Automan Empire's threads

Origins of petroleum: Biotic or abiotic?
by Automan Empire on 9 Nov 2021   84 comments, latest 7 months ago
Another breakout discussion from a long thread. What are the origins of terrestrial petroleum deposits, biotic or abiotic? The abiotic case is that carbonate rocks and water get subducted by ...

Takin' it to the streets! Getting the message of vaccine mandate resistance OUT THERE in public.
by Automan Empire on 6 Nov 2021   12 comments, latest 3 years ago
I have a long history of public activism for controversial causes so this was a natural for me. I painted up a sign in about 15 minutes, then took it ...

Beverly Hills experiencing violent crime wave, from brazen daytime robberies to follow-home and home invasions.
by Automan Empire on 1 Dec 2021   20 comments, latest 3 years ago
This morning's news is full of the latest lawlessness in the posh city of Beverly Hills. A high profile elderly couple was murdered during a burglary or home invasion overnight. ...

Two Texas children given adult dose of vaccine
by Automan Empire on 4 Dec 2021   1 comment, latest 3 years ago
GARLAND, Texas — It's not uncommon to see vaccination opportunities at events around North Texas, but this weekend in Garland, a trunk-or-treat went very wrong. Now, a family wants answers ...

Crowd surge at UCLA basketball game after fans stuck hours in vax confirmation bottleneck
by Automan Empire on 14 Nov 2021   Posted 3 years ago
WESTWOOD — A top UCLA official apologized Saturday after a surge of fans waiting to enter Pauley Pavilion for Friday night’s men’s basketball game against Villanova created a scare in ...

Life: Was it made, or did it just happen?
by Automan Empire on 3 Nov 2021   141 comments, latest 3 years ago
Breakout thread for the "origins of life" discussion that the nurses getting fired thread got jacked by. My stance: Just happened!

DUNE! First time at theater in years, totally worth it!
by Automan Empire on 3 Nov 2021   12 comments, latest 3 years ago
I was VERY impressed with the movie! The exposition and pacing were pretty good for the learning curve of the "Dune" universe. The Ornithopters were interesting if unlikely. Main complaint ...

Hours after tweeting, "Broadway is back," Disney forced to cancel Aladdin after 1 performance when numerous "breakthrough" cases occur in cast/crew
by Automan Empire on 30 Sep 2021   3 comments, latest 3 years ago
Story here This is really unfortunate for the "Vaccination will stop the pandemic" narrative. Despite being fully vaccinated, an unspecified number of cast and crew tested positive with "breakthrough" ...

Excess Death statistical methodology: CDC adds excess deaths by study area to total, but in areas with fewer excess deaths sets the figure to ZERO.
by Automan Empire on 27 Sep 2021   11 comments, latest 3 years ago
Source: I found something very interesting when looking into excess death statistics on the CDC's website. According to a footnote, excess deaths are added up by reporting area weekly ...

New South Wales restricts delivery to lockdown apartments to 6 beers per day
by Automan Empire on 9 Sep 2021   6 comments, latest 3 years ago
Boy, I bet that's going to be fun to enforce and live with. (I don't even drink.) Excerpt: Residents in apartment buildings that have been locked down by Australia‘s ...

Mainstream ad tagline: Vaccines are NOT ENOUGH! (Now buy our product)
by Automan Empire on 8 Sep 2021   Posted 3 years ago
On mainstream radio news, just heard a heavy advertiser use a new tagline: "Vaccines are NOT ENOUGH!" This is the first utterance I've heard on MSM that goes against the ...

Trump's phone call to Georgia election official
by Automan Empire on 4 Jan 2021   16 comments, latest 4 years ago
Trump made a call to a Georgia election official that appears to be pressuring him to overturn the election. The call lasted around an hour, was recorded, and is now ...

Satirist Tom Lehrer, known for classics like New Math and Poisoning Pigeons in the Park, has placed all of his songs in public domain
by Automan Empire on 6 Nov 2020   Posted 4 years ago
Tom Lehrer has decided at age 92 to place all of his songs into the public domain. This applies to all of his lyrics and music, but not necessarily other ...

Streaming service Quibi burns through $1b investor money and shuts down 6 months after launch
by Automan Empire on 21 Oct 2020   10 comments, latest 4 years ago
Jeff Katzenberg launched the company in 2018 and brought Meg Whitman on board as CEO. Their streaming service launched in April but never came close to projected paid subscriber numbers. ...

Stop freaking CHANGING! Nanny features built into technology RANT
by Automan Empire on 21 Oct 2020   6 comments, latest 4 years ago
I hate when technology has nanny features added that second guess your intentions and get it the f### WRONG over and over, forever. Machines that do things unbidden and software ...

Yelp data shows permanent small business closures have exceeded 60% in some markets
by Automan Empire on 16 Sep 2020   34 comments, latest 4 years ago
I'm in an essential industry and never closed, but my customers, and their customers on down the line, are tightening their belts and not using the equipment I service. Therefore, ...

Do you use Hipcamp? Read carefully before you click "I agree" to their new inclusion policy.
by Automan Empire on 6 Oct 2020   Posted 4 years ago
Hipcamp is known as "The AirBNB of camping" as it provides a useful platform to connect campers with hosts offering private campsites for rent. Their new "Inclusion policy" has some ...

BLM jumps shark in Rochester, destroying restaurants flipping tables right out from under patrons
by Automan Empire on 5 Sep 2020   36 comments, latest 4 years ago
Watch as BLM loses the support of everyone they interact with. This type of behavior is spreading and escalating while police stand down and mobs get away with it over ...

BLM-UK declares solidarity with Palestinians; note how quickly and broadly they are accused of anti-semitism.
by Automan Empire on 2 Jul 2020   1 comment, latest 4 years ago
BLM-UK marched and chanted this week for Palestinians, Here are a couple of their tweets: ____________________ As Israel moves forward with the annexation of the West Bank, and mainstream British ...

!Remindme 2 weeks: Will there be a spike in Covid-19 cases in demographics and locations where large protest gatherings happen?
by Automan Empire on 30 May 2020   2 comments, latest 4 years ago
From the media coverage I've seen, attendees are pretty lax about masks and social distancing. Interesting experiment now in progress.

All Souplantation and Sweet Tomatoes salad bar/buffet restauraunts closing permanently
by Automan Empire on 9 May 2020   12 comments, latest 4 years ago
All Souplantation and Sweet Tomatoes restaurants are closing permanently. "We can't see our open buffet business model succeeding in the covid-19 era" For those unfamiliar with the chain, it's like ...

Overleveraged AirBNB "superhosts" scramble for liquidity during travel bans. Real estate market skewing ASSHOLES get comeuppance.
by Automan Empire on 29 Apr 2020   7 comments, latest 4 years ago
An interesting emerging group hard hit by the travel ban and lockdowns: AirBNB "Superhosts" who leveraged properties specifically to rent on AirBNB and absolutely depend on high rent and uninterrupted ...

May crude oil futures closed at -38.45. That's MINUS 38.45!
by Automan Empire on 20 Apr 2020   21 comments, latest 4 years ago
The energy market is running into the problem of long term supply contracts running into full storages due to low demand. Radio news was talking about coal power plants running ...

Dear Florida: Please mow your parking lots. Signed, California. 3,500-car fire rages at airport rental lot
by Automan Empire on 5 Apr 2020   5 comments, latest 4 years ago
Insane footage of an airport car rental lot burning like a forest fire. Breaking story, details still emerging. Even with the cars packed together like cordwood, I never imagined a ...

115% of Trump's China tariff revenue going to pay angry farmers
by Automan Empire on 21 Dec 2018   12 comments, latest 6 years ago
Turns out Trump's blustering trade war is a fiscal net loss for America. I'm at a perpetual loss trying to understand the mindset of his diehard supporters.

Applying for 1 home loan with 2 lenders concurrently
by Automan Empire on 27 Nov 2018   5 comments, latest 6 years ago
There's a mortgage company called HMS Capital that does heavy radio advertising in the LA market. Their USP is "Even if you're already in process with another lender, you should ...

This is EXACTLY why the Statute of Limitations exists!
by Automan Empire on 21 Sep 2018   12 comments, latest 6 years ago
I understand the original intent of extending the statute of limitations on child molestation and rape cases. Children, especially decades ago, had little to no options or help when they ...

SS trust fund would remain solvent indefinitely with an immediate 2% increase in contributions.
by Automan Empire on 4 Jun 2018   18 comments, latest 6 years ago
Born 1967, my cohorts have always considered SS a Ponzi scheme, which would run out of money before our generation was old enough to benefit from it. Some say it's ...

Real Estate Discussion: Getting financing for vacant unimproved rural land.
by Automan Empire on 19 Apr 2018   9 comments, latest 6 years ago
I recently purchased a rural acreage in an area I've always liked, and have become interested in another nearby parcel. The one I bought was purchased with a low down ...

Nationstar Mortgage rebrands as Mr. Cooper
by Automan Empire on 9 Feb 2018   2 comments, latest 6 years ago
Nationstar Mortgage rebranded to the unlikely moniker Mr. Cooper. It wasn't a spontaneous or quick decision; they have had this in the works since early 2016, and finally took it ...

Men's rights ballot initiative in CA?
by Automan Empire on 4 Apr 2017   8 comments, latest 7 years ago
Was it you or someone else that indicated interest in making a ballot initiative for men's rights in CA? I'd definitely be interested in discussing further. I have experience ...

Artistic father "finishes" his childrens' drawings with amusing results
by Automan Empire on 5 Dec 2013   Posted 11 years ago
I found this particularly amusing. After playing in the wading pool with young relatives one summer day, a 5 year old remarked, "The thing about Automan is, he never ...

California Republicans draw fire for "spoof" CoveredCa mailer and website.
by Automan Empire on 4 Dec 2013   Posted 11 years ago
Golden State conservatives have taken to distributing official-looking mailers informing people that they will be required to purchase insurance under the Affordable Care Act. Fair enough, but the five-page ...

Seller's agent for commercial property because he has buyer?
by Automan Empire on 10 Sep 2013   8 comments, latest 11 years ago
I have a commercial property that I am considering selling; it is an auto repair shop in Los Angeles County. Right now I am kind of waiting for the ...

Patnet username proves popular in Yahoo comments
by Automan Empire on 10 Sep 2013   1 comment, latest 11 years ago
Just a fun side topic amid the long rancorous threads. You may have seen the recent article about the elite Swedish boarding school that is under investigation for extreme ...

Pat Robertson on the Sanctity of Marriage
by Automan Empire on 17 May 2013   2 comments, latest 11 years ago
Like shooting fish in a barrel. A caller asked how she could forgive her husband for infidelity. Here is his fine response verbatim. Sorry about the numbers. “Stop talking ...

Website that reviews Real Estate Gurus- useful resource.
by Automan Empire on 19 Oct 2012   1 comment, latest 12 years ago
I found this website almost a decade ago, when I had developed a passing fascination with the likes of Robert Allen. This website lists and reviews various "real estate ...

Hand-lettered WE BUY HOUSES signs- do people actually respond?
by Automan Empire on 26 Jul 2012   12 comments, latest 12 years ago
Can't speak for the rest of the state, but here in Los Angeles, a common feature of the public landscape is hand-lettered WE BUY HOUSES signs. These have been ...
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