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anon_cf6c6 says
Great, so you're starting with the one that kills the LEAST amount first? Why is that?
Nope--not starting. Automobile safety has been regulated for a long, long time. We've made laws governing car seats, age/weight limits on front seat passengers, seat belts, crash test requirements, etc.
Great, so is that why car deaths have risen to record levels over 40,000 last year and 3 million were injured from all this NEW safety regulations?
Doesn't sound like government regulation and involvement is working very well.
How many ads with Dems run with High School kids asking why politicians can't stand up to the NRA and pass common sense legislation to eliminate school shootings.
It's a math thing, conservatives always seem to have trouble with math
Not these percentages again, some just haven't learned math.
In 1978 there were 73 million households, so 51% of 73 = 37 million were gun owners.
In 2016 there were 126 million households, so 36% of 126 = 45 million were gun owners.
Quick math question, which is larger, 37 million or 45 million?
What was that again about "right wing math"?
More households own guns NOW.
Fact, 3 times more people die to knives in the U.S than to rifles.
On the other hand, Jamal Jackson and Juan Jiminez would still have access to the same .25 Auto that's been making the rounds on the Chicago or San Juan black market
Not these percentages again, some just haven't learned math.
In 1978 there were 73 million households, so 51% of 73 = 37 million were gun owners.
In 2016 there were 126 million households, so 36% of 126 = 45 million were gun owners.
Quick math question, which is larger, 37 million or 45 million?
What was that again about "right wing math"?
More households own guns NOW.
Fact, 3 times more people die to knives in the U.S than to rifles.
On the other hand, Jamal Jackson and Juan Jiminez would still have access to the same .25 Auto that's been making the rounds on the Chicago or San Juan black market since Superfly was in the cinema and is linked to dozens of deaths. And the Mexican Cartels would just smuggle more in.
The NRA has ALWAYS called for sensible background checks.
Great--let's go after the black market on guns then by limiting production. That can be part of the legislation.
Quick math question.
In any group of say 1 million people (assuming theoretical even distribution) are there more or less gun households at 36% now than at 51% then?
Yes those troublesome (if you don't understand them) percentages do matter.
Why do conservatives frame it as "giving up our guns"? We're talking about regulating a very small subset of firearms whose only purpose is to kill as quickly as possible.
whose only purpose is to kill as quickly as possible.
Why do conservatives frame it as "giving up our guns"? We're talking about regulating a very small subset of firearms whose only purpose is to kill as quickly as possible.
Any Libbies want to touch on that o
There's a perfect example of Liberal Logic.
Any Libbies want to touch on that one?
Nah, let's just have at least one guard controlling the entrance to schools like we do at every other similarly sized facility in the country.
We're talking about regulating a very small subset of firearms whose only purpose is to kill as quickly as possible.
Useless. I'm looking for solutions that help fix the problem.
Sniper saysThere's a perfect example of Liberal Logic.
Any Libbies want to touch on that one?
Sure-it's another strawman. Gun control is about closing loopholes that allow "drunk drivers" in your analogy to get them.. It's about restricting the general population's ability from dangerous cars which is already in place. (read--non street legal)
If gun control were similar to automobile regulations, I'd be happy.
Or a kid who the police responded to complaints 39 times at his house, was expelled from regular school, on SSRIs, and diagnosed with mental issues, experienced no intervention despite at least one verified recent tip to a LEO Agency about Violent Threats by an adult, and many more by peers.
Instead, let's select the politically difficult idea of banning firearms.
More children dies of the flu last week than from school shootings.
Where is the cry from Democrats to outlaw the flu?
Yeah, not having ANY controls to exit and enter a 3100+ Person Facility, much less one filled with kids, is not a problem.
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"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."
Couple things to note in there:
1. The specific mention of a militia being the reason for the need to bear arms.
2. The 2nd Amendment never mentions the word gun at all.
So, what exactly is the definition of "arms"?
In 1755 Dr. Johnson’s Dictionary of the English Language was first published. It defined “arms” as “weapons of offence, or armour of defence.”
Weapons of offence would seem to include pretty much anything and everything, from knives to nuclear weapons. The US has already seen fit to ban some weapons of offence so the 2nd Amendment clearly has not been interpreted strictly as meaning that the US cannot ban all "arms". Therefore, the 2nd Amendment does not guarantee citizens the right to own whatever weapons they choose.
So it then becomes a question of which weapons should be banned, which should be strictly regulated, and which should be lightly regulated or not at all. Like anything else, we should weigh an individual's right with society's right. When looked at in that manner, it becomes very difficult to justify why fully automatic or semi automatic rifles should be allowed. What purpose do they serve an individual? And why would that purpose outweigh the extreme damage those weapons have cased society??
Patrick thinks the Chamber of Commerce is the worst organization, and he may be correct, but the NRA is not far behind.