Senate bill is looking pretty good for us now....

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2017 Dec 2, 8:39am   22,211 views  113 comments

by WildMind   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

#poltics All the changes helped my $200k dual income family.... even though we won’t itemized anymore. Losing the SALT deduction and home equity loan interest deduction make it impossible to itemize now... but atleast the lower brackets and ability to get a $2000 tax credit for our child offset any higher taxes due to not being able to itemize.

Hopefully the house passes this thing with minimal changes since the property tax deduction survived. The house bill was horrible for upper middle class earners in blue states. This softens the blow. There’s about a $3000 difference now between the senate and house bills for us.

It’s still stupid all these tax changes and it’s basically a wash for our family all said and done. Just glad we didn’t stretch and buy a really expensive house.... those people in our income level are getting screwed if they can’t combine those interest payments with SALT for a fat deduction.

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34   Y   2017 Dec 4, 7:10am  

In regards to the tax code
35   Y   2017 Dec 4, 7:12am  

Trump is the icebreaker the ice must be broken Before the ships of pork Can Sail in their various directions
36   Y   2017 Dec 4, 7:30am  

Libbies take note. :
In 1932, in the depths of the Great Depression, Franklin D. Roosevelt called for “bold, persistent experimentation” and said: “It is common sense to take a method and try it; if it fails, admit it frankly and try another. But above all, try something.”
37   Shaman   2017 Dec 4, 7:45am  

anon_e0eaf says
And tack on the $2k credit per child.

Yah that’s a pretty nice bump for working families! It’s about time they started recognizing the work and sacrifice it requires to raise children in this economy and awarded a little financial incentive to do so! The only alternative to Americans having children is importing more third world people to do that for us.
38   anonymous   2017 Dec 4, 7:57am  

Quigley says
anon_e0eaf says
And tack on the $2k credit per child.

Yah that’s a pretty nice bump for working families! It’s about time they started recognizing the work and sacrifice it requires to raise children in this economy and awarded a little financial incentive to do so! The only alternative to Americans having children is importing more third world people to do that for us.

Crony Capitalism ftw
39   HappyGilmore   2017 Dec 4, 8:11am  

BlueSardine says
Libbies take note. :
In 1932, in the depths of the Great Depression, Franklin D. Roosevelt called for “bold, persistent experimentation” and said: “It is common sense to take a method and try it; if it fails, admit it frankly and try another. But above all, try something.”

Newsflash--trickle down has been tried already. And it failed.
40   Shaman   2017 Dec 4, 8:22am  

errc says
Crony Capitalism ftw

One of your less coherent posts. And that’s bad company lately.
41   anonymous   2017 Dec 4, 8:47am  

BlueSardine says
In 1932, in the depths of the Great Depression, Franklin D. Roosevelt called for “bold, persistent experimentation” and said: “It is common sense to take a method and try it; if it fails, admit it frankly and try another. But above all, try something.”

The Great Depression and top of the Obama boom. Same thing.
42   anonymous   2017 Dec 4, 8:51am  

Quigley says
errc says
Crony Capitalism ftw

One of your less coherent posts. And that’s bad company lately.

I was doing my best mell impression, guess it fell flat.

As an American, I don’t support the Fed Gov picking winners and losers, and giving some citizens privileges that they force the unprivileged to pay for. It’s obvious that for you, all that matters is wether or not it personally saves or costs you any money
43   Goran_K   2017 Dec 4, 8:53am  

errc says
I don’t support the Fed Gov picking winners and losers

Who are the winners being picked?
44   Goran_K   2017 Dec 4, 9:20am  

HappyGilmore says
Winners: Owners of private jets. People with estates > $11MM, people with large holdings in stocks

Losers: Everyone else.

That doesn't seem accurate. You don't think a 24k standard deduction helps a middle class family?
45   MrMagic   2017 Dec 4, 9:29am  

HappyGilmore says
People with estates > $11MM, people with large holdings in stocks

How many people fit that profile versus how many people fit squarely in the middle class and will benefit form the $24K standard deduction?
46   Goran_K   2017 Dec 4, 10:18am  

HappyGilmore says
Of course. But removal of the exemptions hurts them. Removal of student loan interest hurts them.

I'm talking in totality(and in general)--winners are the super rich. Losers are everyone else.

Those are good moves IMO. The Department of Education just released data that showed that the student loan default rate from October 2013 to October 2017 has increased to 11.5 percent (roughly 600,000 defaulters). This is unacceptable. Those losses are tax payer subsidized. No one is forcing those people to take loans and taking incentives AWAY from bad borrowers is a good thing IMO.

Still, I've done the math and the 24k deduction is huge for people who aren't over borrowing. not to mention the lower tax brackets per income level overall. Also this is the largest drop to small business and corporations in 20 years (more business expansion and jobs coming).

The only people this tax cut seems to hurt are "over borrowers", people who borrowed far too much to buy a home, or borrowed far too much taxpayer money to give to some liberal arts schools.

Net positive, these tax cuts are far better for the economy.
47   anonymous   2017 Dec 4, 10:32am  

Goran_K says
HappyGilmore says
Of course. But removal of the exemptions hurts them. Removal of student loan interest hurts them.

I'm talking in totality(and in general)--winners are the super rich. Losers are everyone else.

Those are good moves IMO. The Department of Education just released data that showed that the student loan default rate from October 2013 to October 2017 has increased to 11.5 percent (roughly 600,000 defaulters). This is unacceptable. Those losses are tax payer subsidized. No one is forcing those people to take loans and taking incentives AWAY from bad borrowers is a good thing IMO.

Still, I've done the math and the 24k deduction is huge for people who aren't over borrowing. not to mention the lower tax brackets per income level overall. Also this is the largest drop to small business and corporations in 20 years (more business expansion and jobs c...

As an American Capitalist, i see a very simple solution: bring back Capitalism so that student loan debt is discharged in chapter 7 bankruptcy. The market will sort it out
48   Goran_K   2017 Dec 4, 10:39am  

HappyGilmore says
Access to education should not be only available to the wealthy. That's bad policy for the US--an educated population is vastly superior to an uneducated population.

Have you seen millenials? They are already vastly uneducated despite a liberal arts degree and have high unemployment as it is.

Giving "free money" to students is not the way to give "access to education", that's just enabling bad decisions and causing inflationary pressure on the cost of education.

Nope--I've done the calculations too. Huge net negative. Much better off simply sending all taxpayers $10K.

I doubt that. You can't even come up with a situation where it actually hurts someone who isn't up to their necks in debt.
49   Goran_K   2017 Dec 4, 10:40am  

errc says
As an American Capitalist, i see a very simple solution: bring back Capitalism so that student loan debt is discharged in chapter 7 bankruptcy. The market will sort it out

As an american capitalist, then you should also be in favor of loaning money based on projected ability to pay back? Right Mr. Capitalist?
50   anonymous   2017 Dec 4, 10:41am  

Goran_K says
errc says
As an American Capitalist, i see a very simple solution: bring back Capitalism so that student loan debt is discharged in chapter 7 bankruptcy. The market will sort it out

As an american capitalist, then you should also be in favor of loaning money based on projected ability to pay back? Right Mr. Capitalist?

Of course
51   socal2   2017 Dec 4, 11:08am  

HappyGilmore says
Access to education should not be only available to the wealthy. That's bad policy for the US--an educated population is vastly superior to an uneducated population.

Just like our expensive healthcare system, when the government subsidizes something, it becomes much more expensive as it just increases the demand.

Instead of shoveling more of our tax dollars into education loans, we should be working with universities to come up with ways of reducing the cost of tuition. There is absolutely no reason why a 4 year degree should cost hundreds of thousands of dollars saddling our kids with a big fat mortgage right out of college.

Reducing education costs will require eliminating many ridiculous administrative positions to manage SJW nonsense and getting back to educating.
52   HappyGilmore   2017 Dec 4, 11:13am  

socal2 says
Instead of shoveling more of our tax dollars into education loans, we should be working with universities to come up with ways of reducing the cost of tuition. There is absolutely no reason why a 4 year degree should cost hundreds of thousands of dollars saddling our kids with a big fat mortgage right out of college.

Yep--I agree with that. Education is similar to healthcare, however, in that it has a very inelastic demand curve. People need education.
53   anonymous   2017 Dec 4, 11:20am  

Goran_K says
Still, I've done the math and the 24k deduction is huge for people who aren't over borrowing. not to mention the lower tax brackets per income level overall. Also this is the largest drop to small business and corporations in 20 years (more business expansion and jobs coming).

So show us the math. How did you do the math when the bill isn't out of committee yet and there are two versions with some big differences?
54   WildMind   2017 Dec 4, 11:24am  

Yo be fair, every traditional family of 4 already has a bigger than $24k standard deduction now. You get $12700 standard fling married and your 2 kids and 2 parents get a $4050 personal deduction each which comes to $28900 deduction currently. The only thing that saves them from getting screwed is the large increase in child credit and extending it to $500k income families is smart too.

I’m just so glad I didn’t roll my wife’s student loans into our home equity loan this past year like I was going to so we could write off the interest. That would have sucked since equity loan interest write offs are going away for sure.

Goran_K says
HappyGilmore says
Winners: Owners of private jets. People with estates > $11MM, people with large holdings in stocks

Losers: Everyone else.

That doesn't seem accurate. You don't think a 24k standard deduction helps a middle class family?
55   Goran_K   2017 Dec 4, 11:36am  

HappyGilmore says
If I had an uncivil button, I would have used it on this comment. I'd expect better from a moderator.

You misused the uncivil button before so that's probably why you lost it.

I'm simply asking you to come up with a situation where the tax reform hurts someone. Give me a scenario.
56   Goran_K   2017 Dec 4, 11:47am  

anon_faba8 says

So show us the math. How did you do the math when the bill isn't out of committee yet and there are two versions with some big differences?

Based on the proposed changes, the majority of those who are not in abnormally high debt, will experience a pretty good windfall.

Can you come up with a situation where the tax reform hurts someone who isn't in debt up to their necks with student loans and a jumbo mortgage? Give me a scenario.
57   socal2   2017 Dec 4, 11:54am  

HappyGilmore says
Yep--I agree with that. Education is similar to healthcare, however, in that it has a very inelastic demand curve. People need education.

Sure - but people shouldn't take out massive student loans to attend ridiculously expensive private or Ivy league schools just to get a humanities degree.

We need to increase competition in education and allow for the accreditation of more online education and commuter school options instead of shoveling more tax dollars at future students.
58   MrMagic   2017 Dec 4, 12:08pm  

Goran_K says
Still, I've done the math and the 24k deduction is huge for people who aren't over borrowing.

I will be huge for the Millennial population, who is becoming the biggest age group, since very few own houses and rent and are staying away from having kids, but getting pets. That $24K will be like hitting the lottery for them. Just think how much avocado toast they can buy with that windfall.
59   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2017 Dec 4, 12:14pm  

Sniper says
HappyGilmore says
Access to education should not be only available to the wealthy.

It's not, if you have a pulse and are breathing, you can sign on the dotted line and get money for college, regardless if you can pay it back.

I’ve posted frequently...in California, the state colleges...some of which are very good schools...are about $6-7k annually inclusive of books, parking, and student fees. Junior colleges are around $1100-1500 annually inclusive. So at 4 years you are looking at $20k...less than the price of an average new car and certainly an affordable loan to ANYONE who has a job.

College being affordable to only the rich is a lie and I’m not sure why “happy gillmore” continues to dish out blatantly false statements.
60   RC2006   2017 Dec 4, 12:26pm  

Fucking White Male says
Sniper says
HappyGilmore says
Access to education should not be only available to the wealthy.

It's not, if you have a pulse and are breathing, you can sign on the dotted line and get money for college, regardless if you can pay it back.

I’ve posted frequently...in California, the state colleges...some of which are very good schools...are about $6-7k annually inclusive of books, parking, and student fees. Junior colleges are around $1100-1500 annually inclusive. So at 4 years you are looking at $20k...less than the price of an average new car and certainly an affordable loan to ANYONE who has a job.

College being affordable to only the rich is a lie and I’m not sure why “happy gillmore” continues to dish out blatantly false statements.

You forgot to include apartment, food, vacations, party money, and so on which at least triples the cost. How can one just be expect to go to school and study?
61   HappyGilmore   2017 Dec 4, 12:27pm  

Fucking White Male says
College being affordable to only the rich is a lie and I’m not sure why “happy gillmore” continues to dish out blatantly false statements.

Not everyone lives in CA. I don't know if $7K annually is correct or not, but that is still cost prohibitive to someone working minimum wage.

And you can't even smell college for $7K/year in the vast majority of places.
62   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2017 Dec 4, 1:12pm  

HappyGilmore says
Fucking White Male says
College being affordable to only the rich is a lie and I’m not sure why “happy gillmore” continues to dish out blatantly false statements.

Not everyone lives in CA. I don't know if $7K annually is correct or not, but that is still cost prohibitive to someone working minimum wage.

And you can't even smell college for $7K/year in the vast majority of places.

Again not true. Just about Every state has a state college system as well as a university system.

Min wage is irrelevant. Were talking loans here which everyone will qualify for. And if you are min wage after graduating...sucks to be you.

Here’s the costs to satisfy you:
2 years jc x 1500 = 3k
2 years Cal State x 8k = 16k

Total = 19k

Now will you stop posting blatantly false information?
63   Goran_K   2017 Dec 4, 1:13pm  

HappyGilmore says
You obviously aren't following the thread. Goran proposed eliminating college loans.

Uh no I didn't. Why are you lying?

I said I am in agreement eliminating any taxpayer subsidized incentives to borrow tons of money for college that will never get paid back, in fact here's my post verbatim.

Goran_K says
Those are good moves IMO. The Department of Education just released data that showed that the student loan default rate from October 2013 to October 2017 has increased to 11.5 percent (roughly 600,000 defaulters). This is unacceptable. Those losses are tax payer subsidized. No one is forcing those people to take loans and taking incentives AWAY from bad borrowers is a good thing IMO.

These loans put extreme inflationary pressure on college costs, there's a reason why those costs have skyrocketed under FAFSA.
64   Goran_K   2017 Dec 4, 1:22pm  

Happy Gilmore, keep it on topic.

You were lying when you said "Goran proposed eliminating college loans." This isn't an opinion, it's a fact, you lied.

This whole "I would make your comments uncivil" or arguing about what is uncivil, is borderline trolling.If you want to understand what is uncivil, or not, ask yourself "Am I trolling or attempting to make this about a person rather than a point?" If you answer yes to that, then you're being "uncivil".
65   HappyGilmore   2017 Dec 4, 1:27pm  

Fucking White Male says
Again not true. Just about Every state has a state college system as well as a university system.

Yes, it is true. They have systems, but they sure as hell don't cost $7K/year.
66   HappyGilmore   2017 Dec 4, 1:28pm  

Fucking White Male says
Min wage is irrelevant. Were talking loans here which everyone will qualify for. And if you are min wage after graduating...sucks to be you.

No we're not--that's the point. We're talking about if those loans weren't available to everyone.
67   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2017 Dec 4, 2:00pm  

HappyGilmore says
Fucking White Male says
Again not true. Just about Every state has a state college system as well as a university system.

Yes, it is true. They have systems, but they sure as hell don't cost $7K/year.

Post link then. A few to make sure you’re not pointing out the rare exception.
68   Goran_K   2017 Dec 4, 2:05pm  

HappyGilmore says
Yes, allowing folks who couldn't afford higher education without loans does increase demand, but limiting access to education is a horrible way to control costs.

Increasing college costs through inflationary pressure puts college out of the range of more people than simply allowing the market to adjust the price. Free loans do the exact opposite of what you're proposing.
69   HappyGilmore   2017 Dec 4, 2:09pm  

Fucking White Male says
Post link then. A few to make sure you’re not pointing out the rare exception.

Sure--here's the data on public school education costs:


70   Goran_K   2017 Dec 4, 2:15pm  

HappyGilmore says
And by inflationary pressure you mean--allowing people who couldn't otherwise afford higher education to obtain it.

Let's be clear in what you are saying.

If people can't afford a certain college, they go to a cheaper college, if they can't afford a cheap college, then they go to community college and then transfer over after saving money. If that fails, then they can go to a trade school, and make money as a tradesmen. There are plenty of market alternatives.

Or if they do indeed take a loan, they think about it real hard, the consequences of taking the loan, and consider in their minds if they might be able to pay it back.

This is all far better than government subsidized loan money with a default rate of 11.5%.
71   Goran_K   2017 Dec 4, 2:37pm  

HappyGilmore says
Again, so we're clear. You advocate that ones' career opportunities are substantially based on the birth lottery. That is not unusual for Republicans.

I advocate for a merit based system where the best and brightest have the opportunity to get ahead even if they are born into a poor family.

Sure, some people are born to non-wealthy parents. Like Oprah, Michael Jordan, or Steve Jobs? The "best and brightest" have found ways. Schools often offer full rides to those with special talent.

America is a ladder of opportunity, and economic mobility is high as long as you work hard and make the right decisions.

Free loan money to anyone who can sign a FAFSA form is the exact opposite of a meritocracy.
72   socal2   2017 Dec 4, 2:52pm  

HappyGilmore says
I advocate for a merit based system where the best and brightest have the opportunity to get ahead even if they are born into a poor family.

Sounds great. But the government doesn't have a great track record of making up for absent fathers and broken homes which is the biggest driver of poverty, crime and ignorance in our country.

The best thing the government could do is to try and reverse the skyrocketing rate of women having children out of wedlock. Abortion, contraception and sex education is more available now than in any time in the history of the human species. Yet more kids than ever are being born to single mothers and poverty. Could it be that our government has incentivized this behavior with well meaning welfare (including student loan) policies?

The cynic in me thinks the Democrats want more poor immigrants and poor kids from broken families for votes and power.
73   Goran_K   2017 Dec 4, 2:57pm  

socal2 says
The cynic in me thinks the Democrats want more poor immigrants and poor kids from broken families for votes and power.

You're not being cynical. Those are just the facts. Lyndon B. Johnson said this himself when he proposed the Great Society initiative when he was supposedly heard saying "I'll Have Those N*****s Voting Democratic for 200 Years" by one of his top aides.

When Government takes the place of the nuclear family, what you get is welfare dependency and a reliable voting bloc.

Just take a look at the Democrat core voting block. Poor blacks and Hispanics are a key part of it.

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