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38766   Robert Sproul   2013 Oct 25, 1:50am  

tatupu70 says

The overall goal HAS to be lowering healthcare costs.

All we are arguing about currently is who is going to pay for the ridiculously overpriced, corrupted system that is foisted on us in the name of "health care".

38767   mell   2013 Oct 25, 1:53am  

Robert Sproul says

tatupu70 says

The overall goal HAS to be lowering healthcare costs.


All we are arguing about now is who is going to pay for the ridiculously overpriced, corrupted system that is foisted on us in the name of "health care".

Yep. I expect traffic to increase to places like this substantially:


38768   edvard2   2013 Oct 25, 2:02am  

Robert Sproul says

What an absurd blanket statement. Cause you say so, huh?

Let me re-phrase my statement. The amount of people, if any, who might get "screwed" by this will be many magnitudes less than those who were actually getting screwed before. We are all very familiar with the stories common leading up to this legislation, where people with pre-existing conditions were turned down, or simply went bankrupt because they had no insurance. period. Robert Sproul says

I am a long, long ways from the far right, but I know 2000 pages of lobbyist written, insurance industry pandering, bullshit when it clumsily staggers out of Washington and into my life, unasked for, and solving none of my "health care" access issues.

Seeing as how there was a HUGE amount of financial backing going in behind the scenes for various right-leaning, fake astroturf organizations setup to elect politicians whom would protect their interests in the name of repealing the healthcare law, I seriously doubt your claims above. In addition, I assume that EVERY single law that currently exists are naturally ALL laws that you personally asked for. I say this due to your clear exception to this one law.

38769   exfatguy   2013 Oct 25, 2:28am  

So back in 2007, home "owners" found they could stop paying their mortgages, and, in many cases, squat for years before being foreclosed on. Renters were jealous.

Now, in 2013, it may be our turn. With rentals tied into securities, who really has the authority to evict a tenant? Perhaps us scum renters can just decide we don't want to pay, as well. Can we squat for years without paying rent?

38770   HEY YOU   2013 Oct 25, 2:32am  

Eliminate Obamacare.
I want Free Enterprise health insurance where I don't have any control over premiums or any medical service prices & a 100% guarantee that no one will bankrupt over medical bills.

38771   everything   2013 Oct 25, 2:42am  

According to NAR and this guy..


33% of RE market is cash buyers.

38772   Robert Sproul   2013 Oct 25, 2:44am  

edvard2 says

I seriously doubt your claims above

Who do you think authored this cumbersome compromise?
Congressmen? Staffers? Consumer advocacy groups?
Shit, they didn't even read it. It was crafted by the existing cartels and their lobby groups.
Do right wing kamikaze demagogues want more?
They want it all.

38773   exfatguy   2013 Oct 25, 2:46am  

Everyone has enough money to pay cash for a house (except me), so mortgages are last century.

38774   bubblesitter   2013 Oct 25, 2:49am  

Mortgages should be eliminated.

38775   Bigsby   2013 Oct 25, 3:00am  

bgamall4 says

Bigsby says

The truth about 9/11 does not stand or fall with explosives in the vans of the Dancing Israelis. You are nuts.

Eh? Who said it did?

Then why make such a big deal about it Bigsby? Having trouble seeing the forest because the trees are getting in the way? Don't post about this again or I will delete you.

Er, I wasn't. You were the one who brought up the 'dancing Israelis' in the first place. Why were YOU making such a big deal out of it? And don't threaten me. You delete because you want to mislead others, so do as you like. I will simply point out what you are doing, the incoherent arguments you are making, and the blatant falsehoods you are attempting to pass off as facts.

38776   exfatguy   2013 Oct 25, 3:01am  

The government won't care if rents aren't being paid because the property taxes are being paid by the owners, which are, wait, who really owns the house if it's carved into a bunch of securities?

38777   zzyzzx   2013 Oct 25, 4:42am  

finehoe says

He was referring to employer-provided plans, not individual plans.

Possibly so, but that is not how it was interpreted.

38778   Bigsby   2013 Oct 25, 4:45am  

bgamall4 says

Bigsby says

You were the one who brought up the 'dancing Israelis' in the first place. Why were YOU making such a big deal out of it? And don't threaten me.

It is the dancing that was the problem Einstein.

Rather than the non-existent explosives?

The 'dancing' is what you claim and what the actual people involved deny. You of course believe the report they were 'dancing'. What about the one that claimed they were dressed as 'sheiks?' Or the one that they had explosives in their van that the police reported was not the case? Hey, just pick and choose whatever takes your fancy. Don't pay any mind to the more obvious conclusion to draw. No, instead do what you always do and find the most outlandish conspiracy theory that is being peddled on the internet and run with that. Rather like your claim of remote controlled planes being used. You really are so far out there I wonder if even 'The Professor' is beginning to question what you are saying.

38779   finehoe   2013 Oct 25, 5:18am  

Since almost 70% of the population receives their insurance through their employer, and thus are unaffected by this, what is this obession by opponents of the ACA on individual policies? The actual number of people affected is really quite small.

38780   John Bailo   2013 Oct 25, 6:19am  

finehoe says

The actual number of people affected is really quite small.

On one side are the low paid, uninsured and able bodied people who only use hospitals if they break a leg, etc.

They will be paying more money into the pool which would seem to have the effect of lowering premiums for all.

On the other are the pre-existing conditions types. They will drain money from the insurance, but they also have raised prices in the past when hospitals serviced them at their cost.

Does it balance out? I am not one to see people suffer.

38781   finehoe   2013 Oct 25, 6:50am  

John Bailo says

Does it balance out? I am not one to see people suffer.

I think the proper question is, "are more people better off than they were pre-ACA?"

38782   ttsmyf   2013 Oct 25, 7:24am  

Say hey! This was in the Wall Street Journal on March 30, 1999. Note "... how much it will buy."

Holy cow/interesting/compelling ...!

And where is it up to date??? Right here ... see the first chart shown in this thread.
Recent Dow day is Friday, October 25, 2013 __ Level is 99.3

WOW! It is hideous that this is hidden! Is there any such "Homes, Inflation Adjusted"? Yes indeed, go here:

38783   bob2356   2013 Oct 25, 8:00am  

finehoe says

Since almost 70% of the population receives their insurance through their employer, and thus are unaffected by this, what is this obession by opponents of the ACA on individual policies? The actual number of people affected is really quite small.

How do you know the number is quite small? What percentage of employer health plans don't come up to ACA standards and will have to be replaced with a more expensive plan? Many of those increases in rates will be passed on to employees.

38784   bob2356   2013 Oct 25, 8:02am  

finehoe says

John Bailo says

Does it balance out? I am not one to see people suffer.

I think the proper question is, "are more people better off than they were pre-ACA?"

I think the proper question is does aca lower the overall spending on health care. The answer is NO according to medicare and the CBO.

38785   d503   2013 Oct 25, 8:19am  

From a financial perspective, if you add previously uninsurable people to the insurance pool, premiums must go up. I think the counter argument is valid if we can get people to go see their doc regularly instead of showing up in the emergency rooms for primary care, then premiums can go down.

I really hope this thing works. And if this means everyone gets healthcare that needs it, I'm ok spending more if higher premiums work in tandem with cost controls. We just don't seem to have addressed costs effectively (yet).

For the skeptic of my earlier post about premiums doubling:
My insurance before ACA is probably particularly low because we received the lowest prices available due to our excellent health when we applied. I think the healthiest people in the individual markets will see the largest increases.

38786   tatupu70   2013 Oct 25, 8:20am  

d503 says

For the skeptic of my earlier post about premiums doubling:
My insurance
before ACA is probably particularly low because we received the lowest prices
available due to our excellent health when we applied. I think the healthiest
people in the individual markets will see the largest increases.

Fair enough--I think that's true as well.

38787   Robert Sproul   2013 Oct 25, 8:29am  

finehoe says

I think the proper question is, "are more people better off than they were pre-ACA?"

Nah, I think the proper question is does this do anything to address our real issue, and that is the fact that our corrupted sick care system bleeds off 5-7% more of our GDP than most other industrialized nations.
Much of that is, and will continue to be, sucked up by the insurance industry, to no ones benefit but their own fat asses
It is a broken system, top to bottom, at least according to everyone I have ever talked to who is employed by it. This just modestly readjusts who gets squeezed to feed it.

38788   dublin hillz   2013 Oct 25, 8:42am  

I feel fortunate in a sense that I am very happy with my employer provided healthcare in terms of coverage for cost. My option is far far superior to even the platinum plan not to mention the so called bronze "coverage." Now to be fair I acknowledge fully that peeps with pre-existing condition issue will benefit, medical will be expanded to singles, one will be able to get coverage on the "exchange" without having a job althought it's not gonna be fun paying for "coverage" without having a job even with a "subsidy." However, it appears to me that compared to decent plans at reputable fortune 500 companies ACA still falls far short on the barometer.

38789   AdamCarollaFan   2013 Oct 25, 8:51am  

my 29yo healthy buddy works as a busser/food runner making 8.00/hr plus tips with no bennies, which means he'll qualify for subsidies or possibly get obamacare for free.

if he has to pay even the meager amount of $81 USD a month, he might just forego it since $972/year is a fair bit steep for him.

he is exactly the type of person obamacare needs to have pay into the system to make it all work. without healthy people like him paying into the system, it fit will hit the shan in the not-too-distant-future.

38790   zzyzzx   2013 Oct 25, 12:18pm  

I found another, better Hitler video on this subject:


38791   RWSGFY   2013 Oct 25, 12:36pm  

zzyzzx says

I found another, better Hitler video on this subject:

The one guy from Delaware who subscribed must be Joe "Shotgun" Biden. =))

38792   BoomAndBustCycle   2013 Oct 25, 12:50pm  

You people do realize the great thing "ObamaCare" does.. It's CAPS health insurance company profits! AND if the health insurance company makes more profit than they are allowed.. They have to return the money back to the insured member. I received a notice this year that I would be getting a refund of part of my premium... Of course since my work pays my insurance premium... They get the refund. But it was about $250 refund... not too bad.

The Obamacare rebate checks are part of a provision in the health care law that requires insurance companies to use 80 percent of collected premiums on medical services. If they don’t, they have to send rebates to policyholders for the difference.

Obamacare support may rise when health insurance rebate checks arrive.

Personally I think 90% of collected premiums should go to medical services. Car Insurance companies for instance consider 4% profit after premiums EXCELLENT.

38793   Bigsby   2013 Oct 25, 12:51pm  

Quigley says

It certainly goes far enough to give the insurance companies extra money! The medical industrial complex can now become twice as bloated and provide half the service! Isn't socialism great?

Well, social medicine would get rid of the need for insurance companies for a start. Apparently that would make you happy, so presumably you are a fan of some aspects of what socialism might entail.

38794   BoomAndBustCycle   2013 Oct 25, 12:55pm  

I'm still waiting on my wife and child's paperwork though.. I'll reserved judgement on ACA until I actually have the paperwork signed in front of me. Right now it looks like decent deal compared to my work's plan. My work only covers me and has horrifically high monthly payments for dependents. I'm talking $1000 a month for a perfectly healthy newborn and my perfectly healthy, albeit child-bearing years, wife.

38795   Bigsby   2013 Oct 25, 2:18pm  

bgamall4 says

Bigsby says

The 'dancing' is what you claim and what the actual people involved deny. You of course believe the report they were 'dancing'

Witnesses saw them dancing and celebrating. So yes, I believe the witnesses. Why wouldn't I? You seem to have a problem with eyewitnesses. You can't even see with your own damn eyes that WTC7 fell from the bottom and the top and in the middle at the same damn rate, making pancaking impossible. You are the dumbest cretin the world has ever known, Bigsby.

Witnesses? Which witnesses were those? The person who phoned in the report was called Maria, was she not? Care to share what she said about what she saw. I'll help. She doesn't mention dancing. She doesn't say that they arrived and set up cameras BEFORE the attack. She specifically states in an ABC interview that the van parked up AFTER she'd already started looking at the WTC towers. She says that she saw them sitting on top of a van watching the events unfold snapping pics. She didn't like their reaction, but people posing for photos in front of what was happening is hardly that unusual and the reactions of groups of men watching such an event (without really knowing what was going on at that point) could obviously be extremely diverse. That women was also at a distance, so it's not as if she was standing right next to them and could clearly see everything let alone hear them.

This is my problem with what you do. You get your info direct from the conspiracy websites that have already created a story distinct from the actual facts. You and other 'truthers' then create a hugely expanded conspiracy based on the thinnest (and demonstrably misreported) information that has no basis in actual evidence. It is a fiction. Go to the source (Maria) and you will find that what you are basing your claims on is simply untrue.

The same applies to much of what you post.

38796   Bigsby   2013 Oct 25, 2:53pm  

bgamall4 says

You can't even see with your own damn eyes that WTC7 fell from the bottom and the top and in the middle at the same damn rate, making pancaking impossible.

You're right, I can't see that. How is it that you can? The videos I've seen clearly show that part of the internal structure collapsed before the rest of the building, demonstrated by the fact that the penthouse collapsed downwards before the outer part of the building. Based just on that, how can you make your claim?

38797   Homeboy   2013 Oct 25, 4:19pm  

tatupu70 says

d503 says

I've had a plan for four years for a family of four. Two children and two

healthy adults in our forties. We received a termination notice because our plan

doesn't meet the Obamacare guidelines. With all incentives our premium will more

than double. I support the goal of Obamacare, but I was counting on keeping my

plan as promised by my president. If I didn't keep my plan I thought I was going

to get cheaper insurance. Both didn't happen. As a supporter of the plan I feel


Forgive me if I'm a bit skeptical of this story...

Well he left out the part about Obama stepping on his puppy.

38798   Homeboy   2013 Oct 25, 4:36pm  

zzyzzx says

Even if that's true, how many 27 year old have a spare $972 to spend each year?

Well it's not "spare", it's their budget for health insurance. And yes, if you make over $45K and you are only supporting yourself, then you can afford $972 a year for health insurance.

zzyzzx says

Article clearly states that the pricing is for unsubsidized people. I don't know why you are complaining about that.

I'm not complaining. YOU guys are complaining; but you're complaining about a situation that doesn't exist. The article implies that every 27 year old will be responsible for $3,200 in health insurance premiums. That, simply put, is a crock of shit.

zzyzzx says

I don't like the way the article is written, but if you read further down, they do make a lot of good points about how medical cost structure in the US is way too high, and of course nothing is done about that in Obamacare.

It's hard to find any motivation to read that far down when at least the first 10 paragraphs are complete horseshit and lies. If there are any gems at the bottom of the page, they are buried in feces.

I agree that price caps for medical services would have been nice. I also think the law would never have seen the light of day if it had price caps in it. At least we have our foot in the door now, and maybe something like that can get added later. You know who tried to pass healthcare reform with price caps? Bill Clinton. How far did THAT get?

Funny, I had you pegged as a "goes too far" person. Are you saying ACA doesn't go far ENOUGH?

38799   Vicente   2013 Oct 25, 4:48pm  

I bet she was in Benghazi too.

38800   HydroCabron   2013 Oct 25, 4:55pm  

I call bullshit.

Obama has never set foot in the United States - he can't even get an entry visa. All his appearances are by Skype.

No way Michelle went to Princeton, unless they have a satellite campus in Kenya. More like "Princeton Technical Institute of Nairobi" I'll bet.

38801   HydroCabron   2013 Oct 25, 5:33pm  

APOCALYPSEFUCK is Comptroller says

Someone sniff Michelle's face ...

You are obsessed with food lately.

38802   smaulgld   2013 Oct 25, 8:53pm  

Here is a case where if this is true, the left should weigh in against it
Instead we will hear excuses and be provided with examples of how bush did the same or worse
This is a common tactic of democrats and republicans who have their followers trained well

38803   Robert Sproul   2013 Oct 26, 12:40am  

ThreeBays says

But, you don't have to pick an expensive plan.

No, you can pick a cheap plan
78% of people who declare bankruptcy for medical costs have some cheap don't-pay-shit, high deductible-high co-pay, low lifetime payout plan and thought they were "insured".
Insurance companies peddle many products that people pay real money (month after month) for only to find out they don't have real insurance.

38804   Vicente   2013 Oct 26, 1:13am  

So what you're saying is, you hate successful people?

Toni Townes-Whitley '85.
Michelle Obama '83.

The only linkage the article makes is they "are both members of the Association of Black Princeton Alumni". You'd need a stronger case than this.

Can you Photoshop them sitting next to each other at an alumni dinner? Then they sneak off to the coat closet and start making out, we want pictures of that too.

My Dad went to the same school but a couple years apart from Arnold Palmer. Surprisingly they are not best buds.

38805   BoomAndBustCycle   2013 Oct 26, 1:13am  

Hey moron! Humans procrastinate! Of course no healthy 20-somethings have rushed out to buy obamacare. They probably all planned on doing it at the last minute.... But the website problems will actually be good in that it might get people off their asses and signing up earlier.

I signed up early because my work plan is raping me with dependent premiums... But most young people are not in a rush to sign up for something they won't get until Jan 1st and don't have to sign up for until March.

How many people file their taxes on April 15th... You are calling something a failure because people aren't doing their taxes 6 months in advance!? Really!??!?

Of course people expecting "refunds" would do their taxes early... But if you owe the govt money... Of course you wait til the drop dead deadline... Its freaking human nature!

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