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96   Goran_K   2018 Aug 6, 10:51am  

Aphroman says
Have you ever heard of the Republican party?

Yes, but I don't see the parallels like I see with the Democrat party vs Collectivist governments.

Let's see shall we?

Democrat / Socialist / Communist / Nazi
- Supports Gun Control
- Supports state ownership of key services and industries (health care, education, etc)
- Supports wealth redistribution
- Strong identity politics platform
- Has engaged in large national scale oppression that robbed millions of freedom

I could go on and on.
97   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Aug 6, 11:02am  

marcus says
There are examples of leaders with hateful rhetoric, that actually used hate to gain power. Trump is the strongest example of this in the U.S. in my lifetime.

Trump consistently argues for everyone to gather under the Banner of America.

Whereas the Democratic Party and their Media Allies hire open racists, people who cavort with known racists and refuse or only grudgingly/partially distance themselves from them under immense pressure, gloat about the end of the majority then deny doing so, etc.

We have examples on this thread and others of a privileged Asian Gal issuing tweet after tweet that can only be described as racist. What's funny, is that her supports don't deny they're racist, but that we have no right to complain because "Real racism" needs "Power+Privilege", even though Jeong has both given her background & role in society. Far more of it than 98% of White Males.

Marcus, can we repeal the 1960s Immigration Bill? Ted Kennedy promised when he was pushing for it that it would not fundamentally change the demographics of the country. Well, since that happened, then we should repeal it, yes?
98   marcus   2018 Aug 6, 11:47am  

Goran_K says
Hitler and Stalin rise to power, selling fear mongering to those losers

LYing and selling hate and fear was all I could see from Trump in his campaign. Combined with a business career and history as a person that made his campaign rhetoric pale in comparison.

THose who like Trump, for some reason do not see the things that scream out as to the kind of person he is. Nor do they acknowledge the hate and fear he was selling and that the right weing has been selling for decades.

CBOE will say, "Give me an example." We've been watching a constant shit show 24/7 and he says give me an example. You guys are so far beyond deluded.

I can agree about identity politics and excesses that sometimes go as far as to be anti-white racism on the far left, and coming from SOME minority individuals. But if you can't acknowledge what I see in TRump, then maybe we are at the point of a civil war and race wars. But if it comes to that, I will always blame TRump and you asshole Brietbrt, Fox News, talk radio followers for being so dishonest with yourselves.
99   fdhfoiehfeoi   2018 Aug 6, 11:50am  

TwoScoopsOfWompWomp says
Berkeley arrests individuals from protest march.

I see a theme emerging. Ugly as fuck people are angry, probably because they're UAF.
100   socal2   2018 Aug 6, 12:01pm  

marcus says
But if it comes to that, I will always blame TRump and you asshole Brietbrt, Fox News, talk radio followers for being so dishonest with yourselves.

I didn't vote for Trump and agree with alot of Liberals who complain about Trump's personal life and his rhetoric.

All the Liberals had to do win me over and not vote for a Republican is not be crazy. But Left has gone so far extreme it is seriously debating Socialism and total open borders when they can find some time between debating the total number of genders we are forced to recognize.

Democrat politicians and their water carriers: MSNBC, CNN, CBS, NBC, ABC, New York Times, Washington Post, LA Times, Vice News, Vox, Bill Maher, The View, Stephen Colbert, Jimmy Kimmel, John Oliver, Comedy Central.........have gone bat-shit insane and spent the last 1.5 years dividing our country over alot of fake shit - giving the Russians more than they could have ever hoped for.

So now I find myself WANTING to defend Trump against these Liberal retards and am more motivated than ever to vote in the midterms and Trump in 2020.
101   CBOEtrader   2018 Aug 6, 12:18pm  

marcus says
Example: Perhaps if there had been more hate for the type of hate that Hitler represented

WRONG! Hitler used the exact same fear of deplorable wrongthing logic to oppress and eventually kill the Jews. Hitler's logic is identical to today's left.

What we need to do as a society is 1st) express moral humility rather than moral righteousness. We need to realize that the angry mob is always wrong. Therefore we should never form into an angry mob. 2nd) NEVER justify oppression or violence against another individual who is not being violent towards others.
102   CBOEtrader   2018 Aug 6, 12:20pm  

marcus says
CBOE will say, "Give me an example." We've been watching a constant shit show 24/7 and he says give me an example.

You still cant give a single example, AND that means those who require empirical evidence are in the wrong. LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL! This is nazi logic man, pure and simple. "OF course the Jews are evil and deserve to be taken away. Only a bad person questions the furors logic."

Please wake up before your side goes full nazi.
103   CBOEtrader   2018 Aug 6, 12:22pm  

marcus says
Trump is the strongest example

Give me one example of Trump's hateful rhetoric. Lemme guess, you cant do that either.

Dude, please wake up. This is dreadfully closeminded behavior.
104   CBOEtrader   2018 Aug 6, 12:23pm  

marcus says
But if it comes to that, I will always blame TRump and you asshole Brietbrt, Fox News, talk radio followers for being so dishonest with yourselves.

Yup, Hitler also blamed the Jews.
105   Goran_K   2018 Aug 6, 12:30pm  

marcus says
I can agree about identity politics and excesses that sometimes go as far as to be anti-white racism on the far left, and coming from SOME minority individuals. But if you can't acknowledge what I see in TRump, then maybe we are at the point of a civil war and race wars. But if it comes to that, I will always blame TRump and you asshole Brietbrt, Fox News, talk radio followers for being so dishonest with yourselves.

The left can't win a civil war against the right. They would lose.

As for "Trump selling hate", no I don't buy it. You have to give me examples of Trump (not third parties, not isolated individuals who Trump doesn't even know personally) actually selling hate. If it's there, I'll admit it, but I have looked extremely hard (remember I did NOT vote for Trump), and besides him calling fat pigs like Rosie a few names, I don't see him selling hate like Democrats do 24/7.

Donald Trump (before he ran as a Republican) was more of a life style icon. Everyone wanted to be like Donald Trump, it was synonymous with being rich, brash, and proud of it, like Tony Stark but in real life.

All the "he's a racist" shit only came out in 2015 when he announced his run, which means it was probably made up bullshit.
106   Shaman   2018 Aug 6, 12:36pm  

marcus says
of leaders with hateful rhetoric, that actually used hate to gain power. Trump is the strongest example of this in the U.S. in my lifetime.

Can you give us an example of hateful rhetoric Trump used? Actual hateful words, not just unkind or insensitive words, not just coarse words of unvarnished truth, but actually hateful words and phrases intended to encourage people to hate groups of people? You know, something like Jeong of the NYT editorial board would say on her Twatter account.

I’ve been following him for two years now and I can’t give such an example.

I’m wondering what kind of fake news you’re watching that you feel (and I do mean feel) like Trump is just spreading hate.
107   MrMagic   2018 Aug 6, 12:44pm  

marcus says
LYing and selling hate and fear was all I could see from Trump in his campaign.

I think I see the reason why.

CBOEtrader says
You still cant give a single example, AND that means those who require empirical evidence are in the wrong.

CBOEtrader says
Give me one example of Trump's hateful rhetoric.

Quigley says
Can you give us an example of hateful rhetoric Trump used?

You guys are expecting something that will NEVER happen. Marcus is so involved with his TDS, he will NEVER give an example, because he can't.

All he has is partisan Hyperbole, parroted from CNN...
108   Goran_K   2018 Aug 6, 12:49pm  

The guiding principle of Democrats/Socialist/Communism, "You work, I eat."

That's why they suck. Everything else is a distraction.
109   CBOEtrader   2018 Aug 6, 12:54pm  

MrMagic says
All he has is partisan Hyperbole, parroted from CNN...

Trump supporters: All americans deserve the same rights. Lets MAGA for all Americans!

Marcus: Thats racist, ITS TIME FOR A RACE WAR.

Trump supporters: Chill Marcus. Tell us why you so upset.

Marcus: If you dont agree with the violent mob, you are the problem.

Sigh... This is your moderate left folks.
110   CBOEtrader   2018 Aug 6, 1:04pm  

Goran_K says
You have to give me examples of Trump (not third parties, not isolated individuals who Trump doesn't even know personally) actually selling hate. If it's there, I'll admit it, but I have looked extremely hard (remember I did NOT vote for Trump)

I didnt vote for trump either.

The left going this insane, may have me voting for a major party 2020 potus candidate for first time in my life. Always vote against the nazis.

FYI: you can always tell who the nazis are by their righteous justification for mob violence. Nazis dont "dog whistle".
111   MrMagic   2018 Aug 6, 1:06pm  

marcus says
But if you can't acknowledge what I see in TRump, then maybe we are at the point of a civil war and race wars.

In all seriousness, very few here suffer from your level of TDS, and I mean this in all honesty. It's really difficult for anyone to see the same thing, who doesn't suffer from extreme hate of Trump, like you do. I'm being 100% honest here Marcus, you're at the point of needing major intervention and help. It's been over 18 months, and it hasn't tapered off at all.

How are you going to survive the next 2-1/2 years without going into a total meltdown?

I think it will end up being a civil war in the country, there is certainly a large group that is so totally over the top, that a civil war might be the only way to knock some sense into them.

It won't be pretty.
112   CBOEtrader   2018 Aug 6, 2:56pm  

Progressives: trump supporters can't understand why we hate trump.

Also progressives: we refuse to point out examples why we hate Trump.

There has never been a mass brainwashing like what we see today. Frankly, its terrifying to watch millions of Americans behave like Nazis, righteously calling for violence against "dog whistle" wrongthink.

This has never in history ended well. Ever.
113   marcus   2018 Aug 6, 3:06pm  

CBOEtrader says
You still cant give a single example

I could spend the rest of my life writing a book and I would anly be scratching the surface. I don't have time for your pleas of ignorance, as if that's an argument.

Are you going to deny that Steve Bannon and Briatbart reperent a wave of white nationionalism ?

Here, you can read someone elses efforts at putting together a halfway comprehensive list of race related examples. YOur response will likely be:

1) IT's from the NYT op ed piece, proving none of it can be factual, even if I read it and know all the facts cited to be factual.


2) "So ? What's wrong with that ? I agree with Trump with everything he says. It's the biggest reason I voted for him. But it's those minority folks that are the racists. Not those that agree with all these things he says. You want to claim that somehow Trump is the race baiter ? You want to claim that somehow inflaming race issues has something to do with why Trump won ?"

Yes. Yes I do.

114   marcus   2018 Aug 6, 3:10pm  

Sorry that was the wrong link. I fixed it.
115   CBOEtrader   2018 Aug 6, 3:11pm  

marcus says
Yes. Yes I do.

You are literally talking to yourself now.

Pick an example out of your articles to discuss. I dont think you can. You literally are incapable of defending these criticisms of trump. Prove me wrong.

The forum is asking you to represent your perspective logically. Why are you refusing to try?
116   Goran_K   2018 Aug 6, 3:11pm  

marcus says
Sorry that was the wrong link. I fixed it.

"Trump treated black employees at his casinos differently from whites, according to multiple sources."

Who are these sources? Why are they never identified? This makes the entire piece seem fake and gay.
117   CBOEtrader   2018 Aug 6, 3:15pm  

Goran_K says
Goran_K says

He wont answer. He will do some handwaiving judgmental accusation of Breitbart influence, etc... this game only works when you cant discuss details, which he wont.


As disappointing as this is, @Marcus is still the most reasonable moderate leftist on this site. I am starting to agree there is no such thing as a rational leftist. Prove me wrong Marcus, please.
118   Goran_K   2018 Aug 6, 3:44pm  

Anytime a news source says "according to sources", but never identifies the sources, it has nearly no value as a factual piece of news meant to be discussed.

Now if the article was meant as a "hit piece", then it makes sense to have some anonymous non-specific source.
119   ForcedTQ   2018 Aug 6, 3:53pm  

Something I think we all should ponder is that Liberal does not equal: Democrat/Left/Progressive. The terms of description are not as tied together as we would like to think. No different for Conservative does not equal: Republican/Right/Static.....
120   CBOEtrader   2018 Aug 6, 4:04pm  

ForcedTQ says
Something I think we all should ponder is that Liberal does not equal: Democrat/Left/Progressive. The terms of description are not as tied together as we would like to think. No different for Conservative does not equal: Republican/Right/Static.....

Conservative means nothing, afaik.

Liberal is the word we need to defend in that liberal values are individual rights. Liberal values are anti-collectivism by definition.

Therefore both the white supremecists (all 25 of them) and the millions of leftists who believe in intersectional oppression are anti-liberal in exactly the same identity politics type way.

As Jordan Peterson points out, it's more difficult for the leftists to see they have crossed into tyrannical ideology. ^^ This is why you are seeing Marcus and others defend the fascist left. They've been told the other side is evil so many times they think violence is justified. Unfortunately this is always how every worst episode in human history begins
121   CBOEtrader   2018 Aug 6, 4:07pm  

marcus says
Yes. Yes I do.

You, and you alone can identify someone's private motivation when they cant identify it themselves?

Thats some omniscient shit. (One theory.)


You are full of shit. (Reality.)
122   mell   2018 Aug 6, 4:41pm  

ForcedTQ says
Something I think we all should ponder is that Liberal does not equal: Democrat/Left/Progressive. The terms of description are not as tied together as we would like to think. No different for Conservative does not equal: Republican/Right/Static.....

Yeah that has been pointed out many times here. I keep repeating that the original liberal bourgeoisie was totally anti-left and is line with today's Libertarians and moderate Conservatives. Unfortunately we are stuck with inadequate labels but most leftists call themselves Liberal which they aren't.
123   CBOEtrader   2018 Aug 6, 4:46pm  

Aphroman says
Who are the Democrats targeting as wrong thinkers?

Anyone who disagrees with them.

Look at the recent example w the proud boys in LA, or the massive twitter/FB/youtube censorship, or any number of the dozens of attacks on trump supporters.
124   Patrick   2018 Aug 6, 5:23pm  

marcus says
CBOE will say, "Give me an example." We've been watching a constant shit show 24/7 and he says give me an example.

So you have an example?
125   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Aug 6, 11:59pm  

CBOEtrader says
As Jordan Peterson points out, it's more difficult for the leftists to see they have crossed into tyrannical ideology. ^^ This is why you are seeing Marcus and others defend the fascist left. They've been told the other side is evil so many times they think violence is justified. Unfortunately this is always how every worst episode in human history begins

And everytime, those pushing censorship and violence say "But you don't understand, this is really a high level threat dangerous to our Country." Every time.
126   curious2   2018 Aug 7, 2:51am  

FPBT says
April 2018
San Francisco, CA
A police officer was

Is that one of those silly email forwards or FB forwards that gullible people send each other? It reminds me of a guy who used to get those and use PatNet as his fact checkers, called everybody mutts, he was a big fan of Von Mises. It reminds me also of a thread about Muslim 'persecution' accusations that turned out to be complete hoaxes, I think 2scoops posted a whole bunch including the notorious NYC subway incident:

"Muslim college student made up Trump supporter subway attack story to avoid punishment for missing curfew"

Anyway, your copied and pasted SF accusation leaped out at me. You can't honestly consider SF 'right wing,' so that headline alone should have told you something was wrong. SFPD has gone out of its way to recruit Muslims, including the guy in your story. If you had bothered to check the facts, you would have found that he was fired by SFPD, and had previously been fired by OPD: "OPD would not disclose why but a source with knowledge of the dismissal says the officer was kicked out for quote "untruthfulness" in class assignments... [In addition,] Napa Police were so concerned after interviewing him, they issued the bulletin about their encounter to Bay Area law enforcement agencies." All of that was before SFPD hired him, which goes to show how desperate SFPD is to "diversify" including hiring Muslims.

I'm not going to bother wading through the whole pile of anonymous accusations that you copied and pasted as if true. Do your own fact checking instead of wasting others' time.
127   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Sep 11, 9:23pm  

Farzad attempts to stab Republican Candidate Rudy Peters at Castro Valley Festival with a switchblade knife.

129   curious2   2018 Sep 12, 5:53pm  

jazz_music says
curious2 says
Is that one of those silly email forwards or FB forwards that gullible people send each other?

Is that one of those silly subject changes because you got nothing again?

I had already replied to FPBT's comment, and created a thread about the disinformation site that he had relied upon.
130   Patrick   2018 Sep 12, 8:40pm  

Thank you.

All political violence comes from the left these day.

All of it.
131   CBOEtrader   2018 Sep 13, 6:54am  

Patrick says
marcus says
CBOE will say, "Give me an example." We've been watching a constant shit show 24/7 and he says give me an example.

So you have an example?

Nope. Still nope.
132   marcus   2018 Sep 13, 7:02am  

Patrick says
All political violence comes from the left these day.

Yeah, there was that guy that shoved someone at a protest. And lets not forget the glass of water someone through at a Fox news Trump supporter. (don't worry about whether it might have been staged for $one million in free PR).
133   marcus   2018 Sep 13, 7:03am  

CBOEtrader says
So you have an example?

Nope. Still nope.

You have to tell me what hour of what day.
134   Shaman   2018 Sep 13, 7:11am  

marcus says
You have to tell me what hour of what day

This is what’s known as a cop out.
When you’re losing the argument so badly....
135   CBOEtrader   2018 Sep 13, 7:20am  

marcus says
Patrick says
All political violence comes from the left these day.

Yeah, there was that guy that shoved someone at a protest. And lets not forget the glass of water someone through at a Fox news Trump supporter. (don't worry about whether it might have been staged for $one million in free PR).

Amazing how actual oppression is irrelevant, but the racism of performance gaps OMG!!!!

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