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The White House is pushing Ukraine to lower its consumption age to 18 to help fill shortages
That's what the bullshit caused by the Ukey Nazi Fluffers both on and off of PatNet have wrought by extending this war.
This morning, the Washington Post ran a story with a surprising tone headlined, “Biden surges arms to Ukraine, fearing Trump will halt U.S. aid.” The sub-headline added, “The directive has stirred debate, as some officials worry it will cut too deeply into American stockpiles and jeopardize the military’s needs elsewhere.”
In other words, Zelensky is saying, please! let us keep the killing going just a little bit longer!
How can it possibly help Ukraine to extend the war out for another 30 or 60 days when Ukraine is losing? I could see drawing it out if Ukraine were winning. But this is like getting demolished in a kickboxing match and, as soon as you come to, deliriously begging for a second try through broken teeth. Put me back in!
Even worse, as WaPo admitted, the U.S. has sent so many weapons to Ukraine it is running dangerously low on its own defensive inventories. On top of that, the article makes clear that weapons aren’t even the real problem anymore—it’s that there aren’t enough bodies. “Over the course of especially this last year, it’s just that they’re not mobilizing and training enough soldiers to replace battlefield losses,” a senior administration official explained, adding “on the manpower side, it’s just a question of math and physics.”
Bizarrely, Kiev blames America for its manpower shortage. Since potential recruits recognize there aren’t enough good weapons for a fair fight, the argument goes, they won’t volunteer to join the army. Thus, since America is too slow in sending more more more, Ukraine’s manpower shortage is our fault.
See? There aren’t enough recruits to justify supplying more weapons, but there aren’t enough weapons coming to attract new recruits. Chickens and grenades.
Curiously, I discovered Democrat angst over Hunter’s pardon seeping into the comments of WaPo’s article about Ukraine weaponry:
Biden always waits until it is too late before he does the right thing. This would
have been a much different war if Ukraine had the arms they have now from the
beginning. I had thought Biden would be a good president for the last 40 years.
Boy, was wrong. From picking Harris, to caving to the Progs' spending demands, to
clinging to power, and now to now pardoning his son he has been a disaster.
Whew! The list of Democrat complaints against Biden is really growing.
So, to summarize, the WaPo itself identified four good reasons not to send any more weapons to Ukraine:
Trump will end the war soon anyway, and there’s no chance Kiev could win in the meantime.
U.S. defensive stocks, such as air defense missiles, are getting critically low.
At this point, Ukraine lacks enough men to use the weapons even if supplied.
Zelensky is an annoying little git and everyone is sick and tired of hearing his stupid accent and mangled malapropisms.
Okay, I admit I added the fourth one. The WaPo gave us three good reasons. I won’t repeat the article’s dumb arguments in favor of sending weapons, threadbare as they were. Take my word for it; they were all ineffable expressions of intangible, unquantifiable, zero-calorie, virtue-signaling nonsense, like “teaching other authoritarians a lesson.”
Yeah! Teach them a lesson! Wait, who? What lesson? Who cares! Rockets wheeeeeee
What was most remarkable about this otherwise unremarkable story was that the WaPo actually included both sides of the argument, a breathtaking reversion to pre-pandemic journalistic standards. It’s far too early to conclude the media is trying to rehabilitate itself; it’s more likely that the embargo on anti-Kiev reporting is over, because voters recently proved the constant stream of pro-war propaganda isn’t working anymore.
It would require Senate ratification. 2/3 vote.
The United States Department of Defence (DOD) awarded a contract to a bio-lab in Ukraine for “COVID-19 Research” on the 12th November 2019 – three months before the pandemic officially existed.
According to newly released documents, the contract awarded to Labyrinth Global Health INC was part of a secretive ‘Biological threat reduction program in Ukraine’.
Coincidentally, Labyrinth Global Health has been collaborating with Peter Daszak’s EcoHealth Alliance, and Ernest Wolfe’s Metabiota since its formation in 2017.
goofus says
would be nice if he’d acknowledge that colossal failing.
He did.
It’s kind of hard to overstate Zelensky’s inherent absurdity. He played the president on a TV show. They are literally making Wag the Dog into predictive programming.
As an actor, Zelensky performed from scripts written by anonymous scriptwriters. Zelensky came to the job with zero experience helpful for leading a country, much less leading a country in wartime. He’s not even a real history teacher. How does he successfully navigate Ukrainian politics? How did he learn what all the Cabinet positions do? How did this true outsider build constructive relationships with the established political actors and prevent opposition from arising?
Maybe Zelensky is an unrecognized prodigy or genius whose buried talents blossomed in a shock election just as absurd as his scripted election on Servant of the People. That could be. But it seems much more reasonable to believe Zelensky is a Biden-like puppet. Who’s writing his scripts now?
Yet the media never explains any of this or even mentions it at all. And that’s the point. It’s not our job to try to figure out what’s really going on in Eastern Europe and who’s pulling the strings behind the scenes. That’s the media’s job. Or at least it was the media’s job, until they sold out for easy government money and surrendered in cowardice after a few sly threats from the FBI.
Anyway, the point is you should be very suspicious, if not outright unbelieving, when the media boils complicated geopolitical events down into childlike, simplistic personality contrasts. It is not Putin versus Zelensky in Ukraine, don’t make me laugh. And it is just as much not Erdogan versus Assad in Syria.
Anyway, this was just a quirky religious interest story until I reached the paragraph explaining why exactly Russian prosecutors finally decided to ban the Satanic Temple. It wasn’t for being Satanists. Or at least, not just for being Satanists. No, Russia banned the Satanic Temple for being a United States dirty-tricks front group:
In a statement, the Prosecutor General’s Office accused members of The Satanic Temple of “promoting occult ideology” by using Satanic symbols to “discredit traditional spiritual and moral values” as well as “spreading destructive pseudo-theological ideas and justifying violence … with the support of US government agencies.”
Four years ago, I would have never even considered that the Satanic Temple, a demonic deception masquerading as an anti-religion religion, might actually have been started and controlled by the United States government. But after covid, the Twitter files, and after witnessing the Whitmer Fednapping Hoax, I’m pretty much prepared to consider just about anything.
An arms-control treaty-breaking missile system
it is an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) masquerading as an intermediate-range ballistic missile (IRBM)
ICBMs are designed to wage a nuclear war.
Rebekah Koffler is a strategic military intelligence analyst, formerly with the US Defense Intelligence Agency.
Currently a national security consultant and freelance editorial writer,
Russia first launched the Oreshnik on Nov 21, striking a weapons production plant in the Ukrainian city of Dnipro, in retaliation against Ukrainian strikes on a Russian military facility in Bryansk with US-supplied long-range ATACMS missiles.
Russia’s longtime foreign minister describes the war with the United States and how to end it.
(0:00) Is the US at War With Russia?
(12:56) Russia’s Message to the West Through Hypersonic Weapons
(17:47) Is There Conversation Happening Between Russia and the US?
(23:18) How Many Have Died in the Ukraine/Russia War?
(28:21) What Would It Take To End the War?
(36:11) What Happened to Alexei Navalny?
(39:45) Boris Johnson Wants the War to Continue
(45:43) Sanctions on Russia
(56:31) The Chinese/Russian Alliance
(1:02:18) Who Is Making Foreign Policy Decisions in the US?
(1:05:05) Biden Pushes the US Toward Nuclear War Before Trump Takes Office
(1:08:52) What’s Happening in Syria?
(1:13:08) Lavrov’s Thoughts on Trump
Russia has conquered and incorporated about 20 percent of the former Ukrainian territory.
And now, the Red Army is advancing at the fastest pace since the early days of the 2022 invasion.
Look at all those GAINZZZ Russian meat waves have been able to accomplish this past year!
Totally worth getting hundreds of thousands of Russians and Ukrainians killed!
You all should recognize Russia’s chart of the US bio-network in Ukraine. I’ve shared it many times.
Russia allege that Soros, Obama, Clinton, Biden, USGov, NGOs, and Big Pharma, are creating bioweapons in Ukraine.
The CIA/Ukraine just assassinated the guy who made this chart.
The Russian General in charge of the Military investigation into the biolabs in Ukraine, was just blown up by an IED.
This is more confirmation that the Deep State greatly fear facing accountability for their crimes against humanity. Anyone who tries to expose this secret faces extreme resistance from the Deep State.
Now that Trump is soon about to take over, they are resorting to assassinations.
Results from the 2021 census released on Thursday showed that 45.7% of inhabitants are Catholic or from a Catholic background compared with 43.48% from Protestant or other Christian backgrounds.
So why is the north not allowed a democratic secession from Britain?
I find it hard to imagine proddies in Northern Ireland fighting against Britain.
Only Haarlem had a Black Plurality
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