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47386   Y   2014 Jun 17, 9:31pm  

Nominated for most asinine comment of the month.
All sides over there are in a constant state of "fit".

bob2356 says

If the US were to approach the shia iranians the sunni suadi's would have a fit.

47387   Y   2014 Jun 17, 9:33pm  

Jesus christ...anyone who possesses smart bombs and cruise missiles are ALWAYS able to influence the course of events.
Get with the program, please.

bob2356 says

No matter what happens in the middle east the US will be the loser and totally powerless to influence the course of events.

47388   Y   2014 Jun 17, 9:41pm  

Typical short-sited liberal logic. It's all about you, and today, isn't it??

Invading and destabilizing Iraq will be seen 100 years from now as the greatest single act executed by a sitting president.
This act will ignite the great muslim war, which needs to be fought between the radicals and moderates, before terrorism is finally muted to the point of irrelevance.

Better to fight this war now before either side obtains nuclear weapons. If this happens, it's too late for everyone. We cannot stop the nukes from arriving in our ports via ship containers. We are toast.

Fantasizing about the terrorists rolling over and playing dead, which is a core belief etched in the liberal agenda, is a fools errand.

bob2356 says

Invading and destabilizing Iraq is going to go down as the worst US foreign policy blunder since stumbling into vietnam with zero understanding of the issues and no plan of any kind

47389   Y   2014 Jun 17, 9:44pm  

Read the previous post. Then you will understand you are projecting...

bob2356 says

zero understanding of the issues and no plan of any kind.

47390   Y   2014 Jun 17, 9:46pm  

Too bad it did not happen sooner. The longer it takes to execute the great muslim war, the more risk to the rest of the world regarding nukes in radical muslim terrorist hands.

bob2356 says

I wrote an oped for USA today in 2003 just before we went into Iraq stating that invading Iraq would result in it splitting Iraq into 3 parts and create chaos in the entire middle east. The only surprise to me is it took 13 years to happen.

47391   tatupu70   2014 Jun 18, 12:57am  

spydah_hh says


They say that until they have no money. Which is rapidly approaching.

47392   smaulgld   2014 Jun 18, 1:39am  

Don't worry there is always the home equity loan

47393   Shaman   2014 Jun 18, 1:43am  

So inflation requires rising prices and rising wages. Since only prices are rising, there is no inflation.
Print more money!

47394   HydroCabron   2014 Jun 18, 2:02am  

APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostikovitch says

accounting principles are considered too radical to talk about.

Were you in a coma or out of the country?

Accounting principles turned out to be a scam conspiracy by accounting departments and opportunist polticians to game tenure and federal research grants.

60 Minutes and Fox News (Megyn Kelly) both ran exposés, based on damning e-mails and interviews of backlit silhouettes.

47395   bob2356   2014 Jun 18, 3:43am  

SoftShell says

Jesus christ...anyone who possesses smart bombs and cruise missiles are ALWAYS able to influence the course of events.

Get with the program, please

Yes it certainly has been proven in Iraq and Afganhastan. Last I heard people were flocking to move to those peaceful prosperous democracy loving nations.

All that has been proven is it's more likely to have a bad infuence on course of events than a good one. .

47396   bob2356   2014 Jun 18, 3:56am  

SoftShell says

Invading and destabilizing Iraq will be seen 100 years from now as the greatest single act executed by a sitting president.

This act will ignite the great muslim war, which needs to be fought between the radicals and moderates, before terrorism is finally muted to the point of irrelevance.

Dude you really, really have to kick the meth and get off the crack pipe. Serious business, that shit is really bad for you. Once you are more or less clean and sober you need to crawl out of mom's basement and catch up on the news for the last 10 years.

Ok quick summary news flash so you can keep up with the adults. The saudi financed and equipped sunni islamic fundamentalists are winning all over the middle east. The are and will continue to overthrow the corrupt shia strongmen leaders (who are frequently the minority to start with) who were installed by the US and Russia. Of course to grasp this concept would mean you need to learn the difference between the two sects and why it matters. That is on your shoulders.

Now here is where it gets tricky for you to conceptionalize. Try hard, but take breaks if your brain gets to tired. Invading Iraq created more fundamentalist islamic fighters than any other action the US could have possibly taken. In other words the good old USA of is by far the best recruiter of terrorists there is.

47397   corntrollio   2014 Jun 18, 5:04am  

SoftShell says

Invading and destabilizing Iraq will be seen 100 years from now as the greatest single act executed by a sitting president.

This act will ignite the great muslim war, which needs to be fought between the radicals and moderates, before terrorism is finally muted to the point of irrelevance.

Mostly ignoring the other crap you wrote where you are not really making coherent arguments and liberally use the word "liberal" (use of the word "liberal" or "conservative" in an argument usually means that's a weak argument because you can't make the argument stand on its own merits).

How do you account for the fact that other majority-Muslim countries have had their own "great muslim wars" started without western invasion? As an example, Egypt is already having its own war on this, and certain other Arab Spring countries also had movements started without foreign invasion. Leaders in countries like Bahrain are already seeing levels of protest against their governments.

Also, why would we consider the invasion of Iraq to be the precipitating event? These sectarian issues have existed since the British divided portions of the Middle East into Mandates. The decolonization of the Middle East in a way that didn't account for lessons learned in European history seems to be the most obvious triggering event.

A single invasion of a single country to depose a corrupt dictator looks like a footnote compared to that, not "the single greatest act executed by a sitting president." And the way it could become more than a footnote is that if the US invasion of Iraq pisses off so many people in Iraq and the Middle East in general that they engage in more acts of terror against us. That result is probably not what you were referring to when you called it "the single greatest act."

We're certainly not calling what the Soviets did in Afghanistan genius, and many people are saying we did the exact same stupid thing that they did.

47398   MisdemeanorRebel   2014 Jun 18, 5:11am  

Earlier, Maliki's government accused Saudi Arabia, the main Sunni power, of backing ISIL - something Riyadh denies.

"We hold them responsible for supporting these groups financially and morally and for its outcome - which includes crimes that may qualify as genocide: the spilling of Iraqi blood, the destruction of Iraqi state institutions and historic and religious sites," a government statement said.

Maliki has blamed Saudi Arabia for supporting militants in the past, but the language was unprecedented. On Monday, Riyadh blamed sectarianism in Baghdad for fuelling the violence.

Maliki, who has been buoyed by a call by Iraq’s senior Shi’ite cleric for citizens to rally to the armed forces, dismissed four generals for abandoning the big northern city of Mosul a week ago and said they would face court martial.


47399   Diva24   2014 Jun 18, 5:57am  

One man's debt has become another man's asset

47400   ttsmyf   2014 Jun 18, 7:02am  

WOW! The UNtrustworthy are certainly in control of what information is apparent to the people!

Say hey! This was in the Wall Street Journal on March 30, 1999. Note "... how much it will buy."

Holy cow/interesting/compelling ...!

And where is it up to date??? Right here ... see the first chart shown in this thread.
Recent Dow day is Wednesday, June 18, 2014 __ Level is 106.1

WOW! It is hideous that this is hidden! Is there any such "Homes, Inflation Adjusted"? Yes! This was in the New York Times on August 27, 2006:

And up to date (by me) is here:

WOW! The UNtrustworthy are certainly in control of what information is apparent to the people!

And "ThePublic Be Suckered"

47401   HEY YOU   2014 Jun 18, 7:15am  

We have to get involved. Racist Republican Warmongers can't miss an opportunity to kill Brown People.

47402   HEY YOU   2014 Jun 18, 7:16am  

This comment has to stand alone.

Fuck the Democrats!

47403   Vicente   2014 Jun 18, 7:25am  

APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostikovitch says

How many guys would Hillary gave to suck off on ESPN2 in order to convince America

All of them.

Boy would that piss Nancy off.

47404   Blurtman   2014 Jun 18, 7:33am  

Debt is wealth!

47405   mell   2014 Jun 18, 7:48am  

Blurtman says

Debt is wealth!

It's clearly irrefutable (except for by 5 year olds) that when in deep shit debt, the solution is to take on more debt and spend even more, P. Krugman said so! Never mind that man behind the curtain ;)

47406   Blurtman   2014 Jun 18, 8:27am  

mell says

Blurtman says

Debt is wealth!

It's clearly irrefutable (except for by 5 year olds) that when in deep shit debt, the solution is to take on more debt and spend even more, P. Krugman said so! Never mind that man behind the curtain ;)


It's only digital entries on an unaudited set of books. The Fed abides.

47407   HydroCabron   2014 Jun 18, 8:50am  

smaulgld says

Don't worry there is always the home equity loan

Weirdly, this is coming back into fashion.

If I owned any property, and it had equity, and a bank employee tried to push a HELOC on me, I'D SAW HIS DICK OFF WITH A JAGGED PIECE OF BROKEN GLASS PULLED FROM A WARM PILE OF MANURE INFESTED WITH CLOSTRIDIUM TETANI.

47408   Heraclitusstudent   2014 Jun 18, 9:06am  

Household debts still way below the peak 6 yrs later, with a higher GDP:

Heloc is still negative:

47409   HEY YOU   2014 Jun 18, 9:23am  

I'll let someone else post the HHS report on ACA,out today.

This will be fun.

47410   Strategist   2014 Jun 18, 9:24am  

Heraclitusstudent says


Household debts still way below the peak 6 yrs later, with a higher GDP:

Heloc is still negative:

I would imagine recoveries would be accompanied by higher borrowing. We might need more debt for a real recovery to take hold.

47411   HydroCabron   2014 Jun 18, 9:24am  

HEY YOU says

I'll let someone else post the HHS report on ACA,out today.

This will be fun.

Now that we have the truth about BenghaziCare, it is only fitting that someone show us that HHS propaganda.

47412   HEY YOU   2014 Jun 18, 9:30am  

Debt's not a problem with all the 6 figure incomes,thanks to the "Job Creators".
I can see the economy booming.lol

47413   Heraclitusstudent   2014 Jun 18, 9:35am  

Strategist says

I would imagine recoveries would be accompanied by higher borrowing. We might need more debt for a real recovery to take hold.

I guess a period of healing was in order. Now loans are growing again.

Without wage gains, this indeed will lead us to the next crisis - but it will take years to get there.

47414   Ceffer   2014 Jun 18, 9:38am  

Bill's sole act of valor was impregnating the hirsute Hillary. It required night combat gear, black face paint, night vision and a tranquilizer gun, but he did it.

He fired a few rounds in her, got the deed done, then round in himself to calm down.

To this day, Hilary believes that Chelsea is a clone born by immaculate conception. Bill had a hirsute lesbian trophy made up for his study's mantle piece.

47415   marco   2014 Jun 18, 10:40am  

The oligarchy can't wait for old Hillary ... Here and abroad. From official State Department release (required by law).

"The annual list of gifts from foreign leaders to government officials in 2012 was released by the State Department on Thursday.

The most valuable gift was "white gold jewelry with teardrop rubies and diamonds containing a necklace, a bracelet, earrings and a ring" valued at $500,000 to then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton from Saudi King Abdullah.

She also received a "Mouawad Larme D'Amour 18k gold, sapphire, and diamond earrings, necklace, and bracelet," valued at $58,000 from the Queen of Brunei and a $1,750 silver tea set from the president of Algeria."

Yes She Can

47416   mmmarvel   2014 Jun 18, 10:51am  

Call it Crazy says

Obamacare CBO Cost Estimate JUMPS 65% in Two Months

And this was a surprise how?? And to whom???

47417   Ceffer   2014 Jun 18, 11:17am  

APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostikovitch says

Can we look forward to Immense Hirsute Lesbian Zombie Andrea Dworkin appointed USAG showing up on TV every night to howl, "FIST MY ASS, AMERICA! AND LICK YOUR FUCKING FINGERS!" ?

I would regard that as the least of our worries.

Although, Dworkin would make a pretty good zombie. She really wouldn't look any different from when she was alive.

47418   monkframe   2014 Jun 18, 12:22pm  

Would that the Democrats were more the peacemakers than they have proven to be lately.


47419   bob2356   2014 Jun 18, 9:52pm  

Liar, aliens did it. There are video's showing an alien space ship over the FED with CRA on the side. It has to be true, there is a video.

47420   HydroCabron   2014 Jun 18, 10:51pm  

Seriously, you should look into Reno and Clinton's role at Ruby Ridge - the right wing is right about some things.

47421   bob2356   2014 Jun 18, 11:00pm  

HuggyBumbers McLovkins says

Seriously, you should look into Reno and Clinton's role at Ruby Ridge - the right wing is right about some things.

The right gets things correct. Things the left screwed up on. It's the constant "we did it but its the liberals fault" refrain that makes the right wingnuts look like the idiiot hypocrtites that they are.

47422   HydroCabron   2014 Jun 18, 11:06pm  

Reno as good as pulled the trigger to execute Weaver's wife.

I was never able to support Clinton after that.

47423   HydroCabron   2014 Jun 18, 11:15pm  

Here's a good refresher on Ruby Ridge - the author is right to wonder why Clinton wasn't impeached.

If we had had a constitutionally-elected conservative, Randy Weaver's wife would be alive.

47424   HydroCabron   2014 Jun 18, 11:18pm  

9-11 was on Clinton's watch. Even after the attacks, Clinton did nothing to catch the terrorists.

47425   HydroCabron   2014 Jun 18, 11:33pm  

APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostikovitch says

Horiuchi took out Vicky Weaver on Clinton's watch.


More right thinking from Ambush at Ruby Ridge:

To: Joe 6-pack
And this was the Clintons! Imagine what 0bama will authorize and do! These agencies must be salivating at all the conservatives they can take down!
7 posted on 11/11/2008 12:01:49 PM by TenthAmendmentChampion (Don't blame me, I voted for John McCain and Sarah Palin. Well, for Sarah Palin, anyway.)

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