Break down part time workers, you have a lot people ages 16-24 that work part time because it is hard to go to high school and college full time and work full time as well. Not enough hours in a day for this
Give MMT people this much credit they have reached troll status only worthy of the Anti Central bank people, two groups that have missed this entire economic expansion because both groups can't read data correctly
This guy! WTF do you do all day? Look at charts? Love your input here, but outside of economics and the occasional vacation, do you have any other interests? Mix it up a bit my friend.
Almost went to the one in Jackson, WY a couple weeks back (Teton Village). Surprisingly that one didn't have the best reviews from what I had read about so we didn't stay there.
She forgot that She was a media product. An unknown before the Liberal cameras a black power suit, and a Power Bun hair doo sold her to the Primary voters.
What she has done to that winnable image the Soros Cabal created for her. Would be like had Obama grown out a Nappy head Afro after his primaries, and moped around in polo shirts.
Its good to have young energetic people run for government, especially with Gen Z coming down the pipeline.
However, as always, everything someone in office says now will be criticized and she did boast about having an economic degree recently on twitter
She is young, passionate and from the Bernie Sanders, MMT cloth, so expect some statements that just aren't true.
People who only work from the data mine fields have to be critical of those from both sides of the political economic spectrum and this is why I have always stressed that people should be careful listening to MMT people and Anti Central Bank people, both groups are notoriously known for not making accurate economic statements to boost their own economic ideological views.
Logan, based on your charts. If nothing crazy happens, it’ll be good times out here in good old USA?
WTF. It's good times now. Everyone is working. We are wealthier than ever. You can always judge the good times by the moans of the socialists. The more they moan, the better are the times.
Logan, based on your charts. If nothing crazy happens, it’ll be good times out here in good old USA?
WTF. It's good times now. Everyone is working. We are wealthier than ever. You can always judge the good times by the moans of the socialists. The more they moan, the better are the times.
What a lot people forget is that in 2018, prime age labor force is back to where it was in 2007 and now we are growing. So we have that underneath demographic household formation demand to keep things at bay.
Where other countries don't have that capacity anymore. On that front we are good now and I still never ever hear about this once anywhere so I am surprised that it doesn't get talked about.
Also, Gen Z is massive as well, so we have another replacement workforce coming after the M's
On another economic subject if you run into the MMT crew that imply a lot people make poverty wages
Show them this chart and make it clear that % of poverty in America is heading toward single digit the make shift of the demographics in this country is keeping that % higher than it really is
- Longest job expansion ever recorded in U.S. history 93 months, previous record was 48 months so we are on the verge of doubling that
- Unemployment claims vs civilian labor force is at all time lows
- Next year at this time we will have the longest economic expansion ever recorded in U.S. history
As always, the extreme left and right missed this record breaking time in U.S. history because they can't read data correctly.
Oh wait, I forget ....we have more job openings than unemployed workers.....
and 75 of those months were under Obama. Isn't he the guy that destroyed the economy according to the trumptards? After all Obama increased the debt, which under trump went, oh wait never mind that. But the labor force participation rate under trump went, Oh wait never mind that. But but but the home ownership rate under trump, Oh wait never mind.
The economy is booming. This is the time for paying down debt and investing in research/infrastructure for the future, not cutting taxes and racking up record government borrowing. WTF?
Political economy theory is only for the mad and insane.... Presidents have very little to do with economic expansion and recessions.... Federal debt rose more due to Demographics and a lack of revenue from the Great Recession, 2 things that a sitting President doesn't have control on
If you really want to know about economics and data cycles, Presidents have to be on the bottom of the list and realize that tribalism isn't a good way to look at economics
Comments 1 - 26 of 26 Search these comments
- Unemployment claims vs civilian labor force is at all time lows
- Next year at this time we will have the longest economic expansion ever recorded in U.S. history
As always, the extreme left and right missed this record breaking time in U.S. history because they can't read data correctly.
Oh wait, I forget ....we have more job openings than unemployed workers.....
I am going to Amayara in Turks and Caicos for 7 days in 3 weeks
Staying in this room
Almost went to the one in Jackson, WY a couple weeks back (Teton Village). Surprisingly that one didn't have the best reviews from what I had read about so we didn't stay there.
What she has done to that winnable image the Soros Cabal created for her. Would be like had Obama grown out a Nappy head Afro after his primaries, and moped around in polo shirts.
Does the name, Bernie Sanders, ring any bells?
However, as always, everything someone in office says now will be criticized and she did boast about having an economic degree recently on twitter
She is young, passionate and from the Bernie Sanders, MMT cloth, so expect some statements that just aren't true.
People who only work from the data mine fields have to be critical of those from both sides of the political economic spectrum and this is why I have always stressed that people should be careful listening to MMT people and Anti Central Bank people, both groups are notoriously known for not making accurate economic statements to boost their own economic ideological views.
Just another idiot.
WTF. It's good times now. Everyone is working. We are wealthier than ever.
You can always judge the good times by the moans of the socialists. The more they moan, the better are the times.
Like seeing everyone employed for a change instead of living like bums waiting for hand out.
Trump done great economically. I always worry left will find a way to fuck it up for the rest of us somehow.
Strategist says
What a lot people forget is that in 2018, prime age labor force is back to where it was in 2007 and now we are growing. So we have that underneath demographic household formation demand to keep things at bay.
Where other countries don't have that capacity anymore. On that front we are good now and I still never ever hear about this once anywhere so I am surprised that it doesn't get talked about.
Also, Gen Z is massive as well, so we have another replacement workforce coming after the M's
Best comic ever.
Are you talking about Socialists. or a woman in the sack?
Show them this chart and make it clear that % of poverty in America is heading toward single digit the make shift of the demographics in this country is keeping that % higher than it really is
and 75 of those months were under Obama. Isn't he the guy that destroyed the economy according to the trumptards? After all Obama increased the debt, which under trump went, oh wait never mind that. But the labor force participation rate under trump went, Oh wait never mind that. But but but the home ownership rate under trump, Oh wait never mind.
The economy is booming. This is the time for paying down debt and investing in research/infrastructure for the future, not cutting taxes and racking up record government borrowing. WTF?
Political economy theory is only for the mad and insane.... Presidents have very little to do with economic expansion and recessions.... Federal debt rose more due to Demographics and a lack of revenue from the Great Recession, 2 things that a sitting President doesn't have control on
If you really want to know about economics and data cycles, Presidents have to be on the bottom of the list and realize that tribalism isn't a good way to look at economics
Are you working on an infomercial for your master class?