'Drill baby, drill!

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2010 Apr 2, 2:35am   3,078 views  14 comments

by 4X   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

The "drill baby, drill" rally cry is back.

Sen. John McCain, R-Arizona, on Wednesday hailed President Obama's decision to open U.S. coastal waters to oil and natural gas drilling.
Arizona's senior senator, who faces a tough Republican primary fight this year, tweeted: "Drill baby drill! Good move – where are Reid and Pelosi on this?" During the 2008 presidential campaign, McCain - as well as his running mate Sarah Palin - wholeheartedly favored offshore drilling as gas prices rose throughout the country.

Get that money!


Comments 1 - 14 of 14        Search these comments

1   elliemae   2010 Apr 2, 10:42am  

Maybe he meant that he wants to get drilled. He's old and if he took his viagra, he only has a few hour window there.

2   mikey   2010 Apr 3, 4:31am  

Obama promised change.
Oil change?
He sure changed in a Jiffy. Why is he acting like a dipstick? Is he becoming a slick politician? Or is he a quart low?
This behavior is becoming rather crude and unrefined. Looks like big oil has some extra black gold and his name is Barack.

3   elliemae   2010 Apr 3, 5:37am  

Nomo's got game! I give him a 10/40 chance of coming up with more!

4   mikey   2010 Apr 3, 7:27am  

Viscosity now!
I'm going to break down if these synthetic, recycled and high mileage puns continue. Why be a crank case? If you ask me, this thread is just a plug for big oil. It draining.
Have no fear, derrick is here to pump us up? Is this a smear campaign? A stain? A slip? A spill?
Tanks a lot. It's been a barrel of fun but I decline the lube job. Grease somebody else's palm, you're no frond of mine and you're out of your tree.
This is the pits--the tar pits. And remember, oil is not well that ends well.

5   elliemae   2010 Apr 3, 8:12am  

Are you going to castrol-gate me for injecting my oilpinion? I can't be funnel the time. Fram what I can tell, Mikey's got a corrosive attitude. Stp it already!

6   mikey   2010 Apr 3, 12:17pm  

Sorry, but I'm off to take a Napa, Chief, before I blow a gasket. I don't want to get canned for spouting off and Kragen up. These puns are much too wrenching. It's like watching O'Reilly but I hope things pan out.

7   elliemae   2010 Apr 3, 12:30pm  

Way to go, Sparky. But you're kinda cranky, and I don't want to risk getting the shaft. I'm acting fuelish and don't know what direction to take in all this. I think you've got a screw loose. I'm in suspension as to what Mikey's gonna spout off with next.

8   mikey   2010 Apr 3, 12:44pm  

Well, it's spring time and I'm gearing up so gimme a brake-- disc is all I ask. I don't want this to become a grind so you won't hear another squeak out of me. I'm steering clear.

9   elliemae   2010 Apr 3, 1:28pm  

I'm shocked that you answered so speedily. You're probably strutting around, engine purring like a - engine.

10   mikey   2010 Apr 3, 2:38pm  

Sorry if I sounded shifty.
I happen to be in the mood for a turnover. How's that for starters? Is my timing okay?
I could also use a belt right now but I don't want to make a slip with all this tension since I have the pulley pulpit. However, I'm getting exhausted and I no longer have the Midas touch. Put that in your pipe and smoke it. Or would that be emission impossible?

11   4X   2010 Apr 4, 1:48pm  

The president of our country should do whats best for our economy right now, assuming drilling offshore is not going to harm our environment. From what I have gathered, oils spills are rare but costly.

We need to move forward with drilling until we have the technology base for developing, imiplementing and sustaining alternative fuels. A part of which will be the new smart grid.

12   azrob00   2010 Apr 4, 2:02pm  

the US doesn't have anything close to the oil reserves to make a difference. Literally, all the drilling off of every cost wouldn't make a nickel's difference to the price of gas.

That is what happens when you have 3% of the proven oil reserves, but use 25% of the worlds oil.

here is one you might try "think baby think"

13   EBGuy   2010 Apr 5, 4:37am  

Bubba loved to deliver a swift kick to the groin of the GOP by stealing a page from their playbook. Looks like Obama is playing electoral politics. Neutralize, baby, neutralize...

14   Vicente   2010 Apr 5, 4:42am  

It'll take years for them to even get results from test drilling. At that point at least you know where it is, and if you want to go after it you can at some later date. I'm against increasing dependence on oil, but I do like the idea of knowing where those reserves are for my grandchildren.

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