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This is something a friend forwarded to me. No real confidence in it.
But who knows? I’m going to Havasu on the 5th, so not being in LA for any potential nuclear war seems like a good plan. Although I did book this trip a couple weeks ago.
Well, supposedly we have less than 48 hours left (!) if I'm to believe what Shaman posted, and I don't.
It’s probably woo, but just because something has never happened doesn’t mean it won’t ever happen, or couldn’t happen tomorrow.
I don’t trust the people who run the world. Satanist pedophiles, all of them.
They’d initiate WWIII convinced in their own invincibility.
It doesn’t matter to me if there is a hidden war going on in the background with countless parties spreading misinformation and counter disinformation, with 1000’s of so called patriot truthers repeating (often incorrectly) anything that pops up in their social media feeds.
Maybe I should have chosen my words more carefully. I meant there is nothing I can do, nothing I can prove and so I can’t let it concern me too much.
all they would do is accuse me of being a flat earther.
Hard experience has shown me that I’m not going to change anybody’s view and in fact I’m just creating stress and problems for myself.
I understand and agree with your points about sociopaths and the elites who hold us in contempt. I would love to end global war and I am concerned about a nuclear World War 3.
I just see the internet as causing just as many problems as it was meant to solve.
And there’s little I can do about that. I’m not getting lost though in some impotent, black pilled depression. I’m just focusing on my own life. I’m as ready as I’ll ever be for monumental change.
Nothing has happened. No zombie apocalypse, alien invasion, martial law military coup, stock market collapse (in fact Nasdaq 100 is at a yearly high). Nothing
richwicks says
I know there's assholes
You mean, "there're assholes".
Just my feeble attempt at being funny.
The point of the internet is global communication to end war, to end frauds, to stop propaganda.
Consider the mentality of somebody who would make a post in an attempt to incite panic. Somewhere out there there's some fucking bastard cunt asshole out there that posted this:
Did you ever think our government, in concert with many governments all over the world, would try to make us take a potentially fatal shot every four months or we couldn't work or travel? I never guessed that one.
Documents Provide Rare Glimpse Into How Arabella Advisors Exerts Centralized Control Over a Vast Left-Wing Advocacy Network
Andrew Kerr and Joseph Simonson
July 10, 2023
The Student Experience Research Network sounds innocuous enough. The organization says it exists to "advance the research, relationships, and capacity necessary to build an education system in which every student experiences respect as a valued person and thinker."
In reality, the group funds research with the goal of promoting DEI practices in education and partners with other left-wing organizations to promote "inclusive mathematics environments" and push universities to abandon standardized tests. Earlier this month, the Student Experience Research Network took a victory lap after the University of California system said it would toss out the SAT in its admissions process.
The Student Experience Research Network and hundreds of other left-wing activist groups like it are controlled from the top down by Arabella Advisors, a for-profit consultancy that plays an integral role in Democratic causes, fueled by donations from billionaires including George Soros and Pierre Omidyar. The company, which distributes billions to Democratic pet projects, has established five tax-exempt nonprofit groups that pay Arabella a hefty fee—ostensibly for back-office work—and in turn operate a vast array of left-wing advocacy groups including the Student Experience Research Network.
Greetings Earthlings! Ratio here…
Are we experiencing slavery? Is it first world slavery?
CIA Rabbit holes present themselves to your sphere with their gravitational pull and you are lucky to pull up long enough before you tell your conspiracy friends you “figured it all out”.
Just think, the second I write this, the second you click on this it is flagged in a NSA database somewhere and turns up in a queue of an analyst who then reviews it and flags it further to at some point maybe bring it to someone’s attention. The criteria are set forth. Something like, if the content creator has millions of followers then lets engage our partners in big tech to tamp down the energy involved with a potential outcome of an awakening that might challenge the power structure.
I wonder, though, how far it goes back - the power structure. Are we talking as far back as the masons? Is it the Sumerians? Bible timelines? Did it start with the Nephilim? Were we implanted here on Earth after the atmosphere of Mars collapsed? Was it when Tiamat/Planet X destroyed the planet between Mars and Jupiter to give us the Asteroid belt? ...
When it comes down to it we are dealing with evil. The type of evil that exists in the world today that says, yes, we need control over the global money supply and siphon off profits indefinitely and set up the system so there is no way around it.
but individual effort is by far the determining factor.
There are no internal barriers stopping people from traveling pretty much anywhere in the US, and minimal paperwork to travel pretty much anywhere in the world.
Try traveling to any country without a passport.
The shear amount of freedom individuals have today is staggering. There are no internal barriers stopping people from traveling pretty much anywhere in the US, and minimal paperwork to travel pretty much anywhere in the world.
Nextdoor.com is just as bad as Facebook too.
i was having a conversation with gatopal™ gerodoc the other day. he said this:
“I feel like it’s hard to analyze why our system fails us so badly without analyzing the effects of the intel community & how they are pushing & nudging things just under the surface.”
he then posted a tinfoil meme as though he was expecting to get roasted.
instead i was like:
i think there's real truth to his intuition. the intelligence community have become incredibly powerful and it’s not exactly a stretch to imagine that folks literally trained in espionage, disinformation, manipulation, kompromat, extortion, and asset grooming might, if left unchecked, morph into the worst kind of surreptitious svengalis pulling strings from the shadows. ...
the patriot act was one of the worst things to happen to america in 100 years.
the terrorists won. nothing they could ever have done would have inflicted the damage we inflicted upon ourselves, day in, day out, year after year.
it broke everything.
it dismantled and deranged our way of life and our core values.
cuz, fear.
the “patriot act” inverted the idea of patriotism into submission to nasty, authoritarian edict.
it wiped out rights, due process, and muscularized and militarized the agencies that would run roughshod over you.
massive panics are the times to grab liberty. and you never let a crisis go to waste.
this is the stock in trade of the fear monger.
... they have become thieves’ forests of grifters and power grabbers that stretch from EPA to FBI, DOJ to NIH, and CDC to CIA. they swirl around this idea of “homeland security uber alles” and the new fashions in fear to drive greater surrenders of agency in the fruitless societal fracture of desperately trying to trade a little liberty for a little safety. ...
when did covid get out of control in the US? right when the national security advisor sent in debbie birx to run the show. and how did she run roughshod over so many purportedly powerful people? because she had the real power behind her, the deep influence of the “deep state.”
“deep state.” it’s fun the way that term has been gaslit into some sort of “Q anon triple-tinfoil raving nutter conspiracy,” but ask yourself: who might have benefitted from such a perception? who might have put such a gambit into play? surely not the disinformation specialists who suppressed the lab leak hypothesis that they knew full well to be the odds on explanation. no, surely not…
you can see what happens when the wrong questions get asked about the wrong people. omerta. discrediting operations. false flags. tinsel. reputational destruction. deplatforming. censorship, suppression, threats to livelihoods, threats to lives. then show trials and outright intimidation. ...
words you'll never hear:
"we the experts empaneled to study the crisis have determined that it is not, in fact, a crisis. please accept the return of the remainder of our budget."
everything must be crisis (and the right sort of crisis) or the increasingly monolithic gold givers will not fund you. ...
In the wake of the populist upheavals of 2016, leading figures in America’s ruling party seized upon the feedback loop of surveillance and control refined through the war on terror as a method for maintaining power inside the United States. Weapons created to fight ISIS and al-Qaeda were turned against Americans who entertained incorrect thoughts about the president or vaccine boosters or gender pronouns or the war in Ukraine. ...
The fight against ISIS morphed into the fight against Trump and “Russian collusion,” which morphed into the fight against disinformation. But those were just branding changes; the underlying technological infrastructure and ruling-class philosophy, which claimed the right to remake the world based on a religious sense of expertise, remained unchanged. The human art of politics, which would have required real negotiation and compromise with Trump supporters, was abandoned in favor of a specious science of top-down social engineering that aimed to produce a totally administered society.
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How can global policy and media across the world be so coordinated?
Kind of makes one tempted to believe in "conspiracy theories".
I really do think there is a cabal of billionaires who own the media and the government and which shifts course when things start to get hot, like right now. They are not "the Jews" but a collection of billionaires from many countries. Many of them are Jewish, but many are not.
Can we identify them by name? Bezos and Gates for sure, but what are the other names? I would especially like to know the names of the ones that desperately want to remain hidden. Klaus Schwab? Top leaders in China like Xi Jinping?