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2018 Sep 7, 6:46pm   13,187 views  60 comments

by bob2356   ➕follow (1)   💰tip   ignore  

Nike online sales up 31% since the Kaepernick ad. Magically all the Nike is going to die threads disappeared from patnet. Strange coincidence. What happened to all the all the dire predictions of how Nike's sales and stock were going to crash?

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16   Booger   2018 Sep 8, 5:50am  

Got a link to any Nike stock but back?
I am smelling fake news.
17   BayArea   2018 Sep 8, 5:56am  

Lol, come on

Show me the numbers over a quarter or two and then let’s have an honest conversation about the impact.
20   MrMagic   2018 Sep 8, 8:46am  

bob2356 says
So why the deleted threads if it's meaningless?

What are you talking about again? Deleted threads? Have you figured out the difference between Consumer Confidence and Consumer Sentiment yet?

bob2356 says
Outlets like marketwatch, fortune, and nasdaq don't seem to find it meaningless.

They just copy and pasted and parroted the same B.S. you posted, without any reference.
21   socal2   2018 Sep 8, 8:53am  

A question to the Kaepernick and Nike fanboys.

Are you totally cool that his protest and subsequent Nike international marketing campaign is built upon a lie? Are you cool that they are dividing our country and exacerbating race relations based on the lie that American law enforcement are dominated by racists murdering innocent unarmed black men?

'Hands up, don't shoot' ranked one of biggest 'Pinocchios' of 2015

Good job guys! Doesn't matter that you are pimping lies and dividing our country. Anything is legit just as long as you are sticking it to those stuffy old Conservatives - right?
22   Bd6r   2018 Sep 8, 8:54am  

steverbeaver says
Nike is going to bomb because I will no longer buy from them, and others will do the same. They were overpriced anyways.

I do not buy from them, never have and never will. However, morons who buy overpriced crap because it has Nike logo on it are very unlikely to have mental capacity to see that Nike ads are stupid, so Nike prob will not suffer.
23   socal2   2018 Sep 8, 8:56am  

LastMan says
You're missing the point. If the youngins, the future of the US, are good with Nike and Kaepernick then the Rs have serious problems.

Ah - hitching your wagon to the young and stupid?

The problem for mush-headed Libs is that many of the young and stupid grow up and get wise. And the old and wise are living longer than ever and remain very engaged in politics.
24   Tenpoundbass   2018 Sep 8, 9:48am  

Nike the Shoe of a Bitch.
Nike! Just wear it Bitch!

Nike they hate you because don't wear them.

Nike when any ordinary ugly ass shoe wont do

Just Doodoo It!

I am not a role model or a decent person I wear Nike.
25   bob2356   2018 Sep 8, 11:49am  

MrMagic says
bob2356 says
Outlets like marketwatch, fortune, and nasdaq don't seem to find it meaningless.

They just copy and pasted and parroted the same B.S. you posted, without any reference.

Did you call up, explained your level of expertise, and demand a retraction yet? So make this easy, just put up the real numbers and references if you know this is wrong. After all to know it's wrong you have to know what is right. ROFLOL.
26   mell   2018 Sep 8, 11:59am  

socal2 says
A question to the Kaepernick and Nike fanboys.

Are you totally cool that his protest and subsequent Nike international marketing campaign is built upon a lie? Are you cool that they are dividing our country and exacerbating race relations based on the lie that American law enforcement are dominated by racists murdering innocent unarmed black men?

'Hands up, don't shoot' ranked one of biggest 'Pinocchios' of 2015

Good job guys! Doesn't matter that you are pimping lies and dividing our country. Anything is legit just as long as you are sticking it to those stuffy old Conservatives - right?

Well put. The difference between the left and the right is that the right makes statements that can be debated controversially but are rooted in facts , e.g. "abortion is murder". The left simply flat out lies and builds their narratives upon these lies.
28   MrMagic   2018 Sep 8, 12:19pm  

29   Evan F.   2018 Sep 8, 12:56pm  

I like new balance 993s
30   anonymous   2018 Sep 8, 1:14pm  

Libs are so blinded by their rage of losing, they'll sacrifice our country and society just to see the other side lose. Big pussies.
31   HeadSet   2018 Sep 8, 4:49pm  


Missed issue here. Nike's are virtually all imported made by what we would call slave labor in China, Vietnam, and Indonesia. That is enough reason to avoid buying them. New Balance and Reebok make excellent athletic shoes, and have several models made or mostly made in the US. Reebok even has some models made with materials sourced entirely in the US. Very easy to find a US made athletic shoe. They cost a bit more, but I have found the quality to be noticeably higher.
32   HeadSet   2018 Sep 8, 4:50pm  

Evan F. says
I like new balance 993s

That New Balance 993 is one of the US made models.
33   HeadSet   2018 Sep 8, 4:55pm  

Didn't the Libs used to be actively against "corporate greed" like Nike making so much money using exploited foreign labor and low environmental standards? Maybe this Kaepernick stunt is just a way for Nike to inoculate itself and get customers from Libs that will now forgive the exploitation/environmental sins since Nike now supports a Lib hero. Someone posted that Nike internet sales are up 35%, so maybe that strategy is working.
35   mell   2018 Sep 8, 6:45pm  

RC2006 says

lol - winner of the day! this should be posted on all social media outlets and trigger leftoids to new levels.
36   CaltRightCrazy   2018 Sep 8, 7:12pm  

You will fall for anything when you don't stand for something

And snarky memes are nothing but shit for a useful mob of angry fools that wish they weren't feckless and want to be a big shot
38   bob2356   2018 Sep 8, 7:53pm  

mell says
right makes statements that can be debated controversially but are rooted in facts ,

Hillary ran a pedophile pizza parlor ring, hilalry has a death squat, obama was born in keyna, sandy hook didnt happen, Bill Gates is a eugenicist trying to wipe out minorities, The government is controlling the weather Glenn Beck is a CIA operative. . Rooted in facts?
39   mell   2018 Sep 8, 8:09pm  

bob2356 says
mell says
right makes statements that can be debated controversially but are rooted in facts ,

Hillary ran a pedophile pizza parlor ring, hilalry has a death squat, obama was born in keyna, sandy hook didnt happen, Bill Gates is a eugenicist trying to wipe out minorities, The government is controlling the weather Glenn Beck is a CIA operative. . Rooted in facts?

Some of these are indeed debatable, but you're missing the fact that this is a small part of conservatives that insist on the more extreme stories and that part could have never voted Trump into office (alone). The majority of conservatives simply want to have a say in abortion, acknowledge the 2 biological sexes without repercussions, low taxes, no illegal immigrants and their crimes, respect for law enforcement, military and the flag, etc. and many more, totally rational, yet debatable positions. Whereas for the left the vast majority totally rolls with the literally Hitlerisms, the completely fabricated stories such as poorly reflecting pictures from Obummer's detention centers (attributed to Trump), hands-up-don't shoot or completely doctored 911 tapes such as in the Zimmerman case. So to use the very simplified but often useful 80/20 rule, left: 80% nutjobs, 20% reasonable, right: 20% nutjobs, 80% reasonable. And these numbers are still overly fair to the left.
40   clambo   2018 Sep 8, 8:16pm  

I just saw that ad as I was channel surfing. It's inane, idiotic, stupid.

Sports figures in general, and Colin in particular, offer no insights into how to live life.
41   mell   2018 Sep 8, 8:24pm  

HeadSet says
Didn't the Libs used to be actively against "corporate greed" like Nike making so much money using exploited foreign labor and low environmental standards? Maybe this Kaepernick stunt is just a way for Nike to inoculate itself and get customers from Libs that will now forgive the exploitation/environmental sins since Nike now supports a Lib hero. Someone posted that Nike internet sales are up 35%, so maybe that strategy is working.

This is what completely baffles me. It took only a few years for the left to entirely transform from anti-corporate-greed, anti-slave-labor, anti-war, "russians-are-people-too", "have a heart for old people (incl. whites)", "technology-is-evil-and-enslaves-the-kids", "we-don't-want-no-stinkin-social-media-corporate-score", "cops are not paid well enough", "small, no violence government" to the 180 degree exact opposite in all those positions, to an amalgamation of love for corporate open-border fuck you Americans globalists, hatred of anything white/cacuasian (and now Asian since they score too well), LEOs and Russian, embracing social media leftoid scores to ostracize and fire anybody who doesn't comply with their views and use big government force to push their agenda and hatred for Trump and heartland America. They hopped into bed with figurative devils such as HRC while fucking over Bernie, embraced beelzebezos, Nike, and all the big tech conglomerates and pretty much abandoned everything they once stood for. The American people are not that dumb that they wouldn't notice that and this is the reason Trump is in office and will get re-elected if they continue to hate on their own.
42   Evan F.   2018 Sep 8, 9:37pm  

HeadSet says
That New Balance 993 is one of the US made models.

True story: the 990 series was originally conceived by- and in part designed by- Steve Jobs. He was a huge fan of NB and wanted them to come up with something sportier at the time (early 80s). I just learned this a couple years ago. Been wearing some variant of the 99x for well over a decade because they're reasonably comfortable and built like a tank. I'm not even an Apple fan lol.
43   Evan F.   2018 Sep 8, 9:38pm  

mell says
Hillary ran a pedophile pizza parlor ring, hilalry has a death squat, obama was born in keyna, sandy hook didnt happen, Bill Gates is a eugenicist trying to wipe out minorities, The government is controlling the weather Glenn Beck is a CIA operative. . Rooted in facts?

Some of these are indeed debatable

Lol.. which ones? I'm genuinely curious
44   komputodo   2018 Sep 8, 10:06pm  

LastMan says
If Nike doesn't bomb, then the Rs have something serious to worry about. Young people care about sneakers,

Young people do care about sneakers and brand names, not old played out politicians...you're reading way to much into this.
45   mell   2018 Sep 8, 10:19pm  

Evan F. says
mell says
Hillary ran a pedophile pizza parlor ring, hilalry has a death squat, obama was born in keyna, sandy hook didnt happen, Bill Gates is a eugenicist trying to wipe out minorities, The government is controlling the weather Glenn Beck is a CIA operative. . Rooted in facts?

Some of these are indeed debatable

Lol.. which ones? I'm genuinely curious

The government has tried and is trying to control the weather, it's not a grand conspiracy, but there are experiments for example to use particles (usually emitted by airplanes) to shield the sun in drought conditions and/or produce clouds. That's different from the chemtrail conspiracy, but there is a bit of overlap. There are reputable document experts that have examined Obummers birth certificate and swear - and come up with at least somewhat credible evidence - it's been assembled in one way or the other. There is no definite answer on this and it also - even if assembled in the aftermath - doesn't prove he was or was not born in the US, but the document is definitely debatable, much moreso than Trump is literally Hitler. I don't think there's any credible significant evidence for Sandy hook, Glen beck being a CIA operative, the pizza ring and the death squat (with the exception of the Seth Rich murder). But again, these are not topics the vast majority of conservatives focuses on, which corroborates my point in the previous post.
46   bob2356   2018 Sep 9, 4:24am  

mell says
But again, these are not topics the vast majority of conservatives focuses on, which corroborates my point in the previous post.

So each one in it's time dominated the entire conservative press for months (or years for the birthers) because the vast majority of conservatives don't focus on them? How does that work? These are only examples of the extreme of extreme. The more mundane fictions are daily fare.

People living in glass houses shouldn't be shooting machine guns.

mell says
, to an amalgamation of love for corporate open-border fuck you Americans globalists, hatred of anything white/cacuasian (and now Asian since they score too well), LEOs and Russian, embracing social media leftoid scores to ostracize and fire anybody who doesn't comply with their views and use big government force to push their agenda and hatred for Trump and heartland America. They hopped into bed with figurative devils such as HRC while fucking over Bernie, embraced beelzebezos, Nike, and all the big tech conglomerates and pretty much abandoned everything they once stood for.

and who is the mythical "left"? Seriously point out all the "left" love for corporate open-border leaders. Pretty strange trump and republicans are pushing as hard as they can to roll back all rules on corporations and having trouble doing it. The tax cut barely got through, obamacare rollback died. I would think with the "left" love for corporate open border embracing bezoos,nike, big tech conglomerates support it would go very quickly. What is holding things up? Is there some kind of "dark matter" in the political process that is thwarting what you claim to be the desires of the "left" and the long standing desires of the "right" from becoming action? Serious question, want to address it or just play the usual ideologue game of strawman, dodge ball, and change the subject?

Does the handful of extremists being the "left" make alex jones nutcases and the white supremacists the "right"?
47   mell   2018 Sep 9, 8:01am  

bob2356 says
So each one in it's time dominated the entire conservative press for months (or years for the birthers) because the vast majority of conservatives don't focus on them? How does that work? These are only examples of the extreme of extreme. The more mundane fictions

That's false. None of those topics dominated the majority of the conservative press for any prolonged time. Compare that to the lamestream coverage of Trump and there's no equivalency, not even in the slightest way. Btw. here's an interesting article about cloud seeding history til today, without a hysteric conspiracy bias: https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.independent.co.uk/news/long_reads/cloud-seeding-weather-control-manipulate-effects-chemicals-climate-change-a8160146.html%3famp
49   joshuatrio   2018 Sep 15, 11:42am  

Interesting. Nike stock price at new high over this ad.

I wonder if this is short term hype from investors after thinking this was a good move due to a bump in Instagram followers.

I think long term, the trend will go down as a lot of families who replace shoes often will not buy the Nike brand anymore. Kapernick is a poor role model and I think most recognize this.

My kids love Nike because of the swoosh, but we'll be replacing their shoes with Reebok, Mizuno, New Balance or other competitor when the time comes. My wife and I use. Both Brooks and Mizuno.
51   Shaman   2018 Sep 17, 8:10am  

Call It Crazy says
And snarky memes are nothing but shit for a useful mob of angry fools that wish they weren't feckless and want to be a big shot

Translation: “How dare you oppose my dogma! Who gave you kids a computer? Get off my social media!”
52   SoTex   2018 Sep 17, 8:52am  

Aphroman says
Lmao, Trumpkins are such Failed Losers

Lol, lefties are such violent warmongering slave drivers...

53   Shaman   2018 Sep 17, 9:49am  

Aphroman says
Mongoloids in 3rd world shitholes are not the concern of Real American Patriots and Nationalists.

Yet another glaring example of why you have seven people who ignore you and nobody trusts your opinion on anything.
54   Shaman   2018 Sep 17, 10:59am  

Herdingcats says
I wonder how long it will take or if it is ever marked personal. Just further proof of the bias in moderation that exists at Pat.net.

10-4 I’ll mark you down as another damned racist too. Defending a racists racist comment means you support it.
55   Shaman   2018 Sep 17, 2:01pm  

Herdingcats says
Please do point out where I defended a racist. Otherwise please take back your baseless accusation of me being a racist.

What? You somehow lack the ability to scroll up a few comments? Calling for censorship of a valid point because you’re defending a racist comment is what you did. Sorry but lawyering up isn’t going to absolve you of what everyone here can clearly see you’ve done.

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