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So unless you bought it directly from a producer or a certified distributor, the olive oil in your kitchen marked “Italian extra virgin” is very probably a fake. Either it's low quality falsely marked as virgin or extra-virgin - and not even from Italy - or it's been mixed with other oils of dubious provenance. At worst, it's not olive oil at all but a vegetable oil disguised with coloring and aroma.
People were thinner when the top oils/fats were butter and lard.
I'm so old I remember when they insisted Margarine was healthier than Butter.
Transmission fluid...
I stick to olive oil 95%.
As US-based Olive Oil, they are required to be 100% pure.
richwicks says
petroleum is edible
Where did you hear this?
The FDA is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Pfizer-mafia cartel and acts solely to maximize profits for its owners by recommending or even mandating that you use their products.
As US-based Olive Oil, they are required to be 100% pure.
However, if you are going to use oils, the worst are soy, sunflower, safflower, canola, corn, cottonseed, refined palm, hydrogenated, ricebran & grapeseed. Also stay away from REFINED peanut, coconut & avocado oils.
richwicks says
petroleum is edible
Where did you hear this?
Sure virgin olive oil is likey overall healthier and tastes better,
mell says
Sure virgin olive oil is likey overall healthier and tastes better,
I prefer a neutral flavored oil for cooking, one with no flavor at all.
RayAmerica says
However, if you are going to use oils, the worst are soy, sunflower, safflower, canola, corn, cottonseed, refined palm, hydrogenated, ricebran & grapeseed. Also stay away from REFINED peanut, coconut & avocado oils.
In other words, never eat out and never buy any prepared ready to eat foods?
I guess I'm questioning how somebody can get a lot of harmful oils into their body without ordering Chinese take out or fried foods 24/7. How much oil is left in roasted nuts or chips? Can't be that much.
Read the labels on prepared, processed foods. That could be an enlightening experience.
mell says
I guess I'm questioning how somebody can get a lot of harmful oils into their body without ordering Chinese take out or fried foods 24/7. How much oil is left in roasted nuts or chips? Can't be that much.
And the triple triple cheeseburgers... Its always been about moderation...I think a lot of people are worried about heart attacks now. Especially with the "sudden death syndrome" and the clot shot.
petroleum is edible.
If the FDA 'approves' something, you can bet your bottom dollar that their approval is based upon 'studies' that were paid for by the very industries that they are supposed to be regulating.
All 'oil' should be used in very limited quantities (including butter, which is very high in fat). It has been proven through non-FDA, corporate corrupted sponsored studies that oil contributes to the formation of plaque in arteries, leading to heart disease, strokes, etc.
Patrick palm kernel oil contains tricaprin, which according to latest studies not only protects, but reverses coronary artery / heart disease! It's not that easy to vilify all vegetable/fruit/seed oils. The science is always changing! In general palm, palm kernel, mct and coconut oils are considered heart healthy now.
I'm undecided about these:
- soybean oil
- sunflower seed oil
- avocado oil
- coconut oil
- peanut oil
To date I haven't seen any study that suggests oils or fats per se are bad for the arteries.
mell says
To date I haven't seen any study that suggests oils or fats per se are bad for the arteries.
It depends on what the oils hydrogenation temperature is. As long as you stay under that, the oil will not get sludgy at room temp. That's why Avocado is one of the best.
mell says
Patrick palm kernel oil contains tricaprin, which according to latest studies not only protects, but reverses coronary artery / heart disease! It's not that easy to vilify all vegetable/fruit/seed oils. The science is always changing! In general palm, palm kernel, mct and coconut oils are considered heart healthy now.
Almost every positive 'study' that is produced is financed by corporations. It works in a similar way to the prosecution and the defense calling "experts" in order to testify in a trial. Both experts are hired by the different sides in order to provide the testimony that fits with their side. That's precisely why we keep seeing conflicting reports, all based upon 'independent studies.'
Trust NOTHING by the FDA, which is loaded with political appointments from the corporations.
I don't know that I trust any studies anymore though. If so many were rigged by pharma, a lot are probably rigged by some other industries too.
I doubt these studies are tainted.
Sure but this research is not FDA related or corporation sponsored, also medium chain fatty acids have been deemed healthy for quite a long time now.
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Which of them are worth avoiding entirely?
Here are the fats and oils I think are bad:
- margarine (which is just canola and other crap oils hardened to make them stick in your arteries better)
- canola oil
- cottonseed oil (especially bad)
- palm kernel oil
I'm undecided about these:
- soybean oil
- sunflower seed oil
- avocado oil
- coconut oil
- peanut oil
I'm sure these are pretty good for you:
- olive oil
- butter
- lard (yes, I think lard is OK to eat)