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111589   RWSGFY   2020 Jun 4, 2:42pm  

jazz_music says
covid_shmovid says
over 3200 tweets currently in the thread.

Good. Biden's victory is assured then.
111590   SunnyvaleCA   2020 Jun 4, 2:49pm  

Would this be the case of a black cop shooing a white guy? The police chief, presumably the person "in charge," is black. Maybe people 1000 miles away from the incident should break into a Target store and steal some TVs as a way of protesting.
111591   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Jun 4, 2:49pm  


Police in Vallejo, Calif., fatally shoot man with a hammer kneeling outside a Walgreens
Sean Monterrosa, 22, was outside a Walgreens that police say was being looted when he ran, then stopped in a half-kneeling position, police said.


Guardian: "Unarmed". A Hammer is a weapon, and a break in tool. As for half-kneeling, he tripped but was still trying to run.

I'm glad he was shot, shooting looters is normal. Not shooting them is radically transforming America.
111592   RWSGFY   2020 Jun 4, 2:52pm  

jazz_music says
Americans have had enough ...

... and are marching for justice in unprecedented numbers.

Why did he chose to loot a pharmacy instead of joining fellow Americans in their marching for justice? Looks like he didn't care for Mr. Floyd's plight a single bit.
111593   RC2006   2020 Jun 4, 3:00pm  

3200 tweets what's that cost 5$
111594   richwicks   2020 Jun 4, 3:10pm  

NoCoupForYou says
Guardian: "Unarmed". A Hammer is a weapon, and a break in tool. As for half-kneeling, he tripped but was still trying to run.

I'm glad he was shot, shooting looters is normal. Not shooting them is radically transforming America.

No reason to shoot him. His hands were up - that is, if the story was true.

In any case:

He wasn't black, so the police will walk away scott free, and there will be no riots over it.
111595   RWSGFY   2020 Jun 4, 3:14pm  

Vallejo PD carries bodycams, AFAIK. Also, if the officer was shooting from the cruiser, there must be a video from cruiser's camera too.
111596   ignoreme   2020 Jun 4, 3:22pm  

I hate all the euphemisms in the stories. “Involved in youth advocacy” = looting stores with his hammer during the protests.

Just tell the fucking truth and let people decide for themselves what to think. The cop shot a guy who was running away from him who he thought might have a gun. Justified shooting or not?
111597   socal2   2020 Jun 4, 3:23pm  

Jazz - why are all these Democrat run cities cesspools of racism, bigotry and police brutality?
111598   SunnyvaleCA   2020 Jun 4, 3:24pm  

covid_shmovid says
Why did he chose to loot a pharmacy
Because that's where the drugs are!

Willie Sutton on why he robbed banks: "Because that’s where the money is."
111599   Tenpoundbass   2020 Jun 4, 3:25pm  

Yeah like anyone that voted for Trump in 2016, suddenly realizes that Biden is their man.

3313 People that's a lot of "And I'm a Republican..." straw men. Probably all Twitter Bots.
111600   RWSGFY   2020 Jun 4, 3:28pm  

jazz_music says
That’s 3213 people saying that they regret voting for trump

Or one not-so-complicated script.
111601   SunnyvaleCA   2020 Jun 4, 3:28pm  

jazz_music says
That’s 3213 people saying that they regret voting for trump

Or 3213 people that voted for Hillary or didn't vote at all are virtue signaling that the orange man is bad.
111602   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Jun 4, 3:39pm  

richwicks says
No reason to shoot him. His hands were up - that is, if the story was true.

The last time we heard Hands Up, Don't Shoot, it was a bald faced lie. I believed it at the time.
111603   marcus   2020 Jun 4, 3:49pm  

Is it becasue they aren't run by their egos and emotions enough ? Or is it that they just don't have what it takes (wink wink) to be a true die hard Trump supporter ?


Why do things like character, integrity, emotional balance, self control and intelligence matter in a leader, when he was willing to say that he could bring low paying sewing jobs back to America, and also kick out millions of Mexicans ?!

If just saying that stuff becasue he knew about the mindset of people that wanted to hear it isn't enough to keep you a Trump Cultist, then you didn't deserve to be a card carrying member in first place.
111604   socal2   2020 Jun 4, 3:49pm  

NoCoupForYou says
The last time we heard Hands Up, Don't Shoot, it was a bald faced lie. I believed it at the time.

It was the lie of the year.

*'Hands up, don't shoot' ranked one of biggest 'Pinocchios' of 2015*

Meanwhile - the Queen of Karens in Michigan is marching today still aping this provable lie.

Democrats deserve to lose for an entire generation for the racial divisions they have cynically exploited for political gain.
111605   SunnyvaleCA   2020 Jun 4, 4:03pm  

Biden can put that whole "weapon" issue to rest: "When There's an Unarmed Person Coming at Them with a Knife..." Yup, a person with a hammer is unarmed for sure!
111606   Ceffer   2020 Jun 4, 4:14pm  

I guess if he were holding an AK-47 he would qualify as being 'barely armed youth of good character'.
111607   richwicks   2020 Jun 4, 4:30pm  

NoCoupForYou says
richwicks says
No reason to shoot him. His hands were up - that is, if the story was true.

The last time we heard Hands Up, Don't Shoot, it was a bald faced lie. I believed it at the time.

I know - there was a body cam. So if the footage never shows up, his hands were up and he posed no threat.

I'm not some lefty lunatic after all - but I can't see how the police officer could be "fearing for his life" when he's in a car - if the guy was reaching for his pocket, that's another matter. If the guy was provably looting, F him - it doesn't justify killing him, I'm just saying I don't care that he's dead.

We find out in 45 days what happened - that's how long they have to come up with a story, and how long they hold on to the video footage.

Don't reflexively take sides. I haven't taken a side here yet, and I won't for at least 45 days.
111608   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Jun 4, 4:47pm  

Shooting looters is moral, legal, and ethical.
111609   joshuatrio   2020 Jun 4, 4:54pm  

Who cares about the infection rate? The fatality rate has plummeted. This virus is about as non existent as you can get and people are over it.
111610   Booger   2020 Jun 4, 5:08pm  

jazz_music says
Sean Monterrosa

111611   astronut97   2020 Jun 4, 5:36pm  

joshuatrio says
Who cares about the infection rate? The fatality rate has plummeted. This virus is about as non existent as you can get and people are over it.

We are still averaging about 1000 deaths a day in the US from this virus, the fatality rate is not as important as the death count and the virus is definitely not "non-existent".
111612   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2020 Jun 4, 5:54pm  

He wasn’t black, 0 riots.
111613   elliemae   2020 Jun 4, 7:11pm  

Tenpoundbass says
That would be optimal for America's survival but we all know it's bullshit and a political hoax.

Not a hoax.

Tenpoundbass says
This last weekend should wipe out the whole Democrat demographic from 16 to 35

Most of the states on the list where the virus is spreading the fastest are Republican & conservative in their politics. I'd be more concerned about those people if I were you.
111614   WookieMan   2020 Jun 4, 7:28pm  

elliemae says
Most of the states on the list where the virus is spreading the fastest are Republican & conservative in their politics.

Who cares where it spreads? Deaths are all that matters. 50% plus of deaths nationwide are from left/democratic leaning states. If not outright blue. I'm not sure your point.
111615   BayArea   2020 Jun 4, 7:37pm  

He was just an innocent aspiring construction worker with a hammer.
111616   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2020 Jun 4, 8:55pm  

That kid must have left his “white privilege” at the door.
111617   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2020 Jun 4, 9:12pm  

Go ahead & prepare for the death & destruction of America,that your racism,Fascism,hatred & general misery with your lives will bring to you. What will light the fuse?
Thoughts & prayers in advance.


Dont understand what your statements have to do with the video.
111618   SunnyvaleCA   2020 Jun 4, 10:06pm  

BayArea says
He was just an innocent aspiring construction worker with a hammer.
Surprised. I was assuming he was an honors student.
111619   marcus   2020 Jun 4, 10:29pm  

111620   RWSGFY   2020 Jun 4, 10:45pm  

marcus says

Is this your frontyard, marcus?
111621   richwicks   2020 Jun 4, 10:54pm  

marcus says

Are you joking? Biden is guilty or is accused of every single thing that Trump as been accused of.

Senile and out of his mind? CHECK!
Molesting Women? Check!
Corrupt? CHECK!
Working with another nation to win the election? CHECK!

The man is an (apparently) senile old man with dementia that got his son on the board of Burisma in Ukraine which is a job he's 100% unqualified, for but got paid $50,000 a month to "do", who has accusations of sexual harassment AT THE TIME HE WAS ALLEGEDLY HARASSING. There is actually credible evidence!


The very first thing that Trump will do in a debate with Biden will be to ask him point blank "Are you senile?"

The "debates" between the Butcher of Libya and Trump I ignored. THESE I will watch. He is literally the worst possible candidate they could have run. Anybody else could have done better.
111622   WookieMan   2020 Jun 4, 11:00pm  

jazz_music says
That’s 3213 people saying that they regret voting for trump

Even if that was one county in a swing state, 3,200 people doesn't even move the fucking needle. What is the point of this post/comment? No one can regret voting for Hillary because she lost, so topics like this are kind of silly.
111623   richwicks   2020 Jun 4, 11:15pm  

socal2 says
Democrats deserve to lose for an entire generation for the racial divisions they have cynically exploited for political gain.

They've been doing this since at least the civil war.

They did create the KKK. The original KKK wasn't so terrible, they were just white men afraid of black men. They weren't necessarily hostile toward them, but they put up with no criminality or "retribution" - but it became repressive.
111624   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Jun 4, 11:31pm  

I suspect we're gonna hear a lot more "I was a Republican, then I realized Trump was Orange Man Bad right after the Mueller Report found nothing and Impeachment failed. Now I'm Ridin' With Biden, because 44 Years in Government means he's the REAL Swamp Draining Reformer we need"
111625   richwicks   2020 Jun 4, 11:33pm  

WookieMan says
No one can regret voting for Hillary because she lost, so topics like this are kind of silly.

People that have learned that Hillary Clinton was the Butcher of Iraq who brought back slavery to that nation, and learned she voted for the "Authorization to Use Force in Iraq" - and didn't know this when they voted for that thing, regret it.

People are not generally stupid or sociopathic, they are ignorant. No sin in being ignorant, we all start out that way.
111626   PeopleUnited   2020 Jun 5, 2:31am  

Tim Aurora says
You still do not get it. Have you ever talked to the blacks in the hood and how police harrases them. I have talked and I have stories to tell. It is not just one person killed. It is about Police treating Blacks as "shit"

PeopleUnited says

people are fixated on the murder of one black person, and if another black person is murdered in the next 90 days the crazies will likely burn every major city to the ground. People are insane I guess.

Fixed it for you!

Facts matter https://www.foxnews.com/opinion/tucker-carlson-is-america-being-torn-apart-by-a-total-complete-but-provable-lie

From the article:

“What exactly are the numbers?
We found the numbers and we're going to go through them with you in some detail because it's worth it.
Since 2015, The Washington Post has maintained a comprehensive database of fatal police shootings in this country. Last year, The Post logged a total of 1,004 killings.
Of the 802 shootings in which the race of the police officer and the suspect was noted, 371 of those killed were white, 236 were black. The vast majority of those killed were not, in fact, unarmed; the vast majority were armed. And African-American suspects were significantly more likely to have a deadly weapon than white suspects, yet more white suspects were killed.
This is not genocide. It's not even close to genocide. It is laughable to suggest it is.
Overall, there were a total of precisely 10 cases in the United States last year, according to The Washington Post, in which unarmed African- Americans were fatally shot by the police. There were nine men and one woman.
Now, as we said, a lot is at stake. The country is at stake. So we want to take the time now to go through these case by case, into the specifics.....”
111627   Booger   2020 Jun 5, 4:03am  

Fortwaynemobile says
That kid must have left his “white privilege” at the door.

111628   ignoreme   2020 Jun 5, 4:10am  

Tim Aurora says
Although half of the people shot and killed by police are white, black Americans are shot at a disproportionate rate. They account for less than 13 percent of the U.S. population, but are killed by police at more than twice the rate of white Americans.

Which doesn’t mean anything unless you control for likelihood to commit crime.


Blacks are incarcerated at 5x the rate of whites. Assuming all races have equal chance of coming into contact with police due their criminal behavior where they might be shot, I would expect the police shooting rate of blacks would be 5x higher then whites.

The fact that it’s only 2x indicates there’s some other factor. One could be police racism... against whites.

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