housing prices peak 2

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2022 Apr 29, 9:29pm   628,587 views  5,997 comments

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Bond manager Mark Kiesel sold his California home in 2006, when he presciently predicted the housing bubble would pop. He bought again in 2012, after U.S. prices fell more than 30% and found a floor.

Now, after a record surge in prices, Kiesel says the time to sell is once again at hand.

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4743   Maga_Chaos_Monkey   2024 Apr 14, 11:21am  

WookieMan says

It's not that bad outside of CA and NY nationwide.

Tell that to people in San Antonio who want to buy a house and make less to be middle class than virtually any other city of the same size: 3 of my rental houses have increased 100K (50%) over the past few years and prices are not dropping.

WookieMan says

As I mentioned, CA is going to make housing prices look bad. It's not that bad outside of CA and NY nationwide. Those states are in the early phase of exodus. 15 years in RE and witnessing my home state fall apart, I know what it looks like. The prices in those states are high, so it's going to look worse than it actually is. Media is generally based out of those two states as well so the fear porn is going to be projected pretty heavy.

I recall CNN pumping Atlanta (headquarters) RE prices just before the dot com boom started and the SF bay area took off instead. Atlanta was to have a future where it became one of the most expensive places to live. (talking their own book)
4744   WookieMan   2024 Apr 14, 12:54pm  

just_passing_through says

WookieMan says

It's not that bad outside of CA and NY nationwide.

Tell that to people in San Antonio who want to buy a house and make less to be middle class than virtually any other city of the same size: 3 of my rental houses have increased 100K (50%) over the past few years and prices are not dropping.

So there's demand. Prices rise.

I'm talking about the areas where people are leaving. Specifically CA and NY. Because their median home prices are so high it will drag down the national prices and everyone freaks out. San Antonio would maybe nudge the national median 0.005% either way. A $10M CA mansion or $10M penthouse in NYC sell for 30% less makes the market look way worse.

You can argue is it affordable for most. Probably not. But no one is selling, so are they hurting for money? Doesn't seem like it. CA and NY are what IL was a decade ago. Everyone is leaving.
4745   B.A.C.A.H.   2024 Apr 14, 3:17pm  

WookieMan says

I'm talking about the areas where people are leaving. Specifically CA

WookieMan says

CA and NY are what IL was a decade ago. Everyone is leaving.


The population of California is way above the carrying capacity of the water supply and infrastructure (roads, traffic and congestion, etc).

Housing costs are so freaking high we need a crash. On a cursory google search it said 1.8% of Californians with mortqages are under water, about one fourth the percentage of the rest of the US.

An exodus will be good for us: good for the carrying capacity of the land, for the traffic and congestion, good for house prices for nearly everyone except the Tiny Percentage who recently purchased with borrowed money. It will even be good for local government that's addicted to Property Taxes like crack cocaine. The prices are so damn high there's no reassessments (Proposition 13) that come with the turnover. Local government needs a stimulus, nothing like a crash in prices to help with that.

We had an exodus of Hipsters after the dot.com collapse in the early part of the millenium. Some folks had major rent reductions. My boss at the time told me his rent of his 1 BR apartment was reduced from $2400 per month to less than $2000. I forgot the amount he said. Maybe $1800 or something like that. He told me that the landlord reached out to him and offered an immediate rent reduction even though the lease had months to go.

A housing price collapse and population exodus will make things less unlivable for nearly all Californians who stay.

Bring it on.
4746   mell   2024 Apr 14, 3:22pm  

There will be no significant decline in either CA or NY unless in some shitty urban, inner big city areas. Rates are already at 7% and prices hardly budged. Builders aren't building and it's a racket anyways. They'll just keep building "affordable housing" in prime areas for 1MM per apartment unit with tax dollars. Also I'd like to see less people in CA as well
4747   B.A.C.A.H.   2024 Apr 14, 3:30pm  

mell says

There will be no significant decline in either CA or NY unless in some shitty urban, inner big city areas. Rates are already at 7% and prices hardly budged.

WookieMan says

CA and NY are what IL was a decade ago. Everyone is leaving.


That's the difference, mell. You and me live here. We know wtf we're talking about, whereas Wookie is as clueless about the facts on the ground in our state as he is about aviation.

Spending brief amounts of time visiting folks in California makes one no more of informed expert on our region as being a frequent flyer on Southwest makes one an aviation expert.
4748   Maga_Chaos_Monkey   2024 Apr 14, 3:40pm  

B.A.C.A.H. says

We had an exodus of Hipsters after the dot.com collapse

I'd thought the hipsters showed up a wee bit later? Libertarians (with the normal faggotry in 'the city') -> metro-sexuals -> hipsters -> woke -> broke -> collapse.

B.A.C.A.H. says

Some folks had major rent reductions. My boss at the time told me his rent of his 1 BR apartment was reduced from $2400 per month to less than $2000.

Oh me too! My studio dropped from 1200 -> 850.
4749   B.A.C.A.H.   2024 Apr 14, 3:43pm  

just_passing_through says

B.A.C.A.H. says

We had an exodus of Hipsters after the dot.com collapse

I'd thought the hipsters showed up a wee bit later? Libertarians (with the normal faggotry in 'the city') -> metro-sexuals -> hipsters -> woke -> broke -> collapse.

Before the metro sexual Hipsters were the dot.com Hipsters who came here in the mid-to-late 90's to be part of the scene. The first wave of Smugsters to SF.
4750   B.A.C.A.H.   2024 Apr 14, 3:45pm  

just_passing_through says

Oh me too! My studio dropped from 1200 -> 850.

The region did not collapse. Just the dot.com did. And the rents.
4751   Maga_Chaos_Monkey   2024 Apr 14, 3:57pm  

B.A.C.A.H. says

The region did not collapse. Just the dot.com did. And the rents.

I was living in a shiitehole in Redwood City at the time.
4752   Maga_Chaos_Monkey   2024 Apr 14, 3:58pm  

B.A.C.A.H. says

Before the metro sexual Hipsters were the dot.com Hipsters who came here in the mid-to-late 90's to be part of the scene. The first wave of Smugsters to SF.

I see. I arrived in 97. I'd sort of fell off of the turnip truck at the time with respect to knowing the area and people. Even though I was actually returning after 15 years having moved to Texas with my parents.
4753   mell   2024 Apr 16, 4:03pm  

While we have more inventory coming onto the market it gets snatched up if there is even a hint of a price cut. Friends, family, and acquaintances get regularly outbid by all cash buyers who pay asking and reduce the contingency period to a few days. If you think housing prices are going to crash you'll have another thing coming.
4754   B.A.C.A.H.   2024 Apr 16, 5:13pm  

mell says

If you think housing prices are going to crash you'll have another thing coming.

Did you mean, "If you think Bay Area housing prices are going to crash you'll have another thing coming?"
4755   EBGuy   2024 Apr 16, 5:21pm  

This is a Fortress Bay Area thread now.
East Bay reporting in. Two bed/ one bath cottages still hanging in there with a median of around $1,000 /sq.ft.
4756   mell   2024 Apr 16, 5:26pm  

B.A.C.A.H. says

mell says

If you think housing prices are going to crash you'll have another thing coming.

Did you mean, "If you think Bay Area housing prices are going to crash you'll have another thing coming?"

Yeah, but it can be probably be expanded to a general assertion, as long as the area is not a shithole there will be bidders. Most of the places close by I was able to follow the new owners were almost always boomers or gen xers - if not professional flippers. Plenty of money sloshing around with the old generations.
4757   WookieMan   2024 Apr 16, 7:53pm  

B.A.C.A.H. says


That's the difference, mell. You and me live here. We know wtf we're talking about, whereas Wookie is as clueless about the facts on the ground in our state as he is about aviation.

Lol. It's coming. You're in stage 1... https://www.cruse.org.uk/understanding-grief/effects-of-grief/five-stages-of-grief/

Enjoy. I know plenty of Californians. Not just from this site. Your shit show has just started. I'm in the acceptance phase here in IL. You guys are clueless and in the denial phase. It will take a decade to get where I'm at. You'll see. Inflation will make it look pretty on paper. You'll be poorer. That's when the anger kicks in. https://youtu.be/9CZJbrw8mjE?si=J6EuuFQxFdzH6FGt Enjoy. Good tune.
4758   The_Deplorable   2024 Apr 16, 11:56pm  

mell says

"If you think housing prices are going to crash you'll have another thing coming."

My take is that higher interest rates are forcing sellers to lower the asking price. Historically this has always been the case.
4759   GNL   2024 Apr 17, 3:20am  

I could show you a lot of these. The trend looks down.

4760   WookieMan   2024 Apr 17, 5:11am  

GNL says

I could show you a lot of these. The trend looks down.

Is this national or a local market?
4761   Blue   2024 Apr 17, 5:32am  

WookieMan says

Is this national or a local market?

Should be local. Look at a similar pattern for the his house, steep up and slight down
4762   WookieMan   2024 Apr 17, 5:51am  

Blue says

WookieMan says

Is this national or a local market?

Should be local. Look at a similar pattern for the his house, steep up and slight down

Why in the flying fuck would someone pay that much for a house? Especially that house. I could build a better, nicer house here in IL for $500-700k. Make the same amount of money.

There's a huge misconception in this country that is portrayed by the west coast and east coast. That house listed at $6M is shit. I'm not joking when I say it's maybe the worst designed house I've seen. Not hyperbolic, but I've been in well over 1k houses and apartments. That's a fucking $200k house at best. I may have puked a little looking at it. Shit, it may have given me AIDS. I'm sure the school district is top notch.... lol. Not dumping on you Blue, but that's just fucking crazy.
4763   B.A.C.A.H.   2024 Apr 17, 7:32am  

WookieMan says

I know plenty of Californians. Not just from this site. Your shit show

Ha ha ha

That's hilarious. Like being a frequent flyer makes one an aviation expert.

Are your plenty of Californians all white folks?

Whites are the second biggest ethnicity in California at 35% of the population. Even in my own household I am the only white person.

Silly Wookie. The Expert on Aviation and California.
4764   B.A.C.A.H.   2024 Apr 17, 7:35am  

WookieMan says

Why in the flying fuck would someone pay that much for a house? Especially that house. I could build a better, nicer house here in IL for $500-700k. Make the same amount of money.

The buyers will be Rich Folks. Billionaire Asians don't care if they can get a nice place in Illinois for $500K.

There's also some non-Asian new money rich folks who may pay those prices. Those are the types who may leave the state for lower taxes and better value. Good for them.
4765   Blue   2024 Apr 17, 9:09am  

WookieMan says

That's a fucking $200k house at best.

I would not disagree. Factors including, local on top of state Regulations, 1978 Prop 13, Hi-Tech, Bio-Tech, foreign money etc. can pump up any useless shack to any number. Not sure if you have visited around, most expensive shacks are not really fancy inside IMHO. Those numbers goes to dirt and area exclusivity (not for thieves ;). Not for the real shack though!
Also, the school rating around are slipping down lately, it could be 1978 Prop 13 locking people, LGBTZ+, race theory what not in education etc.
4766   mell   2024 Apr 17, 1:36pm  

The_Deplorable says

mell says

"If you think housing prices are going to crash you'll have another thing coming."

My take is that higher interest rates are forcing sellers to lower the asking price. Historically this has always been the case.

There are plenty of cash buyers and currently they don't even bid at a discount which is what I would do. The worst houses/location sit for a while right now until there's one or two price cuts then those sell as well. Never seen anything beyond 5-10% discount unless it's a very expensive house, i.e. 5-10 million dollar mansion
4767   GNL   2024 Apr 17, 2:00pm  

WookieMan says

GNL says

I could show you a lot of these. The trend looks down.

Is this national or a local market?

My town, Fredericksburg Va. Tons of active listings have a graph that looks like that. No, I'm not saying national but, Florida is sinking like a turd, sounds like. A Realtor friend of mine is going on a listing appointment today. The seller told my friend that he was the 5th Realtor he called and only he answered. Anyhow, my friend told the seller he'd come take a look at the house only if the seller was willing to relist $100k lower than what another Realtor listed it for. From $699k to $599k. My friend wanted to go even lower, like $575k.
4768   GNL   2024 Apr 17, 2:01pm  

WookieMan says

Why in the flying fuck would someone pay that much for a house? Especially that house. I could build a better, nicer house here in IL for $500-700k. Make the same amount of money.

No doubt. Cali is braindead.
4769   HeadSet   2024 Apr 17, 2:28pm  

GNL says

My town, Fredericksburg Va. Tons of active listings have a graph that looks like that. No, I'm not saying national but, Florida is sinking like a turd, sounds like. A Realtor friend of mine is going on a listing appointment today. The seller told my friend that he was the 5th Realtor he called and only he answered. Anyhow, my friend told the seller he'd come take a look at the house only if the seller was willing to relist $100k lower than what another Realtor listed it for. From $699k to $599k. My friend wanted to go even lower, like $575k.

I thought you were closer to DC. In my area, Williamsburg/JCC, the houses get snapped up fast. The only houses that have been a little slower to sell are in the gated communities, not sure why.
4770   AD   2024 Apr 19, 12:56am  


30 Year mortgage rate at 7.1%. It reach 7.6% last October. The last period the 30 Year mortgage was this high was in 2001.

Prices need to drop about 20% from their peak prices set around early 2022 if rates going to stay this high.

I said the 30 year mortgage rate would eventually settle around 5.5% this year. I hope they do to help give some reprieve to the real estate market.

4771   GNL   2024 Apr 19, 4:55am  

HeadSet says

GNL says

My town, Fredericksburg Va. Tons of active listings have a graph that looks like that. No, I'm not saying national but, Florida is sinking like a turd, sounds like. A Realtor friend of mine is going on a listing appointment today. The seller told my friend that he was the 5th Realtor he called and only he answered. Anyhow, my friend told the seller he'd come take a look at the house only if the seller was willing to relist $100k lower than what another Realtor listed it for. From $699k to $599k. My friend wanted to go even lower, like $575k.

I thought you were closer to DC. In my area, Williamsburg/JCC, the houses get snapped up fast. The only houses that have been a little slower to sell are in the gated communities, not sure why.

We recenlty moved from McLean Va. to Fredericksburg Va. Closer to the grandkids now + wifey got a better job and my business can be run from anywhere.

Here's a red brick rambler for $800K in Fredericksburg Va...seems crazy to me. That's a McLean price. Used to be, that is. Now the red brick rambler is the #1 tear down target because of the close in location and big lot.
4772   GNL   2024 Apr 19, 5:03am  

AD says


30 Year mortgage rate at 7.1%. It reach 7.6% last October. The last period the 30 Year mortgage was this high was in 2001.

Prices need to drop about 20% from their peak prices set around early 2022 if rates going to stay this high.

I said the 30 year mortgage rate would eventually settle around 5.5% this year. I hope they do to help give some reprieve to the real estate market.


Interesting. You were saying months ago that a 10% drop is to be expected for every 1% rise in the rate. What was the rate when prices were at their highest? I think something has fundementally changed. The homeownship rate will decrease for years to come imo.
4773   Blue   2024 Apr 19, 6:53am  

Blue says

https://lifestylesunlimited.com/ Mr.Del Walmsley in his radio 1220am show says, right now is the best opportunity to buy as the rate decreases and prices will raise!

In yesterday's show, he says rate is going up and people around have tons of cash to buy. He flips just like that. Good that he is rich and looks like can raise cash to buy.
4774   WookieMan   2024 Apr 19, 7:25am  

GNL says

WookieMan says

Why in the flying fuck would someone pay that much for a house? Especially that house. I could build a better, nicer house here in IL for $500-700k. Make the same amount of money.

No doubt. Cali is braindead.

I've never understood it. Buying houses because of weather and scenery that are massively overpriced for the materials used? There are just as good places nationwide. Guess what, you do different things in the winter. Hell people surf on Lake Michigan in the winter. Hell this time of year is one of the best times to surf.

It's not the 1980's building up to the tech boom. You can make the same money anywhere else in the country with a lower cost of living in 2024. Cali people are swarming Idaho and Montana. Obviously AZ, NV, TX, TN and FL as well. And I don't want to hear the family comment. You can fly anywhere for cheap or free. And stop bitching about me flying BACAH. A lot of you guys are afraid of change and lower home prices out there. Get over it. I can fly a ton and have a cheaper house AND still see family. Get over it.
4775   B.A.C.A.H.   2024 Apr 19, 11:09am  

WookieMan says

And stop bitching about me flying BACAH

Not about flying.

About how being a frequent flyer makes you an expert on aviation.

Kind of like how knowing some Californians and occasionally visiting here make you an expert on California. That's silly.
4776   AD   2024 Apr 19, 2:35pm  

B.A.C.A.H. says

Kind of like how knowing some Californians and occasionally visiting here make you an expert on California.

I don't speak for Wookie and let him slide some when he called my Florida panhandle as some white trash land.

And one does not need to live in California to be an expert on how much of a Democrat shithole it is.

I like how your user name is configured so it does not work on Patnet's search engine. Very slick of you, boy.

4777   AD   2024 Apr 19, 2:45pm  

GNL says

Interesting. You were saying months ago that a 10% drop is to be expected for every 1% rise in the rate. What was the rate when prices were at their highest? I think something has fundementally changed. The homeownship rate will decrease for years to come imo.

I think the locked in rate when prices peaked was around 3% to 3.5%.

I'm just "Thriving on Chaos" as far as what is going on around me. Election year politics and machinations are a major factor.

4778   Ceffer   2024 Apr 19, 2:50pm  

Are you trying to tear the last shred of anything resembling desirable honor from us? Without the weather, we are less than zero. What a cruel and unnecessary assault. Have you no decency? WookieMan says

Buying houses because of weather and scenery that are massively overpriced for the materials used? There are just as good places nationwide.
4779   HeadSet   2024 Apr 19, 3:38pm  

GNL says

Here's a red brick rambler for $800K in Fredericksburg Va...seems crazy to me.

I agree, that is insane.
4780   B.A.C.A.H.   2024 Apr 19, 4:08pm  

AD says

And one does not need to live in California to be an expert on how much of a Democrat shithole it is.

I agree my state is a shithole. I've said so before on patrick's site. We've found a way to make it work for us. We put up with the tradeoffs of the traffic, congestion, fires, quakes, high cost, crumbling infrastructure, politics, etc. taking responsibility for our decision to stay here. Like e-man expressed, proximity to our family and lifelong friends makes the tradeoff worthwhile for us. Family and friends: it's our personal values. It's our shithole.

Besides, if the tradeoffs get intolerable, we can leave. Many have.

Wookie knows that he knows everything about everything: Redneck Riveria, Aviation, California.

That is so silly.
4781   mell   2024 Apr 19, 4:45pm  

B.A.C.A.H. says

AD says

And one does not need to live in California to be an expert on how much of a Democrat shithole it is.

I agree my state is a shithole. I've said so before on patrick's site. We've found a way to make it work for us. We put up with the tradeoffs of the traffic, congestion, fires, quakes, high cost, crumbling infrastructure, politics, etc. taking responsibility for our decision to stay here. Like e-man expressed, proximity to our family and lifelong friends makes the tradeoff worthwhile for us. Family and friends: it's our personal values. It's our shithole.

Besides, if the tradeoffs get intolerable, we can leave. Many have.

Wookie knows that he knows everything about everything: Redneck Riveria, Aviation, California.

That is so silly.

The climate and nature make up for most of if not all of it. I had some of my best years in SF and the bay area in general, towards the end of the dot com boom and up until the plandemic. Also the politics used to be left leaning libertarian for most of the until not that long ago, maybe 10 years, when the left began their never drumpf power grab authoritarian antics. California is a magic place, shitty politics or not, it will be a bittersweet day if and when we leave CA.
4782   Ceffer   2024 Apr 19, 4:58pm  

B.A.C.A.H. says

the tradeoffs of the traffic, congestion, fires, quakes, high cost, crumbling infrastructure, politics, etc. taking responsibility for our decision to stay here.

You forgot the DEW razing. Santa Rosa, Paradise, a bit around SoCal, forest fire propagation etc. etc. Of course, a little DEW lottery for the surface dwellers is a small price for living on the fault line and the wonderful wedda.

They must be expecting something soon. Earthquake insurance literally quadruples the homeowner's premium.

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