by BradK ➕follow (0) 💰tip ignore
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Who knew people are super sensitive about not seeming racist to the point where you can't joke about this shit, ever.
That's the great thing about old people. they just don't care!
When is homophobe Joy Reid getting canceled?
The one who claimed Russian hackers faked her nasty anti gay posts?
Still has her show!
I guess Trump supporters are realizing that there will be some "growing" pains before we get to where America is "great again."
Donald Trump is a 5 time draft dodging,lying,adulterer & Republicans put him in office.
Even funnier evangelicals almost all voted for him. Nothing like having values you believe in. When it's convenient.
That's a very weak charge: in an election you vote for the lesser evil, not for your perfect candidated. Because the latter does not exist.
What she did was no different than what Cathy Gifford did with the Trump head.
My wife has already voted for a Republican for the first time in her life..John Cox for Governor.
She is thoroughly disgusted with the PC culture. She thinks Donald Trump is a complete idiot, but may wind up voting for him anyway.
She loved Rosanne and is plenty pissed that the PC police took that away.
mell saysCovfefeButDeadly saysMy wife has already voted for a Republican for the first time in her life..John Cox for Governor.
She is thoroughly disgusted with the PC culture. She thinks Donald Trump is a complete idiot, but may wind up voting for him anyway.
She loved Rosanne and is plenty pissed that the PC police took that away.
Interesting you mention this. I think Dems keep underestimating the amount of people who dont like Trump but cannot vote for the current left. Know quite a few and they won't change voting for him though they don't like him until the left has a new alternative. Those are former blue voters.
Why is it that The Left must put up a perfect candidate, otherwise all the bigtime Independents and “Lolbertarians” will be forced to vote a straight Republican party ticket again and again?
If a leftist Democrat had the same thing, I'm sure their show would have been cancelled too.
Doubtful. Pasty white Liberals save their greatest indignation against Black Conservatives. They are called Uncle Toms and worse for leaving the Liberal plantation.
Celebrities and comedians can say the most vile things about Conservatives (including their looks) and still keep their jobs. Did the Comedy Central chick that just hosted and bombed the White House Press dinner making fun of Sarah Sanders' looks get fired from her job? I believe a lot of comedians and celebrities actually supported her........"she is just a comedian.........don't you stuffy Conservatives know how to take a joke you fucking snowflakes!"
What she did was no different than what Cathy Gifford did with the Trump head.
But but but - the national anthem - the patriotism ? WTF ?
Quigley saysWhat she did was no different than what Cathy Gifford did with the Trump head.
Cathy Gifford got sacked from her NYE gig at CNN for her antics, and pretty much lost her entire broadcast career.
Thanks, that was my point. An equivalent offense got an equivalent punishment. Roseann has always been crass, but adding blatantly racist just went beyond the pale. Any true patriot who defends her racist tweet is just asking to be made into a Leftist characature of a white supremacist Trump voter.
We are better than that.
Either does Potus or his family and administration !
OMFG - They are all "libbies" - undercover libbies !!!!!
@Goran_K. Let me muse about all of that for a bit. Trump, Hillary and Barack and their actions or lack there of as well as the other parts.
It is good she is gone-Bill Maher is still there?
Quigley saysThanks, that was my point. An equivalent offense got an equivalent punishment. Roseann has always been crass, but adding blatantly racist just went beyond the pale. Any true patriot who defends her racist tweet is just asking to be made into a Leftist characature of a white supremacist Trump voter.
We are better than that.
We can't be like the left/democrats who basically have no logical, philosophical, or moral consistency. What Rosanne said was vile, and I condemn it fully.
You are aware this is a key element of diversity and bias training - yes ?
But 65 is not really an excuse unless it's soon revealed that she has Alzheimers or some other degenerative brain issue.
mell saysBut 65 is not really an excuse unless it's soon revealed that she has Alzheimers or some other degenerative brain issue.
Rosanne was a crass asshole long before she came out as a Trump supporter. I'm old enough to remember her behavior during her prime.
Never watched her shows and didn't grow up with much American TV. So it could be age related cause even if you're vile you can probably hide it better - esp. for the crassest/worst offenses - after childhood and before seniorhood, when your diplomacy radar functions at its best. ;)
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