. Spreading Islam means, inherently, spreading terrorism, military policing, mass surveillance, and eventually totalitarian Sharia rule.

You can say that Islam is not alone in doing bad things, and that America has also done bad things. That ignores the obvious. America has also done great things, from the Wright Brothers to the moon landing to the polio vaccine and the Internet. American policy has tended to get corrupted (especially since Nixon's disastrous deals with KSA), but America allows people to say what they think: for example, one of today's SNL "weekend update" pair called the President names I won't repeat here, on a show the President had hosted twice. Islam produces nothing but backwardness. Islam is a complete system (totalitarianism) that commands the violent overthrow of our government and any other that stands for liberty. Islam commands capital punishment for anyone who criticizes it or refuses to submit. Any tool or institution can be misused, but Islam was designed, fabricated, and optimized for the purpose of conquering and subjugating as many people as possible. Islam means literally "submission," and commands believers to use deception ("allah is the best deceiver") and violence ("strike terror into...the enemies of allah...kill the disbelievers wherever you find them") to force everyone ultimately to submit to Sharia.

When you see someone advocating Islam, or spreading it, please know what they are advocating.

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1   Strategist   2017 Oct 1, 3:20pm  

ISIS has claimed responsibility for the French attack.
History repeats itself again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again. And still they don't learn.
3   Patrick   2017 Oct 1, 5:20pm  

curious2 says
Islam commands capital punishment for anyone who criticizes it or refuses to submit

This is the core problem with Islam, and what makes it fundamentally incompatible with Western culture.
8   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Dec 11, 12:58pm  

Lived with an old couple and 2-3 other young guys. How many 4-5 Bedroom apartments are there in Brooklyn? Not Many. But nobody saw anything, of course.
9   Shaman   2017 Dec 11, 1:42pm  

Starting to think that Myanmar had the right idea with these animals.
10   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Dec 11, 3:12pm  

NYC bomber was a Chain migrant.

Extreme Vetting. Also, where is the shortage of cabbies? Does NYC not have enough poor Black, Rican, and Italians, that we need Bangladeshi Taxi Drivers?

By tomorrow, the MSM will be shifting away from immigration and going to the "Can't blame all Muslims, let's not be Islamophobic Narrative."

Since he didn't kill anybody, we'll be spared the sanctimonious "I stand with New York" crap, where they focus on the victims to distract from the fact it was yet another Terror Attack by Muslims.
11   Tenpoundbass   2017 Dec 11, 3:15pm  

Boy I bet that Obama really feels like the horses Patootie.
12   Strategist   2017 Dec 11, 5:21pm  

TwoScoopsMcGee says
Lived with an old couple and 2-3 other young guys. How many 4-5 Bedroom apartments are there in Brooklyn? Not Many. But nobody saw anything, of course.

I'm quite sure they all lived in one bedroom and shared the rent. Now he will have a cell all to himself.
13   curious2   2017 Dec 12, 12:34am  

TwoScoopsMcGee says
NYC bomber was a Chain migrant.

"President Trump on Port Authority Bombing: 'End Chain Migration'
Terror suspect Akayed Ullah benefited from "family chain migration" according to a spokesman for the Department of Homeland Security

Islam says "martyrs" can intercede on behalf of up to 70 relatives to join them in paradise, which gives Muslim families a unique incentive to enable martyrdom operations. I have never heard of a Buddhist family trying to murder random strangers, but it happens repeatedly with Islamic family plans (e.g. Orlando, San Bernardino). Chain migration might not matter much in other religions, but it multiplies the dangers of Islam.
15   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2017 Dec 22, 8:40pm  

Arabs could drop their weapons and world peace would largely ensue.
16   Shaman   2017 Dec 22, 9:33pm  

Islam is a scourge upon the world.
17   WatermelonUniversity   2017 Dec 22, 11:27pm  

This is the price for cheap oil.

Just like rising home prices in certain western cities are the result of buying cheap good from China. Even Greenspan admitted this.
18   anonymous   2017 Dec 23, 8:49am  

Police ID suspect in Harrisburg shooting spree.

Around 4 p.m., a series of shots was fired at a Capitol police car at the corners of Third and State streets in Harrisburg. This was followed with two other shootings: one at 5th and Market streets and the other at 17th and Mulberry streets.

Police shot and killed 51-year-old Ahmed Aminamin El-Mofty, later identifying him as the man behind all three shootings. Dauphin County District Attorney Ed Marsico said that police were deliberately targeted, and that the fatal shooting happened as El-Mofty approached officers with two rifles and a shotgun, shooting at them.

19   Strategist   2017 Dec 23, 11:40am  

curious2 says
Islamic attacks continue

Coming soon to a city near you.
20   anonymous   2017 Dec 23, 12:25pm  

TwoScoopsPlissken says
SF Terror Attack Thwarted

May still happen. A black African guy who usually is mumble-singing from the Koran has started riding the very crowded Caltrain to SF every day. He's young, in good shape, meticulously dressed, does not smile or chat with anyone.

The good news is that there is usually a seat on the train next to him, so you don't have to stand even when the train is packed! :-)
21   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Dec 23, 2:26pm  

anon_476ae says
Police shot and killed 51-year-old Ahmed Aminamin El-Mofty

"Mental Illness"
23   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Dec 27, 10:15pm  

So, a few days ago a woman in Minneapolis was attacked walking home from work in a nice neighborhood. She struggled with her knife wielding attacker for several minutes and was stabbed 17 times. Several neighbors came out and raised a hue and cry and the bozo ran off.

Now, the original articles and the police PR mysteriously left out ANY physical description of the perp. You'd think the police, and maybe the media, would provide SOME description so people might call in if they saw a suspicious character matching the description. In fact this is very normal. But we got neither White nor Black, Tall or Short.

Guess what he was?

It's not just terrorism that third world Muslim migrants bring.

All part and parcel of "Sweden coming to the USA" where news outlets and even the police are starting to avoid descriptions or names of unapprehended attackers "if they fit a certain demographic".
Here's a story from another local paper that contains NO description. Searching Star-tribute for Evenson, Stabbing, etc. I found no story at all.

The odds that the woman who fought the attacker for at least a couple of minutes, plus all the neighbors who came out to help, and nobody could give the most elementary description is very, very slim.
25   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Dec 28, 8:59am  

I heard there was some kind of car attack that looks suspiciously like a Truck of Peace attack. Here in the USA. Have to look into it.
26   curious2   2017 Dec 28, 2:35pm  

"Bombing Attack Kills 41 In Kabul, [ISIL/Daesh] Claims Responsibility
Explosions caused what Afghan President Ashraf Ghani's office calls "a massacre" in a Shiite area in Kabul on Thursday. The attack targeted civilians at a cultural center and affected a nearby news agency. At least 41 people died, and dozens more are wounded.

"Local media reported there were two suicide bombers," NPR's Diaa Hadid reports from Islamabad. "One of them detonated his explosives at the gate of a Shiite cultural center — the blast also damaged an Iranian-owned news agency."

I can understand why people would want to get out of Islamic countries, but if they intend to bring Islam with them wherever they go, then they should find a somewhat less terrible Islamic country. Nixon's disastrous deals with KSA enabled Saudi Petrodollars to hypnotize NATO into doing the KSA's dirty work, so now some blame the USA, but Islamic carnage and oppression go back centuries before the USA was founded.
27   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Dec 28, 2:44pm  

Thank God for the Travel Ban. A small step but important
28   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Dec 28, 3:19pm  

London acid attack: Police alert after lone woman targeted in sick assault
A WOMAN has been sprayed with a “noxious substance” in a sick acid attack in London.

The victim was sprayed yesterday, with police warning she has suffered life-changing injuries.

Officers have now issued an appeal for information regarding the incident.

They said the woman was walking alone when she was attacked with a “strong acid solution”.

29   Strategist   2017 Dec 28, 3:35pm  

curious2 says
I can understand why people would want to get out of Islamic countries, but if they intend to bring Islam with them wherever they go, then they should find a somewhat less terrible Islamic country.

31   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Jan 9, 3:16pm  

Another New Islamic Couple in Attack Plot

LONDON – A couple, who met on a dating site and began researching how to make homemade explosives and the deadly poison ricin, were found guilty on Monday of plotting Islamic State-inspired chemical and bomb attacks on Britain.

Munir Hassan Mohammed, 37, from Derby in central England, began sharing extremist material within weeks of meeting Londoner Rowaida El-Hassan, 32, who in turn helped him find information on making ricin.

“This then rapidly escalated and El-Hassan, a qualified pharmacist, readily passed on her knowledge to Mohammed giving him the technical assistance he needed in preparing for a terrorist attack,” said Detective Chief Inspector Paul Greenwood.

“Although we do not know what Mohammed and El-Hassan’s exact intentions were, a number of concerning items had already been purchased and the pair had done extensive research regarding making TATP (acetone peroxide) and ricin.”

When arrested Mohammed already had two of the ingredients needed to make the highly unstable TATP, known as the “mother of Satan,” which was used by a suicide bomber in an attack on a pop concert at the Manchester Arena last May, killing 22 children and adults, one of four deadly attacks in Britain last year.

32   Strategist   2018 Jan 9, 4:34pm  

TwoScoopsPlissken says

They make a perfect couple. A match made in hell.....Ugly as hell and evil as hell.
33   Patrick   2018 Jan 9, 8:48pm  

TwoScoopsPlissken says

Why do Muslims always look so miserable? Not a hint of happiness.
34   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Jan 9, 8:49pm  

"But in the eight months since Trump took office, more Americans have been killed in attacks by white American men with no connection to Islam than by Muslim terrorists or foreigners."

"More Americans killed by huge segment of population for all reasons, than 1% of the population for only terrorist reasons".

Wow, big surprise. Thanks Ezra Klein, editor of Vox and former employee of WaPo and "The American Prospect', a Left-Liberal Organ, for not misleading with flawed comparisons.

I bet American-born males committed more domestic violence than Muslim Men of Foreign Birth in America.
35   Strategist   2018 Jan 9, 9:17pm  

rando says

Why do Muslims always look so miserable? Not a hint of happiness.

If I could never party or have alcohol, I would be miserable too.
37   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Mar 21, 5:28pm  

Another Muslim Attack in Florida:

Police in Riverview, Florida, arrested a member of the extremist sect The Nation of Islam after he attacked his partner, stabbed his two children, and set their house on fire, the Tampa Bay Times reports.

Several neighborhood witnesses now say they saw Ronnie Oneal shoot his 33-year old girlfriend, Kenyatta Barron, out on the woman’s front lawn.

He then reportedly went into the home and stabbed the couple’s daughter to death, then attacked his 8-year-old son, and finally set the home on fire.

Witnesses also say that this Nation of Islam terrorist was screaming “Allahu Akbar” as he perpetrated his attacks.

“I was shocked,” neighbor Walter Ballard said. “That’s the only thing that went through my mind: How could he do something like this?”



Bonus: Perp claims White Devils possessed him, named "Ke-Ke"
39   Patrick   2018 May 12, 6:33pm  

The French president tweeted "Please do not share misinformation. Please only share information coming from a trusted source."

First response:

Ce n'est pas une agression MAIS UN ATTENTAT TERRORISTE ISLAMISTE ! Que cela vous plaise ou non ! Avoir peur de prononcer un mot ne fait qu'accentuer la peur de la chose elle même,et,est une preuve de lâcheté... Mot qui vous convient parfaitement : un lâche,comme tout le gvt

In English:

It is not an aggression BUT AN ISLAMIST TERRORIST ATTACK! Whether you like it or not! Being afraid to say a word only accentuates the fear of the thing itself, and, is a proof of cowardice ... Word that suits you perfectly: a coward, like all the gvt
40   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 May 12, 7:10pm  

250 dead in France since 2015 from Islamist Terror.

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