by steverbeaver ➕follow (1) 💰tip ignore
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I am basing this on performance behavior
Almost everything has been exceptional when viewed this way from my point of view
No...or rather, this incarnation of NAFTA will go bye-bye. It is a congressional-executive agreement, so it will take Congress to pass legislation in both houses to rescind it and you know that they won't. But, they will be happy to replace it with a new NAFTA. So, we will get a NAFTA 2. And I'd be careful about wishing for a new King, if I were you. You might just get one. :)
Tell me... are you still forced to buy health insurance or pay a "fine"?
I'm sure a missed a few other Big Achievements.
So it is legislation. And like all forms of legislation, only Congress can change it, repeal it or the courts can declare it unconstitutional. Now Trump could simply refuse to follow/enforce the law much like Obama's Regime did. But that could be challenged in court.
Article 2205: Withdrawal
A Party may withdraw from this Agreement six months after it provides written notice of withdrawal to the other Parties. If a Party withdraws, the Agreement shall remain in force for the remaining Parties.
Todd Tucker, fellow, the Roosevelt Institute
Congress can’t block Trump from withdrawing, but he will have other problems to deal with if he does so.
The executive branch has exclusive authority over foreign relations. Presidents from William McKinley to Franklin Roosevelt to Jimmy Carter terminated international agreements without explicit congressional authorization — including some that dealt with trade.
Yes you did, a BIG one... your 401K balance:
MrMagic saysYes you did, a BIG one... your 401K balance:
The dow went up 250% under obama. Does that make obama the best president to date instead?
MrMagic saysThe market went up under Obama during QE Infinity. Wow.Yes you did, a BIG one... your 401K balance:
The dow went up 250% under obama. Does that make obama the best president to date instead?
bob2356 saysMrMagic saysThe market went up under Obama during QE Infinity. Wow.Yes you did, a BIG one... your 401K balance:
The dow went up 250% under obama. Does that make obama the best president to date instead?
Yeah. TREATIES. Not Congressional-Executive Agreements. Those are just like domestic laws that stay on the books until Congress says otherwise.
Yeah. TREATIES. Not Congressional-Executive Agreements. Those are just like domestic laws that stay on the books until Congress says otherwise.
MrMagic saysYes you did, a BIG one... your 401K balance:
The dow went up 250% under obama. Does that make obama the best president to date instead?
How many people paid the fine each year for not having insurance
It's party time, since Republicans switched from bitching about the deficit to pretending it doesn't even exist.
That’s less than the increase in gas prices that afe crushing low income Americans, under Trump
That’s less than the increase in gas prices
Locking Her up?
High gas prices are extremely good - I wish gas was $5-8/gal. This allows development of alternative energy sources (less global warming and/or dependence on Gulf terroristocracies) and really helps state where I live.
It's also very bad for the poor - who often have to drive the farthest commute each day for their jobs since they can't afford to live near the coast in California.
Gas taxes are the most regressive taxes out there.
Are you saying that the President has no effect on gas prices?
as we all are adults here (hopefully), we know that Obamacare was a giveaway to insurance companies.
Yes, that was my problem with the mandate. It's wrong to force people to pay a small set of private companies whatever they say you have to pay or face fines.
You do know that Emergency care in US is mandatory ( if not entirely free) , which means that uninsured normally ended up in Emergency costing the Govt
You do know that Emergency care in US is mandatory ( if not entirely free)
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