Donald Drumpf

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2016 Feb 29, 6:00pm   35,840 views  87 comments

by tatupu70   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

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46   tatupu70   2016 Mar 1, 1:32pm  

thunderlips11 says

He did on Friday in no uncertain terms. CNN asked him AGAIN on Sunday, where he disavowed Duke. And all weekend long on Social Media, clearly over and over again.


Again, the smear doesn't matter, it just needs to be repeated over and over again.

So why did he say he didn't know who Duke was then?

Trump supporters have almost as thin a skin as he does. Oh--look at the injustice. People are saying bad things about Trump. Boo-hoo. Not every attack is a smear. All Trump does is attack--you think the nonsense about Rubio sweating is fair?

PS--A bad earpiece? Really?

47   Heraclitusstudent   2016 Mar 1, 1:33pm  

YesYNot says

He is giving legitimacy to racists and encouraging people with minor racist tendencies to cultivate that part of their personalities.

Nope. Being against immigration is not the same as having minor racist tendencies.
Fuck this amalgam.

48   anonymous   2016 Mar 1, 1:34pm  

I cant wait for tatupu to put this much energy into airing out Clintons hate of blacks.


49   tatupu70   2016 Mar 1, 1:36pm  

errc says

I cant wait for tatupu to put this much energy into airing out Clintons hate of blacks.


lol--you don't see the same hero-worship out of Clinton supporters. It's not as fun.

50   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2016 Mar 1, 1:41pm  

Trump, however, did not take that opportunity. Instead, the real estate mogul, apparently so fearful of alienating even the worse elements of the electorate whose votes he wants, described men who beat a Hispanic Boston man as "passionate."

Heraclitusstudent says

Nope. Being against immigration is not the same as having minor racist tendencies.

Fuck this amalgam.

51   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Mar 1, 1:49pm  

Ironman says

Do you think telling a lie over and over makes it true? Don't you think the other Repubs and the RNC would have served up all the dirt they had before today? After tonight, the nomination will be Trump's.

Yep, if there was all this shit out there, GOPe would have used some of it against Trump already. He's not so stupid not to have thoroughly investigated himself first and find out what investigators and muckrackers can come up with. He's already lived 30+ years in public eye, a Tabloid regular. Anything bad would have come out.

That's why they are grasping at straws like Duke.

tatupu70 says

So why did he say he didn't know who Duke was then?

On Sunday. He already told CNN in no uncertain terms on Friday. Why does CNN keep asking the same question?

Because merely asking the question is a repeat of the smear, and you ask again and again and again, hoping the recipient makes a snarky or less-than-100% clear response.

Which is exactly what happened here.

52   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2016 Mar 1, 2:00pm  

thunderlips11 says

He already told CNN in no uncertain terms on Friday. Why does CNN keep asking the same question?

They wanted to give him another opportunity to emphatically disavow Duke. Instead, the Donald choked on the softball.

53   tatupu70   2016 Mar 1, 2:12pm  

thunderlips11 says

On Sunday. He already told CNN in no uncertain terms on Friday. Why does CNN keep asking the same question?

Because merely asking the question is a repeat of the smear, and you ask again and again and again, hoping the recipient makes a snarky or less-than-100% clear response.

Which is exactly what happened here.

Come on--first of all, it wasn't on CNN on Friday. It was at the Christie endorsement when someone asked him and he quickly brushed the question aside. If anything, CNN was giving him the opportunity to publicly denounce/disavow on a national forum. It was a gift to Trump.

It was anything but a smear. It only became a smear when Trump decided to lie about not knowing Duke.

54   anonymous   2016 Mar 1, 2:17pm  

Who the fuck is david duke and why should anyone care?

Im more concerned about Hilary forcibly removing the young black woman who paid to be at her event, and asked for apology for MAKE THEM HEEL

55   mell   2016 Mar 1, 2:22pm  

thunderlips11 says

He's already lived 30+ years in public eye, a Tabloid regular. Anything bad would have come out.

That's exactly it. A bunch of bullshit twits and lamestream-media "news" are more opinion-forming than a man's lifetime these days. I hope Trump cleans up tonight.

56   socal2   2016 Mar 1, 2:36pm  

Ironman says

Do you think telling a lie over and over makes it true? Don't you think the other Repubs and the RNC would have served up all the dirt they had before today?

Facts are hard for Trump-bots.

https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/post-politics/wp/2016/02/20/super-pacs-have-spent-more-than-215-million-on-the-presidential-race-guess-how-much-has-gone-into-ads-opposing-trump/Ironman says

Trump isn't a Republican.

I know - he is a Liberal Fascist. Why do you think Thundercommie is so excited about him?

57   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2016 Mar 1, 2:59pm  

Hater says

Would you consider Obama a racist?


errc says

Who the fuck is david duke and why should anyone care?

How old are you? Anyone over 40 who hasn't been living under a rock would have to know who he is. He's the most famous member of the KKK, probably because of his efforts to run for President in the late 80s / early nineties. He's apparently more for the white supremacy side of things than the violence, and wanted to bring new legitimacy to the pro-white movement. Anyway, he's pretty much synonymous with the KKK in my mind. Trump either knows very well who Duke is, or he is senile.

58   socal2   2016 Mar 1, 3:09pm  

Ironman says

Oh please.... have you seen any video clips the last week or two. All Rubio and Cruz have done in ALL their rallies, media interviews and townhalls is spew their endless talking points about Trump. Have you watched the last couple of debates, it's been all attacks on Trump...

Earth to Irontrumpbot - the last 7 days doesn't equal hundreds of millions in attack ads that have been spent on the other candidates over the last several months.

The dumb GOPe and other candidates thought Trump would implode all by himself, so they spent next to nothing attacking Trump. They underestimated how much Trump resonates with Democrats and Nationalists.

59   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Mar 1, 3:11pm  

YesYNot says

They wanted to give him another opportunity to emphatically disavow Duke. Instead, the Donald choked on the softball.

Not another opportunity, unless it was use repeating the question as a means of repeating the smear, as I discussed. Trump already on Friday disavowed Duke clearly and succinctly.

Either CNN is deaf or they wanted to repeat the smear.

60   dublin hillz   2016 Mar 1, 3:26pm  

socal2 says

They underestimated how much Trump resonates with Democrats and Nationalists.

There's a disturbing number of people in america on both sides of political spectrum who are willing to live under dictatorship. They don't care that it will be worse than it is today, they are simply upset either because of their economic problems or because they are simply bored and want to tear down society as we know it. They are a perfect bait for nefarious characters to exploit.

61   anonymous   2016 Mar 1, 3:32pm  

How old are you?


62   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Mar 1, 3:34pm  

Ironman says

You guys are so full of shit. If Trump was a dictator, wouldn't some of his 22,000 employees have come forward to express how big of a dictator he is? If he is really this bad, there should be THOUSANDS of former employees coming forward.

Just how much shit can you pull out of your asses?

They all say the exact opposite - that he's tough, fair, and very loyal to his employees.


63   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Mar 1, 3:36pm  

dublin hillz says

There's a disturbing number of people in america on both sides of political spectrum who are willing to live under dictatorship. They don't care that it will be worse than it is today, they are simply upset either because of their economic problems or because they are simply bored and want to tear down society as we know it. They are a perfect bait for nefarious characters to exploit.

Blah Blah Blah, Media and Political Hacks said the same shit about Reagan, FDR, Obama-Commie, Nixon, etc. etc. Cut the crap.

64   dublin hillz   2016 Mar 1, 3:39pm  

thunderlips11 says


He wanted to bring people together, but the usual suspects didn't want any part of it and protested from day 1. When did he say hitleresque divisive comments that propelled him to the top of his party polls like you know who?

65   Heraclitusstudent   2016 Mar 1, 3:47pm  

"Let's not vote for Trump: he is a liar, we don't know what he stands for."

66   Shaman   2016 Mar 1, 3:56pm  

You just know that Hitlery has a fierce ache in her snatch that can only be sated with the circumcised bits of millions of young Muslim men she plans to import once she is POTUS.

67   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Mar 1, 4:03pm  

dublin hillz says

He wanted to bring people together, but the usual suspects didn't want any part of it and protested from day 1. When did he say hitleresque divisive comments that propelled him to the top of his party polls like you know who?

I didn't say Obama WAS a Commie, I was stating that pundits always call the nominee or candidate they despise a closet Dictator just waiting for the chance to rule with ze Iron Pfist fur zie benefit auf der Mittengrabben, Vingerpokken allies.

69   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Mar 1, 4:19pm  

Heraclitusstudent says

Do you think a candidate with integrity really stands a chance against the establishment?


That's the error many are making.

People are dreaming of a respected, fairly well known and well spoken, moderate member of the Establishment to run and capture the nation with his reason and good sense. Such a person would be shredded to pieces, or simply ignored into oblivion, long before the New Hampshire Primaries were held.

Only an asshole with deep pockets and a huge ego has a shot to go against both the GOP and the Corporate Clinton Democrats who dominate that party and break up this Extreme TINA-Neoliberal Monopoly. Not to mention the Oligarch-owned Media that likes things just the way they are.

The owner class doesn't want reform, folks.

70   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Mar 1, 4:26pm  

Bad news for Socal and GOPe... record turnout - highest Republican Primary attendance in State's History.

71   FortWayne   2016 Mar 1, 4:39pm  

A video from a show that caters it's content to 18 year old socialists is the best you can come up with?

72   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Mar 1, 4:50pm  

That's why on day two Trump will abrogate NAFTA, drop out of TPP negotiations after publishing their entire content on the Presidents Website, and the Congress will be forced to flat out state their love of Free Trade, or make a deal with Trump.

He has to use exec powers wisely to come out swinging from the moment he walks into the Oval Office.

Once he abrogates, Senate will never be able to get it back. Not after a lengthy court fight about whether the Constitution requires the Senate to abrogate as well as approve all Treaties.

Or so I hope.

73   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Mar 1, 5:14pm  

I'm thinking a recall Mitch McConnell campaign is a good late Spring/early Summer project. Shipping magnate wife Elaine Chao makes a fortune on outsourcing America.

I'm sure Senator Sessions would be happy to stand for Majority Leader in McConnell's absence. He'll know who butters his bread.

74   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2016 Mar 2, 1:11pm  

We have no data on trade. The problem with trying to turn around global free trade is two-fold.

1) The premise is that by using free markets, we can make products more efficiently. If this is correct, then by stopping free trade in our country, we will all lose when the rest of the world keeps on going in a more efficient manner. Free markets used to be a basic republican idea.

2) We have made many structural changes to produce the world we are currently in. Rolling that back would be very expensive.

#2 isn't such a huge problem, but #1 is. I don't know how this would play out in an election, but it's a problem with Trump's idea.

75   tatupu70   2016 Mar 2, 1:18pm  

YesYNot says

1) The premise is that by using free markets, we can make products more efficiently. If this is correct, then by stopping free trade in our country, we will all lose when the rest of the world keeps on going in a more efficient manner. Free markets used to be a basic republican idea.

IMO-this is complete bullshit. It's along the lines of comparative advantage. Being able to pay lower wages is not a comparative advantage. It's not more efficient.

76   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Mar 2, 1:20pm  

YesYNot says

1) The premise is that by using free markets, we can make products more efficiently. If this is correct, then by stopping free trade in our country, we will all lose when the rest of the world keeps on going in a more efficient manner. Free markets used to be a basic republican idea.

Only way to compete with China is to return to 19th Century living conditions.

We of course will have to open up Teaching to H1-Bs and cut pay and pensions 50% because the tax base would be devastated.

You couldn't have Americans working 16 hours a day in a textile mill for $2/hr while teachers are making $50k/yr + benefits.

77   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2016 Mar 2, 1:27pm  

tatupu70 says

IMO-this is complete bullshit. It's along the lines of comparative advantage. Being able to pay lower wages is not a comparative advantage. It's not more efficient.

If you and I run companies making run of the mill paper clips, and I pay Chinese $4 / hr, while you pay US citizens $12 / hr, I have a comparative advantage. If we are the only paper clip companies, I can run you out of business or I can keep the bigger profits for myself. In any case, this is so basic and obvious, I look forward to your explanation about how this is not a comparative advantage.

If you buy your steel from US companies making steel produced from scratch (ore and coal) in the US and I buy my steel from Chinese companies, I have another competitive advantage.

78   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2016 Mar 2, 1:32pm  

thunderlips11 says

Only way to compete with China is to return to 19th Century living conditions.

Technology is making things cheaper. However, as more people in the world have risen out of poverty and as even more will, we have more and more people competing for the same resources. This is obviously going to produce cost issues for resource limited activities and products. There is no way out of this fact.

The issue of wealth disparity is huge, but I'm not sure that isolationist trade policies are a solution or are good for the country. It is a debate that should happen (not sure if it will), especially with Drumpf doing so well.

79   tatupu70   2016 Mar 2, 2:09pm  

YesYNot says

If you and I run companies making run of the mill paper clips, and I pay Chinese $4 / hr, while you pay US citizens $12 / hr, I have a comparative advantage. If we are the only paper clip companies, I can run you out of business or I can keep the bigger profits for myself. In any case, this is so basic and obvious, I look forward to your explanation about how this is not a comparative advantage.

If you buy your steel from US companies making steel produced from scratch (ore and coal) in the US and I buy my steel from Chinese companies, I have another competitive advantage.

That's not comparative advantage. It's exploitation. It's not more efficient--likely it's less efficient because there's very little incentive to increase efficiency.

80   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Mar 2, 2:11pm  

I would be happy if we shared the benefits of free trade and open borders.

I salute NYC in trying to open teacher licensing to Illegal Migrants. It's silly that millions of manufacturing jobs are lost, but we continue to shelter teachers, government workers, etc. from healthy competition with Filipina and Jamaican and Kenya Educators, Clerks, etc.

It's racist and economically inefficient to deny a visa-overstaying Jamaican the chance to teach school in NYC, esp. if she undercuts a 35-year old JAP or Italian-American Teacher by 50%.

CEO pay at world levels is a stetch, but we can start by opening up USAJobs and CA Teaching Licenses to foreigners, get rid of job protection schemes Tenure and Contract Negotiations.

If nobody is scratching the back of working class White America, they need to stop scratching others. They might as well say fuck you to everybody if everybody else says fuck you to them.

I look forward to $25k a year, no benefit no pension DMW workers, State College Employees, Teachers, Firefighters, Cops etc. and fighting World Poverty by opening them up to Syrian refugees and others.

Oh! And government contractors should also have all American worker protections stripped, starting with Lockheed-Martin, etc.

Nothing unites like Class Warfare in the name of Free Trade to benefit some!

81   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2016 Mar 2, 2:17pm  

tatupu70 says

That's not comparative advantage. It's exploitation.

The two aren't mutually exclusive.

82   tatupu70   2016 Mar 2, 2:27pm  

YesYNot says

The two aren't mutually exclusive.

Including the ability to pay slave wages or pollute the environment as a comparative advantage renders the term useless.

83   anonymous   2016 Mar 2, 2:30pm  

If you and I run companies making run of the mill paper clips, and I pay Chinese $4 / hr, while you pay US citizens $12 / hr, I have a comparative advantage. If we are the only paper clip companies, I can run you out of business or I can keep the bigger profits for myself.


For every action, there is a reaction

Ship manufacturing off to china sight unseen, sure the corporation saves a piss boat on labor, but the layers of implications run deep.

The paper clip no longer travels 120 miles from SE PA down to Reston on the 18 wheeler of well paid American middleclassman. It now has an energy intensive journey around the globe.
From a factory with questionable pollution monitoring
Made by people in slave like conditions for slave wages
Shipped cross land to sea
Loaded into containers
Containers loaded onto shipping carriers
Cargo ships pay a crew, fuel, maintenance, 500k canal fees, booku insurance
Arrive at US port
Pay big fees
Crane operators
And soon you'll be at the point in the supply chain where you would have been domestically

But you spent a shit ton of fossil fuel energy, and greased all the hands of the politically privileged along the way, just to avoid paying joe shlep a living wage to work the factory in our backyard. Any purported labor cost savings never go to the consumer anyways, it all goes to the very too. Corporate profits all the way up. Taxes down

That doesnt begin to factor the cost of joe shleps idle hands here stateside. at this point were no longer a free market capitalist democracy republic anymore, anyways. So if tariffs are unAmerican and paperclips go up a couple cents, id survive.

84   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Mar 2, 2:58pm  

Also, the only reason the Chinese can sell paper clips in volumes enough to be profitable is because of the already developed markets in the US and elsewhere.

85   Dan8276   2018 Aug 2, 6:50pm  

I'm back bitches.....

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