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45568   Strategist   2014 Apr 23, 11:12am  

APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostikovitch says

Ceffer says

Why doesn't he just collect his toe jam and let it mold in the closet. Same exact result.

I know. Right? Because he is an ASSHOLE! of epic proportions and has a whole country to fuck around with.

Here's the North Korean consulate email address: dprkembassy@hotmail.com

What should we tell them to do with Kim the dictator for life?

He is the greatest leader the world has ever known. Just ask anyone in North Korea.

45569   cloud15   2014 Apr 23, 11:27am  

Call it Crazy says

Heraclitusstudent says

The same applies to people who have a mortgage but still invest savings, instead of paying back their mortgage.

The one thing you're missing with that idea.... Equity in a house is non-liquid, you can't pull it tomorrow if you need it for an emergency. And, if your house value drops, you'll never be able to HELOC back it out.

Savings that are invested are more readily available, if needed....

That's exactly what aim saying pull the equity /cash out today into my checking account at today's inflated values . Then invest that money in something which can earrn 2-3% normally but those investments go up when we hit the recession. So in affect I would be loosing money at 1-2% on my investments but if we hit the recession in next 2 years my investments go up and then I can continue to support the houses I own at 50% of today's rents ( hedging with my own money for assuming 2 years of recession ).

Heads I win, tails I don't loose :).

Still thinking, or may be I will sell one house next year.

45570   Heraclitusstudent   2014 Apr 23, 11:54am  

Call it Crazy says

Savings that are invested are more readily available, if needed....

Yes that's true for 1y or so of living expenses.
Having this setup, I wouldn't do an heloc to try to short the market.

45571   Shaman   2014 Apr 23, 11:54am  

Dennis Rodman is an Obama plant tasked with learning how to make a nation love him while fucking it savagely in the ass.

45572   SFace   2014 Apr 23, 12:08pm  

cloud15 says

That's exactly what aim saying pull the equity /cash out today into my checking
account at today's inflated values

It's a line of credit, which means you can move it around wherever you please. Just don't buy a yacht or something. One of the greatest thing we did in the last cycle was took out a 200K line of credit at prime - .75% back in 2005. That HELOC was a ridicolous 2% or so and you can see how borrowing at 2% when returns are north of 10% was a gift from the bank.

You won't get those terms now, maybe prime + 0.75%, but it is handy when you need it. How else can you borrow 200K or more at 3.5%. Just open a line and leave the credit available. When things look to top out, take that cash as the banks can't get it back if you pay the interest. If the economy tanks, prime rate tanks as well.

45573   JH   2014 Apr 23, 12:30pm  

Everyone: please take out helocs today and invest in stocks. I will purchase your homes in 10 years at reset. I'm excited about the resets coming over the next 2-3 years. Another wave in 10 years would be nice.

45574   Strategist   2014 Apr 24, 1:51am  

Call it Crazy says

HELOC Resets Could Force Lenders to Rework Loans Once Again

Once again, homeowners are beginning to see their monthly payments go up, this time because their home equity lines of credit have reached the 10-year mark and are resetting. Instead of requiring just interest payments, the second lien becomes fully amortizing and the borrower has to pay both interest and principal each month for the first time.

It is going to be painful for many borrowers who could see their monthly mortgage payments go up by $400 or more, according to Horvath, an executive vice president for Springboard Nonprofit Consumer Credit Management Inc. in Riverside, Calif.

“Just when you think you are climbing out of it, and then you got these adjustments,” he says.

He is not taking into account that many homeowners could just get another HELOC. With rising home values it should be easier.

45575   New Renter   2014 Apr 24, 1:54am  

APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostikovitch says

Houses are too cheap. No one can have any respect for a shack that can't command a few million dollars in valuation.

For a modest fee I can value any property of your choosing at whatever you feel your property is worth.

Of course my fee is a small percentage of that valuation... Gotta provide the proper inventive to get the numbers right after all.

45576   dublin hillz   2014 Apr 24, 2:18am  

There's definitely tangible and specific effect from the fed - the federal funds rate has been stuck at 0.25% for over 5 years now. That rate directly affects the interest rates that banks pay on savings accounts and also CDs. Since savings/CDS are considered risk free investments, it affects the valuation of other asset classes and makes riskier investments more attractive than they would have been otherwise. For example, T dividend yield is currently 5.27% which appears to be attractive when savings accts are paying 0.1%. However, if savings accts were to pay 3.75%, that 5.27% yield from T don't look as good anymore so prices for T shares would have to fall for dividend yield to rise and maintain the spread vs risk free vehicle.

45577   clambo   2014 Apr 24, 5:51am  

Slightly off the subject...

Do you remember those ads on cable TV that were incessant for Ditech?
"Release the equity in your home. Take a vacation, pay off credit cards, buy a boat!" etc?

I have not seen any of those ads in years. Why not I sometimes wonder.....?

Actually, I don't wonder but I like the phrase.

One reason people aren't going to be selling/moving is that they're among the 50% Alt-A/Sub prime people (losers) who can't qualify for another mortgage probably, and they're probably also underwater, or treading water with the water up to their nostrils. I don't really know but it's a thought.

45578   JH   2014 Apr 24, 5:55am  

clambo says

One reason people aren't going to be selling/moving is that they're among the 50% Alt-A/Sub prime people (losers) who can't qualify for another mortgage probably, and they're probably also underwater, or treading water with the water up to their nostrils.

There are two additional problems:
1. Housing is expensive again. So why sell? To move up? Leads us to...
2. Typically move-up buyers have equity. Even though one's house is no longer underwater, there is likely not enough equity to make a significant downpayment.

45579   anonymous   2014 Apr 24, 6:05am  

So if the fed is only there to help the poor, by making operating costs cheaper, by lowering interest rates from 1.1% down to 1.0%, the govt only exists to screw the poor by making operating costs higher via taxes.

Welcome to bizarro world

45580   EBGuy   2014 Apr 24, 7:32am  

clambo said: Do you remember those ads on cable TV that were incessant for Ditech?
"Release the equity in your home. Take a vacation, pay off credit cards, buy a boat!" etc?

Have you seen the ads Wells Fargo has been running lately (I think they debuted on YouTube in the last week or two). From what I can tell, they are encouraging people to take out loans to "pursue their dreams" which includes:
1. A music career
2. A motorcycle purchase
3. A kitchen remodel
Here we go again.

45581   HydroCabron   2014 Apr 24, 8:46am  

Every time one of these Conservatarians says something like this, or, like much of Ron Paul's old team or Zimmermann's fan club president, turns out to be a white supremacist, it's pure coincidence.

The Democrats are the real racists.

45582   EBGuy   2014 Apr 24, 8:52am  

I cribbed this from a posting by anon2 on Socketsite. Looks like IPO unprofitability is approaching levels not seen since the heady days of the dot com bubble (1999-2000). Check it out at http://bear.warrington.ufl.edu/ritter/IPOs2013Statistics.pdf (see page 12). Profitable IPOs in 2014 so far is 13% of all offerings.

45583   dublin hillz   2014 Apr 24, 9:27am  

His comments were probably taken out of context, he was probably referring to those slavs in eastern europe, aka russians and ukranians, the ultimate wiggas.

45584   HydroCabron   2014 Apr 24, 9:39am  

I'm totally against airstrikes - yes, drones too - on Bundy and his minions. But that would be an appropriate and proportional response to insurrection.

But this needs to be dealt with the same way George Washington dealt with the Whiskey Rebellion, which is military force.

By the way: How do all those "patriots" sit out there and pose with their weapons all day? Don't those people have jobs?

45585   HydroCabron   2014 Apr 24, 9:42am  

I had to run down to the DMV.

45586   HydroCabron   2014 Apr 24, 9:49am  

I would also add that I am opposed to torturing Bundy, as is often done to traitors. And I do not countenance the use of artillery or heavy armor against his compound.

The use of an A-10 Warthog, firing delightful bursts ("BRAAAAAP!") of its 30mm Gatling gun at the Ranch buildings, would also not be appropriate, I think. And execution by hanging for treason would be premature at this point.

45587   Bigsby   2014 Apr 24, 10:55am  

Hmmm, I wonder who forgot to take their medicine today.

And what has this got to do with the constant crap you post about Sandy Hook, Boston, 9/11....?

Oh, and whilst you are at it, feel free to post up the links to where I have supported zionism. I'll be waiting.

45588   smaulgld   2014 Apr 24, 11:03am  

A few minutes researching the racism of democratic and republican politicians will pull scores of horrific examples

try Democrat Lyndon Johnson's rationale for the Civil Rights act "“I’ll have those XXX voting Democratic for the next 200 years.”

or some of Republican Abe Lincoln's views on African Americans "repatriation to Africa!"

Google comments by Democrat Woodrow Wilson (re-segregated Federal workers) and Republican Richard Nixon on Italian Americans (they smell different) or Democratic Speaker of the House and Former Klansman! Robert Byrd

Politicians are nasty people and its misguided to think either party does not have a slew of racists among their ranks.

45589   Dan8267   2014 Apr 24, 11:20am  

APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostikovitch says

PatNet Survey: Why Haven't You Killed Kim Jung-un Today?

I'm still recovering from 4/20, er, Easter, I meant Easter. I ate a lot of candy that day.

45590   Dan8267   2014 Apr 24, 11:24am  

APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostikovitch says

PatNet Survey: Why Haven't You Killed Kim Jung-un Today?

In order to save some money, I picked "free shipping" for my Sexflesh Hermaphrodite Admixture Stroker from Amazon.com.

It's what I want to use to kill Kim Jong-un, but free shipping takes ten business days.

45591   Dan8267   2014 Apr 24, 11:25am  

APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostikovitch says

PatNet Survey: Why Haven't You Killed Kim Jung-un Today?

I'm an American. I couldn't find North Korea on a map of North Korea.

45592   Dan8267   2014 Apr 24, 11:26am  

APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostikovitch says

PatNet Survey: Why Haven't You Killed Kim Jung-un Today?

I've been too busy arguing with bigots on Patrick.net.

45593   Dan8267   2014 Apr 24, 11:27am  

APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostikovitch says

PatNet Survey: Why Haven't You Killed Kim Jung-un Today?

Like how am I suppose to tell him apart from all the other Koreans?

45594   Dan8267   2014 Apr 24, 11:27am  

APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostikovitch says

PatNet Survey: Why Haven't You Killed Kim Jung-un Today?

I don't want to piss off Dennis Rodman.

45595   Dan8267   2014 Apr 24, 11:30am  

APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostikovitch says

PatNet Survey: Why Haven't You Killed Kim Jung-un Today?

He reminds me of the Michelin Man.

45596   Dan8267   2014 Apr 24, 11:31am  

APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostikovitch says

PatNet Survey: Why Haven't You Killed Kim Jung-un Today?

I enjoyed his work in Ghostbusters.

45597   Dan8267   2014 Apr 24, 11:33am  

APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostikovitch says

PatNet Survey: Why Haven't You Killed Kim Jung-un Today?

I got the wrong guy.

North Korea / South Korea. Who knew there were two of them?

45598   Dan8267   2014 Apr 24, 11:36am  

APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostikovitch says

PatNet Survey: Why Haven't You Killed Kim Jung-un Today?

He reminds me too much of that boy from Up.

45599   Dan8267   2014 Apr 24, 11:37am  

APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostikovitch says

PatNet Survey: Why Haven't You Killed Kim Jung-un Today?

Have you ever seen Kim Jong-un and Superman together? Can't risk it.

45600   Bellingham Bill   2014 Apr 24, 11:38am  

This is an interesting story. Bundy's father bought the 160 acre ranch in 1948, and this shows how people who got a leg up in the early 20th century have more wealth working for them today.

How many black people have 160 acres (the maximum allotment under the Homestead Act) working for them like Bundy.

This is in addition to the issue of just using Federal ranch land -- the commons -- for free. Again, if urban people had Federal-owned asset wealth available for their productive use they wouldn't need to be on welfare either.

But that'd be fucking communism and we can't have that.

45601   Bellingham Bill   2014 Apr 24, 11:39am  

smaulgld says

and its misguided to think either party does not have a slew of racists among their ranks.

The Democrats largely purged their racists, so the situation is fucking far from symmetrical.

45602   Dan8267   2014 Apr 24, 11:43am  

APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostikovitch says

PatNet Survey: Why Haven't You Killed Kim Jung-un Today?

I'm sorry, but he's just the perfect height for blowing me while standing up.

45603   Dan8267   2014 Apr 24, 11:44am  

APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostikovitch says

PatNet Survey: Why Haven't You Killed Kim Jung-un Today?

I did. They just keep cloning the fat bastard.

45604   Dan8267   2014 Apr 24, 11:48am  

APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostikovitch says

PatNet Survey: Why Haven't You Killed Kim Jung-un Today?

I tried. I gave him the keys to a car, but Dennis Rodman drove for him.

45605   Bigsby   2014 Apr 24, 11:58am  

bgamall4 says

Bigsby says

And what has this got to do with the constant crap you post about Sandy Hook, Boston, 9/11....?

Oh, and whilst you are at it, feel free to post up the links to where I have supported zionism. I'll be waiting.

You are a globalist. You believe in the British Empire. That was influenced by multiracial Zionism many years ago. And it still is. Tell my you are happy that the court ruled that Zionism of today is not Abrahamic Judaism and I will throw flower petals at your feet.

I do? That's news to me. Post up the links where I've expressed my support for the British empire (seriously?!?). I'm still waiting for the zionism links.

45606   Bigsby   2014 Apr 24, 12:06pm  

bgamall4 says

I am not going through all your posts. Just say you are happy with the court's ruling and I will believe you.

So you just enjoy throwing out baseless accusations? Paint me unsurprised.

And I've never thought being anti-zionist was the same as being anti-semitic. Your idiotic conspiracies, and the tone of much of your posts, though, are a different matter. Remember, for example, that article you happily linked to with those blatantly anti-semitic images in it...

45607   HydroCabron   2014 Apr 24, 12:20pm  

APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostikovitch says

Still, having to wait a day or two in order to take delivery of a Sexflesh Hermaphrodite Admixture Stroker in order to beat him to death with it

If you were pistol-whipping a banker, would you let him slump to the floor just to shoot Kim Jong-Un?

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