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Do you know if the bold type in the media matters quoting of Sammon's emails that used by Sammon or is that Media Matters using the bold type?
As for the "public option" v "government option", it is a political debate. There is no wrong way or right way to call something that isn't decided.
Government option is just as descriptive as public option in terms of the government deciding terms of health care insurance.
Hellz Bellz! Even Fox News iz getting soft! Obamicare iz what it's called. It's pyure commyunist soshalizm iz wat it iz. Public Opshen - Gummint Opshen, duzn't matter. It's all commie soshalizm no matter wat you call it!
As for the "public option" v "government option", it is a political debate. There is no wrong way or right way to call something that isn't decided.
Instructions from one of the heads of the shop to to always use a specific term proves top down control of how issues are framed and presented. Instructions to always use a term supplied by one party is a political slant, its as clear as it gets, not a matter of debate.
Do you really intended to argue then that there's no political bias in Fox reporting? I won't debate it with you, its not worth my time...
And now the other mental heavyweight weighs in with argument that the well known and respected fact checking organization Media Matters is the real liar, on a witch hunt against conservatives.
I love this thread even though it's only a couple posts long.
Instructions from one of the heads of the shop to to always use a specific term proves top down control of how issues are framed and presented.
Have you heard of the term "stylebook"? The AP publishes their version every year. Most news organizations have one. It defines a rule set for how they cover events.
Events that occur in real-time that the stylebook does not cover are formulated on the fly.
What else do you want to know?
And now the other mental heavyweight weighs in with argument that the well known and respected fact checking organization Media Matters is the real liar, on a witch hunt against conservatives.
I love this thread even though it's only a couple posts long.
Give 'em time. The fur's still flying in the "Cali-fur-nia" thread. Oh, I'm just too clever.
I guess i should go read that thread...
wtfcapinv, stylesheets aren't distributed in private internal emails that are then publicly disavowed, especially when those emails instruct the floor to continuously use the terms and positions supplied by one political party...
Anyway at the very least that's now an admission that there's open bias.
Humans are not automotans. They think and feel. The idea that there are unbiased humans is akin to believing in Unicorns. All humans are biased.
Again. It's a stylebook, not a stylesheet. And yes, news organizations do formulate modifications to their stylebook on the fly. And no, "government option" is not a term owned by a political party.
Media Matters is a total front for a deliberate propaganda campaign against conservatives, funded by George Soros.
Prove these emails are real. Remember the Bush National Guard 'memos'?
SILENCE!!!! You Fool, do what him say not what him DO!!!!
Strangely missing is one single quote from a GOP member.
Another thing: The Obama Admin is undermining itself all on its own very well, thank you very much. They don't need Fox News or anyone else's help.
Sadly thats somewhat true, but not for the reasons you think it is... And of course they are getting a ton of help.
Out of all the topics that get kicked about and degraded on this forum the one thing all of us should agree on at this point is that Fox is a biased effort, whether you agree with them or not. Anyone who denies that at this point is just being silly.
Here's one little example of the help they're getting: Rick Perry attacks Obama for cutting the Space Shuttle Program. One problem: George Bush was the one who cut it
Now lets wait a bit and see how Fox reports it and how Media Matters reports it. I'll put a hundred dollars in escrow with a 3rd party arbitrator against a bet that Fox either repeats Perry's statement as fact or does not report it all, and that Media Matters posts a correction report.
Out of all the topics that get kicked about and degraded on this forum the one thing all of us should agree on at this point is that Fox is a biased effort, whether you agree with them or not. Anyone who denies that at this point is just being silly.
But they just one entity. The Liberals have a whole "Propaganda Ministry" at their disposal.
Pick a non Fox channel and there you are comrade.
Just look at the CNN international page, then look at the US page, if you want an honest idea of what the REST of the world will NOT tolerate as valid news.
I want honest Journalism back in this country.
But with out FOX, we would all be under the brainwashing waves of the Greenie Calipukes selling us fat free carcinogenic cupcakes.
Oh, and do tell us what reasons you think the Obama admin is undermining itself? I'd love to hear this one.
Oh, I'll play your game, though I don't know why: Obama has governed as a moderate conservative, somewhat to the right of Richard Nixon, and has made too many concessions to the right.
shrekgrinch says
Fox is a biased effort, whether you agree with them or not
Yes. That's true.
Okay then, there we have it. Thats the point of this thread.
shrekgrinch says
Take away his funding and Media Matters would cease to exist.
Who cares how its funded if analysis of the effort shows impartiality? Your mistake in this case is to employ the tactics to a organization that you do to individuals, apply guilt by association & ad hominems... But its effort & record exists in stark contrast to Fox where every pore oozes bias and misleading statements. Anyway, you've already admitted as much.
What's the correction? Perry did say what he said, right? And if that is what they are reporting (Rick Perry said, "X"....), then its a fact that they are reporting Perry said 'X' that nobody can dispute.
And there you have it folks, what passes for facts in SG's world. Its not important that a thing be true, only that it sounds like something palatable to him and has been repeated.
And that, by the way, is entirely the thrust of the point of this thread, that Fox news does not care to report the facts of any situation, only to repeat and substantiate the talking points of the Right. Its nothing more than a lobbying faction of a politically oriented effort. “News Corp is not a news company at all, but a global media empire that employs its newspapers — and in the US, Fox News — as a lobbying arm.â€
So anyway, I would like to agree with you and end this argument, but then we would both be wrong.
I don't know why Fox News plays games about this.
We know they have bias, they know they have bias. Why not just drop the pretense remove "fair & balanced" from their web pages and be done with it? Just specify up front it's the right-wing mouthpiece of Rupert Murdoch via Roger Ailes.
The difference between the bias of CNN versus the bias of Fox ?
CNN believes they are being unbiased and endeavors to to be unbiased. Any outright bias would be considered a negative and would likely prevent the reporter from being promoted.
Fox has a strong anti democrat (now anti Obama) bias that they fully acknowledge. It is part of Ailles stated intent. He has always been a political operative.
How can someone think that CNN is a liberal version of FOX, if the intent is not there. Is it because it's a secret ? A conspiracy ? A secret hidden from all moderates and liberals ? Only extreme right wingers can spot it ?
Ohhhhh, I get it now. I just can't see the CNN bias.
My gift to you guys, it's called the channel button.
Use it in good health, no need to thank me.
My gift to you guys, it's called the channel button. Use it in good health, no need to thank me.
This thread wasn't about whether or not a person possesses the ability to change the channel. It's about a station that dictates the content of its employees. If a purported news station dictates content, it's not unbiased.
Faux News has admitted that much of its content is entertainment. However, to demand that the "news reporters" present material in a certain manner violates the ethics of news reporting.
Unfortunately, we're bombarded from both the right & the left with entertainment reporting on news channels. It's up to the viewer to tell the difference.
Unfortunately, some people aren't able to do so.
Unfortunately, we're bombarded from both the right & the left with entertainment reporting on news channels. It's up to the viewer to tell the difference.
Unfortunately, some people aren't able to do so.
Or just maybe they agree with the content, but you would love to tell them can't watch it though, aye?
Or just maybe they agree with the content, but you would love to tell them can't watch it though, aye?
Translation please?
Fox Emails Show Attempts To Slant News Against Obama And His Policies...
But you all knew this anyway, right?
"Michael Clemente, Senior VP For News, Replied That Sammon's Third Phrasing Was "The Preferred Way To Say It, Write It, Use It.""
"Sammon Later Admitted That He Had Lied On-Air "About Whether Barack Obama Really Advocated Socialism." Speaking on a 2009 Mediterranean cruise sponsored by a right-wing college, Sammon described his attempts the previous year to link Obama to "socialism" as "mischievous speculation." Sammon acknowledged that "privately" he had believed that the socialism allegation was "rather far-fetched.""
yadda yadda yadda...