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105260   Hircus   2019 Sep 30, 9:32pm  

have taken Biden, Democrats' most credible candidate, out of contention

Obama didn't endorse him likely because Biden was always meant to be the sacrificial lamb. He's an old white male - the most hated and despicable type of person if you're woke - and Dem party puppeteers have always envisioned a glorious moment where Biden is stepped and spat on, and made to publicly beg for forgiveness for being the dem front runner, because clearly it was due to his white privilege, which he must acknowledge using the same lame, tail between the legs, impotent demeanor that he displayed in Dem debate #1 when Kamala chastised him for attacking "poor little schoolgirl on the bus" Cumala.

105261   Booger   2019 Oct 1, 5:15am  

105262   GNL   2019 Oct 1, 5:52am  

You would think people would stop acting moronic after being wrong so often. But...nope.
105263   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2019 Oct 1, 7:35am  

Don’t you guys ever get tired of being wrong?
105265   WookieMan   2019 Oct 1, 7:40am  

WTF? What is the issue of investigating what was at that time, a sitting Vice President? Next in line to be President. Who appears to have tried to protect his deadbeat son?

The word "though" has nothing to do with it either. Trump asks for a favor, clear as can be. That's not illegal. Biden is part of the Democratic primary, not a Presidential election. This gets more bat shit crazy as the days go by and I'm admittedly not on the Trump bandwagon.
105266   WookieMan   2019 Oct 1, 7:48am  

Tim Aurora says
I have many friends who voted Trump.

I'm gonna call your bluff here. Just like I have a binder full of black friends. I mean that in jest, and am not racist, but come on man. Saying you have Trump friends is along the same lines as the black friend line. You for sure probably do, but one or two doesn't mean many.
105267   Shaman   2019 Oct 1, 8:21am  

WaltertheoFlanders says
Who also at the time of the call happened to be the front-runner in polls of who could beat tRump in 2020.

Pure speculation.
The fact is that he was the establishment choice, and his getting knocked out of the primary by past corruption leaves the deep state with fucking nobody to try to get elected. That’s why the full court press on this Ukraine impeachment nonsense.
105268   Shaman   2019 Oct 1, 8:23am  

WaltertheoFlanders says
Lol, I got at least 1 Trump supporter friend. My mechanic a vetnam vet.

People who actually do work for a living are not usually friendly to socialist schemes and candidates who promise their hard earned money to deadbeats and illegal immigrants.
Guessing you do some sort of soft feminine work you feel sort of bad about.
105269   Bd6r   2019 Oct 1, 8:32am  

WaltertheoFlanders says
Will Nancy Pelosi be the United States first woman President?

She will be the first president who is a Mummified American
105270   WookieMan   2019 Oct 1, 8:40am  

WaltertheoFlanders says
Who also at the time of the call happened to be the front-runner in polls of who could beat tRump in 2020. What was the purpose of his investigation? To get dirt on Biden? Do you think it's all right for the pResident to use his office (withholding aid) to get dirt on a political rival?

You understand this is bigger than Biden, right? The sitting President was investigated through a court that 90% of Americans knew nothing about while he was ACTUALLY running for President. I don't like Trump. But logic still has to exist. Biden isn't actually running for President yet. If Trump wants to call John Doe down the street a criminal with what appears to be criminal activity, it's 100% legal. Biden is still John Doe and not on the ballot for President. Factor in he was the Vice President when alleged misconduct occurred, and well that's kind of a problem.

You've got to understand the hypocrisy of this all. Trump is playing the same game, he's just openly directing it like it's theater. None of which is illegal. People don't like bullies, yet this is exactly WHY they get bullied. It's been 3 years and almost 4 since Trump started this and you all still don't get it. He's been the most scrutinized President in the history of the country. What do you have.... nothing. What makes you think this time is any different?

Hold him accountable, but outside of the whiny bull shit from the left, I think everyone is doing just fine except for feelings.... I'm still waiting for an answer to the multiple times I've asked naysayers here how their life is worse with Trump in office outside of hurt feelings. STILL no answers.
105271   WookieMan   2019 Oct 1, 8:58am  

WookieMan says
but one or two doesn't mean many.

WaltertheoFlanders says
Lol, I got at least 1 Trump supporter friend and I'm in the bayarea.


WaltertheoFlanders says
Why would one lie about this, he probably doesn't talk politics too much with them.

Trump supporters don't talk politics regarding Trump. They will immediately be lynched. This is fact. One of the most inaccurate polling periods in the history of the world involved Trump getting elected. Almost NOBODY that supports Trump actively speaks about it.

Sure there are few rouge, what I'd actually argue are right wing nutbags, but most people don't actively/verbally support Trump. It's on places like here that they get to vent their frustration with what was the status quo. Until the Democrats try to understand that, they're likely screwed for a while on the Presidential front. Days of yore with nice guy Obama are done.
105272   fdhfoiehfeoi   2019 Oct 1, 9:15am  

OccasionalCortex says
No. That's not 'being fair'. That's left wing BS deflection. Typical.

Except that I think you're all fucked. But be honest, show me how Trump has been any different than Obama, fundamentally different. Defense spending? Troops in Middle East? Accountability for evil banks? Illegals?
105273   Shaman   2019 Oct 1, 9:17am  

WookieMan says
Trump supporters don't talk politics regarding Trump. They will immediately be lynched. This is fact. One of the most inaccurate polling periods in the history of the world involved Trump getting elected. Almost NOBODY that supports Trump actively speaks about it.

That describes me pretty well. Outside of my wife and immediate family, nobody knows I’m a Trump supporter. And I won’t be sharing that. My wife has also requested that I refrain from making any social media posts that are political. She works at a college with probably 90% Lefties, all looking for the next witch to burn. So I am an undercover Trump supporter.
There are little to no protections for political speech, and the SJWs have been exploiting that fact. Then they wonder why their polls no longer work correctly.
105274   socal2   2019 Oct 1, 9:23am  

NuttBoxer says
Except that I think you're all fucked. But be honest, show me how Trump has been any different than Obama, fundamentally different. Defense spending? Troops in Middle East? Accountability for evil banks? Illegals?

Despite being stymied every step of the way by judges from Hawaii and California, Trump has already done more to change the asylum rules and enhance border enforcement than any president in my lifetime.

Trump is also way different than his predecessors when it comes to tariffs and trade.

Trump is also very different than his predecessors in not getting us more involved in new wars.
105275   komputodo   2019 Oct 1, 9:27am  

marcus says
Even if Trump didn't win the popular vote, the 2016 election was a mandate that we have a self involved lunatic con artist as our President.

lololol......cankles should have won the popular vote by at least 25% according to the polls and the fact that she was the "most qualified"...not by 2 or 3%...if she would have, you would have your president in office...
105276   fdhfoiehfeoi   2019 Oct 1, 9:28am  

socal2 says
Despite being stymied every step of the way by judges from Hawaii and California, Trump has already done more to change the asylum rules and enhance border enforcement than any president in my lifetime.

So record number of illegals crossing border? And don't forget most of those border detention pics are from Obama era.

socal2 says
Trump is also way different than his predecessors when it comes to tariffs and trade.

Like increasing sanctions against Iran?

socal2 says
Trump is also very different than his predecessors in not getting us more involved in new wars.

Again Iran, Yemen, Afganistan, Iraq, and us(Wars on Us 1 and 2),

Drain that swamp!!
105277   socal2   2019 Oct 1, 9:28am  

Tim Aurora says
I have many friends who voted Trump. That said, they are lifelong Republicans. But some of them are souring on him after constant barrage of antics by this President.

I don't know a single Trump voter who is souring on him right now.

I do know many Conservatives like me who didn't vote for Trump in 2016, who are pleasantly surprised by all of his accomplishments and can't wait to vote for him in 2020.

Not only are they pleased with Trump's policies (not his Twitter), they have become radicalized seeing the crazies on the Democrat side and dishonest hack media and are ready to crawl over broken glass to vote for Trump in 2020.
105278   WookieMan   2019 Oct 1, 9:31am  

WaltertheoFlanders says
WookieMan says
how their life is worse with Trump in office outside of hurt feelings. STILL no answers.

The quality of of the air I breathe will be worse from tRump taking away Californias exemption from CAFE standards I'm sure I could come up with many more but point is you can no longer claim someone hasn't answered you.

The air you breath is cleaner because of capitalism. Not Trump, Obama, Clinton or Bush. If there is demand for clean air it will happen (and is happening - I remember the 90's and how shitty Chicago's air was). So no, question not answered. Trump is not personally making the air any dirtier as it's currently getting cleaner as we speak.

If that's the first point of contention, then I'd say that Trump has not made your life worse. Maybe just feelings. What were the other laundry list of things that have made your life worse? This should be easy if it's true.
105279   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Oct 1, 9:43am  

WookieMan says
Trump supporters don't talk politics regarding Trump. They will immediately be lynched. This is fact. One of the most inaccurate polling periods in the history of the world involved Trump getting elected. Almost NOBODY that supports Trump actively speaks about it.

Talking about supporting Trump would be a really fucking bad idea at my job. For the exact reasons described above:

Basic + Media Programming = OrangeManRacistBad therefore CornPop the OG = Evil Racist.
105280   socal2   2019 Oct 1, 9:59am  

WaltertheoFlanders says
The investigation of the investigators will turn out to be the biggest waste of money. They got nothing, if they did we would have heard about it.

So you haven't "heard" that several FBI people have been fired over their roles in the Mueller witch hunt? Peter Strozk, Lisa Page, McCabe......

You are really unaware of how dodgy the FISA warrants were relying on the Dossier?

You are really unaware of how unprecedented it is to have the Obama Administration, Clinton Campaign all colluding with the FBI, DOJ, CIA, Ukraine, Russia and the UK to overturn the results of the 2016 election?
105281   WookieMan   2019 Oct 1, 10:31am  

WaltertheoFlanders says
Yes logic must exist, if Biden had done something wrong it shouldn't be a political rival doing the investigation. Otherwise looks like one is trying to get dirt.

How does one investigate something like this? Gather fake intelligence, bring it to a seemingly secret (at that time) court and then leak information to the American public?

If the DOJ starts investigating Biden and his kid, y'all are still going to think Trump was behind it. Trump is being legal and he's just doing it out in the open unlike Obama did trying to help Hillary get elected.

The left needs to wake up and maybe start understanding that something is afoul here and it's not what you think it is. I don't like him, but sorry it took an obnoxious President to show everyone the truth. That's what it takes I guess. Your beloved Democratic party is not what you think it is.
105282   rdm   2019 Oct 1, 10:59am  

WookieMan says
the air you breath is cleaner because of capitalism

Well regulated capitalism. Unregulated capitalism, in this country, is that which polluted the air, water, soil and food. Trump has rolled back as many of those regulations as he can and yes this in some way does affect everyone. But the premise of the question how has the Trump presidency affected in a negative way your life, assumes that the Pat net people are representative of America as a whole. On its face that is laughable given that there are no women posters that I am aware of. As to the poor, minorities, gays, millennials and so forth those that by large margins oppose the retrograde policies he has or has tried to put in place, we don't know but I would guess it is a tiny %. But yeah, as a white, well to do man the direct economic affects have been, so far, OK not stellar, but OK. But some of us look past the present and see the ultimate results of his policies as being potentially horrific. The environmental destruction he has attempted to cause alone is disqualifying for me. Don't give a shit about that then the increase in the debt and deficits of his economic policies should be of concern to everyone, I am still waiting for that 4% growth.
105283   Bd6r   2019 Oct 1, 11:05am  

rdm says

Am I a minority if I have 1% Caribbean Native genetic ancestry and about 1% North Asian ancestry, and if not, what % of that ancestries I should have to qualify?
Or should I be subjected to SKULL! MEASUREMENTS! by the PROGRESSIVES! to figure out if I am a minority or not?
105284   socal2   2019 Oct 1, 11:09am  

rdm says
The environmental destruction he has attempted to cause alone is disqualifying for me.

I'd argue that Environmental Leftists have done more harm in terms of Climate Change than Republicans by fighting nuclear energy for the last 50 years.

Environmental Leftists are doing their best to ensure the US is hopelessly dependent on OPEC and Russia for their dirty oil.

Meanwhile, thanks to the miracle of fracking of cleaner natural gas - the US is practically energy independent and are cutting our carbon emissions faster than any OECD country on the planet.
105285   Onvacation   2019 Oct 1, 11:16am  

It depends on what the meaning of is is.
105286   Onvacation   2019 Oct 1, 11:19am  

WaltertheoFlanders says
won't have any return like Mueller did

You are probably right.
105287   WookieMan   2019 Oct 1, 11:20am  

WaltertheoFlanders says
Also not true, they tried to classify at highest level. Took a whistle blower to get the information. That's not doing it out in the open. This call was on July 25 not September 25, did you not know this.

Make up what ever bullshit you want, you aren't convincing me.

It's not bullshit. Transcripts were released from the call. That didn't have to be done. All we know of is an anonymous "whistleblower" has made claims that haven't been substantiated. And the fact remains that Trump has every right to undo past wrongs from previous administrations, including potential illegal activity. That's not illegal. This isn't a hard concept.

rdm says
Unregulated capitalism, in this country, is that which polluted the air, water, soil and food. Trump has rolled back as many of those regulations as he can and yes this in some way does affect everyone.

Many? List 'em. Anything he's rolled back has maybe, "maybe" hurt one out of a thousand people. More was to be gained versus one person getting butt hurt over a pipeline or the like. One persons view of harm is different than the next persons. 10 people being out of work versus the perceived unlikelihood of a pipeline leak hurting that 1 person isn't logical.

Humans are dirty. People need to get over that. Otherwise buy a tent that used a bunch of carbon emission through the manufacturing process and shipment process and go live in the woods. Eat cold food because that fire will pollute as well. And I don't drive an F-150, so don't go there chief. I want a clean earth, but American's are NOT the problem in the grand scheme of things. If you want to castrate yourself at the behest of the Chinese then go ahead, that ain't me.
105288   rdm   2019 Oct 1, 11:21am  

socal2 says

I'd argue that Environmental Leftists have done more harm in terms of Climate Change

So you believe that climate change exists and it is mostly from human activities?
105289   Onvacation   2019 Oct 1, 11:27am  

rdm says
So you believe that climate change exists and it is mostly from human activities?

The climate is always changing. We seem to be in midst of a cooling trend, mostly driven by the sun.
105290   WookieMan   2019 Oct 1, 11:30am  

rdm says
socal2 says

I'd argue that Environmental Leftists have done more harm in terms of Climate Change

So you believe that climate change exists and it is mostly from human activities?

Can anyone prove that we haven't orbited say even 10 or even 100 miles closer to the sun? That's a fractional rounding error by five plus decimal points for the distances we're talking. We have no idea what that does to climate if it were or has happened. We have too many people and we're going to increase gross pollution/carbon for the foreseeable future. You can't stop that. There's one regulation and one alternative that can fix this if you're convicted it's man made.

Stop making babies. Or we kill each other. That's it. We cannot reduce per capita carbon output faster than we're creating new humans. In the meantime I'll enjoy my life and maybe 100 generations removed my kids offspring will die of heat exhaustion. Oh well.
105291   rdm   2019 Oct 1, 11:35am  

WookieMan says

Many? List 'em. Anything he's rolled back has maybe, "maybe" hurt one out of a thousand people.

Very scientific analysis but stll that is 350,000 people

"85 Environmental Rules Being
Rolled Back Under Trump

President Trump has made eliminating federal regulations a priority. His administration, with help from Republicans in Congress, has often targeted environmental rules it sees as burdensome to the fossil fuel industry and other big businesses.

A New York Times analysis, based on research from Harvard Law School, Columbia Law School and other sources, counts more than 80 environmental rules and regulations on the way out under Mr. Trump.

Our list represents two types of policy changes: rules that were officially reversed and rollbacks still in progress. The Trump administration has released an aggressive schedule to try to finalize many of these rollbacks this year.

The Trump administration has often used a “one-two punch” when rolling back environmental rules, said Caitlin McCoy, a fellow in the Environmental and Energy Law Program at Harvard Law School who tracks regulatory rollbacks. “First a delay rule to buy some time, and then a final substantive rule.”


There is chart with the article, it didn't paste well
105292   socal2   2019 Oct 1, 11:48am  

rdm says
socal2 says

I'd argue that Environmental Leftists have done more harm in terms of Climate Change

So you believe that climate change exists and it is mostly from human activities?

I think Climate has always changed and that humans have some impact with the burning of fossil fuels. I don't believe the disease is worse than the medicine the Climate extremists are advocating.

Just pointing out that the Democrats are their own worst enemies (if they truly believe in the worst apocalyptic predictions) by being against the one technology (nuclear) that can feasibly get us off carbon in the time frame they are advocating.
105293   WookieMan   2019 Oct 1, 11:49am  

rdm says
A New York Times analysis, based on research from Harvard Law School, Columbia Law School and other sources, counts more than 80 environmental rules and regulations on the way out under Mr. Trump.

I appreciate a link like you've posted. Skimmed through it, I'm still not convinced that many people are being hurt by the rollbacks though. You can't make extreme claims in my book without backing it with evidence:

All told, the Trump administration’s environmental rollbacks could significantly increase greenhouse gas emissions and lead to thousands of extra deaths from poor air quality every year, according to a recent report prepared by New York University Law School's State Energy and Environmental Impact Center.

When the intro statement to the cited report lists the Trump administration by name, it's done. All credibility is lost in that report. There's a way to write an academic paper and that's not it. Clear bias by the 2nd graph.

rdm says
Very scientific analysis but stll that is 350,000 people

Good. If you want a cleaner earth 350,000 people is just the tip of the iceberg of people that need to die. You can't claim to be environmentally friendly and ignore the 800,000lbs gorilla in the room. People. Regulation won't fix the problems in China and other parts of the world. Wait and see what happens when African countries get their heads out of their corrupt asses... I feel like I'm talking to wall here sometimes.
105294   WookieMan   2019 Oct 1, 11:57am  

Tim Aurora says
socal2 says

I don't know a single Trump voter who is souring on him right now.

You are in a bubble/echo chamber

Lol. Everyone is. Don't hitch your cart to any horse. Just pull a Fred Flintstone and drive that mother fucker with your own feet.
105295   socal2   2019 Oct 1, 12:04pm  

Tim Aurora says
They were fired because Trump did not like them and Mueller did not recommend any action against them ( as opposed to many Trump associates were imprisoned)

McCabe wasn't fired by Trump. He stepped down for lying and is still facing charges from the DOJ.

There is no defending the unprofessional ism and partisanship of Strozk and his mistress Lisa Page who were leading the investigation.

Manafort was arrested for prior tax evasion and process crimes. But he was originally targeted for his lobbying for Ukraine. What do you suppose Hunter Biden was doing for Ukraine?
105296   Tenpoundbass   2019 Oct 1, 12:07pm  

There is no such thing as a quid pro quo when it comes to the President working on foreign policy. Even if the story did play out like the bogus whistle blower framed it.

That past two president was caught on camera doing just the same thing if not worse, on camera multiple times.

"Well tell them to quit doing that shit and we'll quit bombing them!"
"Give me until after the election I'll have more leadway then."
105297   WookieMan   2019 Oct 1, 12:11pm  

Tenpoundbass says
There is no such thing as a quid pro quo when it comes to the President working on foreign policy

This. It comes with the territory with the highest office on the planet. I don't like it all the time, but that position needs flexibility to get things done. Same with any elected person in the executive role.
105299   Ceffer   2019 Oct 1, 12:17pm  

Quid Pro Poppycock.

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