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covid_shmovid saysWGAFover 3200 tweets currently in the thread.
Police in Vallejo, Calif., fatally shoot man with a hammer kneeling outside a Walgreens
Sean Monterrosa, 22, was outside a Walgreens that police say was being looted when he ran, then stopped in a half-kneeling position, police said.
Americans have had enough ...
... and are marching for justice in unprecedented numbers.
Guardian: "Unarmed". A Hammer is a weapon, and a break in tool. As for half-kneeling, he tripped but was still trying to run.
I'm glad he was shot, shooting looters is normal. Not shooting them is radically transforming America.
Why did he chose to loot a pharmacyBecause that's where the drugs are!
That’s 3213 people saying that they regret voting for trump
That’s 3213 people saying that they regret voting for trumpOr 3213 people that voted for Hillary or didn't vote at all are virtue signaling that the orange man is bad.
No reason to shoot him. His hands were up - that is, if the story was true.
The last time we heard Hands Up, Don't Shoot, it was a bald faced lie. I believed it at the time.
richwicks saysNo reason to shoot him. His hands were up - that is, if the story was true.
The last time we heard Hands Up, Don't Shoot, it was a bald faced lie. I believed it at the time.
Who cares about the infection rate? The fatality rate has plummeted. This virus is about as non existent as you can get and people are over it.
That would be optimal for America's survival but we all know it's bullshit and a political hoax.
This last weekend should wipe out the whole Democrat demographic from 16 to 35
Most of the states on the list where the virus is spreading the fastest are Republican & conservative in their politics.
Go ahead & prepare for the death & destruction of America,that your racism,Fascism,hatred & general misery with your lives will bring to you. What will light the fuse?
Thoughts & prayers in advance.
He was just an innocent aspiring construction worker with a hammer.Surprised. I was assuming he was an honors student.
That’s 3213 people saying that they regret voting for trump
Democrats deserve to lose for an entire generation for the racial divisions they have cynically exploited for political gain.
No one can regret voting for Hillary because she lost, so topics like this are kind of silly.
You still do not get it. Have you ever talked to the blacks in the hood and how police harrases them. I have talked and I have stories to tell. It is not just one person killed. It is about Police treating Blacks as "shit"
PeopleUnited says
people are fixated on the murder of one black person, and if another black person is murdered in the next 90 days the crazies will likely burn every major city to the ground. People are insane I guess.
Fixed it for you!
Although half of the people shot and killed by police are white, black Americans are shot at a disproportionate rate. They account for less than 13 percent of the U.S. population, but are killed by police at more than twice the rate of white Americans.
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