Is it all that obvious?

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2013 Dec 20, 5:07am   21,691 views  96 comments

by Tenpoundbass   ➕follow (9)   💰tip   ignore  

And the network execs couldn’t stand it, bowing instantly to the gay agenda as practiced by GLAAD. Free markets have nothing to do with TV. It’s all now about not offending some victim group.

And it’s not about free speech either. TV networks want nothing to do with that archaic concept. They only support free speech they agree with and that most diehard lefties approve.

The conflict was inevitable. Television used to love people from what the media call flyover country. TV scored with hits such as “The Beverly Hillbillies,” “Green Acres,” “Hee-Haw,” and “Mayberry RFD.” Those were celebrations where Americans were reminded of their roots. And when country met city, it was always country that won out with homespun wisdom triumphing over big-city egos and fancy degrees.

But “Duck Dynasty” comes from another era where TV doesn’t celebrate ordinary people, it mocks them. This is the time of “Honey Boo Boo,” and “Buckwild,” the “Jersey Shore” style shows about rural people. These programs were designed so coastal liberals could watch and mock and feel better about themselves while reading their New York Times. That’s likely what A&E bosses thought they had with “Duck Dynasty.”

Boy, were they wrong.

A&E created a show that tried to make fun of rustic rubes and discovered it had inadvertently created the opposite. Instead of Hollywood values triumphing as we watched the stars’ backward ways, traditional values won out every time. They weren’t Obama’s bitter clingers. They cared for each other and kept their faith close. Each episode even ended in a family prayer. Before network execs could try to figure out what John 3:16 meant, they had created a program where faith, family and freedom ruled.

And it became wildly popular.

The bearded stars soon were everywhere, with promotions seemingly in every store. That success didn’t matter. The network still wanted to rein in its stars. Back in April, Phil Robertson said the network had even wanted to delete mentions of “Jesus” from the family prayer, trying to bleep the Savior like He was a four-letter word.

A&E didn’t want its high-profile stars mentioning Jesus. And it sure didn’t want them saying anything else out of the Bible. When Phil did, GLAAD cried foul and that was it.

Before anyone calls FOX talking points, Almost all of the above what this article stated about DD, I posted last year as my exact thoughts on the show.



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73   HydroCabron   2013 Dec 23, 7:41am  

CaptainShuddup says

It’s all now about not offending some victim group.

Do you have any idea how many things one can't say for fear of offending white Christians in this country?

74   bob2356   2013 Dec 23, 9:17am  

sbh says

That must be the Uniculture Cap was spewing about. I wondered what he meant. He wanders around amongst sentence fragments and unfinished thoughts

The cap has an amazing ability to post at least 6-8 half finished and/or totally incomprehensiible contradictory thoughts all at the same time, sometimes in the same paragraph. It's a true talent.

75   thomaswong.1986   2013 Dec 23, 10:00am  

HydroCabron says

Do you have any idea how many things one can't say for fear of offending white Christians in this country?

what has been said already for decades... no not offended at all

you say "white" Christians.. seems you left out a whole lot of other Christians out there..

or is this another race thing for you ?

76   thomaswong.1986   2013 Dec 23, 10:05am  

bgamall4 says

Robertson hates gay people. Robertson in 2010: " Women with women, men with men, they committed indecent acts with one another, and they received in themselves the due penalty for their perversions. They’re full of murder, envy, strife, hatred. They are insolent, arrogant, God-haters. They are heartless, they are faithless, they are senseless, they are ruthless. They invent ways of doing evil."

you seem to not comprehend Sexual Addiction.. and if you know anything and SA, is thats its self destructive and will destroy the people around you...

you dont need religion to know the outcome of Sexual Addiction... It is evil on its own!

77   thomaswong.1986   2013 Dec 23, 10:13am  

sbh says

thomaswong.1986 says

are you claiming WBC represents ALL of Christianity...

No. I'm claiming it represents bigots like you.

You know nothing of my religion...

78   thomaswong.1986   2013 Dec 23, 10:21am  

bgamall4 says

n that article you linked to above, he said:

“For the sake of the Gospel, it was worth it,” Phil tells me. “All you have to do is look at any society where there is no Jesus. I’ll give you four: Nazis, no Jesus. Look at their record. Uh, Shintos? They started this thing in Pearl Harbor. Any Jesus among them?

Yes, Robertson was right even about State - Shintoisms... it was a corrupt state govt created religion married to militarism as Japan invaded much of Asia. Much has been written during WW2 about it. Most Japanese are not Shintoist but Buddhist.


Although the government sponsorship of shrines declined, Japanese nationalism remained closely linked to the legends of foundation and emperors, as developed by the kokugaku scholars. In 1890, the Imperial Rescript on Education was issued, and students were required to ritually recite its oath to "offer yourselves courageously to the State" as well as to protect the Imperial family. Such processes continued to deepen throughout the early Shōwa period, coming to an abrupt end in August 1945 when Japan lost the war in the Pacific. On 1 January 1946, Emperor Shōwa issued the Ningen-sengen, in which he quoted the Five Charter Oath of Emperor Meiji and declared that he was not an akitsumikami.

79   dtbristol   2013 Dec 23, 10:39am  

People are using the Bible to validate and endorse bigotry. One hundred years ago it was using the Bible to justify slavery. Bigotry will fall just like slavery did. We pick and choose what parts of the Bible we sanction. When is the last time someone sacrificed an animal for God? It's in the Bible.

It's free speech you can say what you want but you can't dictate the terms on how someone will respond to it. He made his employer look bad he paid the price. I think he will be reinstated after this blows over. He makes too much money for A&E and I don't think they want to be seen as talking sides between Democrats and Republicans.

80   thomaswong.1986   2013 Dec 23, 10:53am  

dtbristol says

People are using the Bible to validate and endorse bigotry. One hundred years ago it was using the Bible to justify slavery.

what part of Exodus are you referring to ? perhaps you might read up on

US History and peoples reading of the Bible as to reasons / justification used to END slavery...

where did that come from ?

I guess your thinking Hollywood or some other Liberal nonsense !

81   zzyzzx   2013 Dec 23, 10:58am  

CaptainShuddup says

Plenty of straight guys have been beat to death by a gay person with repressed feelings.

Obligatory prison rape reference.

82   thomaswong.1986   2013 Dec 23, 10:59am  

dtbristol says

When is the last time someone sacrificed an animal for God? It's in the Bible.

It stopped when Jesus sacrificed himself for mans sins. For Jewish tradition, only performed
in the old Temple of Jerusalem.

83   Reality   2013 Dec 23, 8:34pm  

sbh, "thomaswong" is not his real name. He just picked some Chinese-sounding name for username on this forum. He is not even asian.

84   CL   2013 Dec 23, 10:16pm  

Reality says

sbh, "thomaswong" is not his real name. He just picked some Chinese-sounding name for username on this forum. He is not even asian.

Is that true? He often writes like an Asian immigrant.

85   HydroCabron   2013 Dec 23, 10:38pm  

CL says

Reality says

sbh, "thomaswong" is not his real name. He just picked some Chinese-sounding name for username on this forum. He is not even asian.

Is that true? He often writes like an Asian immigrant.

No way. He is among the bright lights of his generation. Indeed, a subscriber to The National Review.

86   Tenpoundbass   2013 Dec 23, 10:52pm  

bgamall4 says

I don't see the problem in that. The problem is the banksters want to separate us, by age, race, income, etc, when they are the enemy.

Liberals do a damn fine job of that, at least this administration's official policy does. Don't you think?

87   elliemae   2013 Dec 23, 11:29pm  

I'm loving reading this, please go on!

88   Rin   2013 Dec 24, 9:18am  

sbh says

pedestrian quality of his ideas and his proud attempt to be a provocateur of atheists and progressives. No matter, he's foreign to the indigenous American moment

What are you talking about? Thomaswong is the only person, on this forum, who remembers the Red Brigade of the late 70s/early 80s who'd kidnapped a NATO general in Italy. This is stuff that only my cold war ready dad & some of his paranoid friends would recall today. Thomas is the real deal. He's a man of the 60s & 70s but lost in modern times, our own Rip Van Winkle.

89   Tenpoundbass   2013 Dec 24, 9:44am  

Mr Wong hails from the House of Wong Dam Song how about some reSPECT HUH!!! (Pappy slap across the head)

90   CL   2013 Dec 26, 1:12am  

Rin says

What are you talking about? Thomaswong is the only person, on this forum, who remembers the Red Brigade of the late 70s/early 80s who'd kidnapped a NATO general in Italy.

He remembers where to find wikipedia. The rest just writes itself.

91   marcus   2013 Dec 26, 1:47am  

CaptainShuddup says

What I don't like is this Uniculture of confused misguided souls that has no heritage, tradition, values, or identity. With all of this missing from everyone regardless of race, the world is loosing a lot more than a few John Earl's in East Mississipi.

All of those things are missing in this modern Uniculture.

Regardless of race or culture those things were always present, and universally across the board. The only thing that changed was the attire for the occasions and the decorations.

With this Uniculture people wont know their boundaries, or respect for any implied boundaries. We'd all be no good sons of bitches no better or worse than each other. But more importantly lack the home upbringing to know the difference.

Let me get this straight.

You respect all races and cultures, but you don't want everyone else to have your insights, lest the people start mixing with each other and mating with each other, causing us to lose the beauty that comes from people being more different from eachother.

So you're nostalgic for the past. Is that it ?

I have a few thoughts on this.

1) as the world gets smaller and more mixed, as a very natural phenomenon, individual cultures recede to some extent, but people are not going to be all the same anytime soon.

2) Centuries before everyone in the world looks sort of like columbians or whatever, and long before strong cultural differences disappear or meld together, there are bigger problems that have to be addressed.

These include things like overfishing the oceans, global warming and pollution, and avoiding war.

I say lets figure out how to stabilize things and live in a sustainable way on the planet, and get along with eachother (these are problems of the next century or two) - before we get worried too much about the downside of us getting along too well.

The latter I can live with, and is much further off in the future (millenia). Actually both are way outside of our lifespan, so as a right winger I'm surprised you care.

92   marcus   2013 Dec 26, 2:01am  

If you're talking about some kind of uniculture that you percieve to already exist, in the US, then I don't see what you're nostalgic for.

Even if we had no immigrants other than European, the cultural phenomenon you speak of would have occurred. I don't particularly celebrate the Irish half of my ancestry. The other half of my ancestors go way way back in the U.S., but still European if we go back far enough, and are not anything I celebrate or really even know clearly.

What is the beautiful American culture that's going to be lost ? Is it some puritanical practices from a couple hundred years ago ? Or are you taking a snapshot at the time of the fifties chevy and John Wayne ?

We've always been a "melting pot." And that's beautiful. IT's the only reason you have as much experience with different cultures and respect for different cultures as you do.

93   Tenpoundbass   2013 Dec 26, 2:46am  

Hey it's the modern consumer culture that will accelerate the global destruction of resources. Don't kid your self.

Who do you think knows what's best to conserve Louisiana swamp ecosystem?
The Twitterverse or the dumb ole Rednecks living there?

Who do you think is more responsible for overfishing the gulf.
Captain Marcel Bouchette or Tom Hank's international notoriety as Forest Gump?

I'm not a right winger, but I am conservative when it comes to pro family issues, and people's rights to tradition, and preserving their heritage and culture.
Where that doesn't include getting rid of anyone who is not just like them.

Yes people would get along if we respected each others differences rather than trying to homogenize everyone into this hypoallergenic socially sterile species.

And I don't know if you noticed, but we're not getting along. "Too Well".

We're going to run out of Big Macs eventually and then all hell's going to break lose, when the effects of Globalization wears off.

94   marcus   2013 Dec 26, 3:09am  

CaptainShuddup says

Who do you think is more responsible for overfishing the gulf.

Captain Marcel Bouchette or Tom Hank's international notoriety as Forest Gump?

Neither, it's the free market, our high population, and demand for shrimp. I'm not blaming people for wanting to eat fish, and I'm not really blaming the fisherman. There is no nice solution. We could limit the size of nets or the size of fishing enterprises. Regulations are necessary, but they would raise the price of fish. If we cause the price of fish to go up enough to lower demand, then it's government interfearance and its unfair to the poor who can't afford to pay more for fish. But it might be the only way we make the fish population ssustainable.

Of course it gives the whining haters such as yourself another thing to complain about. Like I said. THere is no nice solution.

Most of what you say has no reasoning or logic behind it. You're very creative at connecting disjoint phrases to these random feelings you have, but most of it doesn't make much sense.

95   Tenpoundbass   2013 Dec 26, 3:17am  

marcus says

Neither, it's the free market, our high population, and demand for shrimp.

I take it you've never been to one of the Hundreds of Buba Gump seafood restaurants? These just are your average quaint out of the way simple eateries. These places are strategically placed, anywhere there is a Theme park, large busy upscale shopping mall or waterfront.

They have over 1200 seats, and have a line out the door from the time the open to the time they close. Oh sure you can cop out and say "Free market" and all that if you want too.

96   marcus   2013 Dec 26, 8:27am  

In 2010 the shrimp harvest from the gulf was 177 million pounds valued at $340 million dockside (meaning discounted wholesale value).

It looks like there are about 40 of those Bubba Gump restaurants. I doubt they account for more than about 3 million pounds of that shrimp harvest. Probably way less, because even though their name is bubba gump, everyone is not eating shrimp there.

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