by Patrick ➕follow (59) 💰tip ignore
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Right, Chinese Companies and Ukrainian Natural Gas Mafiosos just hand over $1.5B in investments and $50k/month salaries (in countries where the monthly wage is $300) to the cocaine-addled, inexperienced sons of current Vice Presidents for their expertise and wisdom.
And...…. all of them get paid $600K per year to attend meeting twice per year in foreign language!
You people really are in the panic mode. Nobody said it's the same. It's just ironic that nepotism in so icredibly rampant in the current White House. Far more than anything we've ever seen. Most of these are situations where they were directly hired by their relative in a position of power in federal government.
6rdB saysIn science at least, the simplest explanation is assumed to be correct provided that facts are not against. In this case, the simplest explanation for Biden Jr being paid 80K a month despite having no qualifications for the job is that he is US vice president's son. We can not know if Biden Sr did anything inappropriate other than not policing his offspring, but as a minimum we have an obvious conflict of interest here, which should have been taken into account by an extremely high-ranking US official.
Right. Why did Kuwait give Harken the offshore leases after Gulf War I? George W was on the board. George W wasn't on ARCO's board. News, certainly, in places like Chemical Week and the Washington Post, but not treason of the type committed by Trump threatening to leave Ukraine undefended from Russian tanks.
I'm laughing my ass off
I wonder why?
As a legal standard, we don’t even need a quid pro quo to impeach, though it is present in the notes of the call.
Zelensky’s quid: “Thank you for your great support in the area of defense. We are ready to continue to cooperate for the next steps specifically we are almost ready to buy more Javelins from the United States for defense purposes.” (Javelins are anti-tank missiles).
Trump’s Quo: “I would like you to do us a favor though….”
There’s more, of course. Trump’s mention of reciprocity; his request that Ukraine investigate Biden; and his mention that his people (Attorney General William Barr and Trump personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani) will be in touch with Ukraine all read like a classic mob shakedown.
As journalist Ryan Lizza put it: “Anyone who has ever listened to the Gotti tapes will recognize the subtlety here.” I’ve heard the tapes of the late Mafia boss and Lizza is spot on.
And by the way, why was Trump using his personal attorney rather than U.S. government officials to deal with a foreign country? This was not only highly inappropriate, but ironic, given that Giuliani made his reputation as a crusading U.S. attorney in New York City by prosecuting Mafia figures.
Right. Why did Kuwait give Harken the offshore leases after Gulf War I? George W was on the board. George W wasn't on ARCO's board. News, certainly, in places like Chemical Week and the Washington Post, but not treason of the type committed by Trump threatening to leave Ukraine undefended from Russian tanks.
Trump is using office for personal gain and putting this country at risk
China isn't investing $1.5B in one of Eric Trump's Investment Funds.The left is claiming that Ivanka got a "quid" of some languishing trademarks being approved. The "quo" is that Trump returned the favor by giving China the gift of tarifs. Wait, what!?!?
1. Impeachment is a political process and not a criminal process
1. Impeachment is a political process and not a criminal process
2. Quid pro Quo can be implicit
CovfefeButDeadly saysThat statement is false in that a quid pro quo IS necessary to fact impeachment is only available after the commission of "Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors"
As they believe everything CNN says about Trump.
This is hilarious. We have Biden on tape before an audience recounting his demands...
These people know that. They aren't interested in Justice or what is right or wrong.That want their team to win. They can't see far enough ahead to realize. What comes after the day these pussy, Marxist confused retards, takes over this country.
But Fox has also published the transcript of the phone calls that CNN did, and besides, they were provided by the white house.
You're still bringing up FOX in your defense. Your stupidity Marcus is no excuse to blindly believe I watch FOX news. I cut the Cord in 2012.
This is just more of the stupid shit Liberals do. Stay grounded in facts, I don't bring up FOX why do you?
CNN is a blanket statement for all of the TDS Commie interlopers posing as our Press. They are playing an active part in Obama's coup to overthrow Trump.
This is well documented from Sources, that every tech site has banned, and the FOX TDS characters would never report.
Isn't Dona Brazil on FOX now? give it a rest.
CornPoptheOriginalGangster saysThis is hilarious. We have Biden on tape before an audience recounting his demands...
Why don't you post it, instead of repeatedly making shit up ?
But journalists at leading American news organizations — including CNN, the New York Times, Politico, ABC News, and MSNBC — have helped weaponize this disinformation by repeating the baseless smear over and over, without promptly and accurately conveying that Trump and Giuliani are lying about what the former vice president did in Ukraine. So lies and misinformation have been broadcast nationwide, reaching millions of people who will never read subsequent fact checks debunking them.
This began in May, when Giuliani’s embrace of the conspiracy theory was reported on the front page of the Times, in an article that forced readers to wait until the 19th paragraph to find out that “No evidence has surfaced that the former vice president intentionally tried to help his son by pressing for the prosecutor general’s dismissal.” Even so, the Times politics reporter who interviewed Giuliani, Ken Vogel, claimed on Twitter that this meant “The BIDENS are entangled in a Ukrainian corruption scandal.”
As I reported at the time, the truth is not that hard to determine. There is little doubt that Biden’s son Hunter did benefit from his father’s position by securing a spot on the board of a Ukrainian natural gas company in 2014, a legal but ethically dubious move. But when Joe Biden subsequently conveyed a threat from the Obama administration to withhold $1 billion in loan guarantees to Ukraine unless the chief prosecutor was dismissed, his intervention made it more rather than less likely that the oligarch who paid his son would be subject to prosecution for corruption. (bold text by me)
But it’s ok Tim and Marcus. You only have 5 more years of President Trump.
TDS is real.
marcus saysBut Fox has also published the transcript of the phone calls that CNN did, and besides, they were provided by the white house.
You're still bringing up FOX in your defense. Your stupidity Marcus is no excuse to blindly believe I watch FOX news. I cut the Cord in 2012.
This is just more of the stupid shit Liberals do. Stay grounded in facts, I don't bring up FOX why do you?
CNN is a blanket statement for all of the TDS Commie interlopers posing as our Press. They are playing an active part in Obama's coup to overthrow Trump.
This is well documented from Sources, that every tech site has banned, and the FOX TDS characters would never report.
The real question becomes: are we a banana republic or like Russia - where it's impossible for the people to know the truth ? Or is the truth knowable ?
komputodo saysTDS is real.
Yes, and it's being displayed in a crazy way by the Trump Cucks here in this very thread. .
Will we allow the intelligence agencies to overthrow a Democratically Elected President because they hate his policies?
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