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2021 May 9, 10:24pm   80,172 views  627 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (60)   💰tip   ignore  


Back in January I wrote an article about four randomized controlled trials of ivermectin as a treatment for covid-19 that had at that time released their results to the public. Each of those four trials had promising results, but each was also too small individually to show any meaningful impact on the hard outcomes we really care about, like death. When I meta-analyzed them together however, the results suddenly appeared very impressive. Here’s what that meta-analysis looked like:

It showed a massive 78% reduction in mortality in patients treated with covid-19. Mortality is the hardest of hard end points, which means it’s the hardest for researchers to manipulate and therefore the least open to bias. Either someone’s dead, or they’re alive. End of story.

You would have thought that this strong overall signal of benefit in the midst of a pandemic would have mobilized the powers that be to arrange multiple large randomized trials to confirm these results as quickly as possible, and that the major medical journals would be falling over each other to be the first to publish these studies.

That hasn’t happened.

Rather the opposite, in fact. South Africa has even gone so far as to ban doctors from using ivermectin on covid-19 patients. And as far as I can tell, most of the discussion about ivermectin in mainstream media (and in the medical press) has centred not around its relative merits, but more around how its proponents are clearly deluded tin foil hat wearing crazies who are using social media to manipulate the masses.

In spite of this, trial results have continued to appear. That means we should now be able to conclude with even greater certainty whether or not ivermectin is effective against covid-19. Since there are so many of these trials popping up now, I’ve decided to limit the discussion here only to the ones I’ve been able to find that had at least 150 participants, and that compared ivermectin to placebo (although I’ll add even the smaller trials I’ve found in to the updated meta-analysis at the end).

As before, it appears that rich western countries have very little interest in studying ivermectin as a treatment for covid. The three new trials that had at least 150 participants and compared ivermectin with placebo were conducted in Colombia, Iran, and Argentina. We’ll go through each in turn. ...

What we see is a 62% reduction in the relative risk of dying among covid patients treated with ivermectin. That would mean that ivermectin prevents roughly three out of five covid deaths. The reduction is statistically significant (p-value 0,004). In other words, the weight of evidence supporting ivermectin continues to pile up. It is now far stronger than the evidence that led to widespred use of remdesivir earlier in the pandemic, and the effect is much larger and more important (remdesivir was only ever shown to marginally decrease length of hospital stay, it was never shown to have any effect on risk of dying).

I understand why pharmaceutical companies don’t like ivermectin. It’s a cheap generic drug. Even Merck, the company that invented ivermectin, is doing it’s best to destroy the drug’s reputation at the moment. This can only be explained by the fact that Merck is currently developing two expensive new covid drugs, and doesn’t want an off-patent drug, which it can no longer make any profit from, competing with them.

The only reason I can think to understand why the broader medical establishment, however, is still so anti-ivermectin is that these studies have all been done outside the rich west. Apparently doctors and scientists outside North America and Western Europe can’t be trusted, unless they’re saying things that are in line with our pre-conceived notions.

And HCQ falls into that same bucket. Even worse - to admit HCQ works would be to admit Trump was right about something.

Liberals would rather that millions die than that Trump be allowed to be right about anything. They hate Trump more than they love their fellow humans.

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469   Patrick   2022 Nov 1, 7:19pm  


Antivirals are like a parachute. If you open them too late, you’re going to get hurt, badly. This doesn’t mean the parachute didn’t work. It means that you didn’t open it in time. Very similarly, if an antiviral is taken too late to effectively check the replication of the virus, any effect will be suboptimal, to say the least.

This is, of course, is very well understood by the people who test antivirals. For instance, the EPIC-HR trial—that led to Paxlovid's approval—as well as the MOVE-OUT trial—that led to Molnupiravir's approval—excluded patients that were over five days from symptom onset. MOVE-OUT had 50% of patients with less than three days from symptom onset. For EPIC-HR that was 68%. ACTIV-6 on the other hand, only had 25% of ivermectin patients with less than five days from symptom onset. As absurd as it may sound, 75% of the patients in ACTIV-6 for ivermectin would have been rejected from the Molnupiravir and Paxlovid trials for having the disease in too advanced a stage.

And let’s not forget that based on what we learned from the ACTIV-6 patient I spoke to, the drug was shipped on the first day of participation in the trial, which means most likely we should add an extra day to all the ACTIV-6 numbers above. Based on the literature review I did in this previous article, the ACTIV-6 trial for ivermectin treated its patient later than all the trials describing themselves as “early treatment” in the New England Journal of Medicine.
473   AmericanKulak   2022 Nov 20, 12:17pm  

I don't know what my horse got yesterday, some respiratory virus, maybe the flu, but my horse took a dose of ivermectin and he's feeling much better with symptoms down about 50% within 16 hours.
475   Patrick   2022 Nov 21, 10:42am  

AmericanKulak says

I don't know what my horse got yesterday, some respiratory virus, maybe the flu, but my horse took a dose of ivermectin and he's feeling much better with symptoms down about 50% within 16 hours.

My horse and my wife's horse had mixed results. I think it's most effective during the initial viral replication phase, but maybe not so much later.
476   AmericanKulak   2022 Nov 21, 10:47am  

Patrick says

My horse and my wife's horse had mixed results. I think it's most effective during the initial viral replication phase, but maybe not so much later.

Symptoms appeared about 48 hours ago, took a dose, 12 hours later felt 50% better. 24 hours ago took another dose, by hour 48 I am 90% better. Just a sniffle and sneeze now and again, otherwise as normal.
477   Patrick   2022 Nov 21, 10:52am  

I've read that some of the studies of ivermectin deliberately waited until the viral replication phase was over and patients were quite ill, in order to have "evidence" that ivermectin doesn't work.
478   stereotomy   2022 Nov 21, 10:53am  

AmericanKulak says

Patrick says

My horse and my wife's horse had mixed results. I think it's most effective during the initial viral replication phase, but maybe not so much later.

Symptoms appeared about 48 hours ago, took a dose, 12 hours later felt 50% better. 24 hours ago took another dose, by hour 48 I am 90% better. Just a sniffle and sneeze now and again, otherwise as normal.

My own personal horse's experience is that Ivermectin shuts down replication and symptoms, but doesn't necessarily elminate the virus on its own. It just makes it much easier for my horse's immune system to mop up, so the duration of the infection is about the same, just 95% easier to deal with.
479   Patrick   2022 Nov 24, 10:25am  

Bret Weinstein
Nov 16
Interesting that the "science" we are supposed to be following on Ivermectin turns out to be riddled with FTX money. It's probably just a coincidence that has nothing to do with the utterly indefensible methods, sensational headlines and still-secret datasets.

480   Patrick   2022 Dec 2, 6:07pm  


Judge PAUL M. FULLERTON (Illinois) saves Mr. Ng, orders IVERMECTIN: "I am not forcing this hospital to do anything other than to step aside. I am not forcing any doctor in Edward Hospital to do this.

I am just asking -- or not asking -- I am ORDERING through the Court's power to allow Dr. Bain to have the emergency privileges & administer this medicine." Temporary emergency privileges to Dr. Alan Bain
482   Patrick   2022 Dec 4, 3:49pm  


Maybe this message will work?

I suppose you could inject yourself with a product made by a felon that skipped even the most basic safety testing. But the question is why would you do that!? You are not a junkie. Seriously, y’all. Knock it off.
483   The_Deplorable   2022 Dec 5, 4:34pm  

On Aug. 26, 2021, the CDC warned against the use of Ivermectin and a few weeks later, the American Medical Association did the same.. In turn, the medical boards removed the medical licenses of doctors who prescribed Ivermectin.

The goal of NIH and the CDC was not public health but the profits of Big Pharma. So, they blocked the use of Ivermectin "because the presence of a cure would have prevented the emergency use authorization of what has turned out to be a highly dangerous and often deadly experimental, unapproved Covid "vaccine. The bottom line is that people had to die in order that Big Pharma and its executives could make billions of dollars in profits and performance bonuses... https://www.paulcraigroberts.org/2022/11/22/the-truth-about-ivermectin/

484   Patrick   2022 Dec 6, 10:10pm  


Stone et al.: "Changes in SpO2 on Room Air for 34 Severe COVID-19 Patients after Ivermectin-Based Combination Treatment: 62% Normalization within 24 Hours"; These rapid increases in SpO2 values after IVM treatment stand in sharp contrast to declines in SpO2 and associated pulmonary function through the second week following the onset of moderate or severe COVID-19 symptoms under standard care
485   The_Deplorable   2022 Dec 7, 10:31am  

Patrick says

Question: What is SpO2?

Answer: SpO2 is a medical test that determines the fraction of oxygen-saturated hemoglobin relative to total hemoglobin in the blood. Anything above 97% is great for fighting Covid or anything else for that matter.

From the link:

"All [Covid] patients in both of these critical series recovered. These rapid increases in SpO2 values after IVM treatment stand in sharp contrast to declines in SpO2 and associated pulmonary function through the second week following the onset of moderate or severe COVID-19 symptoms under standard care.’" https://palexander.substack.com/p/stone-et-al-changes-in-spo2-on-room

This explains why Ivermectin kills Covid within hours. Take a look:

486   Patrick   2022 Dec 27, 10:16am  


In a meta-analysis of 63 studies of ivermectin versus COVID-19 in humans, 100% of these have shown positive results. Studies were from all continents except Antarctica.

Paywall, but if you hit the esc key in time, that suppresses it.
487   Patrick   2022 Dec 28, 3:31pm  


The electrostatic potential of the central region of spike protein from these four lineages was studied through molecular modeling simulations. Inhibition of spike protein-induced HA was tested using the macrocyclic lactone ivermectin (IVM), which is indicated to bind strongly to SARS-CoV-2 spike protein glycan sites. The results of these experiments were, first, that spike protein from these four lineages of SARS-CoV-2 induced HA. Omicron induced HA at a significantly lower threshold concentration of spike protein than the three prior lineages and was much more electropositive on its central spike protein region. IVM blocked HA when added to RBCs prior to spike protein and reversed HA when added afterward. These results validate and extend prior findings on the role of glycan bindings of viral spike protein in COVID-19. They furthermore suggest therapeutic options using competitive glycan-binding agents such as IVM and may help elucidate rare serious adverse effects (AEs) associated with COVID-19 mRNA vaccines, which use spike protein as the generated antigen.
489   Patrick   2023 Jan 2, 8:18pm  


Ivermectin's Mechanism of Action Against SARS-CoV-2 Described
SHAME on the hospital systems that systematically denied patients (and their begging families) this FDA-approved, Nobel prize winning, wonder drug.
490   Rin   2023 Jan 2, 8:37pm  


I don't know folks, I've been taking daily boosters of Quercetin Phytosome & Liposomal Artemisinin and I haven't been able to get sick no matter how hard I try. Yes, I've had ppl cough in my face & even inhaled some cold winter New England air from time to time.

Oh wait ... we're talking about vaccines, not supplements. Nevermind.
491   Rin   2023 Jan 2, 8:39pm  

FYI, the Dietary Supplement Act prevents the FDA from stopping the use of Quercetin Phytosome & Liposomal Artemisinin but ppl aren't allowed to talk about its potential effects outside of anecdotes.
492   Onvacation   2023 Jan 2, 8:43pm  

Last time I ordered ivermectin from India my order got canceled. I never pursued it.

Outside of "Horse Paste" does anyone know of a safe legal place I can order domestically?
493   Rin   2023 Jan 2, 8:52pm  

Onvacation says

Last time I ordered ivermectin from India my order got canceled. I never pursued it.

Outside of "Horse Paste" does anyone know of a safe legal place I can order domestically?

Order the supplement, Liposomal Artemisinin


This is the closest to an all-natural Ivermectin & thus, is completely out of the FDA's hand via the Dietary/Supplement Act.
495   Patrick   2023 Jan 15, 10:48pm  


Another study was released earlier in the month that shows ivermectin was effective in the prevention of COVID-19 infection. Ivermectin showed a 72% reduction of COVID-19 infection in a study of 399 participants. All participants were unvaccinated, exposed to the virus (contact with a person who had a PCR-confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection) and took ivermectin tablets for 28 days.

Even better the study had zero unexpected safety signals. Compare that with mRNA that increases your risk of COVID-19 infection and comes with an exhaustive laundry list of adverse events.
496   Patrick   2023 Jan 18, 7:32pm  


Health Canada was well aware of the public’s desire for ivermectin to treat covid

Health Canada was aware of credible evidence that ivermectin significantly reduces mortality, yet outwardly claimed “There is no evidence that ivermectin works to prevent or treat COVID-19, and it is not authorized for this use.”

Health Canada searched for evidence that ivermectin is dangerous and found none (0 adverse events of any kind for oral ivermectin, 7 non-serious reports for topical ivermectin), yet outwardly claimed it “may cause serious health problems”

Health Canada says it has no jurisdiction over doctors using ivermectin to treat covid off-label, yet provincial regulators rely on Health Canada guidance when persecuting doctors for prescribing it
497   charlie303   2023 Jan 19, 9:54am  

Ivermectin Smuggled into Hospital as a Chocolate Bar Saved My Life
499   Patrick   2023 Feb 28, 4:15pm  


Ivermectin's Discoverer: A Tribute

One of Dr. McCullough’s Twitter followers just sent us this photo:

It shows Satoshi Ōmura—the discoverer of the Streptomyces avermitilis bacterium in a soil sample he collected on a golf course in Japan. The sculpture behind him alludes to the scourge of River Blindness that his discovery vanquished throughout the tropical world. Prior to Dr. Omura’s discovery and the mass production of the bacterium’s effective molecule, it was common for African children to lead their blind elders (often no older than forty) around with a stick.

I found the sculpture and photograph so poignant that I felt compelled to share it with our readers.

Dr. Omura received the Nobel Prize in 2015 for his discovery and the WHO erected this monument near its headquarters. Just a few years later—in its massive propaganda campaign against Ivermectin for treating COVID-19—the FDA smeared the drug as a “horse paste.”
500   GNL   2023 Feb 28, 4:18pm  

Truly amazing. I am starting to believe that Power = Contempt.
501   Patrick   2023 Feb 28, 4:19pm  


The FDA's Gross Malfeasance With Ivermectin
Agency claims its smearing of wonder drug was a "recommendation" ...

In a recent interview, Dr. McCullough explains that, in waging its revolting “horse de-wormer” propaganda campaign against ivermectin, the FDA systematically harmed the American people and should be held criminally and civilly liable for its malfeasance.
502   Patrick   2023 Apr 20, 8:25pm  


“Gold-Standard” RCT from Gates-Funded Company Proves Ivermectin Works Against COVID
503   richwicks   2023 Apr 20, 8:33pm  

GNL says

Truly amazing. I am starting to believe that Power = Contempt.

That's precisely what it is. You believe them, and they know they are lying, how can they not have contempt?

There's two sides:

Side 1: are people trying to be honest and truthful and pass one information for mutual benefit.
Side 2: are people who think you are stupid for believing them.

Side 2 is in power.
504   Patrick   2023 May 3, 3:37pm  


Yesterday, Australia’s government re-authorized the general prescription of ivermectin, lifting pandemic-era restrictions that confined use of the Nobel-prize-winning drug to dermatologists and a few other highly-specific needs. ...

The report attached to the policy change referenced the Pharmacy Guild of Australia, which had written the TGA encouraging it to KEEP the ivermectin restrictions in place, over concerns that freely-available ivermectin might cause people to … wait for it … hesitate to take the vaccines.

Why would Australia’s pharmacy guild care so much about vaccine hesitancy? So much that they officially wrote in to the government to stop people from using ivermectin? It couldn’t possibly have anything to do with how much profit is produced by each product?

I don’t want to presume the pharmacy guild has a selfish motive, but … at this point in the pandemic? Really? With the non-covid excess deaths at historical levels Down Under?

Still, the regulators re-authorized ivermectin anyways, overriding the pharmacy guild’s concerns. So take that, pharmacy guild. Now you just look greedy.

Not good enough. There must be prosecutions of all of those who prohibited the use of ivermectin, which is at worst extremely safe (safer than aspirin) and at best a real cure for the virus Pfauci created in Wuhan.
505   AmericanKulak   2023 May 3, 3:47pm  

I wish we could crowd fund MOAR Ivermectin research. If it works this well against this respiratory virus... what others does it mitigate?
506   The_Deplorable   2023 May 3, 6:32pm  

Onvacation says
"Outside of "Horse Paste" does anyone know of a safe legal place I can order domestically?"

See this post by James786 here: https://patrick.net/post/1343538/2022-02-01-hydroxychloroquine?start=1#comment-1947737

In addition, Ivermectin is an Over The Counter medication in the state of Tennessee.
507   Patrick   2023 May 31, 7:33am  


Watch the new short film by Oracle Films, Dr. Tess Lawrie recites a letter to Dr. Andrew Hill and asks him what made him turn his back on a potential cure for Covid-19.

In October 2020 Dr. Andrew Hill was tasked to report to the World Health Organisation on the dozens of new studies from around the world suggesting that Ivermectin could be a remarkably safe and effective treatment for COVID-19.

But on January 18th 2021, Dr. Hill published his findings on a pre-print server. His methods lacked rigor, the review was low quality and the extremely positive findings on ivermectin were contradicted by the conclusion. In the end, Dr. Hill advised that “Ivermectin should be validated in larger appropriately controlled randomized trials before the results are sufficient for review by regulatory authorities.”

The researcher seeking a global recommendation on Ivermectin had instead recommended against it. What were his reasons for doing so? Were his conclusions justified? Or were external forces influencing his about-face?
508   Patrick   2023 Jun 8, 5:08pm  


FDA Embarrassingly Claims Ivermectin Doesn’t Work While Linking to Studies That Prove It Does
June 7, 2023 • by The Vigilant Fox
Is the FDA doing science or peddling narratives? Because it looks like the agency has been caught in one of the biggest lies of the century.

Case in point: over on the FDA’s website, they maintain a page called: “Why You Should Not Use Ivermectin to Treat or Prevent COVID-19”

However, when you dig into it, you’ll find that the clinical trials that the FDA points to (the ones that are listed on that page) say the exact opposite.

As ridiculous as it sounds: the FDA claims that ivermectin does not work against COVID-19, but in order to prove that point, they link to studies that say that it does.

It all sounds too hilarious to be true, but remember, this is the same Federal agency that wrote, “You are not a horse. You are not a cow. Seriously, y’all. Stop it.” ...

“Here is a list of compelling studies showing the efficacy of Ivermectin in treating COVID-19: https://sensereceptornews.com/?p=954,” added Twitter user Sense Receptor. ...

So, we must ask, where did the FDA’s “data do not show ivermectin is effective against COVID-19” conclusion come from? Because when the agency links trials that indicate the exact opposite, it suggests it isn’t even reading the studies. How embarrassing.

I argue that this is not an “oops” or “we overlooked that data.” This is criminal negligence, at the very least. How many lives and taxpayer dollars could have been saved if a cheap, effective medication was readily available to the American people? And for that reason, the FDA, starting with those in leadership positions, must be held accountable.

Hangings are the appropriate response to mass murder.

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