This list of things Liberals have ruined.

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2014 Jul 2, 9:27am   46,847 views  121 comments

by Tenpoundbass   ➕follow (9)   💰tip   ignore  

1)Electric Light
3)Documentaries with a REAL educational purpose, that educate people on a topic, instead of using it as a ploy to inject a runaway President's rogue agendas.
5)The joys, pains and discoveries of Childhood(God forbid a kip points at another Kid, he will be in the liberal national news as the poster child for the NRA.)
6)The Freedom of political choice, being considered a healthy democracy. (Best not vote for anyone, less you run it by your Liberal friends, neighbors and family and all of the general pain the ass Liberal knowitall's on the internet web forums first.)
7)Checking out the Hot women, it will get you fired, and a sexual harassment lawsuit.
8)Food better run the next bite of food you put in your mouth by Bloomberg and his fink-bastard cronies first. It might make you fat, but here drink this health shake, it might give you cancer in 20 years, who knows. But at least you're not eating Fat and Sugar.
9)Refreshments, can't even drink a soda with out them being all up in it.
10)Education they make a big show to let everyone know just how smart they are, and just how dumb everyone else is. They practically own the Education system in a America. And are turning out the dumbest sons of bitches the world has ever seen since the Neanderthal.
11)Family Unit in the community. There's more love for a house load of escaped convicts holed up in Ward and June Cleaver house with them in the basement with a bullet in each of their head. Than there is for Ward and June Cleaver.

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10   monkframe   2014 Jul 2, 2:51pm  


11   Tenpoundbass   2014 Jul 2, 4:18pm  

monkframe says


Yes SOAP! When was the last time you took a shower with a bar of soap that did more than grease you up with a pasty slimy film. They took all of the shit out of soap that made soap soap.

Even in public bathrooms they have Preformed soap. I really hope the bastard that came up with that idea rots in hell. The whole process of your hands getting clean is the emulsification process as the suds are created enzymes are activated that have a short effectiveness. Once the suds are created the maximum effectiveness is gone. Pre-foamed soap is like chewing already chewed bubble gum. It's disgusting. Even the health board knows it, so they put what ever in the hell it is in that shit that makes your hands smell like gasoline, it probably is for all I know.

We'll go through 3 bottles of dish-soap to do the dishes we used to do with just one.

12   turtledove   2014 Jul 2, 5:41pm  

What's with all the body wash? Soap bars are now only a small portion of a store's shelf space. And don't get me started on those liberal bastards who are trying to do away with roll-on deodorant. Sticks and glide-ons are taking over. It's an abuse of power!

13   lostand confused   2014 Jul 2, 7:23pm  

Ruined this belief?

14   marcus   2014 Jul 3, 12:11am  

CaptainShuddup says

When was the last time you took a shower with a bar of soap that did more than grease you up with a pasty slimy film.

I use the same soap I've always used.

Don't blame liberals for the fact that you as a consumer are so clueless that you have to keep trying new types of soap instead of the same one you used when you were 10, which is still right there in the store.

You are funny !!


15   zzyzzx   2014 Jul 3, 12:18am  

CaptainShuddup says

Yes SOAP! When was the last time you took a shower with a bar of soap that did more than grease you up with a pasty slimy film. They took all of the shit out of soap that made soap soap.

Even in public bathrooms they have Preformed soap. I really hope the bastard that came up with that idea rots in hell. The whole process of your hands getting clean is the emulsification process as the suds are created enzymes are activated that have a short effectiveness. Once the suds are created the maximum effectiveness is gone. Pre-foamed soap is like chewing already chewed bubble gum. It's disgusting. Even the health board knows it, so they put what ever in the hell it is in that shit that makes your hands smell like gasoline, it probably is for all I know.

We'll go through 3 bottles of dish-soap to do the dishes we used to do with just one.

I thought you were referring to dish-washing detergent, which the liberals did ruin. Even liberal NPR confirms this:

Is your dishwasher not working the way it used to? Earlier this year, with little fanfare, detergent makers reworked their formulas.

16   zzyzzx   2014 Jul 3, 12:19am  

16) The economy. It's all Obama's fault!!!

17   zzyzzx   2014 Jul 3, 12:19am  

17) Healthcare.

18   zzyzzx   2014 Jul 3, 12:32am  

sbh says

18) Marriage: All those conservatives out there are denied married now. How could that have happened in this country if not because of the libtards?

Marriage was ruined long ago by divorce courts.

19   Strategist   2014 Jul 3, 12:44am  

CaptainShuddup says

I really hope the bastard that came up with that idea rots in hell.

Kind of harsh isn't it? Man, you really are old fashioned.
We used to live in caves at one point. You could say the liberals ruined cave dwelling. Do you enjoy all the liberal inventions? Modern medicine.....Mazda 3......computer....patnet.

20   Strategist   2014 Jul 3, 1:00am  

20. Exploitation.
21. Poverty.
22. Fast foods.
23. Hunting.
24. Guns.

21   HydroCabron   2014 Jul 3, 1:03am  

Liberals ruined cuneiform and walking.

Usedta be you could write down your bills or notes, and it'd be there to look at, 2600 years later.

Then Algore and his Subaru-n-Starbucks papyrus crowd started in on the whole "clay conservation" thingy - just to get rich off of papyrus farming - and I couldn't get any more styluses or clay.

Then they brought out this "wheel" thing, and nobody walks anymore, which breeds effeminacy and sodomy.

22   zzyzzx   2014 Jul 3, 1:06am  

25) Detroit.

26) DDT ban ruined the best way to get rid of bed bugs.

27) California, New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts, Maryland, Washington DC.

23   monkframe   2014 Jul 3, 1:11am  

"Yes SOAP! When was the last time you took a shower with a bar of soap that did more than grease you up with a pasty slimy film. They took all of the shit out of soap that made soap soap."

Well, I think it's more a corporate marketing strategy than a political inclination. The widespread "anti-bacterial" soap myth is totally marketing, there's no scientific basis for it, but how would one political group be blamed? It's all about money.

I object to the scents that domestic soap makers seem to feel obliged to use, in the U.S. these are chemical bases, in Europe, they're still using plant-based scents, but, THOSE PEOPLE ARE EVEN MORE LIBERAL THAN US!!

24   Strategist   2014 Jul 3, 1:15am  

zzyzzx says

25) Detroit.

26) DDT ban ruined the best way to get rid of bed bugs.

27) California, New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts, Maryland, Washington DC.

28. USA

25   HydroCabron   2014 Jul 3, 2:05am  

32) C3 photosynthesis. Back before C4, we were happy with the Calvin cycle: it was conservative & Constitutional, as the cyanobacteria Founders intended. When it got too hot, RuBisCo (Ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase-oxygenase) switched from fixing CO2 to fixing oxygen, and we liked it fine, for billions of years.

Then fancy coastal Subaru-driving grasses ("elites") in the Oligocene, 27 million years ago, decided that the Calvin cycle wasn't good enough, and that they were better than Christian gun families, so now we have to metabolize, metabolize, fix carbon, fix carbon, all frickin' day. States' rights disappeared, 'cuz apparently federal bureaucrats have the right to judge me for lynching certain eukaryotes. Fat Algore sold them on "efficiency", forgetting fundamental Constitutional values. Prius-driving hypocrites pissed on Jesus, and bundle sheath cells made men into homo boys!


26   elliemae   2014 Jul 3, 2:23am  

Things whut I learnt from ten pound bass:

1) I agree totally, and am pissed because now due to those fucking libs I'm forced to view my backlit computer and internet by candle light. I was so sad to learn that the electric lights are no more - making it harder for people like tpb to "see the light."
2) I was shocked to find out that it's the fault of the libs that I must now stoop down to find the bars of soap that used to be eye-level in the store, because they don't sell as well as the liquid soaps. Just curious, maybe tpb doesn't feel clean because he can't wash off his crazed beliefs?
3) This is true, unless you use that thing... what's it called again? The GOOGLE thing. That'll find you some. Unless you're too fucking lazy and expect everything to be handed to you on a silver platter... oh, yea, that's right, you do - you're republican.
4) Auto makers have proven that it's a lot easier to make substandard cars and fix them later, allow people to die and pay a minimal amount toward their damages (while holding press conferences attempting to convince the public they have a heart). There are a jillion cars available for sale, but apparently tpb can't find one he either likes or can afford. You're a republican - work harder or screw someone out of their savings and buy a fucking car. And shut up.
5) Poor kids - I wasn't aware that they didn't play anymore. Maybe if conservative mom & dad stopped being glued to faux news and went outside to play with them, they'd find joy again in their lives.
6) I believe that you've declared your political choices many times, voted for that candidate in which you believe. If they were liberal, not my problem.
7) We love being checked out - just apparently not by you.
8) You have the right to eat whatever you want. I'm sure your favorite chef at McDonald's knows your standard order - and when they assure you their food is healthy you can watch the liberal documentary "Super size me."
9) You don't live in NYC and this failed attempt at limiting drink size wouldn't have affected you. Stop whining.
10) Tell the school boards that have insisted that creationism be taught alongside evolution that their agenda is too liberal. The No Child Left Behind act was created in 2001 under George Bush and passed with bipartisan support. Besides, if you don't like the education system (the English grammar part of which you appeared to successfully avoid), pay for private education. I don't mean for your children... for you.
11) Ward & June Cleaver: with all of the "dirty" things they said on national teevee? Shame on you for using them as your Liberal Utopian family.

June Clever (to Ward): "Ward, don't you think you were a little hard on the beaver last night?"

27   New Renter   2014 Jul 3, 7:56am  

turtledove says

What's with all the body wash? Soap bars are now only a small portion of a store's shelf space. And don't get me started on those liberal bastards who are trying to do away with roll-on deodorant. Sticks and glide-ons are taking over. It's an abuse of power!

Liberals DID ruin spray on deodorant! Remember the good old days of CFC powered sprays?


28   Strategist   2014 Jul 3, 9:16am  

sbh says

33) The future: It doesn't look anything like the 1950s anymore.

Everything was black and white. Look at some pictures.

29   zzyzzx   2014 Jul 3, 9:44am  

They also ruined Illinois.

30   Oilwelldoctor   2014 Jul 3, 9:54am  

How about Duty and honor?

31   elliemae   2014 Jul 3, 2:41pm  

OK... the future, Illinois, duty & honor, this ashtray, .... and my dog shithead.

32   turtledove   2014 Jul 3, 3:38pm  

New Renter says

turtledove says

What's with all the body wash? Soap bars are now only a small portion of a store's shelf space. And don't get me started on those liberal bastards who are trying to do away with roll-on deodorant. Sticks and glide-ons are taking over. It's an abuse of power!

Liberals DID ruin spray on deodorant! Remember the good old days of CFC powered sprays?


You know, they think the pitchforks are coming out over the economic situation, but I think you've stumbled upon what will ultimately prove to be the real catalyst of the revolution. That, or the future possible eradication of Aqua Net. I can see it now.... A bunch of pissed off men and women with stinky pits and fly-away hair. (I'm scared; hold me.) ;)

33   elliemae   2014 Jul 3, 4:00pm  

turtledove says

(I'm scared; hold me.) ;)

Especially since AquaNet was used by many a child to incinerate bugs, the ramifications of the loss of AquaNet can't be easily quantified. We've taken away their ability to roam neighborhoods with pellet guns, bb guns & .22's - and then we took away their home-made torches.

Scads of future generations of republican children will be forced to attempt the same feat with a magnifying glass, which we all know takes forever to make the ants "pop." The next logical step will be for the libs to make magnifying glasses illegal.

Dodgeball is too violent, elementary school sports have no losing teams so the little fucker's feelings aren't hurt - why, we're raising a generation of pussies.

I blame Obama.

34   Tenpoundbass   2014 Jul 3, 4:25pm  

Bitcoins arent the future? says

This is both parties.

and its the biggest loss of all

Amen Brother!

35   Tenpoundbass   2014 Jul 3, 4:28pm  

Unions! They used to be about the people.

36   Dan8267   2014 Jul 3, 4:36pm  

1)Electric Light

Oh no, energy efficient LED lights. Run for the hills.


What? Do liberals make you use it now?

3)Documentaries with a REAL educational purpose, that educate people on a topic, instead of using it as a ploy to inject a runaway President's rogue agendas.

Um, TED Talks


No idea what you are talking about here. The joy of lead poisoning?

5)The joys, pains and discoveries of Childhood(God forbid a kip points at another Kid, he will be in the liberal national news as the poster child for the NRA.)

Actually, liberals think the leftists are idiots for expelling children for finger banging. In fact, liberals take the side that the kids' rights are being violated by this. Once again, conservatives demonstrate they cannot distinguish between leftists and liberals.

6)The Freedom of political choice, being considered a healthy democracy. (Best not vote for anyone, less you run it by your Liberal friends, neighbors and family and all of the general pain the ass Liberal knowitall's on the internet web forums first.)

What color is the sky in your world?

7)Checking out the Hot women, it will get you fired, and a sexual harassment lawsuit.

Dude, there are 4 billion women in the world. Do you really have to hit on the 100 or so that work in the same office as you? By the way, that's 1970s feminism, not liberalism anyway. But workplace romances are stupid. What happens when you break up and still have to see the other person five days a week?

8)Food better run the next bite of food you put in your mouth by Bloomberg and his fink-bastard cronies first. It might make you fat, but here drink this health shake, it might give you cancer in 20 years, who knows. But at least you're not eating Fat and Sugar.

Americans are obese because they eat shit food, which is largely all that's available due to the food industry acting like drug dealers, doping up the sugar levels to the point where it becomes a drug. But anyway, that's a health issue not a liberal cause.

9)Refreshments, can't even drink a soda with out them being all up in it.

Actually, again you are confusing leftists with liberals. Leftists are a lot like conservatives; they believe in the daddy-knows-best state. It's just that their daddy has different ideas than yours.

10)Education they make a big show to let everyone know just how smart they are, and just how dumb everyone else is. They practically own the Education system in a America. And are turning out the dumbest sons of bitches the world has ever seen since the Neanderthal.

If liberals owned the education system in America, then American history wouldn't be so white washed. You kid would come home traumatized after seeing what slavery and the genocide of the Native Americans was really like.

11)Family Unit in the community. There's more love for a house load of escaped convicts holed up in Ward and June Cleaver house with them in the basement with a bullet in each of their head. Than there is for Ward and June Cleaver.

Wow, your head is like really fucked up. Like bad LSD trip fucked up.

38   Tenpoundbass   2014 Jul 3, 4:49pm  

Don't ruin this for me!

This list of things Liberals have ruined.

39   monkframe   2014 Jul 4, 1:25am  

Don't open doors that you don't want people to walk through.

40   Ceffer   2014 Jul 4, 2:18am  

Wasn't AquaNet the stuff that made teased hair look like frosting on a wedding cake?

Kids used to get high on that stuff and use it as a blow torch.

Liberals ruined AquaNet? Now I am mad, really mad.

41   Tenpoundbass   2014 Jul 4, 2:19am  

Oilwelldoctor says

How about Duty and honor?

How could I have FORGOT!

42   bob2356   2014 Jul 4, 2:33am  

CaptainShuddup says

Don't ruin this for me!

This list of things Liberals have ruined.

wet dreams, you forgot wet dreams.

43   Ceffer   2014 Jul 4, 2:44am  

Liberals invented those horrible tags you have to keep on your mattresses and pillows under penalty of fines and jail.

44   The Original Bankster   2014 Jul 4, 3:05am  

they didn't ruin motorcycles!

45   elliemae   2014 Jul 4, 3:55pm  

Ceffer says

Wasn't AquaNet the stuff that made teased hair look like frosting on a wedding cake?

Kids used to get high on that stuff and use it as a blow torch.

Liberals ruined AquaNet? Now I am mad, really mad.

My point exactly. They've outlawed making pipe bombs (we used to make them before Libs ruined them...), kids can no longer play cops & robbers with real guns (we used pellet guns, bb guns and sometimes even .22's), and we can't even use hair spray as blow torches. I'm a little butt hurt over this one.

bob2356 says

wet dreams, you forgot wet dreams.

WHAT?????? Guys can't check us out (#7 on the list, above), so if we can't take pleasure in being ogled then I guess I'm good with ya'll not being able to dream about us. It goes both ways, you know.

Ceffer says

Liberals invented those horrible tags you have to keep on your mattresses and pillows under penalty of fines and jail.

While were at it, why did those fucking Libs invent those tags that make it difficult to shoplift clothing? The ones that squirt ink all over the clothes if they're breached, and trigger alarms if the clothing is stolen...

I've seen the light! That's especially hard to do, considering Libs somehow ruined the electric light.

46   Homeboy   2014 Jul 4, 4:13pm  

They ruined murder. Those libtards and their stupid gun control. We're down to less than 9,000 gun murders a year now.

47   turtledove   2014 Jul 4, 4:17pm  

elliemae says

While were at it, why did those fucking Libs invent those tags that make it difficult to shoplift clothing?

OMG!!!!!! But the real plot is when they fuck with you by forgetting to remove the tag. Then, you get home and there it is. This just happened to me last weekend. I bought my daughter a pair of shorts from Old Navy. The shorts were less than $10. She goes to put them on and there's that stupid sensor hanging off the leg. Well, I don't want to drive back out there to have it removed. They should have to give me the shorts for free for my trouble. Liberal bastards!

48   turtledove   2014 Jul 4, 4:19pm  

Incidentally, I have no idea how we got out of the store without setting off the alarm... Not only did those liberal bastards inconvenience me, but the damn thing apparently doesn't even work!

49   turtledove   2014 Jul 4, 4:24pm  

turtledove says

Not only did those liberal bastards inconvenience me, but the damn thing apparently doesn't even work!

Is it just me, or could this be the slogan for Obamacare?

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