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106380   marcus   2019 Nov 3, 12:53pm  

106381   Tenpoundbass   2019 Nov 3, 1:03pm  

It's a damn lie, there is nobody that voted for Trump over Hillary, that did not do so for the same reasons, a Trump supporter would not support any of the current Democrats.
Not only that, their lack of support for the Dems will supersede any prejudices or annoyances you may have with Trump's style.
106382   CBOEtrader   2019 Nov 3, 1:04pm  

marcus says
Okay so there are racists on the right.

There's just a s many people on the left that are confused about gender or who think abortion is should be legal.

So it's even, right ?

Probably fair.

The problem is (most) of the left is afraid to call out their most extreme elements. This has been jordan Peterson's long time observication as I'm sure you know.

Combine that w the attempted control of technical speech/thought control and the left today is a very scary mechanism indeed.

Was reading an article about a "cancelled" writer in Seattle, a gay woman writing about gay women who transitioned and are regrettably transition back.

She was given the full nazi treatment for suggesting caution when going through permanent damage via transitioning, and accused of being anti-trans.

The left is throwing logical thinkers into social jail. Stop pretending the right is anywhere near the same level of problem today
106383   marcus   2019 Nov 3, 1:13pm  

What JP says is "how far is too far on the left. Can we define that ?"

He posits that we know what too far to the right is. (i.e. racial hatred.)

CBOEtrader says
Stop pretending the right is anywhere near the same level of problem today

Let's say that I'm on the moderate left, and you're on the moderate right.

Why is it that I'm far more willing to acknowledge the identity politics on the right that I don't like, than you are on the right.

You people totally deny the racism on the right that makes Trump possible.
106384   marcus   2019 Nov 3, 1:17pm  

Tenpoundbass says
their lack of support for the Dems will supersede any prejudices or annoyances you may have with Trump's style

Boooooooo !!
106385   mell   2019 Nov 3, 1:31pm  

106386   mell   2019 Nov 3, 1:31pm  

106387   marcus   2019 Nov 3, 1:41pm  

106388   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Nov 3, 2:23pm  

Every Republican President is Hitler.
106389   mell   2019 Nov 3, 3:18pm  

jazz_music says
mell says
That is an admission that you have nothing really to say.

Yet there you go again against someone who did have something to say.

Why do that?

Because you have to be fucking retarded to compare anything Trump did with the ideology of Adolf Hitler and the Nazis and their systematic ethnic cleansing, gassing people with Zyklon B. It's not only retarded but a slap in the face of concentration camp survivors of the various leftist rulers and worst offenders in history, Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot etc. Think about for a minute what the writer of this bs is doing, relativizing genocide by comparing it to Trump's policies and voter base. Or you have TDS.
106390   mell   2019 Nov 3, 3:23pm  

NoCoupForYou says
Every Republican President is Hitler.

Literally. Fuck if you had given the Jews (and other outcasts) back then the opportunity to escape Auschwitz and Bergen-Belsen in exchange for living in Trump's America they'd have all survived and would be thriving today. You can't make this shit up, the cognitive dissonance must be strong on this in the leftoid brain.
106391   CBOEtrader   2019 Nov 3, 4:32pm  

marcus says
Why is it that I'm far more willing to acknowledge the identity politics on the right that I don't like, than you are on the right.

What specifically are you talking about? I dont accept racism. Do you?
106392   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2019 Nov 3, 4:36pm  

CBOEtrader says
marcus says
Why is it that I'm far more willing to acknowledge the identity politics on the right that I don't like, than you are on the right.

What specifically are you talking about? I dont accept racism. Do you?

CBOE has a point. What right wing identity politics are you talking about Marcus?
106393   Onvacation   2019 Nov 3, 4:42pm  

marcus says
You people

That's considered racist because you are generalizing a whole group by their anonymous and often ill defined online personas.

Can't you see that that is (fillinblank)IST!

marcus says
You people totally deny the racism on the right that makes Trump possible.

Please define what you mean by "You people" and "racism on the right"?
106394   ignoreme   2019 Nov 3, 4:59pm  

marcus says
Okay so there are racists on the left.

Fixed. The left is the party of identity politics.
106395   marcus   2019 Nov 3, 5:03pm  

CBOEtrader says
What specifically are you talking about?

TYpo. I meant that I'm more willing to recognize the identity politics and sjw nonsense on the left, than you are willing to acknoledge the racist on the right.
106396   ignoreme   2019 Nov 3, 5:06pm  

Please Marcus. I will give you one chance. List your best example of racism on the right that is ignored by moderates on the right.
106397   FortWayneAsNancyPelosiHaircut   2019 Nov 3, 5:10pm  

in the mean time left ignores reality of who actually behave like Nazis:

willywonka says
106398   Shaman   2019 Nov 3, 5:54pm  

marcus says
CBOEtrader says
What specifically are you talking about?

TYpo. I meant that I'm more willing to recognize the identity politics and sjw nonsense on the left, than you are willing to acknoledge the racist on the right.

Examples please
106399   CBOEtrader   2019 Nov 3, 6:22pm  

marcus says
I meant that I'm more willing to recognize the identity politics and sjw nonsense on the left, than you are willing to acknoledge the racist on the right.

Are you talking about the KKK? Noone is arguing for people like that.

We are cutting to the core of two worldviews though. The left assumes racism is both rampant and obvious amongst the right... and it's all a big lie, afaik. Racists, like the KKK, are shunned from "the right" and only relevant politically as brainwashing tools from the left (see the 20x articles about the KKK around election time, for example).

Meanwhile the left is embracing its anti white, anti male, anti logical questioning of the cult of diversity and equating every wrong thinker to nazis. "Maga hats, the new swastika" is cancerous, extremist, violent, disgusting, hateful speech that only comes from todays left.

So marcus, can you acknowledge these "identity politics" flaws from todays left?

Now your turn to list what the right is doing that is comparably bad, cause I dont see it.
106400   WookieMan   2019 Nov 3, 6:57pm  

Why is anyone commenting on this thread? I think our OP is just trying to fuck with people here at this point.
106401   Patrick   2019 Nov 3, 7:17pm  

No, that was personal so I marked it as such now.
106402   mell   2019 Nov 3, 7:49pm  

jazz_music says
White men wear these MAGA hats declaring the same brotherhood authoritarianism insider membership as symbolic of the us versus them dynamics.

Women may wear them just to please their little warriors.

The author isn’t fucking with you

What about black men wearing MAGA hats, and black women, there's plenty of them.
106403   CBOEtrader   2019 Nov 3, 8:21pm  

jazz_music says
White men wear these MAGA hats
106404   CBOEtrader   2019 Nov 3, 8:23pm  

jazz_music says
symbolic of the us versus them dynamics.


jazz_music says
anyone can put on a swastika too, what does it mean?

This is what cognitive dissonance looks like. He wants to break out of the matrix, but somehow keeps diving back in
106405   RWSGFY   2019 Nov 3, 8:46pm  

CBOEtrader says
jazz_music says
White men wear these MAGA hats

Fucking Nazis!
106406   CBOEtrader   2019 Nov 3, 9:51pm  

Liberal_in_blackface says
Fucking Nazis!

It shocks me how easily the left can not only make up this racist boogeyman BUT they pretend to KNOW this boogeyman to be the sole motivation of the wrongthinkers.

Its propaganda I'd imagine in a comic book, yet todays left buys it.

Gross, dangerous, and sad
106407   marcus   2019 Nov 3, 10:42pm  

CBOEtrader says
So marcus, can you acknowledge these "identity politics" flaws from todays left?

No I don't see what you see at all. I'm the one of us that fully acknowledges extremes on my side, the sjw nonsense, much of which (e.g. painting maleness as toxic) is not at all mainstream moderate left.

Where as the only racism you will admit on the right is KKK. Give me a break.

If the only white racists voting for Trump that you will acknowledge are KKK, then our conversation can not even begin.

I will always know in my heart of hearts, that a douchebag of Trumps magnitude could never have been elected (or tolerated since being elected) if not for the subtle racism and also not so subtle ("we're being invaded" even though border security was massively increased in the Obama era), not even running against Hillary.

And I will go a step further saying that the kind of racism I see, some subtle, and much not so subtle, is on display very regularly on this forum.
106408   marcus   2019 Nov 3, 10:51pm  

106409   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Nov 4, 2:02am  

LOL, couple of Fays booing, the rest of the crowd is cheering.

106410   Booger   2019 Nov 4, 4:14am  

106411   ignoreme   2019 Nov 4, 4:45am  

So no actual examples of racism in the mainstream right? Okay, thanks.
106412   CBOEtrader   2019 Nov 4, 4:48am  

marcus says
Where as the only racism you will admit on the right is KKK. Give me a break.

Racism is not a driving factor in rightwing political circles. Your point about the wall above is noted, we just disagree.

You seem to think the way trump sold the wall was via racism, therefore clinton/obama and I suppose even bush were NOT racist for wanting boarder security. Somehow trump actually getting it done is racism in action though. Sorry I dont agree w your logic, but ok.

Also, I do see racism as well as classism, bigotry, misandry to all be openly accepted political objectives from the left. When "Its ok to be white" it widely reported as racist and journalists cant write stories about the dangers of cutting off your dong = nazi, we have a problem!

You display the same problem, albeit much less extreme, via grouping Trump supporters in w racists. It is total and complete bigotry on display, unchecked will continue to erode our society.

Bogotry from the left must be stopped, imho. Therefore for the first time in mylife, I will vote for an R in 2020.
106413   Tenpoundbass   2019 Nov 4, 6:05am  

If you are in a position to bitch about White people publicly, then you are a recipient of White Privilege.
Go to Africa and bitch about the Black guys running that place now. See how well you and your head fares.
106414   marcus   2019 Nov 4, 6:18am  

CBOEtrader says
Somehow trump actually getting it done is racism in action though.

Actually Trump has gotten far less done on border security than Obama. Trump just managed to get elected by getting you and the other right wingers to believe there is an invasion and only he could fix it.

I've put the stats up probably a dozen times, but you don't want to know.

CBOEtrader says
Therefore for the first time in mylife, I will vote for an R in 2020.

Your lord works in mysterious ways.
106415   Y   2019 Nov 4, 6:26am  

if this took place microsoft stock would quadruple...

NoCoupForYou says
Every importer must certify, at own expense, that the products their importing comes from a company that has 99% of workstations - from their retail to sales to accounting to Board Room - running a certified copy of Windows/Adobe Acrobat/Quicken less than 7 years old.
106416   WookieMan   2019 Nov 4, 6:46am  

marcus says
I've put the stats up probably a dozen times, but you don't want to know.

Stats mean dick without context. Cool, apprehensions are down when Trump took over. Number of border agents as well. Great. Great info. Is the number of people entering and STAYING here higher or lower? That's the only stat that matters. Are more illegals being removed as well? I don't know, but these tables and graphs are misleading if the point is overall reduced illegal immigration. These mean nothing to the conversation.

If we can reduce government pensioners from the payroll AND reduce the number of illegals I'd say that's an overall win. Sucks for the BP agents, but many more will likely benefit at the cost of a few. They can also transition into other careers easier than most. Not sure your stats are doing what you think they are without stats to show illegal immigration itself is INCREASING under Trump. These mean nothing otherwise.
106417   marcus   2019 Nov 4, 7:01am  


Your not being willing to comprehend them, is vastly different than them having no meaning.

The stats are also out there about the number of illegal aliens actually decreasing over the same period. THat is, more leaving than coming in.

Trump saying he was going to basically lock the door probably caused a major uptick.
106418   mostly_reader   2019 Nov 4, 7:47am  

> marcus

I'll join the chorus of those who invite you to provide examples of racism on the right that are tolerated by moderate rights. You made a statement, you've been asked for examples, and so far it's been crickets.

While at it. You also stated that, on the contrary, you are willing to recognize the identity politics and sjw nonsense on the left. Are there examples of it on this board?
106419   clambo   2019 Nov 4, 8:07am  

I wonder which is more useless; a nothingburger or a bullshitburger?

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