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It's embarrassing that we live in a country where those silly tricks seem to work.
They don't seem to work, they are working just fine. There are plenty of people very willing to believe absolute bullshit, no matter how absurd, as long as it agrees with what they believe should be true. That's how bretibart (the patnet trumpbot reference source of choice these days) has become so big so quickly. Nationalism/racism/divisiveness is always a sure fire vote getter. No different than any other country. How do you think so many terrible people have come to power throughout history?
Lies don’t matter anymore. Nothing that either of them says matters. This election is a referendum on the status quo. Those that are OK (or close enough to pretend they are) after decades of financial racketeering will likely support the current regime, hold their nose, and vote for Hillary.
It won’t matter what she says or if she has a grand mal seizure on stage tonight.
Those former “consumers" who have been thrown under the neoliberal bus, and are now known as “deplorables", will vote for Trump in a misguided attempt regain some power and agency in the former democracy known as America. No matter what.
Of course as a recent Princeton study shows, it is all a fruitless pursuit:
America is an oligarchy and voting is nothing more than a reassurance ritual.
Seen as someone who started life 89 feet down the the third base line thinking he hit a home run.
Whereas Hillary started from the streets, right? Couldn't pass the DC Bar and only got her first real job thanks to Bill's influence network.
"My father was a salesman." LOL!
Of course as a recent Princeton study shows, it is all a fruitless pursuit:
America is an oligarchy and voting is nothing more than a reassurance ritual.
So true. I like the summary.
When the preferences of economic elites and the stands of organized interest groups are controlled for, the preferences of the average American appear to have only a minuscule, near-zero, statistically non-significant impact upon public policy.
thunderlips11 is deplorable says
Seen as someone who started life 89 feet down the the third base line thinking he hit a home run.
Whereas Hillary started from the streets, right? Couldn't pass the DC Bar and only got her first real job thanks to Bill's influence network.
"My father was a salesman." LOL!
I love how you add 2+2 and come up with the square root of -pi. Where did I say anything good about hillary at all? Ever? She is as deplorable as trump, but for different reasons. Get you head out of trumps ass, it's really hard to see the light from there. Just because his bullshit makes your dick hard doesn't mean it's not bullshit.
Anyone else bothered that Trump is lobbying hard against the debate moderator checking facts?
I love how you add 2+2 and come up with the square root of -pi. Where did I say anything good about hillary at all? Ever? She is as deplorable as trump, but for different reasons. Get you head out of trumps ass, it's really hard to see the light from there. Just because his bullshit makes your dick hard doesn't mean it's not bullshit.
Of course trump is lying, his lips are moving. The people who support him are too lazy or too swept up in feasting on his bullshit to bother going back and looking at the real trump. I lived in NY during the trump rise in the 80's. He was widely considered a bit of a joke then, doing ok as long as daddy was carrying him. Seen as someone who started life 89 feet down the the third base line thinking he hit a home run.
I just wanted to contrast Trump's life with the life of Hillary, who grew up in the hood, the daughter of Coal Miner Immigrants, got sent to Harvard and Yale but couldn't pass the DC Bar, yet became a multimillionaire 100 times over as a public servant.
Anyone else bothered that Trump is lobbying hard against the debate moderator checking facts?
Not as much as I am that the Networks wont be putting up Fact check graphics.
But they had to come to that conclusion because they couldn't possibly put up lies fact checks about Hillary. Not with 100 million viewers watching.
What if Grucifer 3.0 is watching?
That will just piss him off.
Anyone else bothered that Trump is lobbying hard against the debate moderator checking facts?
Facts have a well-known liberal bias. The only reason Hillary isn't also lobbying against fact checking is that in this particular case, fact checking hurts her opponent more than it does her. She'll flip-flop on the issue as soon as it's in her best interest. Both candidates are turds.
Those former “consumers" who have been thrown under the neoliberal bus, and are now known as “deplorables", will vote for Trump in a misguided attempt regain some power and agency in the former democracy known as America. No matter what.Of course as a recent Princeton study shows, it is all a fruitless pursuit:
America is an oligarchy and voting is nothing more than a reassurance ritual.
Vote for the Candidate the Oligarchs obviously hate. That does disempower them. Is it going to be lillies and pudding? No.
Facts have a well-known liberal bias. The only reason Hillary isn't also lobbying against fact checking is that in this particular case, fact checking hurts her opponent more than it does her. She'll flip-flop on the issue as soon as it's in her best interest. Both candidates are turds.
Yup. Debate mods generally don't fact-check Debates. The MSM wants a special exemption for these debates, all of a sudden. The candidates, who are running for POTUS, one would hope could fact check each other.
Fact Checkers have their own biases, see the thread about Bernie and Trump quoting the same source a few months apart, with Bernie being labelled "Mostly True" and when Trump quotes the same source, it's "Mostly False".
The MSM is all in for Hillary, so any "Fact Checking" will be biased to let her slide while hammering Trump.
Lies don’t matter anymore. Nothing that either of them says matters. This election is a referendum on the status quo.
It's impossible to vote for individuals in a two-party, winner-take-all system with closed primaries. The party leaders effectively choose the two persons you have to choose between. Our election system gives the illusion of choice, but really only lets you choose between Coke and Pepsi. Yeah, you have to vote the lesser of the two evils, but until the election system is rewritten from scratch, you'll never have the option to vote for who you really want.
The closest the population has come to electing some the party leaders didn't want is with Trump (at least nominated now) and Bernie, who would have been nominated if the primaries weren't closed or if the stupid Hillary supporters weren't so brainwashed. It's impossible to make the case that Hillary would be a better president than Bernie. It's also impossible to make the case that Hillary stands a better chance of preventing a Trump presidency than Bernie would have.
Debates should have a computer moderator that flashes questions on a screen and lights up a button on the podium when somebody is called to answer. Once the time is up, a buzzer should sound growing louder until deafening if the person keeps speaking.
That's nuts.
Heh, heh, it's so nuts, it's true. Trump invokes a mirroring pathology in women who think that success is the end all and be all of pathologic doucherie.
thunderlips11 is deplorable says
Debates should have a computer moderator that flashes questions on a screen and lights up a button on the podium when somebody is called to answer. Once the time is up, a buzzer should sound growing louder until deafening if the person keeps speaking.
Easier and less annoying, simply cut their mic
thunderlips11 is deplorable says
I just wanted to contrast Trump's life with the life of Hillary, who grew up in the hood, the daughter of Coal Miner Immigrants, got sent to Harvard and Yale but couldn't pass the DC Bar, yet became a multimillionaire 100 times over as a public servant.
For what? To prove politicians cash in on their positions when they leave office? Duh, where have you been the last 4000 years? How is this different than trump cashing in on his fathers position and political connections? I don't see the point or the difference. What is the square root of -pi these days?
For what? To prove politicians cash in on their positions when they leave office? Duh, where have you been the last 4000 years? How is this different than trump cashing in on his fathers position and political connections? I don't see the point or the difference. What is the square root of -pi these days?
The point was to talk about their upbringing. We're constantly reminded of Trump's dad being wealthy, but not Hillary's.
Not to mention, it's simply fact checking.
"We left the white house broke": so she is the one who understands the plight of the labor class, because she's just like one of us.
"I will release the transcripts of my goldman sachs soeeches!": because she said she would ...Pants on Fire
Hillary only wants the presidency so she can have lesbian sex with animals.
Hillary only wants the presidency so she can have lesbian sex with animals.
Trump cares about the working poor and the middle class, and understands us. After all, look at how many of us he's refused to pay.
See, I can do it too. Doesn't change anything though... Trump doesn't come close to the gravity of Hillary's lies.
Every fact checking site sees that is not true. EVERY one.
so, you are just a dumb bitch who can't handle the truth.
As a Bernie voter, the only promise Hillary has made to me in this election cycle, was to release the transcripts of her speeches to the worst financial actors in our system.
It didn't take her long to reneg on her word, and prove that she is dishonest to her core. Now she is projecting that image onto her next opponent, and it's a tough sale. Somehow, her supporters still don't get it. They must be really, really fucking dense.
thunderlips11 is deplorable says
The point was to talk about their upbringing. We're constantly reminded of Trump's dad being wealthy, but not Hillary's.
How much did they each inherit? Why are you fighting this dog of a battle?
Women love men that lie, as long as it is persuasive sociopathic flattery. Haven't you ever seen a soap opera?
Whenever women say they want you to be completely honest with them, it is because they are setting you up for an hysterical shit fit majeure.
Strange thing is, Trumpligula, while he lies incessantly, is so utterly derogatory and condescending to women, and they like it anyway.
I've often thought that Trump supporters were behaving like teenage girls in love with a bad boy. The funny thing is that so many men are behaving this way.
As a Bernie voter
This is all that matters.
I think everyone right now is thinking "What about Bernie? His voters are special snowflakes who count more than most people - we owe them a great deal, unlike the supporters of every other losing candidate."
He lost. Get over it.
DieBankOfAmericaPhukkingDie says
The INSANE LIBYAN DEATH COW OF WALL STREET yearns for necrolesbian bestial sex in the White House because she is Satan.
That's not even the bad news.
Oh wait, there isn't a picture, because you don't own a house...
It sucks to be you.
Not really, because my stocks are worth more than your house, and you don't own your house, you own a debt called a mortgage.
When it makes sense to purchase a house, I will sell stocks and buy a house in cash. I'm way richer than you will ever be. I guess that's why you are so jealous.
I think everyone right now is thinking "What about Bernie? His voters are special snowflakes who count more than most people - we owe them a great deal, unlike the supporters of every other losing candidate."
He lost. Get over it.
Actually, America lost. Bernie is doing fine. It's us who are now in a clusterfuck because primary voters were persuaded by Democratic Party insider and bought media. That's why we have to choose now between two turd sandwiches.
Furthermore, the primaries are now history, and although you aren't wise enough to realize this, history is very important. Understanding history is critical to avoiding a repeat of mistakes. This is why we do talk about things that occurred in the past and question whether or not they were good decisions. Those who ignore history are doomed to relive it.
You know IHLlary is concerned about her health problems showing because one of her debate advisors is a taxidermist.
Elizabeth Warren is setting up for a future run. Her articles about how she will "Watch Hillary in the WH to be sure she doesn't kowtow to banks" looks like assurance to Progressives, but it's also further positioning herself as a fighter against Wall Street. She has good advisors.
As a Bernie voter, the only promise Hillary has made to me in this election cycle, was to release the transcripts of her speeches to the worst financial actors in our system
NO. As a stupid fuck, you didn't understand what she said. As a stupid fuck, you couldn't use google...
She said if every other candidate releases the transcripts of their private speeches, then I will do the same. Your boy trumpfuck hasn't even released his taxes, so seriously, shut up, you insuffurable dumbass.
She said if every other candidate releases the transcripts of their private speeches, then I will do the same. Your boy trumpfuck hasn't even released his taxes, so seriously, shut up, you insuffurable dumbass.
Taxes aren't Private Speeches. Why shouldn't she release them anyway? She could release the transcripts, and/or her complete health records (ie the raw data of tests going back several years, not just a doctor's note that doesn't even include her weight), and then she'd be in a better position to hammer Trump on his taxes, no?
So why doesn't she?
Probably because they're a lot like this remark, made around 4:45 and 11:55, where she blamed homeowners, absolved Wall Street, and thanked bankers for keeping the crisis under control.
From the memories of attendees, a 2013 speech sounded "More like a Goldman Sachs Managing Director"
thunderlips11 is deplorable says
Taxes aren't Private Speeches.
Exactly. Every candidate for 40 years has released taxes. Hillary has released taxes, so why the fuck won't trump? what is he hiding?? Russian ties?
Hillary has released taxes, so why the fuck won't trump?
Because he's being audited, and doesn't want to crowd source anything to critics, who will go over it with a fine tooth comb. I suspect Trump has some grey area deductions that the Oligarch Media will uncover and declare totally illegal if they can get one or two CPAs or Tax Lawyers to agree with them.
What risk does Hillary face by releasing her transcripts of her Big Bank speeches? We already know she made millions in speaking fees.
Hillary Supporters know damn well what is in those transcripts, just as I do.
thunderlips11 is deplorable says
Because he's being audited
The IRS and every tax accountant has already put this lie to rest. The reason to not expose your taxes, is out of fear of getting audited. Once you are being audited, you have no such excuse.
So, that only works for complete simpleton worthless dumbfucks. You know, people like you.
So you defend your guy, never releasing taxes, but think Hillary owes the world every word ever said to anyone ever? Fine. You are a fucking moron.
Hey Roberta, having a tough time today deciding which voice in your head you're going to respond with?
wouldn't matter, they are all a hell of a lot smarter than you!
thunderlips11 is deplorable says
Elizabeth Warren is setting up for a future run.
If Trump wins, Warren might run in 2020. If Hillary wins, Warren will never run. 2024 is just too late for her to start a presidential first term. She's almost the same age as Clinton. 2020 is the last plausible time for Warren to run as president.
It's a shame that a dismal excuse for a woman is preventing a great woman from becoming the first woman president.
Supporters of The corrupt Citizens United SCOTUS decision are now Hillary supporters, since she's the biggest abuser of huge campaign money donations now!
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See, I can do it too. Doesn't change anything though... Trump doesn't come close to the gravity of Hillary's lies. Too bad the left is so naïve and easily brainwashed as to believe anything someone says as long as she says it with polish. Not having much common sense must make life very difficult.