Attorney wants murder charges dropped, says bodycam shows George Floyd overdosed on lethal dose of fentanyl

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2020 Aug 19, 4:17pm   4,049 views  43 comments

by WillPowers   ➕follow (4)   💰tip   ignore  

In a Monday court filing, attorney Earl Gray, who is representing former police officer Thomas Lane, bodycam footage shows a disappearing white spot on Floyd’s tongue looks like “2 milligrams of fentanyl, a lethal dose.”

“The State’s Response is a narrative fiction, wrong on the facts, misreading the law. Officer Lane did nothing wrong,” the filing begins.

“All he had to do is sit in the police car, like every other defendant who is initially arrested. While attempting to avoid his arrest, all by himself, Mr. Floyd overdosed on Fentanyl,” said the filing, FOX 26 reported.

“Given his intoxication level, breathing would have been difficult at best. Mr. Floyd’s intentional failure to obey commands, coupled with his overdosing, contributed to his own death.”

An autopsy on Floyd by the Hennepin County Medical Examiner showed that he had “potential intoxicants” in his system at the time of his death, which occurred as he was being physically pinned to the street by ex-officer Derek Chauvin. It also showed that he had underlying health conditions and likely suffered a heart attack at the time he was being restrained. The official report also that he did not die from asphyxiation.

SEE: https://www.bizpacreview.com/2020/08/19/attorney-wants-murder-charges-dropped-says-bodycam-shows-george-floyd-overdosed-on-lethal-dose-of-fentanyl-962018?utm_medium=Newsletter&utm_source=Get+Response&utm_term=EMAIL&utm_content=Newsletter&utm_campaign=bizpac

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15   Michael Cooke   2021 Mar 26, 8:55pm  

"Looks like" and "could be" (insert name of lethal drug here _________ ) isn't proof.

If these cops aren't prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law you better damn well bet your ass there will be another 7 months of riots from the far left

Civilian police tolerate allot. I don't envy their jobs and that's an understatement. But the fact of the matter is SOME police are highly abusive and out of control. And they aren't getting punished. Add to the fact American police overall lack the training skills needed to do their jobs correctly.

I watched a man in Long Beach gunned down by an Army of police - 16+ strong shot him in the back as he was running away down a flight of stairs to the beach. It received 1 local news showing only, a few news clips online you'd have to dig through to find. The police settled with the family for 3 million dollars. His crime? Stealing scissors from Target, brandishing them to the security guard, and running from the police to the beach. The police told each other he "threated a cop with a knife". The police locked down our building for an entire day, confiscated everyone's cell phones as "evidence" (hoping to find something that could absolve them of murder). Sent goons into the building to "interview" everyone demanding answers. Surrounding the building with police from several jurisdictions. Send huge surveillance trucks with satellites and laser pointed eaves dropping devices. It was the the most insane thing I'd ever seen. A literal "police state" surrounded the building. Everyone was stuck in the little cafe downstairs ... which was kind of funny to me in a way; because that cafe had been struggling and suddenly sold 100% out of food, - all their stock - beer wine and desserts because those people were stuck there all day Imagine the most packed Restaurant you've ever seen - except the people are trapped in there all day with nothing to do except talk, order food and drink; because the police would not let them leave.

They murdered a homeless man named Kelly Thomas - heart breaking video - and 100% got away with it. Despite extensive news coverage, peaceful local protests and the fact the victims father was a retired higher rank officer. There are many other examples where you see video tape of the killing and the police are not punished. "He was reaching for his waist" - case dismissed.

The tactic is similar: 1) No comment 2) Delay, delay delay 3) Quiet not guilty verdict.

#3 isn't going to happen this time. If they let these cops go there will be 7 more months of burning violence and military style traffic stops of "protestors", looted stores, fires, destroyed businesses. Everything the first time - play it again Sam possibly even louder. And you can bet your ass these people are itching to for round #2.

These officers have to go down.
16   RWSGFY   2021 Mar 26, 9:01pm  

Michael Cooke says
If these cops aren't prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law you better damn well bet your ass there will be another 7 months of riots from the far left

Nobody gives a fuck anymore. Let them riot.
17   Patrick   2021 Mar 26, 9:17pm  

The good news is that liberals usually burn down liberal cities.
18   Michael Cooke   2021 Mar 26, 9:19pm  

FuckCCP89 says
Michael Cooke says
If these cops aren't prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law you better damn well bet your ass there will be another 7 months of riots from the far left

Nobody gives a fuck anymore. Let them riot.

I give a fuck. They surrounded my vehicle in Las Vegas and were about to destroy it during their "protest". The police pushing them off the strip and away from Trump Tower - causing them to run was the only thing that saved me. The ironic thing is I went out of my way to avoid them while driving and ran into them.

They started showing me signs and when I did not reply in kind - they started yelling all kinds of vile and label's. I had a gun in the center console. Had to been forced to defend my life; I would've gone to prison and had my life turned upside down. I would have eventually had the case dismissed of course (I assume) - but at what cost? $50,000 in legal fees. Mugshots that sit for a decades online. Loss of business/clients. Reputation smeared. Sitting in jail with no bail so a judge can gain political points for re-election in a democrat district. You are 100% innocent - but the system doesn't care. All of this is going through your head.

These leftists have nothing to lose. But when you have everything to lose - it's a different story.
19   Ceffer   2021 Mar 26, 9:52pm  

Any past or future riots had nothing to do with Floyd. They had to do with subversives being lavishly financed by individuals attempting to destroy America. Neither should the outcome of a court trial be determined by whether riots are occurring or not. The financiers of riots and subversion were already planned out and just needed the handy 'excuse'.

The early protesters over Floyd were actually peaceful until these rogue elements entered the picture. They don't give a flying fuck about Floyd. They care about causing social division. Floyd himself and his suicidal drug abuse are irrelevant.
20   richwicks   2021 Mar 26, 10:01pm  

Michael Cooke says
If these cops aren't prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law you better damn well bet your ass there will be another 7 months of riots from the far left

So fucking be it.

If Chauvin is sent to jail, the message is that police officers can be convicted because they intervened with a person over-dosing on drugs after they committed a crime.

How much violence will be the result of that?

Michael Cooke says
I watched a man in Long Beach gunned down by an Army of police - 16+ strong shot him in the back as he was running away down a flight of stairs to the beach. It received 1 local news showing only, a few news clips online you'd have to dig through to find. The police settled with the family for 3 million dollars. His crime? Stealing scissors from Target, brandishing them to the security guard, and running from the police to the beach. The police told each other he "threated a cop with a knife". The police locked down our building for an entire day, confiscated everyone's cell phones as "evidence" (hoping to find something that could absolve them of murder). Sent goons into the building to "interview" everyone demanding answers.

Looks like a bunch of pussies in your building. I would have uploaded the video to a private server. You better get used to fact that when you have evidence of a crime by the government, you better fucking offload it from any personal device. Then you co-operate, do whatever, and retrieve and disseminate the evidence later.

Hasn't Julian Assange taught you dick yet?

Don't you realize yet that criminal government employees are given a pass, and honest ones are convicted? I don't care if I'm on the losing side, I'm on the correct side. I've exposed corruption before in both business and government not that I'll ever win any awards, because you can't come forward without being punished. You can just demonstrate evidence.
21   WillPowers   2021 Mar 27, 1:00am  

HunterTits says
Hey, what happened to @WillPowers anyway?

I'm still around. I'm just taking a needed break from social media and all the anger associated with it. Get my head in a good mental space. I still care about the issues and keep up with the news. I watch the War Room religiously and I recommend the show because Bannon tells it like it is, no holds bared. Here is a link to his show: https://pandemic.warroom.org/
22   Shaman   2021 Mar 27, 6:33am  

Michael Cooke says
These officers have to go down.

So the jury must forget justice and just convict the officers despite a huge body of exculpatory evidence so the left wing radicals don’t destroy property again?
What school did you attend? I want to be sure my kids don’t ever go there.
23   RWSGFY   2021 Mar 27, 7:34am  

Michael Cooke says
These leftists have nothing to lose. But when you have everything to lose - it's a different story.

Bottom line: the terrorists bent you to to their will and it didn't take that much effort on their part.

So sad.
24   Onvacation   2021 Mar 27, 8:47am  

Michael Cooke says
isn't going to happen this time. If they let these cops go there will be 7 more months of burning violence and military style traffic stops of "protestors", looted stores, fires, destroyed businesses

No. The FBI now finds protesters and charges them with insurrection.

There is a new sherriff in town and BLM is standing down.

George Floyd has served his purpose.
25   HeadSet   2021 Mar 27, 10:38am  

Onvacation says
No. The FBI now finds protesters and charges them with insurrection.

Are there any examples of that, outside of the Washington DC "insurrection?"
26   Patrick   2021 Mar 27, 6:54pm  

The purpose of BLM and the riots was only to sow chaos in the hope of unseating Trump. They still needed election fraud in the end, but that was the purpose.

Note that BLM was also heavily funded in 2016, right before the last election, and then fell off the radar until 2020.

The useful idiots have done the bidding of their owners, and now they will be chained up until useful again, maybe 2024.
27   Patrick   2021 Mar 27, 6:55pm  

The virus and most of the forest fires were also deliberate and intended to sow chaos imho.
28   Onvacation   2021 Mar 27, 7:16pm  

Patrick says
The useful idiots have done the bidding of their owners, and now they will be chained up until useful again, maybe 2024.

2022 will be here before you know it.
29   theoakman   2021 Mar 27, 7:40pm  

richwicks says
drug possession shouldn't be a crime at all. If that was the case, he would be alive today.

Doubtful. He was taking fentanyl. He was bound to OD even at some point.
30   Onvacation   2021 Mar 27, 7:55pm  

Patrick says
The virus and most of the forest fires were also deliberate and intended to sow chaos imho.

Agreed! Many of the Oregon fires were started every couple of miles along the highways. Those bastards who burned it down think socialism will give them a free ride. They are right. They just don't realize where the ride will take them.
31   rocketjoe79   2021 Mar 27, 9:20pm  

theoakman says
richwicks says
drug possession shouldn't be a crime at all. If that was the case, he would be alive today.

Doubtful. He was taking fentanyl. He was bound to OD even at some point.

The fentanyl likely came to the USA from China via the Mexican cartels. You can figure China kills 50,000 Americans a year with fentanyl. That's war.
32   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2021 Mar 27, 9:32pm  

I find it curious that neither “Michael Cooke” nor “Zak” cite any law nor do they cite any police procedure in their responses here.

Like all investigations, things take time. This is even more so when a prosecutor has an agenda to push(or in this situation an entire narrative to push).

I’m gonna say the same thing I said for the Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown, and Freddie Gray cases...in all of which a false narrative was pushed on social media, in the mainstream media, and by the Democrat race hustlers....let the investigation play out. Let the court case play out. We will find out fairly close to what actually happened.

In the meantime, arm chair attorneys should read up on the law and legal process. Just like that dingbat Marcus repeatedly incorrectly stated that the Travon Martin case would set precedence, even after definitive proof that he was wrong was posted, there’s a lot of terrible legal advice and opinion in this and other threads on the topic.
33   mell   2021 Mar 28, 9:07am  

Michael Cooke says
"Looks like" and "could be" (insert name of lethal drug here _________ ) isn't proof.

If these cops aren't prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law you better damn well bet your ass there will be another 7 months of riots from the far left

Civilian police tolerate allot. I don't envy their jobs and that's an understatement. But the fact of the matter is SOME police are highly abusive and out of control. And they aren't getting punished. Add to the fact American police overall lack the training skills needed to do their jobs correctly.

I watched a man in Long Beach gunned down by an Army of police - 16+ strong shot him in the back as he was running away down a flight of stairs to the beach. It received 1 local news showing only, a few news clips online you'd have to dig through to find. The police settled with the family for 3 million dollars. His crime? Stealing scissors from Target, brandishing them to the security guard, and running from the police to...

The examples you mention - if they happened that way - are completely different from the thug who died of a fentanyl overdose. Just because some cops are trigger happy you don't convict innocent ones to make up for it. There was no law broken or crime committed in this case. Everything was standard procedure.
34   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2021 Mar 28, 9:15am  

June is coming up, left is moving toward honoring gays like their lifestyle choices are superior in every way. They don’t give a shit about blacks anymore.
35   WookieMan   2021 Mar 28, 9:29am  

mell says
There was no law broken or crime committed in this case. Everything was standard procedure.

Yeah. The reaction is going to be rough. I got I think $100 bet on it with my buddies dad, we'll see if he remembers. He thinks the cop will get convicted, I think he'll stay out of jail was the gist of it and he'll get some slap on the wrist charge. I'm like "for what?" when he says he'll get convicted. Smart guy, multi-millionaire (which doesn't make him understand law).

I think people forget about jurys and the fact it's an all or nothing proposition. No chance a jury convicts based on what was the muni's written procedure on how to handle the situation. The calmness. And the fact the dude was high as a kite and given a bunch of opportunity to just chill out. It was a domino effect caused by Floyd because he was OD'ing on drugs. There's really no other way to look at it.

I think logic in this case will prevail at the end of the day. I really don't personally care if it was over a minor fake $20 infraction. Why break the law? Go work and make $20. It's not hard. There has to be some structure and law to society or it falls apart. I think we're going down the falling apart path unfortunately.
36   Patrick   2021 Mar 28, 10:17am  

rocketjoe79 says
The fentanyl likely came to the USA from China via the Mexican cartels. You can figure China kills 50,000 Americans a year with fentanyl. That's war.

The Chinese see this as revenge for what the English did to them with opium.

But America is not England, and even fought a war against England for independence.
37   RWSGFY   2021 Mar 28, 10:42am  

Onvacation says
Agreed! Many of the Oregon fires were started every couple of miles along the highways.

These arsonist cunts need to be shot on sight, not caught and released as it was a SOP last summer.
38   RWSGFY   2021 Mar 28, 10:50am  

Michael Cooke says
I watched a man in Long Beach gunned down by an Army of police - 16+ strong shot him in the back as he was running away down a flight of stairs to the beach. It received 1 local news showing only, a few news clips online you'd have to dig through to find. The police settled with the family for 3 million dollars. His crime? Stealing scissors from Target, brandishing them to the security guard, and running from the police to the beach.

He played stupid games and won a stupid prize. At any moment he could have stopped and surrendered but he decided to double and triple down.
39   WookieMan   2021 Mar 29, 9:27am  

FuckCCP89 says
Michael Cooke says
I watched a man in Long Beach gunned down by an Army of police - 16+ strong shot him in the back as he was running away down a flight of stairs to the beach. It received 1 local news showing only, a few news clips online you'd have to dig through to find. The police settled with the family for 3 million dollars. His crime? Stealing scissors from Target, brandishing them to the security guard, and running from the police to the beach.

He played stupid games and won a stupid prize. At any moment he could have stopped and surrendered but he decided to double and triple down.

This. What the hell does one expect getting caught in the act of doing illegal activity? I support the police as it's a shit job, but all you're doing is increasing your odds of catching the bad cop or even a good cop on an off day and getting your ass handed to you.

Is it really that difficult to not follow 99.9% of laws? Sure we all speed or roll a stop sign. But we cannot just allow for theft, even scissors, or violent crimes. You steal a candy bar first, then scissors, then a purse and then a gun and shoot someone. Stealing scissors is a gateway crime. Partially being sarcastic, but at the same time it really is true. You get away with something, you'll do it again. And it will escalate in value each time you get away with it.
40   richwicks   2021 Mar 29, 5:18pm  

Patrick says
rocketjoe79 says
The fentanyl likely came to the USA from China via the Mexican cartels. You can figure China kills 50,000 Americans a year with fentanyl. That's war.

The Chinese see this as revenge for what the English did to them with opium.

But America is not England, and even fought a war against England for independence.

Don't think Americans weren't involved with the opium trade with China.


Ever seen the opium production of Afghanistan over the last 2 decades?

Gee, look at what US military occupation did..

That's part of the reason the US is actually in Afghanistan. The United States federal government is FULLY involved with the drug trade, all over the world, including the United States. Remember, the job of the intelligence agencies is to produce propaganda for the public, information for the government, and protect criminals within the government. That's why Hillary Clinton isn't going to jail, and Hunter Biden can smoke as much crack and get as many hookers as he pleases.
41   Robert Sproul   2021 Mar 29, 9:04pm  

WookieMan says
No chance a jury convicts

The jury is 50% Black FWIW.
42   Eric Holder   2021 Mar 29, 10:35pm  

richwicks says
The United States federal government is FULLY involved with the drug trade, all over the world, including the United States.

Why? What's the point? The government which can pretty much print trillions in world reserve currency suddenly needs to be involved in low-tech narcotics production in some 3rd World shithole? Who buys all the poppy from the farmers? US Army? USDA? Who transports it? USAF? How much money are we talking about? Couple of billions? Three? How come not a single whistleblower has emerged in 20 years? Sounds extremely silly, like shit Russian TV likes to peddle.

PS. Meanwhile Russian diplomats were legit busted in Argentina transporting cocaine in diplomatic packages on Russian government plane. But lookie here, US is in Afghanistan and poppy is grown there too! It's not a coincidence! No Siree Bob!
43   Ceffer   2021 Mar 29, 10:53pm  

There's a grim logic to CIA being involved in drugs, arms and human trafficking.

You can operate from one of two perspectives: human beings are good, they shouldn't use drugs or intoxicate themselves, they should not engage in unusual sex practices, and they shouldn't buy and use armaments to hurt or dominate each other. Laws should be based on outlawing and punishing these practices.

Or, you can operate from the 'original sin' perspective, that people will be as flawed and bad and immoral as you allow them to be, they will always use drugs and intoxicating substances relentlessly in spite of rigid punitive sanctions, they will always engage in unusual sex practices and sell sex, and they will always relentlessly seek armaments to harm and dominate their fellow man.

The problem is when you outlaw things that people will relentlessly do, you create huge profit centers for criminals who will sell the people what they want at inflated prices due to those things being illegal.

These criminals then create power centers that can challenge the government, and can damage currencies by holding large reserves of them, buy politicians, influence government, incite armed rebellions etc. etc. These adverse, well armed, well financed centers can have multiple heads.

There was a point when the American industrialists, financiers and intelligence agencies decided that these inevitable profits of vice should be captured by the State and themselves, because that would be a 'lesser evil' that would help preserve the government and keep their fingers on the pulse of criminals and rebels. You would not have these huge profits going to entities who could destabilize currencies, politics, the government, or the country.

So, they just whistled at the devil and decided to take over as much of these relentlessly inevitable enterprises as they could using government resources.

The problem is, you cannot enter these devil's bargains without becoming relentlessly corrupt, too, and that is where it stands. We traded an unofficial government by actual criminals for an official government of criminals. As far as the people are concerned, the end results are winding up the same.

CIA officers cannot be arrested, subjected to subpoena or charged with crimes. They have immunity and are often sheep dipped or operating under aliases. Yet, they are organizing and operating criminal networks, performing executions at will, and enlisting criminal co-conspirators who are NOT immune.

When they started the old 'war on drugs', the laws were presented as wearing the white hat. The laws were as much for the purpose of having a governmental instrument for trying and imprisoning the competitors of the intelligence agency drug sales, weapons deals, and trafficking, and for 'retiring' their own co-conspirators when they couldn't be relied upon any more or directly assassinated.

There are individuals who worked for the CIA drug trades who wound up imprisoned for their activities, when their CIA bosses were never touched.

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