A most succinct description of what's going on - you just don't see it yet

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2017 Dec 23, 12:49pm   9,648 views  31 comments

by marcus   ➕follow (7)   💰tip   ignore  

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1   anonymous   2017 Dec 23, 2:14pm  

I’d be 1000% fine if they cut all social programs and the associated taxes because I pay WAY more into the system than I get out of it. Cut all programs to the bone.
2   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Dec 23, 2:28pm  

Except, they actually WANT to take away your guns and Mark Warner is the most rabid anti-Social Security elected official. Naturally he represents Federal Government pension holders in Virginia.
3   marcus   2017 Dec 23, 2:49pm  

Sniper says
McConnell Says No to Ryan’s Dream of Cutting Entitlements in 2018.

Dozens of republicans talk about the need for "etitlement reform" (of medicare and social security).

Their justification: "we can't afford it." Meaning we already run big deficits, and deficits are projected to grow due to said entitlements.

So what do they do ? They pass "tax reform" that's going to explode the deficit.

Read between the lines. Understanding what they're doing is not rocket science. The most beautiful thing from their perspective of the "starve the beast" strategy, is that it means more money in their pocket - in the short run. These people are not conservatives in the traditional sense of the term.

What could be better than getting paid cash to fuck over the peasants (i.e. working class and middle class).
4   anonymous   2017 Dec 23, 3:43pm  

just any guy says
I’d be 1000% fine if they cut all social programs and the associated taxes because I pay WAY more into the system than I get out of it. Cut all programs to the bone.

But who's going to pay for the tin for the shanty towns your American dream policy will require ? And where can we put them ? Perhaps soylent green is the solution to Medicare ?
5   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2017 Dec 23, 4:39pm  

Funny that a guy who doesn't pay into social security is so concerned about it.
6   Booger   2017 Dec 23, 7:01pm  

marcus says
So what do they do ? They pass "tax reform" that's going to explode the deficit.

Higher GDP, higher labor participation rates / lower unemployment, higher wages for Americans, business relocating to the US, less foreign aid, less illegal aliens, and tariffs will more than make up for these tax cuts.
7   bob2356   2017 Dec 23, 7:23pm  

TwoScoopsPlissken says
Except, they actually WANT to take away your guns

Sure right. It's easier to buy and own a gun than ever in history., Just keep peeking out from under the bed once and a while to let us know you are alive.
8   Y   2017 Dec 24, 8:02am  

well this is expected as the libbies are not in control.
would be interesting to see if libbies get full control of government, 3 branches, if they would make any major moves towards gun ownership, or just pass feeble shit to appease the sjw's...

bob2356 says
TwoScoopsPlissken says
Except, they actually WANT to take away your guns

Sure right. It's easier to buy and own a gun than ever in history.
9   Y   2017 Dec 24, 8:03am  

Lobbyists and their benjamins do run the country y'know...

BlueSardine says
r just pass feeble shit to appease the sjw's...
10   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Dec 24, 10:52am  

I said want to take your guns.

Gun Control is part and parcel of the Democratic Platform. They just haven't been able to do shit, either at the Federal or State level, in decades.

Failure at doing something != Not wanting to do it.
11   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2017 Dec 24, 12:52pm  

Sniper says
anonymous says
accepted the brutality and pointlessness of life

Sounds like you're living that dream, based on your daily posts here.

This might help:

Indiana Division of Mental Health

No kidding. The tax reform bill greatly helps the middle class, yet BAO continually posts that it doesn’t! Even CNN has now admitted it helps most middle class citizens!
12   anonymous   2017 Dec 24, 1:40pm  

Of course they had to throw in a little for the middle class on a temporary basis.

There has been no hiding of the fact that nearly everyone (but especially corporations and the wealthy) get a tax cut for the next few year. Only the corporate and tax cuts for the rich are written to be permanent. (not that theywon't have to be changed by future congress')

So everyone gets a tax cut even though we're already running a huge deficit.

Ahhh, the magic of supply side economics ! Even the drooling idiots that buy Fox news propaganda on a regular basis have no excuse for not knowing what's going to happen next.
13   bob2356   2017 Dec 24, 2:17pm  

BlueSardine says
well this is expected as the libbies are not in control.
would be interesting to see if libbies get full control of government, 3 branches, if they would make any major moves towards gun ownership, or just pass feeble shit to appease the sjw's...

Like all the gun control that happened 2008/2009 when dems had full control? Oh wait, gun control never happened 2008/2009. Never mind.

14   NDrLoR   2017 Dec 24, 2:46pm  

anonymous says
Andrew Castleby, 36, Poet, Milwaukee, WI, Annual Income – $9,736
anonymous says
Bill and Jennifer Eddingson, 47 and 51, small business owners, Knoxville, TN, Annual Household Income $600,000 (Estimated Tax Savings $21,240)
Maybe Mr. Castleby is in the wrong profession?
15   MrMagic   2017 Dec 24, 8:10pm  

anonymous says
That evil BAO, continually whacking at Orange Julius and the GOP. Sure glad I am the sole holdout here on the echo chamber.

"Sole holdout", that should be VERY telling. Yo-u should take that as a YYUUGGEEEE hint (with that TDS issue)!!
16   MrMagic   2017 Dec 24, 8:17pm  

anonymous says
Andrew Castleby, 36, Poet, Milwaukee, WI, Annual Income – $9,736

36 years old making $9k, yep, a real winner.

anonymous says
(Estimated Tax Savings $10)

anonymous says
(Estimated Tax Savings $180)

anonymous says
(Estimated Tax Savings $360)

anonymous says
(Estimated Tax Savings $570)

anonymous says
(Estimated Tax Saving $870)

anonymous says
(Estimated Tax Savings $1,310)

anonymous says
(Estimated Tax Savings $2,260)

anonymous says
(Estimated Tax Saving $6,560)

anonymous says
(Estimated Tax Savings $21,240)

Well, look at that, they are all going get a savings and get something back. They can thank Trump for that!!

What did they get from Obama, except for the loss of their doctors, higher insurance premiums, higher co-pays, higher deductibles. How much did they get in "savings" there??

Also, did they get that $2,500 check from Obama yet for their lower Obamacare costs??

Didn't think so....................
17   anonymous   2017 Dec 25, 9:37am  

18   Shaman   2017 Dec 25, 9:50am  

anonymous says
That evil BAO, continually whacking at Orange Julius and the GOP. Sure glad I am the sole holdout here on the echo chamber.

That’s ok, we need a devils advocate! Otherwise who would we argue with?
19   Strategist   2017 Dec 25, 11:36am  

Sniper says
anonymous says
Andrew Castleby, 36, Poet, Milwaukee, WI, Annual Income – $9,736

36 years old making $9k, yep, a real winner.

A poet? Could be a code word for ....useless loser living in mom's basement.
20   HappyGilmore   2017 Dec 25, 8:03pm  

TwoScoopsPlissken says
I said want to take your guns.

Gun Control is part and parcel of the Democratic Platform. They just haven't been able to do shit, either at the Federal or State level, in decades.

Failure at doing something != Not wanting to do it.

So, gun control = wanting to take your guns? Hilarious.
21   HappyGilmore   2017 Dec 25, 8:08pm  

HappyGilmore says

So, gun control = wanting to take your guns? Hilarious.

Yes, God forbid we make gun shows run background checks. "THEY'RE TAKING MY GUNS!!!!!!!!!!!!"
22   MrMagic   2017 Dec 25, 9:30pm  

HappyGilmore says
Yes, God forbid we make gun shows run background checks.

How many of recent mass murderers have bought their guns from gun shows?


Here's a hint, most gun show sellers DO run background checks. Time to find a NEW false narrative.
23   anonymous   2017 Dec 25, 11:30pm  

I think the gun show thing was meant as an example of what gun control is.

"democrats want to take our guns" is one of the ultimate false narratives.
24   HappyGilmore   2017 Dec 26, 8:34am  

Sniper says

Apparently you're not knowledgeable about the anti-gun bills introduced in NJ, NY, CA and a few other Blue states. It's NOT a false narrative if you're paying attention.

Great--please share the details about how they include sections where police go door to door to confiscate your guns.
25   HappyGilmore   2017 Dec 26, 8:35am  

Sniper says
Here's a hint, most gun show sellers DO run background checks. Time to find a NEW false narrative.

So why not regulate it so all gun shows must do background checks? If so, does that equal "taking your guns" in your world?
26   HappyGilmore   2017 Dec 26, 8:39am  

Sniper says
Where was that said?

TwoScoopsPlissken says
Except, they actually WANT to take away your guns

Having trouble following the thread again CIC?
27   HappyGilmore   2017 Dec 26, 8:44am  

Sniper says
Is the ONLY way to take away guns is by going door to door? Are there no other ways?

Not just take away guns. Take away YOUR guns. That implies that the gun is owned by someone so, yes, in order to take away YOUR guns, someone would have to come to where you keep them and confiscate them.
28   anonymous   2017 Dec 26, 8:47am  

Sniper says
anonymous says
accepted the brutality and pointlessness of life

Sounds like you're living that dream, based on your daily posts here.

This might help:

Indiana Division of Mental Health


Might be time to add your and you’re to Snipers list, as he can’t seem to help himself, and your moderator is obviously biased
29   HappyGilmore   2017 Dec 26, 8:52am  

Sniper says

Does my story count, or will it be just another false fact?

lol--it's completely irrelevant to the topic. The guns weren't taken as part of any gun control legislation. The article is from 2005 for God's sake.

You couldn't find anything in the 8 years of Obama? The poster child for taking your guns?
30   HappyGilmore   2017 Dec 26, 9:56am  

Sniper says
Why didn't yah answer this?

Because you're supposed to be following the rules which are to address the topic and not the person.
31   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Dec 26, 12:20pm  

Sniper says
Andrew Castleby, 36, Poet, Milwaukee, WI, Annual Income – $9,736


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