California Companies Fleeing Golden State.

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2011 Jul 13, 4:29am   21,171 views  270 comments

by Honest Abe   ➕follow (1)   💰tip   ignore  

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203   MisdemeanorRebel   2011 Jul 24, 6:01am  

Bap, that's nuts man.

Explains why when I was in Eugene, there would be all these Jalopies full of hoodrats w/ California plates pulling up to gas stations buying gas, smokes, and booze with EBT cards, something I couldn't figure out as "Oregon Trail" cards don't allow that. I think they were all on their way to Seattle.

204   Â¥   2011 Jul 24, 6:35am  

thunderlips11 says

California plates pulling up to gas stations buying gas, smokes, and booze with EBT cards


205   Bap33   2011 Jul 24, 7:49am  

I was told the Oregon welfare sucks, that's why my half-sister came back to Cal to have her 5th kid on our dime ... no, I am not joking. He's 9 now. Oldest is 34. She is 51.

206   elliemae   2011 Jul 24, 7:58am  

Yep, I forgot to add Oregon to that list. California is awesome for drawing benefits, but certainly not for living on them. That's why people live in cheaper states, and show up to California once a year to extend their benefits.

207   Truthplease   2011 Jul 24, 10:28pm  

thunderlips11 says

buying gas, smokes, and booze with EBT cards

I guess food stamps have come a long way. My family was on food stamps for 2 years when my parents couldn't get work. I remember how embarrassing it was as a kid. I also remember that horrible government cheese we got in the 1980’s. However, I don’t see beer, tobacco, or gas as an item that can be purchased in that program. Unless they are using their cards to get cash and then purchasing the items.

208   FortWayne   2011 Jul 25, 12:30am  

Troy says

thunderlips11 says

California plates pulling up to gas stations buying gas, smokes, and booze with EBT cards


really opens your eyes, doesn't it?

209   Bap33   2011 Jul 25, 2:03am  

Truthplease says

Unless they are using their cards to get cash and then purchasing the items

or drugs, or sex, or casino chips, of candy, cell phones, or Ipods, or fancey wheels on their ride, of MP3, or nails, or fake boobs, or viagra, or big TV's, or whateverinthefucktheywantbecasuetheyhavenovalueinthefreecashleverthathasbeenhandedtothembytheleftistprogressivesinfavorofwealthredistribution.

210   Honest Abe   2011 Jul 27, 3:26am  

G.E. is moving its X-ray division to China, thereby avoiding oppressive taxes, burdensome regulations, parasitic unions, predatory lawsuits and a hostile business environment.

"Regulations" always distort the market creating unintended, negative consequences - oops.

211   marcus   2011 Jul 27, 3:36am  


"Oppressive, burdensome, parasitic, predatory and hostile."

It would be better if instead of relocating, they could time travel 170 years
back and use slaves, right here in the U.S.. But if they could and did do that, I think you would maybe want to change your choice of words.

212   Vicente   2011 Jul 27, 3:37am  

Honest Abe says

G.E. is moving its X-ray division to China

Now when my X-Ray machine errors out and gives me a lethal overdose, my family can try to sue a bunch of Chinese subcontractors. Awesome! I'm so glad they are making best use of GE tax benefits to offshore jobs, layoff Americans, and enrich communists. Everything seems going according to the Koch Brothers plan nicely.

213   Truthplease   2011 Jul 27, 5:34am  

Honest Abe says

G.E. is moving its X-ray division to China, thereby avoiding oppressive taxes, burdensome regulations, parasitic unions, predatory lawsuits and a hostile business environment.
"Regulations" always distort the market creating unintended, negative consequences - oops.

Sure. I mean what was GE's tax bill this year? And of course, Jeffrey Immelt was appointed to the President’s Economic Recovery Advisory Board. I am sure there is no undue influence there.


We have "separation of church and state" and might need to think about "separation of business/corporation and state."

Although bussiness has already departed from the entire nation and moving production overseas. That is a threat to our country when you can't build anything at home anymore.


214   Honest Abe   2011 Jul 27, 6:02am  

Agreed...so wouldn't the solution be: smaller government, lower taxes, fewer regulations, regulations and restraints on Unions, regulations and restraints on Lawyers and a more friendly business environment?

If businesses got what they wanted here (The US/California)why go over there (another state or country)????

215   HousingWatcher   2011 Jul 27, 6:28am  

"If businesses got what they wanted here (The US/California)why go over there (another state or country)????"

Because as I said a dozen times before, labor in developing countries like China is 30 cents an hour vs. $10 + an hour in the U.S.

216   Bap33   2011 Jul 27, 7:40am  

no EPA
no Air Pollution Control District
no Teamsters
no Industrial Labor Law
no Affirmitive Action
no GLAD compliance
no Maternity Leave law
no Fraternity Leave law
no Handicap Access law
no Obama mandated health care.
no fear of being sued for bogus horseshit like WalMart, K-Mart, Savemart, Sears, and every other big corp gets sued for here.

.... would someone please affix a "Conservative" and a "Liberal" to each of those things I listed so we may all give thanks where thanks is due.

217   marcus   2011 Jul 27, 7:52am  

Everything having to do with the environment seems to be associated with liberals. But I can 100% guarantee you that to many it is very conservative.

One day, in the not so distant future, environmental concerns will be considered a conservative cause by everyone. The only reason it isn't now is because of how politically fucked up this country is, and how stupid and brainwashed many of our citizens are. If only somehow protecting the environment had bigger short term rewards. If only more huge corporations could somehow cash in on environmental protection.

(I know, I know, the worst polluting is done by other countries now, as is manufacturing. Aint that a kick in the %^$##)

218   MattBayArea   2011 Jul 27, 8:42am  

Bap's got a good point! Those are all liberal programs... to my knowledge at least. They sure sound liberal. We *could* fix them all ... but with our budget issues as they are I think this is too expensive. Besides, bleeding heart liberals would whine if the government didn't protect them from 'cold-hearted' coorporations motivated only by increasing profits. Better to just re-instate slavery - with a solid slave trade, we could entice these large corps back to the US. Then the trickle down effect would come into play and we'd all be wealthy. Except the slaves ... but that's their fault/problem.

We can even save money on some jobs ... by using handicap people as slaves rather than importing slaves from elsewhere.

219   Vicente   2011 Jul 27, 8:56am  

Bap33 says

no EPA
no Air Pollution Control District
no Teamsters
no Industrial Labor Law
no Affirmitive Action
no GLAD compliance
no Maternity Leave law
no Fraternity Leave law
no Handicap Access law
no Obama mandated health care.
no fear of being sued for bogus horseshit like WalMart, K-Mart, Savemart, Sears, and every other big corp gets sued for here.

.... would someone please affix a "Conservative" and a "Liberal" to each of those things I listed so we may all give thanks where thanks is due.

Why not just openly convert to Fascism and be done with it. That's what you are talking about. The "Right of Kings" extended to corporations. Want to dump dioxin in my river at night? Yes sir, I'll gladly help dig the trench for the pipe and I totally understand your need for a tongue bath of your hindquarters. As ApocalypseFuck so eloquently put it, the nobility should be able to murder if it wants to just for fun. After all what's the point of being at the top of the pyramid otherwise?

220   Honest Abe   2011 Jul 29, 5:53am  

Bap, good job in listing the underlying causes of a hostile business environment in California. In reality, layer upon layer of regulations are exactly what makes California companies non-competitive when compared to business friendly states or even business friendly countries...which is why they are leaving the state.

You do know the same thing is happening in other states with excessive taxes and regulations like Illinois and New York don't you?

Ah, to be liberal, and believe that Utopia can be obtained if only they tax successful people enough and force them to pay their "fair share". In other words - steal from one group and hand it over to a different "more deserving" group.

221   marcus   2011 Jul 29, 6:27am  

Honest Abe says

In other words - steal from one group and hand it over to a different "more deserving" group.

Time for me to again share some great John Kenneth Galbriath quotes:

"The modern conservative is engaged in one of man's oldest exercises in moral philosophy; that is, the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness. "

"The conspicuously wealthy turn up urging the character building values of the privation of the poor."

"The enemy of the conventional wisdom is not ideas but the march of events. "

"The great dialectic in our time is not, as anciently and by some still supposed, between capital and labor; it is between economic enterprise and the state."

"We can safely abandon the doctrine of the eighties, namely that the rich were not working because they had too little money, the poor because they had much."

John Kenneth Galbraith

222   corntrollio   2011 Jul 29, 6:54am  

Honest Abe says

G.E. is moving its X-ray division to China, thereby avoiding oppressive taxes, burdensome regulations, parasitic unions, predatory lawsuits and a hostile business environment.

GE has union workers in its X-ray division? I call BS. I also call BS on predatory lawsuits. These are just talking points that you'd use no matter what company in what industry was moving an HQ.

If you follow this industry, this has everything to do with achieving double-digit growth in marketing low-feature and more affordable healthcare technology in the developing world. The U.S. market is already saturated with the high-end stuff. This will be the growing trend for healthcare technology -- there are many people in developing countries looking for cheaper ways to improve healthcare, and they want the cheap and basic machines, not the full-featured machines we have here.

GE Healthcare has 60,000 employees, and they have 120 currently in Wisconsin, and will hire 65 in China. I'm not saying GE is a saintly company, but let's not pretend this is a large scale move.

Honest Abe says

Bap, good job in listing the underlying causes of a hostile business environment in California. In reality, layer upon layer of regulations are exactly what makes California companies non-competitive when compared to business friendly states or even business friendly countries

Nonsense, other than CARB, what items that bap listed are unique to California? CARB technically applies in more than just California these days, by the way. What specific California regulations do you think are problematic?

HousingWatcher says

Because as I said a dozen times before, labor in developing countries like China is 30 cents an hour vs. $10 + an hour in the U.S.

That's just a made-up number, but you are correct that there is a labor cost advantage. However, the overall cost advantage for manufacturing goods for the US in China is disappearing as labor costs and other costs go up in China due to economic prosperity. I have posted in another thread an article from the Economist describing that consultants think that in 2015, manufacturers could be neutral between the US and China with respect to manufacturing US-bound goods. Some people suggest Vietnam and other cheaper countries, but none of those countries ever built up the support structure like China.

223   Honest Abe   2011 Jul 29, 7:43am  

Asking which regulations are "problematic" is like asking which straw finally broke the camels back.

They're all problematic, especially when they get piled one on top of another...local ordinances, city regulations, county taxes, state "mandates", Federal laws, on and on and on. But go ahead, pretend like it doesn't exist and keep explaining away the obvious.

224   corntrollio   2011 Jul 29, 8:38am  

Honest Abe says

Asking which regulations are "problematic" is like asking which straw finally broke the camels back.

As in, you can't name anything or explain why it would be a problem, and you just want to complain without being called on your BS? What specific local ordinances, city regulations, and state "mandates" (not sure why it's in quotes) do you think are most important? Which county taxes are you referring to?

Come on, if there are so many, this should be incredibly easy. It shouldn't even be a challenge. Just pick the most important and explain why they hurt business.

225   Vicente   2011 Jul 29, 8:38am  

Honest Abe says

They're all problematic

Pesky child labor laws, who needs 'em?

226   Bap33   2011 Jul 29, 8:46am  

I was trying to point out some issues that AMerican Companies have to deal with that Chineese Companies do not. I was not trying to say full non-regulation is good, but obviously, too much regualtion can be detramental. That was how Obama warned the coal industry .. "you can build a plant, but you will go broke trying to run it" .. or something like that. He dared the coal folks to have a coal fired power plant (I think that's how it went down).

227   Honest Abe   2011 Jul 29, 8:48am  

Blah, blah, blah, waah, waah, waah. Companies continue to leave the state while you libs ingore and deny the reality of the situation...or try to defend it.

Perhaps more regulation, more taxes, more unions, and more lawsuits will help. Is that what you think?

228   Vicente   2011 Jul 29, 8:59am  

Yes here's some of your people and businesses fleeing California.


However I thought it was the sort of fleeing Bap would want.

229   Vicente   2011 Jul 29, 9:07am  

Outside of FreeRepublic, I don't find a lot of actual verifiable data about companies leaving or not.

Example I find one story that pointedly mentions Fujitsu FronTech leaving California. When I dig around I find no press releases from Fujitsu about moving. I do see stuff about corporate downsizing and reorg. Perhaps they are collapsing divisions, doing layoffs, moving it back to a smaller Japan office. I dunno, not clearcut from what I see.

230   corntrollio   2011 Jul 29, 9:39am  

Honest Abe says

Blah, blah, blah, waah, waah, waah. Companies continue to leave the state while you libs ingore and deny the reality of the situation...or try to defend it.

Perhaps more regulation, more taxes, more unions, and more lawsuits will help. Is that what you think?

I have not stated any political orientation. I am simply trying to have a fact-based decision here. You are not making arguments, but rather stating talking points. That's not interesting or novel, and doesn't really foster a true discussion or sharing of ideas. I gave you what would seem to be a very easy task, based on your professed ideology, and you still can't do it. Don't blame me for your ignorance, if that's the issue here.

Vicente says

Example I find one story that pointedly mentions Fujitsu FronTech leaving California. When I dig around I find no press releases from Fujitsu about moving.

As I mentioned, the GE X-Ray thing was very widely circulated, but is ultimately a de minimis number of employees at GE Healthcare, but people seized on it. It's hard to say what people will care about.

That said, I wouldn't necessarily rely on the Freepers for accuracy. Fujitsu FronTech is moving manufacturing from its North American HQ in Foothill Ranch, CA in Orange County to Plattsburgh, NY where it already has presence, i.e. from CA, a "high tax state," to NY, another one. Sales, ops, and R&D are staying put, but this consolidates manufacturing with its existing logistics operation in NY:


231   simchaland   2011 Jul 29, 10:09am  

no EPA: Yeah who needs clean water? Chemicals and radioactive waste will strenthen Americans over time as our bodies mutate.

no CARB & no Air Pollution Control District: Yeah, no one needs clean air. You can buy oxygen in tanks these days and there are filtered masks available. Buying oxygen and masks will keep people employed in the factories of Asia. And if global warming is more than a libruhl fantasy then it will be good for tourism to have tropical weather in Greenland.

no AFLCIO & no Teamsters: Who needs stinkin' worker representation? Employers are naturally beneficent to to their employees. Employers have never mistreated any workers, ever. Workers deserve only to work. Any pay or benefits is beyond what an employer should be required to provide. Workers should be grateful to have a purpose in life by having a job.

no OSHA & no Industrial Labor Law: Yeah, who needs safety rules or any industrial standards? Children should have a "Right to Work." It's good for them. It builds character. If they lose a limb they learn to overcome adversity.

no Affirmitive Action & no GLAD compliance: Yeah, no one wants minorities or faggots working for them. Fags should just accept that they are subhuman gross sinners who die of AIDS from butt sex. They deserve to be insulted and we should definitely teach our children to ignore them, warn them about their diseased nature, or ridicule them openly in public. We definitely don't need these laws.

no Maternity Leave law & no Fraternity Leave law: Mothers should simply give birth to their babies while at work and keep working immediately after a small unpaid 5 minute break to wipe off before resuming their work. If it was good enough for the serfs in the Middle Ages to bive birth in the fields and to continue working immediately after, it's good for us now. And children should be raised at work and given jobs as soon as possible anyway. They don't need any "support" from family. It takes a corporation to raise a child.

no Handicap Access law: Yeah, those damn crips are crippled because their parents sinned like it says in the Good Book. They should just accept their lot in life and never venture outside. It would save all of us from having to look at their gross deformities.

no Obama mandated health care: Yeah. who needs health care? No one. If you get sick you should just be allowed to die in peace. In the animal kingdom it's "survival of the fittest." We're allowing too many sick people to reproduce. It muddies the gene pool. And old people shouldn't have MediCare. They don't produce anything so they should expect nothing. Why don't they die already and relieve us of their burden?

no fear of being sued for bogus horseshit like WalMart, K-Mart, Savemart, Sears, and every other big corp gets sued for here.: Yeah because big corporations always have the best of intentions and protect their workers and customers from any possible harm. They never cut corners to make a profit, ever. They never discriminate against anyone. Only people who work hard get ahead.

Bap33 says

.... would someone please affix a "Conservative" and a "Liberal" to each of those things I listed so we may all give thanks where thanks is due.

I wouldn't dream of depriving you of a job you are more than capable of doing yourself. Get to work. Stop being lazy.

232   Bap33   2011 Jul 29, 12:12pm  

you did not read my second post for clarification ... but, since you have your paties all bunched up already, don't bother. Just sit there in your poopy pants and blame conservative America for all of your ills.

233   simchaland   2011 Jul 29, 1:25pm  

Bap33 says

you did not read my second post for clarification ... but, since you have your paties all bunched up already, don't bother. Just sit there in your poopy pants and blame conservative America for all of your ills.

Well I don't wear panties and I don't poop my pants but I will place the blame for the country's ills where it belongs. Conservatives are to blame for the mess we are in today. It's good to see you finally admit that.

234   Honest Abe   2011 Jul 30, 6:12am  

Simchaland - you're out of your mind - along with the rest of your left wing, progressive, socialistic, liberal, progressive buddies.

Its you idiots that want:
Larger government
More social spending
More taxes
More affirmative action
More abortion
More bureaucracies
More government spending
More welfare
More business regulation
More bad changes
More inflation

Conservatives know you can't spend more than you take in. Liberal politicians (especially) pander for votes by promising things that can't be paid for - at least during their lifetime...thereby schakeling future generations with the burden of paying the bill.

You idiots are morally bankrupt. Oh, but you argue SUCH a good game. But your stupid arguments are being slowly crushed by the weight of reality - in case you haven't noticed.

Step away from your rights and no one will be hurt.

236   FortWayne   2011 Jul 30, 6:25am  

Honest Abe says

Its you idiots that want:
Larger government
More social spending
More taxes
More affirmative action
More abortion
More bureaucracies
More government spending
More welfare
More business regulation
More bad changes
More inflation

they are building soviet union failure 2.0

237   HousingWatcher   2011 Jul 30, 8:11am  

Do you right wingers even try anymore, or have you given up?

238   elliemae   2011 Jul 30, 8:16am  

HousingWatcher says

Do you right wingers even try anymore, or have you given up?

I'm sure they'll say that the raises under the republicans were warranted because the Dems caused the problem, while the raises under the Dems was their fault.

If your hand is caught in the cookie jar, just blame it on a defective jar.

239   Bap33   2011 Jul 30, 8:38am  

wouldn't it make more sense for the debt limit to be a percentage of GDP instead of just a random number?

240   Vicente   2011 Jul 30, 12:45pm  

Debt limit is nonsense in the first place.

Don't want to spend it don't vote for the budget bill.

241   Bap33   2011 Jul 30, 1:34pm  

would you respond to my post please. I think my point may be valid.

242   Vicente   2011 Jul 30, 1:42pm  

OK I'll bite percentage of GDP is slightly less insane. Propose away if you like but GOTP is I suspect uninterested in your idea, as it could then be gamed by whoever calculated the GDP figures.

Japan debt to GDP ratio has been 225% for ages and they don't seem to have turned into cannibal anarchy.

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