Obamacare hater blames Obama when he gets sick, wants free care

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2015 May 13, 1:19am   11,686 views  25 comments

by elliemae   ➕follow (3)   💰tip   ignore  


Now the self-admittedly non-compliant uncontrolled diabetic smoker has got himself a gofundme page. By the way, he says that his doctor refused to discount his care due to Obamacare regulations, which is complete bullshit. I would like to mention that I have compassion for this guy, who will be ending up blind, having his legs amputated from the peripheral neuropathy, suffer kidney disease, etc, but he will have all of these symptoms with - or without - the treatment he seeks. Had he chosen to live a healthier lifestyle and purchased insurance so that he could have had preventative care, he probably wouldn't be in the shape that he is in. His wife can always divorce him and sell the house, keeping the proceeds for herself. He can always apply for social security disability and in two years from the date he is deemed disabled he will be eligible for Medicare.

The comments on the gofundme page are priceless.


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1   carrieon   2015 May 13, 3:10am  

Strange dilemma? As a self-employed contractor, his options are to pay 1-3k/month for health insurance or to surrender his assets and become a disability loser at age 49.

2   Mark   2015 May 13, 6:05am  

This guy is a "poster child" for irresponsibility, the virtue the conservatives extoll the most. No sympathy from me.

3   Tenpoundbass   2015 May 13, 6:35am  

What part about "AFFORDABLE HEALTHCARE" don't you pathetic looser asswipes don't get?

4   anonymous   2015 May 13, 7:51am  

and purchased insurance so that he could have had preventative care, he probably wouldn't be in the shape that he is in.

Its sad that those that ape this type of nonsense dont realize how stupid it sounds

5   elliemae   2015 May 13, 9:06am  

errc says

and purchased insurance so that he could have had preventative care, he probably wouldn't be in the shape that he is in.

Its sad that those that ape this type of nonsense dont realize how stupid it sounds

IMHO, if one doesn't take steps to treat conditions such as Diabetes, it leads to peripheral neuropathy, kidney disease, blindness, strokes/heart disease, etc. Coulda been prevented - if one wishes to do so. But if you don't believe in preventative care, we'll be paying tens of thousands for your care when you're old.

CaptainShuddup says

What part about "AFFORDABLE HEALTHCARE" don't you pathetic looser asswipes don't get?

This "pathetic loser asswipe" understands that healthcare wasn't affordable before the Healthcare Act, now it's attainable and more affordable. Unless, of course, you don't buy it or support it. The conservative asshole who is hoping someone will fund his healthcare doesn't see the irony in begging for help that he could have gotten for a steep discount or free if only he had chosen to sign up during open enrollment.

Freedom to choose in healthcare means that you can pay a modest fine and hope you live without medical care. Unless he survives long enough to receive Medicare 2 years after he is deemed disabled. That is, if he actually paid into the Medicare system.

6   HEY YOU   2015 May 13, 9:39am  

Just another Rep/Con/Tea failure. True R/C/Ts are successful & pay cash for medical care.

7   finehoe   2015 May 13, 10:05am  

elliemae says

The conservative asshole who is hoping someone will fund his healthcare doesn't see the irony in begging for help that he could have gotten for a steep discount or free if only he had chosen to sign up during open enrollment.

He's too stupid to make the connection between his voting Republican and the GOP refusal to expand Medicare in his state.

8   Tenpoundbass   2015 May 13, 10:31am  

Let's just hope the Liberals don't take up an end world hunger initiative.
It would starve off about 60% of the population, then they would just say.
Ah there was food shortage all along.

9   curious2   2015 May 13, 1:03pm  

sbh says

In that scenario you and this South Carolina moron would deliberately starve yourselves to death out of stupidity and spite.

It's religion, like Waco and Jonestown. They need to prove their loyalty, and can never admit to weak faith, because that would result in ostracism from their peer group.

IDK if the GoFundMe page is actually a real person or merely a fundraising scam / partisan wedge clickbait, but the part that got my attention was the last two words, "God bless." The NT says true believers have healing powers; by complaining of his medical problems, he is acknowledging that neither he nor anyone he knows is of true faith. Already, a logical person in his situation could simply move across state lines to get treatment, but "faith is not defined by logic, it defies it." Besides, a logical person would have quit smoking. Also, this is not about Obamneycare's mandatory "preventative" care (including nuclear radiation): quitting smoking doesn't cost anything and actually saves money. IDK how the person got diabetes or if he even exists, but the story isn't really about lacking money: he could have saved $ by quitting smoking, and there is no cure for diabetes, which can in most cases best be prevented or managed by eating less, which saves money also. To the extent that Obamneycare has any relevance at all, it is mainly in raising the prices of the medical products and services that it touches, and to the extent its "preventative" provisions prevent anything, it is mainly innovation that might disrupt the subsidized revenues.

10   Dan8267   2015 May 13, 1:16pm  

CaptainShuddup says

What part about "AFFORDABLE HEALTHCARE" don't you pathetic looser asswipes don't get?

The part where we can get affordable healthcare without single payer.

11   Tenpoundbass   2015 May 13, 1:17pm  

yes no affordable healthcare folks until we get a Monopoly.
Ladies and Gentlemen the idiot left everybody!!!

12   curious2   2015 May 13, 1:23pm  

Dan8267 says

The part where we can get affordable healthcare without single payer.

The Mexicans get that, although they do have a public floor. They subsidize medical education, so they have plenty of doctors and dentists to compete and keep prices reasonable, and they don't fall for the "more is better" foolishness that drives Americans to become over-medicated and over-operated. Americans seem fundamentally unable to understand that being over-medicated and over-operated makes them worse off, not better; something in the American culture is wired to make most people "want more." Also, we have single payer with Medicare, which has lower administrative overhead as a % of its total spending, but it hasn't reduced costs or prices; to the contrary, it has enabled vast amounts of waste, fraud, and abuse.

BTW, the Mexicans do vaccinations a lot better than the Americans. Here, parents are expected to bring their kids in for overpriced medical visits that may include "free" (subsidized) vaccines, and we have a fake "court" to reward people for alleging injuries without requiring proof. In Mexico, a van full of vaccines arrives at the school, and the kids line up, no charge. They get high compliance rates at low cost. That's what a public health policy looks like. We have a revenue maximization policy. The results follow from the design.

13   Dan8267   2015 May 13, 1:28pm  

elliemae says

The comments on the gofundme page are priceless.


So, gofundme.com is now for cyber-begging.

I'm thinking about starting a gofundme page to buy conservatives Mouton Island, a private island, on the condition that they have to move there and never come back. It's a win-win-win. Conservatives get to start their Ayn Rand utopia; they won't fuck up our society anymore; and we get to watch them resort to cannibalism when their dystopia collapses.

Anyone want to help?

14   Dan8267   2015 May 13, 1:29pm  

curious2 says

Also, we have single payer with Medicare, which has lower administrative overhead as a % of its total spending, but it hasn't reduced costs or prices; to the contrary, it has enabled vast amounts of waste, fraud, and abuse.

So implement single payer differently than Medicare. Implement it for the purpose of transparent pricing and streamlining billing. Use other means to reduce cost of the actual care.

15   Dan8267   2015 May 13, 1:33pm  

Dan8267 says

So, gofundme.com is now for cyber-begging.

Shit, I was kidding about this, but I just did a search in my zip code and every single post practically is some white person begging for money.

16   curious2   2015 May 13, 1:33pm  

Dan8267 says

Implement it for the purpose of transparent pricing and streamlining billing. Use other means to reduce cost of the actual care.

That sounds like the plan Senator Obama campaigned on in 2008, which we heard no more about after he got elected and spun around to support Hillary's Plan, which he had campaigned against, and which is now called Obamneycare. The cost reductions were to result from competition between private companies and a public option, as package delivery prices result from competition between UPS, FedEx, and USPS (among others). There were also no mandates at least for adults, just as nobody requires you to fill packages and mail them to people for no reason in the name of making "sure that all of our premiums go down." (They're going up, as anybody could have predicted, including everyone who looked honestly at Romneycare.) Ah, dimly I remember 2008, so long ago, when we had hope for change, but I doubt voters would find such an idea credible anymore, and politicians who supported single-payer previously are now abandoning it.

17   komputodo   2015 May 13, 2:08pm  

elliemae says

Obamacare hater blames Obama when he gets sick, wants free care

That's about as unusual as DOG BITES MAN.
It's the new normal to blame everyone except yourself for your problems.

18   komputodo   2015 May 13, 2:09pm  

Dan8267 says

Dan8267 says

So, gofundme.com is now for cyber-begging.

Wasn't it always?

19   Tenpoundbass   2015 May 13, 3:35pm  

A Coworker today was telling me about Obamacare that he and his wife changed to this year from her work.
They pay $1000 a month for the both of them. I said "You know that's two 2015 new Cadillac payments you're making every month?"
and this... after "The Affordable Health Care ACT" was passed.

But he loves it, he said it pays everything and he doesn't have any deductibles.

Isn't that Cadillac Care?

If they are getting it from her work, she'll be taxed on it next year.

20   curious2   2015 May 13, 7:48pm  

sbh says

include people they are taught to resent

That force drives a lot of southern politics, as described by LBJ in 1960:

"I'll tell you what's at the bottom of it," he said. "If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you."

It happens on both sides though, as the Obamanauts demand Obamneycare and then gloat about their self-proclaimed superiority compared to the stoopid rethugs, while at the same time admitting Obamneycare was previously Republican, when Obama was campaigning against it.

21   elliemae   2015 May 14, 8:05am  

Dan8267 says

curious2 says

Also, we have single payer with Medicare, which has lower administrative overhead as a % of its total spending, but it hasn't reduced costs or prices; to the contrary, it has enabled vast amounts of waste, fraud, and abuse.

So implement single payer differently than Medicare. Implement it for the purpose of transparent pricing and streamlining billing. Use other means to reduce cost of the actual care.

The idea of Medicare is awesome. The actual program leaves much much much (ad nauseum) to be desired. The program pays full retail price for medications instead of using its considerable purchasing power to negotiate the cost of meds, The program has so many subcontractors, providers, HMO's, PPO's, program rules and layers of management and oversight that it has become almost impossible to maneuver. Thousands of billing codes, requirements, etc hae rendered it nearly unrecognizable as a "healthcare" plan.

22   Tenpoundbass   2015 May 14, 8:23am  

elliemae says

The idea of Medicare is awesome. The actual program leaves much much much (ad nauseum) to be desired. The program pays full retail price for medications instead of using its considerable purchasing power to negotiate the cost of meds, The program has so many subcontractors, providers, HMO's, PPO's, program rules and layers of management and oversight that it has become almost impossible to maneuver. Thousands of billing codes, requirements, etc hae rendered it nearly unrecognizable as a "healthcare" plan.

Why don't we have just one Federal Healthcare program?
Why is there an absolutely free not another penny owed for indigent illegal aliens, then there's the one for retirees living on a tight fixed income to the point that cat food is sometimes on the menu, have deductibles and part B to pay out of pocket. Then there's the flim flam job that is Obamacare, that the Liberals sold the working people in the United States to help finance Drones and boondoggle military jets.

23   bob2356   2015 May 14, 8:32am  

Dan8267 says

curious2 says

Also, we have single payer with Medicare, which has lower administrative overhead as a % of its total spending, but it hasn't reduced costs or prices; to the contrary, it has enabled vast amounts of waste, fraud, and abuse.

So implement single payer differently than Medicare. Implement it for the purpose of transparent pricing and streamlining billing. Use other means to reduce cost of the actual care.

Or implement single payer like many other counties do with no billing at all. GP's get capitation per patient plus copays, specialists are employees of the health system, hospitals are owned by the health system. No billing or premiums infrastructure to pay for (big part of the cost of health care in the US), no profits, half the cost, better results.

Oh no mr bill, people will overwhelm the system because they have nothing better to do on any given day but go to the doctors, except it doesn't happen. Oh no mr bill, people won't get treated because they will be on endless waiting lists, except it doesn't happen.

24   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2015 May 14, 10:03am  

Call it Crazy says

Right up to the point that the government gets involved. When .gov gets involved, you get this:

It's the private system that created the nightmare that is medical billing. The government lets them get away with pretty much anything.

25   bob2356   2015 May 14, 10:18am  

Call it Crazy says

Don't know much about Medicare, do you?

There was no medical billing before Medicare came in 1965? That's news.

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