SP's threads

Whose side is the Treasury on?
by SP on 15 Oct 2008   353 comments, latest 16 years ago
According to this article in the NY-Times: http://tinyurl.com/3hzwmp In its latest questionable tactic, the Treasury is forcing banks to take billions of taxpayer dollars and lend it out - ...

Jobs, jobs, jobs
by SP on 18 Apr 2007   444 comments, latest 17 years ago
It has often been said here that the only thing that will cause a drop in Bay Area housing prices is widespread job-losses. Perversely, this is actually also used ...

America, you just got pwned
by SP on 3 Oct 2008   193 comments, latest 16 years ago
The House of Representatives approved a $700 billion bailout package for U.S. banksters. The fundamental problems with the bill remain intact. Paulson gets to decide what dirty toilet paper ...

2008 Predictions
by SP on 22 Dec 2007   125 comments, latest 17 years ago
Predictions on what 2008 will bring? Here are my guesses... - cascading counterparty defaults - credit-deflation despite inflationary monetary policy - recession is out in the open, MSM turns ...

Group Think?
by SP on 29 Nov 2006   203 comments, latest 18 years ago
In a previous thread, our friend FRIFY raised an excellent point: There is a danger of group think on this blog. There are plenty of economic variables which could ...

Pitchfork For Paulson
by SP on 1 Oct 2008   181 comments, latest 16 years ago
I bought this pitchfork yesterday (the picture is an actual photo from lowes.com of the same item that I bought) for $ 16.99. I need your help on the ...

And I Thought You Were My Friend...
by SP on 11 Oct 2007   227 comments, latest 17 years ago
I noticed that every housing-related article in my rss-feeds today has a negative headline. Negative reports on housing sales, housing starts, home-builders, mortgages, and housing prices. If they aren't ...

And... They're OFF!!!
by SP on 6 Jan 2007   139 comments, latest 18 years ago
My six saved searches in ZipRealty (covering Cupertino, Los Altos and Saratoga) are up an average of 15% since Dec 31. A realtor friend of mine had said that ...

Is this the bottom :-)
by SP on 12 Oct 2008   193 comments, latest 16 years ago
I wanted to get this in before the Dow crashes again... (it is up 400 points this morning). I have no reason to believe this is the bottom of ...

Game changing?
by SP on 12 Feb 2008   152 comments, latest 16 years ago
Okay, give all the racist crap a rest for a while. This seems to be big enough to pay attention to... What do you guys and gals think of ...

What's Next?
by SP on 20 Oct 2006   145 comments, latest 18 years ago
Start with any generally observable and credible premise. Example: "Rents are up 10%." Or "Inventory is up 135%." Assuming the premise is true, what impact will this have on ...

Why do realtwhores think we like to see their mugshots on everything?
by SP on 14 Oct 2006   137 comments, latest 18 years ago
I just got a calendar from the completely useless woman who pretended to be a buyer's agent when we bought our house. Every month has a cliche' landscape photograph ...

A new financial system?
by SP on 9 Nov 2008   88 comments, latest 16 years ago
Saw this on my rss feed from Yahoo/Reuters just now: Glimpse into a new financial system LONDON (Reuters) – Investors get a first glimpse of the likely shape of ...
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