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38790   zzyzzx   2013 Oct 25, 12:18pm  

I found another, better Hitler video on this subject:


38791   RWSGFY   2013 Oct 25, 12:36pm  

zzyzzx says

I found another, better Hitler video on this subject:

The one guy from Delaware who subscribed must be Joe "Shotgun" Biden. =))

38792   BoomAndBustCycle   2013 Oct 25, 12:50pm  

You people do realize the great thing "ObamaCare" does.. It's CAPS health insurance company profits! AND if the health insurance company makes more profit than they are allowed.. They have to return the money back to the insured member. I received a notice this year that I would be getting a refund of part of my premium... Of course since my work pays my insurance premium... They get the refund. But it was about $250 refund... not too bad.

The Obamacare rebate checks are part of a provision in the health care law that requires insurance companies to use 80 percent of collected premiums on medical services. If they don’t, they have to send rebates to policyholders for the difference.

Obamacare support may rise when health insurance rebate checks arrive.

Personally I think 90% of collected premiums should go to medical services. Car Insurance companies for instance consider 4% profit after premiums EXCELLENT.

38793   Bigsby   2013 Oct 25, 12:51pm  

Quigley says

It certainly goes far enough to give the insurance companies extra money! The medical industrial complex can now become twice as bloated and provide half the service! Isn't socialism great?

Well, social medicine would get rid of the need for insurance companies for a start. Apparently that would make you happy, so presumably you are a fan of some aspects of what socialism might entail.

38794   BoomAndBustCycle   2013 Oct 25, 12:55pm  

I'm still waiting on my wife and child's paperwork though.. I'll reserved judgement on ACA until I actually have the paperwork signed in front of me. Right now it looks like decent deal compared to my work's plan. My work only covers me and has horrifically high monthly payments for dependents. I'm talking $1000 a month for a perfectly healthy newborn and my perfectly healthy, albeit child-bearing years, wife.

38795   Bigsby   2013 Oct 25, 2:18pm  

bgamall4 says

Bigsby says

The 'dancing' is what you claim and what the actual people involved deny. You of course believe the report they were 'dancing'

Witnesses saw them dancing and celebrating. So yes, I believe the witnesses. Why wouldn't I? You seem to have a problem with eyewitnesses. You can't even see with your own damn eyes that WTC7 fell from the bottom and the top and in the middle at the same damn rate, making pancaking impossible. You are the dumbest cretin the world has ever known, Bigsby.

Witnesses? Which witnesses were those? The person who phoned in the report was called Maria, was she not? Care to share what she said about what she saw. I'll help. She doesn't mention dancing. She doesn't say that they arrived and set up cameras BEFORE the attack. She specifically states in an ABC interview that the van parked up AFTER she'd already started looking at the WTC towers. She says that she saw them sitting on top of a van watching the events unfold snapping pics. She didn't like their reaction, but people posing for photos in front of what was happening is hardly that unusual and the reactions of groups of men watching such an event (without really knowing what was going on at that point) could obviously be extremely diverse. That women was also at a distance, so it's not as if she was standing right next to them and could clearly see everything let alone hear them.

This is my problem with what you do. You get your info direct from the conspiracy websites that have already created a story distinct from the actual facts. You and other 'truthers' then create a hugely expanded conspiracy based on the thinnest (and demonstrably misreported) information that has no basis in actual evidence. It is a fiction. Go to the source (Maria) and you will find that what you are basing your claims on is simply untrue.

The same applies to much of what you post.

38796   Bigsby   2013 Oct 25, 2:53pm  

bgamall4 says

You can't even see with your own damn eyes that WTC7 fell from the bottom and the top and in the middle at the same damn rate, making pancaking impossible.

You're right, I can't see that. How is it that you can? The videos I've seen clearly show that part of the internal structure collapsed before the rest of the building, demonstrated by the fact that the penthouse collapsed downwards before the outer part of the building. Based just on that, how can you make your claim?

38797   Homeboy   2013 Oct 25, 4:19pm  

tatupu70 says

d503 says

I've had a plan for four years for a family of four. Two children and two

healthy adults in our forties. We received a termination notice because our plan

doesn't meet the Obamacare guidelines. With all incentives our premium will more

than double. I support the goal of Obamacare, but I was counting on keeping my

plan as promised by my president. If I didn't keep my plan I thought I was going

to get cheaper insurance. Both didn't happen. As a supporter of the plan I feel


Forgive me if I'm a bit skeptical of this story...

Well he left out the part about Obama stepping on his puppy.

38798   Homeboy   2013 Oct 25, 4:36pm  

zzyzzx says

Even if that's true, how many 27 year old have a spare $972 to spend each year?

Well it's not "spare", it's their budget for health insurance. And yes, if you make over $45K and you are only supporting yourself, then you can afford $972 a year for health insurance.

zzyzzx says

Article clearly states that the pricing is for unsubsidized people. I don't know why you are complaining about that.

I'm not complaining. YOU guys are complaining; but you're complaining about a situation that doesn't exist. The article implies that every 27 year old will be responsible for $3,200 in health insurance premiums. That, simply put, is a crock of shit.

zzyzzx says

I don't like the way the article is written, but if you read further down, they do make a lot of good points about how medical cost structure in the US is way too high, and of course nothing is done about that in Obamacare.

It's hard to find any motivation to read that far down when at least the first 10 paragraphs are complete horseshit and lies. If there are any gems at the bottom of the page, they are buried in feces.

I agree that price caps for medical services would have been nice. I also think the law would never have seen the light of day if it had price caps in it. At least we have our foot in the door now, and maybe something like that can get added later. You know who tried to pass healthcare reform with price caps? Bill Clinton. How far did THAT get?

Funny, I had you pegged as a "goes too far" person. Are you saying ACA doesn't go far ENOUGH?

38799   Vicente   2013 Oct 25, 4:48pm  

I bet she was in Benghazi too.

38800   HydroCabron   2013 Oct 25, 4:55pm  

I call bullshit.

Obama has never set foot in the United States - he can't even get an entry visa. All his appearances are by Skype.

No way Michelle went to Princeton, unless they have a satellite campus in Kenya. More like "Princeton Technical Institute of Nairobi" I'll bet.

38801   HydroCabron   2013 Oct 25, 5:33pm  

APOCALYPSEFUCK is Comptroller says

Someone sniff Michelle's face ...

You are obsessed with food lately.

38802   smaulgld   2013 Oct 25, 8:53pm  

Here is a case where if this is true, the left should weigh in against it
Instead we will hear excuses and be provided with examples of how bush did the same or worse
This is a common tactic of democrats and republicans who have their followers trained well

38803   Robert Sproul   2013 Oct 26, 12:40am  

ThreeBays says

But, you don't have to pick an expensive plan.

No, you can pick a cheap plan
78% of people who declare bankruptcy for medical costs have some cheap don't-pay-shit, high deductible-high co-pay, low lifetime payout plan and thought they were "insured".
Insurance companies peddle many products that people pay real money (month after month) for only to find out they don't have real insurance.

38804   Vicente   2013 Oct 26, 1:13am  

So what you're saying is, you hate successful people?

Toni Townes-Whitley '85.
Michelle Obama '83.

The only linkage the article makes is they "are both members of the Association of Black Princeton Alumni". You'd need a stronger case than this.

Can you Photoshop them sitting next to each other at an alumni dinner? Then they sneak off to the coat closet and start making out, we want pictures of that too.

My Dad went to the same school but a couple years apart from Arnold Palmer. Surprisingly they are not best buds.

38805   BoomAndBustCycle   2013 Oct 26, 1:13am  

Hey moron! Humans procrastinate! Of course no healthy 20-somethings have rushed out to buy obamacare. They probably all planned on doing it at the last minute.... But the website problems will actually be good in that it might get people off their asses and signing up earlier.

I signed up early because my work plan is raping me with dependent premiums... But most young people are not in a rush to sign up for something they won't get until Jan 1st and don't have to sign up for until March.

How many people file their taxes on April 15th... You are calling something a failure because people aren't doing their taxes 6 months in advance!? Really!??!?

Of course people expecting "refunds" would do their taxes early... But if you owe the govt money... Of course you wait til the drop dead deadline... Its freaking human nature!

38806   Annon   2013 Oct 26, 2:04am  

That's BS that it's becoming harder to get a new mortgage. I just got a new mortgage in Coastal Southern CA and from the time I filled out the paperwork to the time the loan was approved and ready to fund was about 20 days for 4.25% 30 fixed with 2K rebate. I guess it does help that I put 25% down and have over 800 on my FICO. Loans are not harder to get if you're well qualified. I have secured 3 loans in the past 5 years for different properties and they were all just as easy.

38807   HydroCabron   2013 Oct 26, 2:25am  

smaulgld says

Here is a case where if this is true, the left should weigh in against it

Instead we will hear excuses and be provided with examples of how bush did the same or worse

This is a common tactic of democrats and republicans who have their followers trained well

Yes, because anyone must condemn the actions of all those with whom they have ever shared any opinions who have done anything corrupt or evil.

I have never heard you condemn Timothy McVeigh's actions in Oklahoma City. Why not?

My take: Obama should be in jail for Gitmo and the NSA. If you feel the same because of closed war memorials and wasteful and corrupt contractors, then fine. I have no idea about Michelle. I am also certain that this contract, and many others, was awarded based on personal ties and back-scratching, just as in government and the private sector since 4004 BC.

I also have no idea why anyone not currently suffering from a head injury would be surprised that two people from the same class in Princeton are currently both well-connected in Washington. In 2004, we had an election where both of the tickets had two Yale graduates, and the last election without a Yale man on either the presidential or VP slot in a ticket was in 1976.

The Democrats have a shitbag fuck of a murdering cunt to look forward to dealing with in the 2016 primaries, because she has the same surname as a previous president - we have Americans' weird fetish with family entitlement to thank for this, as well as for Charlie Sheen, Joaquin Phoenix, Jim Belushi, and the snarling inbred chipmunk-faced degenerates of Hyannisport. And, of course, there's the long record of public service of the Bush family.

Quiz: when was the last time the GOP won a presidential election without someone named Richard Nixon or George Bush on it (P or VP slot)? (Answer below*)

I have heard that Halliburton and KBR had a former CEO high up in the Bush administration. Any info on this? And there are rumours that former and future employees of Goldman Sachs have repeatedly served at Treasury. I believe there to be multiple Ivy-League graduates serving on the Supreme Court, at the Fed, in Congress, and at Treasury, as well as in management at many huge private federal contractors: if we could get more details, we could break this conspiracy wide open!

Finally, I have to ask: Smaulgld, have you given any consideration to the role illegal aliens and minorities played in this contract? They are apparently the key beneficiaries of all state and federal legislation, and the cause of all economic downturns and collapses. I suspect that there are cases where two black people knew one another in the past - an activity white people are far less likely to engage in. Minorities are always doing one another favors, it seems, as they can't get by talent like normal people.

Now be a good boy and repudiate and apologize for the Oklahoma City bombing.


38808   HydroCabron   2013 Oct 26, 2:45am  

ThreeBays says

Insurance is about pooling money from those who don't need to use it right now with those who do need it right now.

Correction: Socialism is about pooling money from those who don't need to use it right now with those who do need it right now.

Why should I pay $200/mo. to repair the cars of ne'er-do-wells who can't drive as well as I can? Why should I pay to fix the tumors and broken hips of irresponsible old people? Why should I, who am alive, pay life insurance to the irresponsible families of some idiot who didn't know better than to die?

What happened to responsibility and self-reliance?

Why can't I drive on different roads, breathe different air, shit in a different sewer system, get rained on by different clouds, eat different species, and fuck different vaginas from everyone else?

I want everything custom. I refuse to interact or correspond with other human beings, and will engage in no financial transaction with them. I will not acknowledge them in any way.

Why can't I just live in my nice house and talk only to my mommy, like when I was little?!

38809   Ceffer   2013 Oct 26, 4:05am  

Liberal lawyers will get death panel "finder's fees" and will be empowered to seize the estates of the "to be deceased" without annoying court rituals, probate, or costs.

"Compassionate Release" will be a lethal Brompton cocktail, or a firing squad, asshole sickie's choice.

38810   smaulgld   2013 Oct 26, 4:18am  

HydroCabron says

Yes, because anyone must condemn the actions of all those with whom they have ever shared any opinions who have done anything corrupt or evil.

There is a difference between sharing an opinion and supporting.

You are correct in inferring that people are not required to condemn the actions of those whom they share an opinion. It would lead to absurd results.

For example if a murderous dictator says "its 12pm" and it is indeed 12pm and you agree with him -you share the same common knowledge.

That doesn't mean you are in a position, because of your common agreement on time, where you have to condemn him for his atrocities.

Similarly, if the same tyrant says he thinks Beethoven was a better composer than Mozart and you agree, you share his opinion, that doesn't mean you SUPPORT the tyrant and are required to condemn his atrocities.

However if you were a member of the tyrant's party and voted for him, you would appear to have supported him and would either have to continue to support his atrocities or condemn them.

My point was that most Democrats and Republican ( I did not single out you or any one out in particular) support the actions of their leaders right or wrong and are reluctant to condemn their actions but chose instead to point fingers at the other side's transgressions

38811   smaulgld   2013 Oct 26, 4:21am  

Vicente says

The only linkage the article makes is they "are both members of the Association of Black Princeton Alumni". You'd need a stronger case than this.

Correct, guilt by association or appearance is not proof of anything.
Indeed even a picture of them sitting together doesn't mean anything.

It is a fact, however, that is worth investigating as to how the contract was awarded.

38812   Robber Baron Elite Scum   2013 Oct 26, 4:34am  

APOCALYPSEFUCK is Comptroller says

Yeah, and the Death Panels have already been stoked up.

Anyone with a pre-existing conditions is listed immediately and Michelle shows up with the Muslim Death Panel Cavalry.

Saw at least six people today with pitchforks sticking out of their chests staggering up the street.

38813   Robber Baron Elite Scum   2013 Oct 26, 4:44am  


38814   NDrLoR   2013 Oct 26, 4:48am  

This was one of the comments on Yahoo in respect to the roll-out:

"March 21st 2010 to October 1 2013 is 3 years, 6 months, 10 days.

December 7, 1941 to May 8, 1945 is 3 years, 5 months, 1 day.

What this means is that in the time we were attacked at Pearl Harbor to the day Germany surrendered is not enough time for this federal government to build a working webpage.

Mobilization of millions, building tens of thousands of tanks, planes, jeeps, subs, cruisers, destroyers, torpedoes, millions upon millions of guns, bombs, ammo, etc. Turning the tide in North Africa, Invading Italy, D-Day, Battle of the Bulge, Race to Berlin - all while we were also fighting the Japanese in the Pacific!!

And they can't build a webpage."

38815   HydroCabron   2013 Oct 26, 4:50am  

APOCALYPSEFUCK is Comptroller says

Yeah, and the Death Panels have already been stoked up.

Anyone with a pre-existing conditions is listed immediately and Michelle shows up with the Muslim Death Panel Cavalry.

Soylent Green special - meat counter at King Sooper's!

The price of human flesh is dropping through the floor. Unless it's face, people are shaking their heads and asking for salad right now. There's more meat out there than people can put away.

Saw at least six people today with pitchforks sticking out of their chests staggering up the street.

Sure those weren't Kenyan spears?

38816   HydroCabron   2013 Oct 26, 6:14am  

... non-wealthy person like a spittoon?

38817   bob2356   2013 Oct 26, 7:59am  

smaulgld says

Correct, guilt by association or appearance is not proof of anything.

Indeed even a picture of them sitting together doesn't mean anything

What does proof have to do with a good conspiracy rant? Don't be such a killjoy.

38818   Ceffer   2013 Oct 26, 8:15am  

So Princeton isn't just for dumass, incompetent bankers' and old money kids, it's also for dumass, incompetent government apparat-chick wannabes.

Now, that's what I call dumass equal opportunity, way to go Dems!

38819   thomaswong.1986   2013 Oct 26, 8:36am  

HydroCabron says

My take: Obama should be in jail for Gitmo and the NSA.

Perfectly ok to jail terrorists.. be in Cuba or where ever. Foreigners are not protected by the US Constitution.

Dont bother attacking NSA, its a loser. Foreigners are not protected by the US Constitution.

38820   Bigsby   2013 Oct 26, 12:24pm  

bgamall4 says

Now, if you look, Bigs, you can tell it was pulled down because the floors remained constantly the same distance apart, yet squibs of smoke were still seen.

You clearly see the penthouse collapsing and that progressing across the top of the building obviously because there has been an internal collapse lower down. The rest of the building then follows. No sounds of detonation whatsoever.

38821   Bigsby   2013 Oct 26, 12:25pm  

bgamall4 says

And if they were thinking about pulling it and it was pulled, truth is it had to be armed previously, and that indeed happened. And if that happened they were all armed previously because they all had the same white smoke of detonation.

You have to laugh.

38822   Bigsby   2013 Oct 26, 1:57pm  

bgamall4 says

They were thinking about bringing a building down. They were thinking about pulling it. This is continually repeated.

No, it isn't. The video maker is shaping a handful of comments to fit their narrative. People running around at the time of the collapse saying things that you (they) are misconstruing as evidence. From what you are arguing, and as I stated in the long post that you deleted, you are arguing that virtually every Tom, Dick, and Harry running around on that day was in on the conspiracy (seeing as, in your opinion, they knew that a CD was about to take place). Quite the conspiracy that one.

38823   Bigsby   2013 Oct 26, 2:17pm  

bob2356 says

Ah yes, deleting my post again. The last refuge of the total asshole.

Why don't you want to find out the truth?

It seems he's pulling the trigger a lot today.

38824   thomaswong.1986   2013 Oct 26, 2:25pm  

Call it Crazy says

homaswong.1986 says

HydroCabron says

My take: Obama should be in jail for Gitmo and the NSA.

Perfectly ok to jail terrorists.. be in Cuba or where ever. Foreigners are not protected by the US Constitution.

Dont bother attacking NSA, its a loser. Foreigners are not protected by the US Constitution.

So, are you saying it's OK to jail Obama because he's Kenyan??

President Obama isnt Guilty of any crime to warrant being jailed.

38825   Bigsby   2013 Oct 26, 2:27pm  

bgamall4 says

More than a few were told about the pulling of the WTC7 tower due to instability. Of course that is crap because pulling of the towers had to be preplanned. But people said they were told it would by pulled and you can see it was more than one. That is fact and you cannot deny it.

You argue nothing from no evidence. You are as corrupt a human being as I have ever come across. You are a cockroach Bigsby.

Complete nonsense. None of those people ran around and said explosives had been planted and that a CD was about to take place. Your video maker has simply selected a handful of comments out of the presumably many hundreds available because the language used is somewhat ambiguous. From that, you conjure up your nonsense.

And why did you delete my pretty long response to the videos you posted up? I dealt with what was shown.

38826   BoomAndBustCycle   2013 Oct 26, 3:09pm  

Call it Crazy says

BoomAndBustCycle says

Hey moron! Humans procrastinate! Of course no healthy 20-somethings have rushed out to buy obamacare. They probably all planned on doing it at the last minute....

Or Not at all...... and pay the penalty instead....

Apparently reading comprehension isn't your strong suit.... The article in the OP specifically relates to only the people who need insurance NOW are signing up. These are the people who consume the most of the healthcare and cost the insurance companies big bucks..

The ones signing up for Medicaid will blow up the states, they DON'T pay premiums...

Without the healthy 20-somethings signing up and paying premiums, these companies go BOOM!!

Easy solution... Raise the penalty! Which they will do if enough do not sign up.

38827   Bigsby   2013 Oct 26, 11:25pm  

bgamall4 says

Hang your head in shame Bigsby you cockroach:

Ha, ha. That must be a world record for the time between a supposed controlled demolition going off and the building then collapsing. Perhaps you might like to explain to me the time line of these reported 'explosions.' And you can give your cockroach comments a rest. Just get back to deleting the posts of those who disagree with you seeing as that is all you are good at.

38828   Bigsby   2013 Oct 27, 1:25am  

bgamall4 says

Oh, and notice from the above article, Bigsby/cockroach, that demolitions collapse into their own footprints, which is what happened on 9/11.

Strange then that the WTC buildings damaged so many structures around them.

38829   d503   2013 Oct 27, 8:26am  

ThreeBays says

According to Kaiser's calculator, the average cost for a Silver plan is ~$834/mo with ~$2,500 deductible. How amazing... it actually is what you should pay.

Given that this price is what I'd expect an insurer to charge you, it is hard to believe you would have had a plan that cost half that much before.

My premium now is $406 for a family of four. I mentioned in another post that we got the uber low rate for a couple reasons. Excellent health at application time, and since it is an individual policy we excluded some coverage that is not relevant to us. I do have a higher deductible currently that the Kaiser plan you quoted for around $800. In order to keep my doctors I have to go to a more expensive silver plan that average. Let's say I get an average plan of $800 with silver, I will be double, but I will get a lower deductible and have broader (unnecessary) coverage. I already have no lifetime payouts thanks to ACA (excellent from a consumer perspective).

I do get a huge benefit that I don't have to worry about getting dropped someday because they have to cover me now.

As I said earlier I just felt betrayed when they said I keep my doctor, plan, and I would save. Otherwise I was a huge supporter of the reform.

If they meant only for the 70% for company sponsored plans, then I'll admit I missed that. I thought the statement was for everyone.

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