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2005 Apr 11, 5:00pm   159,590 views  117,730 comments

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Thread for comments whose parent thread has been deleted

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82137   Dan8267   2017 Apr 2, 7:24pm  

jazz music says

Dan8267 says

now I feel guilty

heheheh, well I hope you feel motivated some day soon to activism and promote decent treatment of all people

I was being facetious. I feel no guilt because, one, my ancestors didn't do any of the horrific things in America's history. Two, even if I had ancestors who did, I would not condone, whitewash, or celibate their actions. So, to be serious, I don't feel guilt but rather disgust at the actions and people referenced in this thread.

I'm all for promoting rights and justice, but quite frankly, there's damn little the common man can do except
1. When serving on a jury, be ethical.
2. Don't vote or support bad politicians.
3. Spread good ideas through discussions.

I don't see how activism and protesting actually do any good. Perhaps I'm cynical, but it seems that all the movements out there don't amount to a hill of beans. The common American citizen has basically no power to change the system.

The only hope I have in change is that if good ideas are discussed enough in public, the ideas will percolate up to the people who actually count.

82138   lostand confused   2017 Apr 2, 7:29pm  

Interesting. How do you propose to go about it? I think they have tried it in many states-with some success-but if there is a movement, I would love to join.

Another addition, in CA I believe 10 years makes you liable for lifetime support and the court can come back any time and open your marriage up. Max should be 5 years after which spouse is free and clear.

Probably never going to clear, but property should not be communal-a lady married to a Mcdonalds employee is a harder working wife than a woman married to a movie star with private jets, cooks, shopping trips etc-in the world of equality, property should not be split up. When they choose to move on, or during the marraige-these rich women need to become independent and live within their means.

82139   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2017 Apr 2, 7:37pm  

Dan8267 says

I don't see how activism and protesting actually do any good. Perhaps I'm cynical, but it seems that all the movements out there don't amount to a hill of beans. The common American citizen has basically no power to change the system.

The only hope I have in change is that if good ideas are discussed enough in public, the ideas will percolate up to the people who actually count.


82140   mell   2017 Apr 2, 8:34pm  

jazz music says

@Dan8267 feel this: we are being herded like cattle to make optimal profit a possibility for people who speculate on everything. This optimization is SUPPOSED to come into direct violation of human right, decency and lives.

I can agree on that statement although somewhat broad and generalizing, however you need to stop obsessing, because it has nothing to do with it. People who profit off of others (malaise) DO NOT care about race, gender, or religion. Money has no color.

jazz music says

Look at the death statistics from pollution right now and they way the polluters engage in preemptive management of their privilege. THEY ARE ONLY GETTING WARMED UP.

This is way too broad. Almost every form of energy has a clean and responsible way of mining it and there are pros and cons to each. Obummer's ban on coal was purely ideological and put many miner families out of work. Clean coal does exist. Same goes for cars. The combustion engine with modern filters has become so clean that all-electric cars have worse footprints now than hybrids or even many combustion cars. That's because the batteries, brakes, clutches, metals during manufacturing, and whatever else is used in the cars besides the engine are not responsible for more a bad footprint than the engines themselves. Some of the most polluted cities are highly leftist cities with employers and employees insisting on driving their cars to work every day although most of the tech work could be telecommuted these days. There are useful and idiotic environmental regulations. If you buy a Tesla and then rant about pollution you are part of the problem.

82141   marcus   2017 Apr 2, 9:14pm  

I like this: "despite zero percent interest rates."

The fact that we got to a place (so called liquidity trap) where federal reserve "stimulation" was no longer possible, except with desperate alternative maneuvers such as QE, should tell you something about underlying conditions.

I'm not sure whether the ongoing zero % interest rates were due too much wealth inequality or deflationary pressures, or both (and or other factors), but these have been anomolous conditions for many years now that are hard to blame the President for. It's not over yet either.

82142   Dan8267   2017 Apr 2, 9:36pm  

Fucking White Male says


Wikipedia is propaganda and means nothing. I will not pollute my mind with its dribble.

82143   Dan8267   2017 Apr 2, 9:37pm  

jazz music says

@Dan8267 feel this

I don't question the motives, but rather the effectiveness of activism. Symbolic gestures mean nothing. Policy is all that matters.

82144   lostand confused   2017 Apr 3, 5:24am  

Even if a partial lists wins the petition, won't those leftie judges and the 9th circuit just deem it unconstitutional?

82145   Dan8267   2017 Apr 3, 7:53am  

lostand confused says

Even if a partial lists wins the petition, won't those leftie judges and the 9th circuit just deem it unconstitutional?

The solution is to replace the conservative left and the conservative right judges and politicians with liberals. Until that happens, government will suck.

82146   mell   2017 Apr 3, 8:49am  

Dan8267 says

lostand confused says

Even if a partial lists wins the petition, won't those leftie judges and the 9th circuit just deem it unconstitutional?

The solution is to replace the conservative left and the conservative right judges and politicians with liberals. Until that happens, government will suck.

The reason these obscene payment obligations have been broadly supported by politicians of either side is that it relieves government from welfare payments in many cases and it keeps the authoritarian government clamp tight around you. You need small government/personal liberty minded people (libertarians) in that case in charge, who can make these decisions because they are just from an ethical standpoint even if it would mean more financial burden on their district/state or on the federal level.

82147   FortWayne   2017 Apr 3, 9:01am  

This won't pass in CA, too many liberals will scream all whine all day long.

82148   Shaman   2017 Apr 3, 9:19am  

MAking the process fair would help everyone. Not everyone who is on the hook for child support and alimony is a man. My sister pays around $1500/month to her deadbeat ex for those things.
Considering that women are now twice as likely to be educated as men, they are much more likely to be primary breadwinners.
A more equitable process is better for all.

82149   anonymous   2017 Apr 3, 10:06am  

How about opt-out clause for unmarried men in the case of a pregnancy? Or at least some limit of financial obligation (or is that what you mean by using median income as max payout calculation).

82150   fdhfoiehfeoi   2017 Apr 3, 10:50am  

Additions, none, deletions, the entire system. All family problems that cannot be resolved civilly are brought to an arbitrator to resolve. Minimal arbitrator fee, and no one gets shit for not keeping their family together.

82151   mostly reader   2017 Apr 3, 11:24am  

> Any additions or deletions you'd like to see?

Current state of affairs treats children from subsequent relationships as second class citizens (hello feudalism and primogeniture). In case of subsequent children, original child support needs to be adjusted.

82152   Dan8267   2017 Apr 3, 11:37am  

rando says

The late Turtledove (who was wife number two) was quite angry at wife number one for her continued exploitation of her husband.

I miss Turtledove. She was one of the good guys on PatNet.

82153   Ceffer   2017 Apr 3, 5:30pm  

If you can convince them, all that blather seems like a good way to sucker punch your enemies so you can fuck them in the ass.

82154   zzyzzx   2017 Apr 3, 5:48pm  

There are websites for companies who do just this (rent virtual offices). Check their rates.

82155   Bellingham Bill   2017 Apr 3, 5:48pm  

nice little pop today, I love volatility when I'm on the right side of the trade . . .

82156   Bellingham Bill   2017 Apr 3, 6:18pm  

no kids or even nephews/nieces

I've got a Nissan Leaf as a daily driver now so I'm doing my part to save the world for future generations -- and I don't buy a lot of crap so my CO2 footprint is quite small.

As long as we don't get too many more of those rainless years in a row (that last one was getting close to killing all the trees here in my ville, and it certainly fucked over the pine forests in the Sierras quite badly) I'll be OK until I check out in 2050 or whenever.

82157   Strategist   2017 Apr 3, 6:55pm  

jazz music says

And so on. That's what civilized people are like ... Reading Pickwick and learning a speech from Faust by heart is not enough if your aim is to become a truly civilized person and not to sink below the level of your surroundings.""

[From a letter to Nikolay Chekhov, March 1886]

― Anton Chekhov, A Life in Letters


More Utopian BS that does not exist in any society.

82158   Strategist   2017 Apr 3, 7:45pm  

jazz music says

Strategist says

More Utopian BS that does not exist

Like coal industry jobs and really great health coverage? No, not at all.

Coal industry jobs should be eliminated. We don't want pollution.
Health coverage sucks.
Technology will solve all human problems except problems caused by humans.

82159   Strategist   2017 Apr 3, 7:51pm  

jazz music says

Strategist says

Technology will solve all human problems ...

More Utopian BS that does not exist in any society.

So what will solve all human problems?

82160   marcus   2017 Apr 3, 8:02pm  


No surprise the SUCK! MY! DICK!, AMERICA! campaign became the SUCK! MY! DICK!, AMERICA! administration.

I'm a little surprised. Who knew America had so many people in to that sort of thing ?

82161   Patrick   2017 Apr 3, 8:35pm  

jazz music says

Since USA became afflicted with accelerating inequality we have fallen far from the heights we achieved when the world looked up to us instead of belly-laughed.

jazz music says

a balance between the tensions of economy and societal benefit must be weighed and implemented without the interference of government capture by the investor class.

Thank you for getting back to the essential point. Almost everything in the press is mere distraction. Racism, Russia, trans-bathrooms, even terrorism.

The only thing they really don't want us to talk about is how and why the Democrats became the party of elitists rather than working people. Now we have two parties representing the rich, and no party for the rest of us.

Trump, for all his faults, is our only representation outside of the two-identical-party system.

82162   Strategist   2017 Apr 3, 8:43pm  

jazz music says

@Strategist You already know the answer to your own question, but you deny it because you feel smug like you have run the rat race and beaten most other people. But ok I'll play your game here right now just because in this case even the obvious is better said in no uncertain terms.

Your implications are not fair. Yes, I did well in life not because of winning the lotto, but....
Common sense
Hard work
It's no secret, anyone can do it.

jazz music says

Education? yes.

Enlightenment? Of course but more like awakening to the increasingly painfully obvious reality that shareholder value is not an ultimate measure of merit, but rather a balance between the tensions of economy and societal benefit must be weighed and implemented without the interference of government capture by the investor class.

What are you talking about? You keep blaming others. How about common sense, education, hard work, and sacrifice that I already mentioned? It's no secret formula that those who do well have all those points.
Take the example of lotto winners. 80% of them fritter away everything they win, and are back to where they were in 2 years. You think people like them who have no ability to keep their wealth, have an ability to make wealth? No, they are doomed to perennial failure because the lack what it takes to be successful. Don't blame the capitalist system for the lack of common sense most people have.

82163   anonymous   2017 Apr 3, 8:59pm  

Trump, for all his faults, is our only representation outside of the two-identical-party system.


You guys got the government you deserved. All the way Republican. This is 2001 all over again!

82164   lostand confused   2017 Apr 3, 9:27pm  

The lefties are going to rue the day they picked the Russian conspiracy. They are increasingly sounding like bgamall4- no wonder he does not post-he is normal now-he can just go talk to a crowd of lefties and be perfectly normal.

82165   Dan8267   2017 Apr 4, 7:58am  


When Will Trump Host Toddler T-Ball Games Like the Last Retarded GOP President, George W Bush?

I'm surprised he hasn't already. It's a great opportunity to grab that sweet, succulent MILF pussy.

82166   anonymous   2017 Apr 4, 8:08am  

Trump is too busy grabbing middle aged white guys buy the pussy. They seem to respond best to it.

Stick to your knitting, Trump and Trumpkins

82167   HEY YOU   2017 Apr 4, 9:37am  

Trump could only sponsor, he couldn't make the T-ball team.

82169   Tenpoundbass   2017 Apr 4, 10:01am  

Maybe they realize the people don't care what they think.

82170   zzyzzx   2017 Apr 4, 10:02am  

  • a person may be employed as a computer programmer and may use information technology skills and knowledge to help an enterprise achieve its goals in the course of his or her job is not sufficient to establish the position as a specialty occupation. Thus, a petitioner may not rely solely on the Handbook to meet its burden when seeking to sponsor a beneficiary for a computer programmer position. Instead, a petitioner must provide other evidence to establish that the particular position is one in a specialty occupation as defined by 8 CFR 214.2(h)(4)(ii) that also meets one of the criteria at
  • Accordingly, USCIS officers must also review the LCA to ensure the wage level designated by the petitioner corresponds to the proffered position. If a petitioner designates a position as a Level I, entry-level position, for example, such an assertion will likely contradict a claim that the proffered position is particularly complex, specialized, or unique compared to other positions within the same occupation.
  • Officers are also reminded that USCIS does not bear the burden of establishing that a particular position does not qualify as a specialty occupation. Instead, the petitioner bears the burden of establishing eligibility for the benefit sought. Section 291 of the INA, 8 U.S.C. § 1361. Accordingly, USCIS officers may not approve a petition based on inconclusive statements from the Handbook about the entry-level requirements for a given occupation. Rather, the petitioner bears the burden to submit probative evidence from objective and authoritative sources that the proffered position qualifies as an H-1B specialty occupation.
82171   lostand confused   2017 Apr 4, 12:14pm  

The noose is just starting to tighten on Obama admin. Trump is a master.

82172   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2017 Apr 4, 12:22pm  

Ironman says

If that was the case, why hasn't he been given immunity yet?

Jesus Christ. He's referring to the fact that both Trump and Flynn are on video stating that people who ask for immunity are guilty. They repeated it gleefully when they were talking about somebody else. Now, that Flynn has asked for immunity, they are singing a different tune. That's what Tim was talking about.

This narrative is about providing your team with something to be excited about. You click all of the links trying to find some evidence to prove your side of the story correct. It's generating lots of revenue for the blogs.

Rice has some 'splaining to do, but the real story remains Trump and the investigation of potential deals with Russia.

82173   Automan Empire   2017 Apr 4, 12:26pm  

Should this focus strictly on FAMILY LAW reform, or is it worth broadening the scope a bit to include Men's Rights issues like false rape accusations going unprosecuted?

> Most petitions in California consist of people signing at supermarkets but I think we can invent an entirely new distribution system via YouTube, Reddit, 4chan, and other alternative media. Petition pages can be mailed or possibly even emailed for a single signature. However due to apathy among California voters, NOW is the time because the signature requirements have never been lower.

Firsthand experience with these. Make no mistake, we'll get about 85,000 signatures through single send-ins and volunteer gatherers. That means 1/2 million PAID signatures needed.

Reality: It will take $1M to get on the ballot, and several more if/when we do.

82174   lostand confused   2017 Apr 4, 12:54pm  

Automan Empire says

Reality: It will take $1M to get on the ballot, and several more if/when we do

That is like 1 year of what Charlie sheen used to pay in child support. i think you can get it!

82175   lostand confused   2017 Apr 4, 12:58pm  

After 8 months of investigations-there is no proof. However it appears the President spied on his political opponent-this is dangerous terrirtory.

82176   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2017 Apr 4, 12:59pm  

Ironman says

Yes, that's the ONLY reason why someone would ask for immunity, because they're guilty... right?

No. Of course there are other reasons to ask for immunity. Thanks for admitting that Trump and Flynn were lying throughout the campaign. Please attend some ESL classes or something to try to improve your comprehension.

Are you really this ignorant, or do you just misinterpret everything to troll people? Some models are good, but produce a bad output, because someone puts garbage into the model. You could have perfect data as an input, and you would produce garbage output, because your logic circuit is fried.

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