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2005 Apr 11, 5:00pm   177,227 views  117,730 comments

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105685   Ceffer   2019 Oct 11, 8:03pm  

I don't think they are called polls anymore, they are referred to as 'you believe this manipulative shit at your own hazard'.
105686   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Oct 11, 10:43pm  

Another wirerimmed, softhanded Liberal theologian.

If we could only bring Knox and Calvin back from the past and give them flamethrowers.

I think Whitfield and Wesley would take a turn burning shit down.

Fuck him.

Because he was instrumental in pushing a complete fake news story, organized by Achmed Chalabi, that Iraq was organizing attacks by Jihadis in the USA, in November of 2001. That's where Bush got his justification for saying Saddam was working with Al Qaeda. From HIS article,ironically enough. Of course praise was heaped upon Hedges for that piece by the media, and his employer, the New York Times.

It was easy for Chalabi to feed this (and another bullshit story claiming Kuwaitis were still kept captive by Saddam in Iraq) story to him because Hedges was an Oikophobe-Xenophile like most leftists, always treating foreigners with exaggerated credulity, esp. if they have anti-American credentials.

History is strange.
105687   Fuckyouasshole   2019 Oct 12, 9:28am  

105688   Fuckyouasshole   2019 Oct 12, 12:44pm  

4 more years!
105689   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2019 Oct 12, 12:52pm  

Good lord you are a nut.
105690   CBOEtrader   2019 Oct 12, 12:52pm  

jazz_music says
the critical 38 are lined up, just waiting for right-wing billionaire takeovers of their state legislatures.

Wtf does this even mean? Anthropomorphizing actual states, who are apparently "just waiting" for a democratic process described as a "right wing billionaire takeover" ... its just a tad crazy, no?
105691   CBOEtrader   2019 Oct 12, 12:57pm  

I notice you conveniently left out what they want changed about the constitution.

The left wants to take away our 1st and second amendments, among others.

Yet Jazz, and these silly leftwing propaganda articles, wants to suggest the desire to change the constitution equals prima facie tyranny. (Notice they wont tell you what these monsters want to change.)

Want to know what the #1 goal that these right wing billionaire tyrannists-to-be say they want? A balanced budget clause. WHAT MONSTERS!!!
105692   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2019 Oct 12, 3:48pm  

Democrats passed forced speech laws in CA. Banned religion in most places, banned guns. Most anti constitutional types ever pretending that they are holier than rest of us. Hahaha!!!!
105693   CBOEtrader   2019 Oct 12, 7:17pm  

jazz_music says
Man up.

I didn't know slam poetry was a language.

It's like everything you write is filled with buzz words but lacking anything tangible. Literally not a single point to discuss
105694   RC2006   2019 Oct 12, 7:22pm  

CBOEtrader says
jazz_music says
Man up.

I didn't know slam poetry was a language.

It's like everything you write is filled with buzz words but lacking anything tangible. Literally not a single point to discuss

105695   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Oct 12, 7:23pm  

Yeah, check out drudge today. "30 minutes that changed the Presidency" and a link to some stupid AP smear piece.

Now I'm really convinced Trump is gonna release the audio. Then DUmmies will claim it's a "Deep Fake".
105696   zzyzzx   2019 Oct 13, 7:41am  

If Obama had a son...
105697   Tenpoundbass   2019 Oct 13, 9:03am  

What the fuck Ray Ray gonna do now? Where's Corn Pop when you need a bitch?
105698   Tenpoundbass   2019 Oct 13, 9:23am  

Drudge also posts every Scary Clown hoax and every Drone dressed up like a UFO footage and presents it as the second coming of Jesus Christ.

He's another disturbed pickle smuggler.
105699   Tenpoundbass   2019 Oct 13, 10:11am  

Inequality gap is code for... You're supposed to subsidize the useless dumb idiots that Liberals created either through their inadequate education system or through inbreeding.
105700   RC2006   2019 Oct 13, 10:27am  

Is that why we see the greatest amount of inequality in cities democrats control or the greatest wage inequality in the state of CA?
105701   Dholliday126   2019 Oct 13, 11:28am  

California, the Democrats progressive stronghold, is the epitome of have/have nots....nice try.

Instead of politicizing the issue, try attacking the real problem....the fed, inflation targeting and MMT which are destroying people without assets.
105702   SoTex   2019 Oct 13, 11:41am  

More like 50 years of the left's "Great Society", socialist policies failed and left a giant fucking debt hole for gen-x and later generations where a real economy used to exist.
105703   Onvacation   2019 Oct 13, 12:05pm  

thomasdong1776 says
the gap between the richest and the poorest U.S. households is now the largest it has been in the 52 years

At least they have smartphones and aren't starving.

The "war on poverty" (welfare, subsidized housing, etc.) started over 50 years ago. The poverty rate has changed very little.

The meaning of poverty has changed a lot.

Go to a high school where the majority of students are impoverished. You'll see they are well shod and pocketing iPhones.
105704   Patrick   2019 Oct 13, 12:19pm  

I agree that it's crazy that Warren Buffet pays a lower percentage in taxes than his secretary.

The 15% capital gains tax is too low when the tax on income from real work gets up near 40%.

The real solution is Georgism, meaning zero income tax on work and zero tax on commerce, ie no sales tax either.

Taxes should be on non-productive rent seeking alone.
105705   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Oct 13, 1:10pm  

Prior to LBJ, never married mothers couldn't qualify for AFDC (Or it's antecedent program).

We should bring that back.
105706   Onvacation   2019 Oct 13, 1:13pm  

jazz_music says
Unsustainable debt trickled down. We are now a house of cards waiting for a black swan to come blow us down.

105707   Onvacation   2019 Oct 13, 1:17pm  

jazz_music says
thomasdong1776 says
Since the Reagan administration, Republicans have fervently claimed lower taxes will unleash the "makers"
and the money went into offshore vaults instead.

Greater inequality trickled down.

Unsustainable debt trickled down. We are now a house of cards waiting for a black swan to come blow us down.

Mergers and acquisitions trickled down making less choices available.

We turned our backs for too long and got sabotaged by rich crooks with offshore vaults and havens to run to when it matters the most.

THIS is why no one should be shut down. All opinions need consideration.

It also reminded me; the fight is not between Democrats and Republicans but between globalists and constitutionalists.
105708   PMack   2019 Oct 13, 1:19pm  

Your premise is partisan and I think to effectively debate we have to remove that component.

Record debt and inequality by what measure?

The standard of living in USA for the last 100 years is at an all time high ( depending whats your metric, but one could argue it's been superior to most countries over the same period of time ).
The debt figure does not mean much, especially that the US is the #1 Superpower and has reserve currency status, which means it can "thug" itself out of debt( like plundering Lybian gold or seizing Citgo refineries ) or print itself out of debt. USA is still the least dirty shirt in the pile, Japan, Europe are in stagflation and China is in turmoil. My personal opinion is that politicians are irrelevant, entertainement for the masses, its purely a show to distract people from whats really going on.
105709   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Oct 13, 1:21pm  

Remember when the John Birch society swore that perverts were coming for the kids?

John Birch has a better prediction record than global warming alarmists
105710   richwicks   2019 Oct 13, 1:41pm  

jazz_music says
Inspirational to some, sure -- but not to the John Birch Society, who had posted an article about the new Matt Damon movie on their Web site, which declares that, quote, "Mandela is nothing more than a communist terrorist thug."

He was a member of the South African Communist Party.

That's what I hate about corporate media, is that it literally takes about 1 minute to find out if they are telling the truth or not.

105711   Shaman   2019 Oct 13, 1:43pm  

Patrick says
Trump's actions are giving more money to poor US citizens by bringing back manufacturing from China and slowing the influx of illegals from Mexico who drive down wages.

Yes this is one way (probably the best way) of raising wages for the poor. It’s also a good idea to raise minimum wage. Right now in California the minimum wage is $12, and I see Help Wanted signs fucking EVERYWHERE!!! I also see people who look like they’ve just crawled out of the hood working at the lower end service jobs. These people aren’t great employees, not yet anyway, but the higher wages and more hiring pressure have allowed them to join the workforce. With a job comes advancement opportunities and self respect. If this economy keeps up, we will steadily drain the ghettos, getting people back to work, which will reduce crime and increase the economy further in a virtuous cycle.
I truly believe that lower income people have to get paid more to make our economy great. A combination of a Trumpian policies and rising minimum wages is really working in California!!
105712   RWSGFY   2019 Oct 13, 1:54pm  

jazz_music says
Speculators used to get beheaded in 17th century for good reasons. They are destroying the real economy by extracting money for nothing.

Oh, let's get back to 17th century standards, sure. I mean, who wouldn't want to get back to all that equality and virtually non-existent wealth gap.

Let's fucking do it!
105713   RWSGFY   2019 Oct 13, 1:56pm  

jazz_music says
Besides real jobs, the cure will involve fixing access to health services, drugs, and disempowering Wall Street crooks, let some spend time in prison and that would send a message to the rest.

Retirement without speculating on equities and such must return to America too. Then maybe we could afford to be a decent people once again.

Yes! Because countries without financial markets do so much better than USA in every measure possible.
105714   RWSGFY   2019 Oct 13, 2:11pm  

APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostikovitch says
I am still shocked that local versions of Uber that include taxi and real professional limo services hadn't popped up to displace the savage valley cunts' and their trashy apps.

Flywheel app is exactly that: real cabs summoned via an app. The problem is: cabbies are not stupid and will not accept the kind of money-losing rides the amateurs are taking eagerly.Which means their availability sucks.

Just for shits and giggles I tried to summon a car to my not-so-deep suburbs via Flywheel and Uber: the former said "Sorry, all drivers are currently busy" after 3 minutes of searching, the latter has shown that the car will arrive in 6 min.

So I can't even compare the fare estimate between the two.

PS. The "schedule a ride" option in the Flywheel app said "airports only". Uber lets you to schedule for any destination you want.
105715   finehoe   2019 Oct 13, 8:17pm  

Patrick says
Trump's actions are giving more money to poor US citizens by bringing back manufacturing from China and slowing the influx of illegals from Mexico who drive down wages.

You keep repeating this, but it's not true.

Border crossings are at record highs: https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/most-illegal-crossings-in-12-years-border-patrol-took-851-000-into-custody-during-fiscal-2019

US manufacturing is in recession: https://www.latimes.com/politics/story/2019-10-09/despite-trump-vow-manufacturing-in-recession
105716   SunnyvaleCA   2019 Oct 13, 8:27pm  

Patrick says
But when the poor get more money, they do spend it, helping to boost the overall economy.

The problem is that when the poor are handed money, they fritter it away on useless trinkets that don't meaningfully help their immediate situation or improve their long-term future prospects. Thus, handing money to the poor, doesn't help the poor become not poor. For the most part, the poor are poor because of bad choices or because they are amazingly lazy.

One of my pet peeves is people at the checkout counter using SNAP cards and then standing around looking like morons while the cashier bags the food for them. I'm a multimillionaire (only slightly short of 8 digits) and I still feel embarrassed standing around at the checkout doing nothing. Seriously, how lazy are you that you can't bag your own groceries while the checker is running up the items; it gets you through the line that much sooner and is greatly appreciated by everyone behind you.
105717   clambo   2019 Oct 13, 9:55pm  

I remember when President Johnson declared "a war on poverty"; after trillions spent, the poor have won.

Importing millions of poor who have poor children who underachieve academically isn't helping of course.

Poor being paid $ per child is an incentive to produce more poor; I know a female who 1. never worked 2. have several children from several fathers 3. scrape by with various programs 4. have sex with men in the neighborhood, then ask for some money to pay bills, etc.

I know another who is a little bit smarter; because she works a bullshit McJob she can qualify for the "earned income credit"=free money for having children. Last year she got about $10,000 in free money for having 3 children.

Lower taxes positively cause me to have more money to invest; tax advantages of Roth IRA, SEP-IRA and the Health Savings Account definitely influenced my behavior regarding my money.

The one many guys ignore is the Health Savings Account (HSA). If you have a high deductible health insurance plan, you can have an HSA.

Any HSA contribution is deductible from income; it's before your calculated AGI, it always reduces your taxes and you can put up to $4400 in it depending on your age.

You can invest the HSA in stock mutual funds for capital appreciation; you can leave it untouched until age 65. After age 65, you can spend it on anything or let it keep growing like an IRA.
105718   RWSGFY   2019 Oct 13, 10:19pm  

clambo says
After age 65, you can spend it on anything

Wait a sec: on anything? So it's "on medical expenses only until 65" and "on anything - after"? This is a detail I overlooked. Makes HSA even better deal than I thought.
105719   Al_Sharpton_for_President   2019 Oct 14, 7:37am  

The notorious Corn Pop.

105720   Onvacation   2019 Oct 14, 7:38am  

SunnyvaleCA says
The problem is that when the poor are handed money, they fritter it away

And they will breed.

While a wealthy person will plan a pregnancy, making sure they can afford the childcare and education expenses before going off of birth control, the poor person will just fuck and say oops, then depend on the system to care for them and their kinder. The system creates a downward spiral of more depenDance.

We should have soup kitchens and dormitories with hot showers for the transient and then make them transition into some kind of productive job, picking up trash and bagging groceries if nothing else. If they refuse work they should not be allowed to eat and sleep in the cities but bused out to "lazy camps" in the country.

I know the solution above has some serious issues, but giving the "underclass" (never permanent, some rise out and some are always falling into) money and a place to live just perpetuates a bad situation that will end in idiocracy.
105721   Onvacation   2019 Oct 14, 7:40am  

clambo says
have sex with men in the neighborhood, then ask for some money to pay bills

Is it prostitution only if you ask for the money up front?
105722   Onvacation   2019 Oct 14, 7:44am  

APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostikovitch says
Is Trump a Little Bit Like Jim Jones - or Exactly Like Jim Jones And Is Going Guyana Any Day Now?

Only if you drink the Kool-Aid.

It's a puppet show. enjoy the entertainment.
105723   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2019 Oct 14, 8:52am  

jazz_music says
Patrick says
Trump's actions are giving more money to poor US citizens by bringing back manufacturing from China and slowing the influx of illegals from Mexico who drive down wages.

I agree with your economic analysis but I do not see real growth of jobs to the poor.

Too many Walmart and temp jobs and gig economy jobs enriching only Silicon Valley headquartered operations. The economy is a fairy tale to promote status quo of optimal extraction. Murdock bought the WSJ for a reason.

Starbucks and Costco are two bright spot exceptions, good for them, but they do not represent the economy.

In other words I am not at all convinced that these jobs you say are happening are really truly happening.

If one isn’t hustling and making money in the current economy, they never will.

Unemployment rate and average wage say you are wrong.

I think your tune will never change. I think you are mediocre at best and satisfied with the low level life that SS disability provides you. Worse yet, you project that lifestyle into others.

Meh to be you. Cheers to anyone taking advantage of the best economy of our lifetime.
105724   Bd6r   2019 Oct 14, 9:06am  

APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostikovitch says
We have a president who regularly disparages and blames the media, calling it “fake,” “false,” and “phony,”

I kinda agree with him on most media, most of which are corporate shills without a single brain cell. I do get though that his reasoning for coming to this conclusion might be different from mine, but that is probably OK.

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