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2005 Apr 11, 5:00pm   174,164 views  117,730 comments

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Thread for comments whose parent thread has been deleted

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47184   indigenous   2014 Jun 12, 12:52pm  

bgamall4 says

he only problem with Austrians that I can see, is that they believe all depressions are the same. They don't see the difference between credit depressions and other slowdowns, or even retooling after war, like in 1921. They are kind of challenged when they promote the mumbo jumbo that credit depressions are not bad. They are bad.

What you talking about Willis?

47185   indigenous   2014 Jun 12, 1:01pm  

bgamall4 says

not be a problem to have a credit crisis and let all the big banks fail at once.

Yup, damn skippy.

bgamall4 says

I am just saying that while I sympathize with them, I think the result would not be as harmless as they say.

That's cuz you don't understand Austrian economics.

Do yourself a favor and head over to the Mises institute and you will be smart like me.

47186   Y   2014 Jun 12, 1:08pm  

Yes, but Australia was not hit that hard during the 20's. They were one of the few countries that escaped unharmed....

bgamall4 says

Austrians often cite the 1921 depression when saying that it would not be a problem to have a credit crisis and let all the big banks fail at once.

47187   indigenous   2014 Jun 12, 1:14pm  

bgamall4 says

but I am convinced that at least some Austrians believe that depressions are cool.

Not cool but an absolute necessity to allow the market to clear so that there can be future growth. This is the problem we have now that the FED did not allow the big banks to fail and thus allow new businesses to grow. Think of it as a forest that requires older disease trees to fall so that sunlight and water can get to new saplings.

bgamall4 says

I would like to see the big banks dismantled, but not a total meltdown all at once.

That is a trope that Paulson and Geithner sold to everyone, TOTAL bullshit.

47188   Strategist   2014 Jun 12, 1:15pm  

CaptainShuddup says

I'm holding out for the next generation that will repair DNA.

That's like the Stone Age cave men holding out for the next generation VCR.

47189   Ceffer   2014 Jun 12, 1:18pm  

How can I get on the payroll of the New World Order.

I feel like such a loser that nobody thinks I am worth corrupting, bribing, paying off or employing for dastardly, world conquering deeds of mayhem.

47190   indigenous   2014 Jun 12, 1:21pm  

Ceffer says

How can I get on the payroll of the New World Order.

You have to suck banker dick, do you give good head?

47191   Y   2014 Jun 12, 1:26pm  

I know, but sometimes i can't help myself....

bgamall4 says

Funny. But for the uninformed, Soft Shell, Austrian economics is libertarian economics. It isn't from Australia or Austria. :)

47192   indigenous   2014 Jun 12, 1:41pm  

bgamall4 says

Hey guys, I just ran across a great website. I don't know their total opinion on NWO, but they apparently know some stuff. Jews for gun rights!!!

Interesting worth reading similar to what D’Souza is saying.

47193   jkaldi1   2014 Jun 12, 1:52pm  

The only way demand side will work is by putting tarrifs and quotas and you don't know what. not going to happen !

47194   Strategist   2014 Jun 12, 2:09pm  

Ceffer says

How can I get on the payroll of the New World Order.

I feel like such a loser that nobody thinks I am worth corrupting, bribing, paying off or employing for dastardly, world conquering deeds of mayhem.

Just become a politician. That way you get to do all of above, and still be a nice guy.

47195   Vicente   2014 Jun 12, 2:22pm  

jkaldi1 says

the only fix is to increase the skill level of american labor force.


Let's say you are the best welder in your city, but you need a living wage.

Now the CEO who wants bicycle frames made, could use your great skills at welding and pay you a living wage.

Or they could have some trainees in China do a half-assed "good enough" job at near-slave wages, and ship the bikes over here, on container ships run by more low-paid wage slaves.

I think we know how that turns out. There are lots of very skilled workers here right now, who can't find a job because financiers have decided they can save a nickel here and there and pretty soon they have enough for a 3rd yacht.

47196   jkaldi1   2014 Jun 12, 3:09pm  

Vicente says

ow the CEO who wants bicycle frames made, could use your great skills at welding and pay you a living wage.

Or they could have some trainees in China do a half-assed "good enough" job at near-slave wages, and ship the bikes over here, on container ships run by more low-paid wage slaves.

It just means that there is no demand for bicycles made by skilled welders.
but there are many products where you need high skilled workers.

especially knowledge workers.

maximum money for iphone manufacturing goes to germany not china because of the skill level of german workers.

47197   indigenous   2014 Jun 12, 3:11pm  

It is all about rebalancing PERIOD you mutts need to learn about mercantilism.

47198   Bigsby   2014 Jun 12, 3:26pm  

Did it really require you to start another ludicrous thread simply because one additional person has decided to put you on ignore? But thanks for reposting your comments. At least now everyone can see why he finally decided to do it.

47199   Ceffer   2014 Jun 12, 3:27pm  

Must be one of those bible belt self hating closet cases.

He'll be in the news sooner or later for being arrested in a rest room, it seems to be a trend.

47200   Automan Empire   2014 Jun 12, 3:32pm  

I know a lesbian couple that likes to get stoned.

A rock-paper-scissoring joke could probably be made from the situation.

47201   Bigsby   2014 Jun 12, 4:06pm  

You constantly blitz his threads with your Austrian nonsense, so who can blame him if he deletes your posts from time to time?

And the fact that Gary, the king of quoting posts he's deleted, is also moaning about it is just comedy gold.

47202   HEY YOU   2014 Jun 12, 4:46pm  

Too bad WMD wasn't satire.

George Carlin:
"You know what they want? They want obedient workers. Obedient workers, people who are just smart enough to run the machines and do the paperwork. And just dumb enough to passively accept all these increasingly shitty jobs with the lower pay, the longer hours, the reduced benefits, the end of overtime and vanishing pension that disappears the minute you go to collect it, and now they’re coming for your Social Security money. They want your retirement money. They want it back so they can give it to their criminal friends on Wall Street, and you know something? They’ll get it. They’ll get it all from you sooner or later cause they own this fucking place! It's a big club, and you ain’t in it! You, and I, are not in the big club.

47203   HEY YOU   2014 Jun 12, 4:49pm  

Delusional Bush: Iraq has WMD.

47204   Bigsby   2014 Jun 12, 4:50pm  

bgamall4 says

Bigsby says

Did it really require you to start another ludicrous thread simply because one additional person has decided to put you on ignore? But thanks for reposting your comments. At least now everyone can see why he finally decided to do it.

Yeah, everyone can see how stupid it was for him to ignore me. He can't handle a liberal for gun rights. Check this out Bigsby: http://www.theliberalgunclub.com/

He put you on ignore (like 36 other people) because you had yet again posted one of your inane, stream of consciousness, embarrassing to a child zionist/NWO/Sandy Hook hoax excretable bits of gibberish. Presumably he'd just had enough.
And come on Gary, who exactly are you to complain about someone else deleting posts? You've got thread after thread where there are little more than your comments remaining. You delete far more than anyone on this forum, far more, so for you to complain about someone else doing it makes you a raging hypocrite.

47205   jkaldi1   2014 Jun 12, 5:04pm  

hopefully this brings some sanity.
4 out of 5 means shit ! its the wealth per sector that matters.

and all the sectors are related. sectors don't stand in isolation.

international competition is dominant in the main sectors..the widgets and thier distribution.


47206   indigenous   2014 Jun 12, 6:37pm  

Bigsby says

You constantly blitz his threads with your Austrian nonsense, so who can blame him if he deletes your posts from time to time?


47207   Bigsby   2014 Jun 12, 6:43pm  

indigenous says

Bigsby says

You constantly blitz his threads with your Austrian nonsense, so who can blame him if he deletes your posts from time to time?


Then perhaps you should stop insulting him every time he hands your arse to you. Found ND on the map yet?

47208   indigenous   2014 Jun 12, 6:47pm  

Bigsby says

Then perhaps you should stop insulting him every time he hands your arse to you. Found ND on the map yet?

That is a rare event maybe once for every 50 times I hand his to him. Like I was about to in his thread, he sensed it and deleted my posts. He suffers from a great deal of hubris which is why he can't learn a priori economics.

47209   Y   2014 Jun 12, 10:41pm  

Precisely what single cell amoebas do.

bgamall4 says

You just want to divide, Bigsby.

47210   Y   2014 Jun 12, 10:51pm  

North Korea, Africa, etc, ...the list goes on....
bigsby lives in the bubble that is constantly projected onto the right.

Call it Crazy says

Bigsby says

Which particular part of that highlighted section do you have an issue with?

Go ask the people of Iraq, Syria, Libya, Crimea, etc. for that answer and get back to us....

47211   Y   2014 Jun 12, 10:53pm  

they are buried in iraq...and bgamall should take the lead on this.
buried things are hard to locate, sometimes taking centuries to find.
ask hoffa....

HEY YOU says

Delusional Bush: Iraq has WMD.

47212   Bigsby   2014 Jun 12, 11:00pm  

SoftShell says

North Korea, Africa, etc, ...the list goes on....

Yeah, yeah. And like I said, you could say the same throughout recorded history. There are always areas of violence and conflict. You take it as a whole, and as a whole, the world has become a safer place for many people, certainly those in Asia, Europe and the Americas compared to say pretty much any of the 20th Century. But hey, keep cherry picking individual countries all you like. It doesn't prove your point as individual circumstances will obviously vary. Do you want to talk about violence during earlier centuries?

And that is without mentioning all the other points CiC highlighted.

47213   indigenous   2014 Jun 13, 12:32am  

Bigsby says

He doesn't delete you because you're disproving what he's saying. He deletes you because you spout uninformed cobblers peppered with insults.

Hardly, I know what I'm talking about.

47214   bob2356   2014 Jun 13, 12:46am  

Call it Crazy says

No, Bob just "thinks" he knows more because he's........

....delusional too, just like the duck....


47215   HydroCabron   2014 Jun 13, 12:51am  

APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostikovitch says

Here's what a candidate needs to assemble a really conservative platform to take Cantor's seat:

-Rape is a sacrament.

-13th Amendment is unconstitutional

-Open carry is required of all white males

-Jesus, Jesus, Fucking Jesus

-War, War, Fucking War

Why is "Invade Poland" not on this list? The whole enterprise seems pretty limp without it.

47216   indigenous   2014 Jun 13, 1:02am  

control point says

Seek help. Seriously.

Normal people don't need help.

You on the other hand I would love to help out, which way did you come in?

47217   Dan8267   2014 Jun 13, 1:03am  

Call it Crazy says

The world is less violent than it has ever been. It is healthier than it has ever been. It is more tolerant than it has ever been. It is better fed then it’s ever been. It is more educated than it’s ever been.

Look, I hate Obama just as much as you. The difference is that I hate him for real reasons, not because of fantasies. He's terrible on human and civil rights, which is particularly disturbing since he's the first African-American president and should be concerned about human and civil rights for that reason alone.

However, Obama is absolutely correct in his statements. You are spreading the falsehood that our world is more violent than it really is. This myth is popular because the media sensationalizes violence because reporting on violence equals ratings.

However, we do live in the least violent time in all of human history going back to the dawn of our species. Below is a wonderful Ted Talk about this subject. Watch it and change your perspective.


47218   CL   2014 Jun 13, 1:10am  

I still say the GOP finally purged all the Jewry from their ranks. And Ted Cruz finally fixed their Canadian infiltration problem.

Next, they move onto the remaining black Senators, starting with Tim Scott. Or is it, ending with Tim Scott?

In any case, the pogroms have been dubbed, the GOP's "Final Solution", but only because "New Kristallnacht" didn't poll well in Luntz's focus groups.

What the focus groups did find was that voters prefer people who look, think and dress identically the same. And why would 5 old white people lie to Frank Luntz? You tell me!

47219   Rin   2014 Jun 13, 1:14am  

Well, in comparison to let's say the 20th century with WWI, the Red-White Russian Civil War (plus Spain), WWII (plus genocide), the Cold War (which includes Korea, Vietnam, etc), and all of the Stalin/Mao/Pol Pot purges, that's already circa ~200M dead persons in a world with half of today's population.

But realize, the century's young, so we still have another 86 years to catch up with the last one.

47220   Dan8267   2014 Jun 13, 1:31am  

APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostikovitch says

Everything is peaceful when you spend your days contentedly sucking bankster dick with all of your might.

You stole that from Gandhi!

47221   Dan8267   2014 Jun 13, 1:32am  

The Professor says

Dan8267 says

we do live in the least violent time in all of human history

Then why do the police need body armor and tanks?

They don't. Just because the police want to act like soldiers and act like the American public are terrorists, doesn't make it true.

It is profitable to the warfare industry to sell off military goods to the police and then charge us tax payers to replace those military goods with newer ones. Profit, greed, and lust for power is driving the militarization of our police force, not need.

47222   Dan8267   2014 Jun 13, 1:34am  

Rin says

Well, in comparison to let's say the 20th century with WWI, the Red-White

The Ted Talk addresses these spikes and shows that even despite such spikes in state-sponsored violence, both state-sponsored and overall violence is lower in modern times than in any other time in history.

47223   HydroCabron   2014 Jun 13, 1:34am  

I'm Roberto.

The rest of you are Bap33.

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