Go F Yourself Obama

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2015 Nov 5, 8:51am   22,856 views  59 comments

by mell   ➕follow (10)   💰tip   ignore  


Time to shut the public school system down.
The Obama Department of Education has ordered the Palatine school district to allow a male transgender student into the girls locker room and showers. The DOE threatened to cut off funding if the transgender student was not given locker room privileges. Enjoy the new rules, girls.
Forget it folks.
It's over.
There are now young men allowed in the girl's locker room despite them having both a penis and testicles.
No, no and no.
They're lucky I don't live in Illinois any more as I'd be organizing a taxpayer boycott and general strike until the entire school system was literally razed to a bare slab.


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10   indigenous   2015 Nov 5, 9:48am  

If I was Illinois I would introduce O to a little thing I like to call state nullification and tell O to go FUCK himself on this too.

New logo for O:

11   HydroCabron   2015 Nov 5, 9:57am  

indigenous says

If I was Illinois I would introduce O to a little thing I like to call state nullification

What a surprise!

A libertarian who only gets worked up about gays and trannies. How unusual!

It's almost like libertarians are just troglodyte social-issue conservatives who favor smaller government (or bigger, when necessary) as long as it serves their vision of the social order. Nah - that couldn't be, could it?

So how is the Fed behind this one? Connect the dots for us.

12   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2015 Nov 5, 10:08am  

I think it's cute how cabronsito loses ability to be sarcastic when he's angry.

13   indigenous   2015 Nov 5, 10:14am  

Trump says

A libertarian who only gets worked up about gays and trannies. How unusual!

No pinche cabron, I get worked up when dear leader throws his cavalier policy around and ever expanding the central power. That is why state nullification should be used unless of course Illinois (this is in Illinois?) likes it up the ass?

14   mell   2015 Nov 5, 10:26am  

Moronman says

Uh, you're the dude who is too PC to say "Fuck" in stead of "F". Repressed but vicious. There's a good boy.

That is Denninger's title for his blog post if you had clicked the link. It's customary to take over the titles if you don't own the link content.

Moronman says

mell's gonna move in with FortWayne, quit his job and start praisin' the lord full time.

It's basic human instinct wanting to protect minor female offspring from dudes with balls and dicks - religion is optional here.

15   Tenpoundbass   2015 Nov 5, 10:38am  

Dump the Chumps and get with the Trumps

16   HydroCabron   2015 Nov 5, 10:41am  

dodgerfanjohn says

I think it's cute how cabronsito loses ability to be sarcastic when he's angry

You really need to look up the definition.

That was sarcasm. Add this to the times you have labelled statements sarcastic when they weren't.

No wonder you hate public schools.

17   mell   2015 Nov 5, 10:43am  

Moronman says

Well, let's define transgender for the record, then. What if the kid has had the reassignment surgery and the requisite hormone treatments? Denniger may be a eunuch but he's shrieking likes he's on his period. Hmmmm, one wonders what his treatments have been......

I think the kid hasn't had any reassignment therapy or surgery done, iirc Denninger advocated that in that case it would be ok (in a different post).

18   socal2   2015 Nov 5, 11:05am  

Moronman says

Well, let's define transgender for the record, then. What if the kid has had the reassignment surgery and the requisite hormone treatments? Denniger may be a eunuch but he's shrieking likes he's on his period. Hmmmm, one wonders what his treatments have been......

I think it is appalling that CHILDREN who haven't even gone through puberty yet are allowed to fuck around with hormone therapy or testosterone blockers, let alone cutting off one's dick and balls.

If a dude is really confused about his sexuality, wouldn't it make more sense to increase his testosterone treatments instead of blocking it and carving up his body and make everyone deal with his situation in terms of bathrooms?

19   socal2   2015 Nov 5, 11:14am  

bgamall4 says

I totally agree. It is child abuse and the doctors who do this should be deballed. Oh I meant, defrocked, oh no, I mean delicensed.

The NYTimes had a story a few months ago about a 17 year old kid that had the entire procedure done. It's very depressing.

The doctor is a trans person too. Apparently the trans community and doctors encourage boys to transition sooner and start blocking testosterone to avoid the boy from growing too big and developing male features (big hands etc.)


20   mell   2015 Nov 5, 11:27am  

socal2 says

I think it is appalling that CHILDREN who haven't even gone through puberty yet are allowed to fuck around with hormone therapy or testosterone blockers, let alone cutting off one's dick and balls.

If a dude is really confused about his sexuality, wouldn't it make more sense to increase his testosterone treatments instead of blocking it and carving up his body and make everyone deal with his situation in terms of bathrooms?

I agree that it's problematic and more so the younger the kid is. An argument could be made that they can only do this once they are 18. Or you would have to lower the age threshold for everything else as well. However people should be free in the end and teenagers have to deal with the consequences of other actions as well. Difficult to set an age limit, but I certainly agree MDs should not encourage it.

21   socal2   2015 Nov 5, 11:52am  

Moronman says

Don't you mean you're appalled that parents have the FREEDOM to raise their kids as they see fit, hmmmm?

Wow - we already know that Progs have no problem butchering children still in the womb. Now they are cool butchering children in their teens who haven't even finished puberty yet.

But.. but... but you are lamely trying to argue something about big government hypocrisy on this subject? For real? We all know Progs have no arguments other than trying to make others abide by their values, because Progs have now values at all.

Again, if hormone treatments are capable of growing boobs, facial hair and affecting skeletal structure and a person's emotions, why not increase the natural hormones for these confused CHILDREN instead of blocking their natural hormones and carving up their bodies?

The suicide rates of trans people is still very high even after a doctor has carved them up.

22   lostand confused   2015 Nov 5, 12:09pm  

I don't have any problem with trans. In a lot of older cultures, there are trans people. What I have a problem is the gubmnt making them more than equal. This ruling is great for all the dirty old men. All can claim they are trans-no need to transition and demand to use the ladies locker rooms at all facilities and stay there for hours passing their time.

23   MisdemeanorRebel   2015 Nov 5, 12:26pm  

It's all about Framing. One could switch this around and say:

Who is the government to tell people which bathroom they can use?


Segregated Bathrooms are gender prejudice. Why should men and women have separate bathrooms at all? Why should we pay double, one when large bathroom is cheaper than two smaller ones?

24   mmmarvel   2015 Nov 5, 12:53pm  

thunderlips11 says

It's all about Framing.

No, when you frame out a restroom, it is framed the same for both the men's side and the women's side. It's when you add the plumbing that the differences appear.

25   HydroCabron   2015 Nov 5, 12:54pm  

thunderlips11 says

It's all about Framing. One could switch this around

No, one could not switch this around.

The evangelical default position of moral outrage at change is always the small-government position.

26   MisdemeanorRebel   2015 Nov 5, 12:56pm  

Trump says

The evangelical default position of moral outrage at change is always the small-government position.

Except when it's defending the costs of building and operating FOUR different bathrooms (and water fountains, etc.)

27   HydroCabron   2015 Nov 5, 12:58pm  

Some background:

From the limited information I have on this topic, it's clear that a transgender male is likely to be among the least sexually and socially aggressive individuals in a woman's locker room or bathroom.

There was once a story about the bull-dike locker room culture in professional women's tennis: basically, the only way you survive is, on your first day you beat the crap out of some Czech player with a horrendous long name, or you become somebody's bitch.

28   HydroCabron   2015 Nov 5, 1:02pm  

thunderlips11 says

Except when it's defending the costs of building and operating FOUR different bathrooms (and water fountains, etc.)

Nope. That's small government, too.

Any funds spent, and any laws passed on behalf of a narrow, vicious degenerate form of Protestantism which should have disappeared in 1708 is, by definition, small government.

All conservative policies are always small-government.

29   HydroCabron   2015 Nov 5, 1:10pm  

Ironman says

That's your "normal" here on every topic when you post a comment at Patnet. Hey, but don't let that stop you!!

You put more effort into that one than usual. Good boy!

You seem to know a lot about women's restrooms. Perhaps you could share your extensive experiences here?

30   socal2   2015 Nov 5, 2:45pm  

Moronman says

Again, because you "have no arguments other than trying to make others abide by [your] values,

My values?

I think we are talking basic human biology. Every bone, gene and chromosome in that mentally confused boy's body is male no matter what they cut off or try to suppress with female hormones. Why do you hate science? Why do you want to use the big awesome power of the government to force YOUR values on the rest of us?

31   socal2   2015 Nov 5, 2:57pm  

I guess I am a big hypocrite to think the government has a role in stopping parents from carving up their pre-pubescent children?


You Progs really need to come up with some better hypocrisy arguments.

32   socal2   2015 Nov 5, 3:26pm  

Now moronman (previously palin/joker?) has gone all tourettes again.

Who says anything about "religious code"? I just don't want public schools allowing dudes with dicks in the shower room with my daughter.

I know, crazy concept!

33   socal2   2015 Nov 6, 9:12am  

Moronman says

Now socal (previously Rev. Koresh) has gone all strawman again. I don't want public office occupied by dicks who think the universe is 6000 years old and are willing to use government to enforce their religious confusion on human freedom. I know, crazy concept!

Strawman blather again? Who the fuck keeps on bringing religion into the this discussion? You.........at every opportunity. You go on and on and on about religious people imposing their will on you, when this story is about dopey Liberals in Obama's government forcing a small school to allow dudes in the girls bathrooms.

34   zzyzzx   2015 Nov 6, 3:57pm  

Obama sucks.

35   turtledove   2015 Nov 6, 10:04pm  

If you have a winkerton, you belong in the boys' room. Truly... It's just that simple.

36   mell   2015 Nov 7, 8:17am  

Moronman says

socal2 says

Strawman blather again? Who the fuck keeps on bringing religion into the this discussion? You.........at every opportunity. You go on and on and on about religious people imposing their will on you, when this story is about dopey Liberals in Obama's government forcing a small school to allow dudes in the girls bathrooms.

For fuck's sake, you dimwit, every position you take on every topic in every thread is reducible to an imaginary friend you made up and pulled out of your ass. It's the sole basis of your hypocrisy about government. You want big government if it might force your religious values on others. You want small government if it might deny the civil rights of others. That's why you are a moral coward. It can't be made any more simple, even for you.

I have to agree with socal here. You seem to be very angry at religious conservatives, but hardly anybody invoked religion on this thread. Plus, most topics of contention wrt to conservatives have a valid reason to be discussed outside of the religious realm, such as abortion, which even many atheists have a problem with. Most of these issues are very specialized and don't affect one's everyday life (even gay marriage doesn't as you usually should get married just once), however forcing biological girls to be in the same locker/bathroom as biological boys affects them almost every day.I agree that conservatives often have their own big government agendas while complaining about big government when it doesn't suit them, but IMO this is not even a conservative vs leftist progressive topic, this is common sense vs leftist progressive fantasies gone totally wrong.

turtledove says

If you have a winkerton, you belong in the boys' room. Truly... It's just that simple.

Yeah. Sometimes if not most often simplicity in reasoning is best.

37   Strategist   2015 Nov 7, 8:19am  

Ironman says

turtledove says

If you have a winkerton

Is that a new medical term you use in your office?

Sounds like an ad for "penile enlargement"

38   turtledove   2015 Nov 7, 11:47am  

Ironman says

If you have a winkerton

Is that a new medical term you use in your office?

We've used that word for so long, I forget it's not really a thing... It started with potty training my son. The little potty came with this deflector shield for little boys. But, I didn't have a clue what it was when I first saw it. So, I ask my husband, "what the heck is this thing for and where does it go?" (I have an aversion to reading assembly instructions.) My husband pulled the word out the air. "It's the winkerton deflector." The word stuck. It's a cutesy euphemism that commands respect and exudes power... particularly when you put numbers after it; eg., "The Winkerton 2000."

39   Shaman   2015 Nov 7, 4:30pm  

turtledove says

If you have a winkerton, you belong in the boys' room. Truly... It's just that simple

That's way too simple and obvious truth for liberal whack jobs to ever comprehend. They've had so many wins lately, they don't realize that pushing for pedophilia is a bridge too far and they'll lose big this election.

40   FortWayne   2015 Nov 7, 7:49pm  

Obama seriously has gone insane. I bet he is doing this because he truly hates conservative America. He got elected screaming that he hates Republicans, conservatives, and he sure keeps that hatred up.

Asshole needs to be impeached and next president should overturn all his asinine bullshit.

41   Shaman   2015 Nov 7, 8:37pm  

The difference between a mass shooting and a naked boy in the girl's locker room is that the shooting is against the law.

42   MisdemeanorRebel   2015 Nov 8, 9:29am  

Everybody poops and pees, there is no need for separate bathrooms other than age old fear and prejudice. It is a silly expense. If you want boys and girls bathrooms, put them in your own house, though I notice that household bathrooms are generally unisex.

Let there be one bathroom for all.

43   turtledove   2015 Nov 8, 9:51am  

It's not because I'd be worried that the transgender person is going to attack my daughter... Frankly, I wouldn't be worried that most boys would ever attack my daughter. Neither she nor I would be comfortable showering in front of some random guy, period. My son is eleven and I ask him to leave the bathroom when I'm taking a shower. Not because I think he's ogling me. It just makes me uncomfortable. He's becoming a young man. It's just not appropriate. My husband doesn't shower in front of our eleven year old daughter, either. Yet, I don't have a problem if my daughter is in the bathroom chatting me up while I'm showering. Some of you want to act like it doesn't matter. But it seems like a pretty basic instinct to me to want to cover oneself when confronted with members of the opposite sex (in the absence of a sexual relationship, obviously.)

44   MisdemeanorRebel   2015 Nov 8, 10:00am  

Except it isn't - it' a culture, not innate thing. Most humans have been naked around other humans for most of human history. And poop and pee and wash naked within the Line of Sight of anybody.

45   FortWayne   2015 Nov 8, 10:08am  

thunderlips11 says

Everybody poops and pees, there is no need for separate bathrooms other than age old fear and prejudice. It is a silly expense. If you want boys and girls bathrooms, put them in your own house, though I notice that household bathrooms are generally unisex.

Let there be one bathroom for all.

Unisex bathrooms don't work. Use your head man, you think young girls will do just fine with boys in high school? Bunch of horny teenagers in one room, dirty bathrooms, yeah that'll turn out well.

It's not prejudice, it's actually smart.

46   FortWayne   2015 Nov 8, 10:09am  

thunderlips11 says

Except it isn't - it' a culture, not innate thing. Most humans have been naked around other humans for most of human history. And poop and pee and wash naked within the Line of Sight of anybody.

Yes you can go live in a forest, rape whoever you want out there until someone rapes you by the law of nature, eaten by a bear, and suck it up. Or you can live in society that has structure and rules like ours.

47   Strategist   2015 Nov 8, 10:10am  

thunderlips11 says

Except it isn't - it' a culture, not innate thing. Most humans have been naked around other humans for most of human history. And poop and pee and wash naked within the Line of Sight of anybody.

Yes, it's cultural and all of above still happens.

turtledove says

It's not because I'd be worried that the transgender person is going to attack my daughter... Frankly, I wouldn't be worried that most boys would ever attack my daughter. Neither she nor I would be comfortable showering in front of some random guy, period. My son is eleven and I ask him to leave the bathroom when I'm taking a shower. Not because I think he's ogling me. It just makes me uncomfortable. He's becoming a young man. It's just not appropriate. My husband doesn't shower in front of our eleven year old daughter, either. Yet, I don't have a problem if my daughter is in the bathroom chatting me up while I'm showering. Some of you want to act like it doesn't matter. But it seems like a pretty basic instinct to me to want to cover oneself when confronted with members of the opposite sex (in the absence of a sexual relationship, obviously.

A cousin of mine had no problem showering in from of her son even after the age of 11. Her reasoning was, it would encourage her son to show respect for women when he sees that all women have the same thing as mommy.

48   Strategist   2015 Nov 8, 10:12am  

FortWayne says

thunderlips11 says

Except it isn't - it' a culture, not innate thing. Most humans have been naked around other humans for most of human history. And poop and pee and wash naked within the Line of Sight of anybody.

Yes you can go live in a forest, rape whoever you want out there until someone rapes you by the law of nature, eaten by a bear, and suck it up. Or you can live in society that has structure and rules like ours.

It's still cultural FortWayne.

49   turtledove   2015 Nov 8, 10:19am  

Strategist says

A cousin of mine had no problem showering in from of her son even after the age of 11. Her reasoning was, it would encourage her son to show respect for women when he sees that all women have the same thing as mommy.

And that's her right. I've taught my son to respect a woman's privacy. It's still a work in progress, cuz he barges in on me all the time... It has nothing to do with shame... or a human body being evil... But it's just rude for a man to just walk in a women's bathroom. You have to have permission, right? Well, unless every girl is okay with it, he doesn't have permission. They do have a right to choose whom they strip down in front of. In fact, stripping down in front of random people is a tactic used to break people. Making POWs stand naked in front of their captors is done because EVERYONE feels vulnerable in that situation. Is it really so far fetched that young girls might feel vulnerable changing in front of boys?

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